Chapter Thirteen: Movements Of The Universal Language
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I'm still alive ^^!

And… I just got a job, so in like 2-3 months, I will spend some money to have an artist draw something for this novel, hope you all can wait till then and witness it ^^

Update: I think I might quit my job lmao

Update 2: Hello, yes, this chapter took like half a year to make… I finally know how to conquer myself, I love myself now. Thank you, really, a lot.

After that abomination of a night, the only person who wasn’t tired is Esmeralda. The rest only got like four hours of sleep before having to continue their journey.

Esmeralda was back into her dragon form to hide inside Marc’s shirt, not daring to look at the others.

Marc doesn’t seem to be bothered, he leaned against the carriage wall and stared at the beautiful towns and verdants they left behind. Following a loud yawn, he closed his eyes tight while squeezing his forehead.

“Are you okay?” asked Mei, who was randomly on the verge of giggling.

“I think I’ll take a noon nap or something, my head isn’t straight and that is not good.” He said looking upwards, it’s past noon already, going to 1PM.

Right after Marc finished his sentence, a playful smile brightened on Rina’s face, who stopped the carriage to everyone's surprise.

“How about ymladd ymarfer?” She seemed hyped up after saying that.

“Eck?” Esmeralda, confused as heck.

“You sure?” Pearl took interest, he closed his book and yawned.

“It’s sure been a while since we last did ymladd ymarfer. But first, I’m not letting Marc and Rina team up with each other, you two are too powerful as a duo!” Mei jumped in, also hyped up.

The four stay silent for a moment, all turning their heads towards Marc, waiting for his final answer.

“Why not? Let’s find good terrains, preferably a forest?” Marc scratched his head.

“Didn’t you guys complain that I’m a bit too overpowered in a tree-filled area?” Rina continued focusing on the carriage.

“No… I think only the bookworm did, right after you sniped him from more than a hundred meters.” Mei casually referred to Pearl as “the bookworm” which doesn’t seem to offend him. “That is why I think it’s a good idea that you two should pair up. He won’t cry that way.”

“Kreik!!” Esmeralda jumped out, all confused about the situation, she had no clue what the team was talking about.

“Oh, don’t worry Vel. ymladd ymarfur is the Elvish term for… What is it, Rina?” Marc scratched Esmeralda’s smol little head before looking back up.

“Fight practice, it’s where we would wound each other for personal entertainment. And you pronounced it wrong again Marc, it’s yamarfer, not ymarfur.”

“ymar...for.” Marc slowly repeated.

“ymarfer.” Rina corrected.

“ymarfar?” Marc, confused.

“ymarfer.” Rina chuckled.

“Can I just call it skirmish?” Marc facepalm himself.

“Oh, then you’ll love the word ysgarmes.” Rina smirked

“ysrarmes?” Marc, absolutely confused.

“Nevermind… Just say it in human tongue. And we’re here!”

Rina stopped her horse. In front of their eyes is a small forest that could be looked over fairly easily, because on top of it is a huge climbale cliff. A good vantage point for putting pressure on the forest below.

The team began to unpack their stuff.

Marc got his iron [Longsword], with a sheath on his belt, he also took off his [Iron Armor] for this fight just to be sure.

Rina took out her [Bow], which can be retracted and reformed back to a long stick for melee purposes. She dedicated her life savings (and maybe or maybe not borrowed from the team) to buy a limited [Interdimensional Quiver]. It’s a quiver where she could store an ungodly amount of her arrows, which is any, because any amount is ungodly on her hands. And they don't weigh that much.

Mei got her [Staff], which was specifically ordered from a famous blacksmith by Pearl, perfectly fitting for herself to use, especially when there’s a [Elemental Crystal] as the core which helps her to cast more powerful elemental magic spells. Oh and her big [Wizard Hat] isn’t any normal; it’s designed like a hidden boomerang that could be thrown and returned to its owner. The downside is.... It’s utterly useless— it’s not heavy, otherwise Mei couldn’t wear it running around, it’s not sharp, otherwise it would be dangerous putting it on and off. It’s just hilarious to throw it at stuff, and for cosmetic purposes; she looked more like a wizard with that hat on.

Pearl got his old wooden [Staff], the wood is from a 200 years old tree that Mei hand-made for him like ages ago. Still working fine when he uses a [Spell Crystal] as the core.

“Alright, what twist do we want guys? A hostage rescue situation?” Rina looked over to Esmeralda, which sent chills down the kid’s spine. “Or maybe… No weapons?”

“Do we really need a twist everytime we do this?” Pearl rested the staff on his shoulder, smiling.

“Yes.” The three others said in sync.

“I have an idea… How about we switch weapons? We all know that we’re good with our weapons, but how can we adapt when it’s not around?” Mei suggested, jumping up and down from excitement.

“I kind of like the hostage rescue thing, so we’ll have to consider our possibilities and not be mindless punchers.” Pearl said.

“I swear, with all your thinking, one day I’ll go to a library and see a book called “The Art of War” by Pearl Magmal.” Mei teased back randomly.

“That sounds like a cool book title, but anyways. How about we do both?” Marc snapped his finger.


Team Red:
+Pearl Magmal (Using Rina’s Bow and Quiver)
+Rina Wenswood (Using Mei’s Elemental Staff)
Objective: Holding grounds and keeping the group of rescues off of the Emerald Dragon for one hour.

Team Blue:
+Marc Omal (Using Pearl’s Spell Staff)
+Mei Magmal (Using Marc’s Longsword)
Objective: Saving the Emerald Dragon who’s being kidnapped by a group of terrorists and stuck inside a horse carriage somewhere in the woods.

Team “Going To Get A Grilled Chicken Leg After This All Done”:
+Esmeralda (Using her own self)
Objective: Being a poor little hostage, stay put and let people pick her up when they need to.


Red Team:

“I have a plan.” Rina said, considering her possibilities.

“What do you got?” Pearl said, rubbing Esmeralda’s ears who was on the carriage.

“Marc isn’t the best at ranged fighting; he knows some spells, but I bet he’ll stick with Mei and abuse their melee potentials.” she glared at the cliff above them. “We got a ranged advantage, and this cliff provides us with so much potential. Here is what I’ll propose.”

She took a stick from a nearby tree and began drawing their plan on the dirt below.

Blue Team:

Their starting position is in a jungle of sorts. The two swung their weapons side to side, chanting energies into it, testing the grip and so on while making sure they could do the right thing.

“Hey… Marc.” Mei squinted her eyes and covered her forehead to avoid direct sunlight, she looked forwards to the tall cliff far above.

There, they saw Rina Wenswood getting on top, taking her spot on the cliff, kneeling down to have an overview.

“A weird choice, don’t you think?” Marc said.

“I think… If only Rina’s up there, then Pearl must be down in the woods, so he’s either very good with his archery skills to aim between trees. Or he’s staying in an open area of sorts.” Mei rubbed her chin, doubtful of Pearl’s archery skill. He did practice from time to time, but not to the point of shooting through trees or developed any archery spells. “Well, Rina does have good eyes to be a look-out though, that’s a reason.”

“Do you think I can take her out?” Marc said, gripping the staff tight.

“To dinner? Of course, you can take me out too, but as in, like, this hostage situation? Nope. But I have a job for you, an important one.” Mei kept her face straight saying that.

“I’m all ears, boss.” Marc crossed his arms, chuckling.


“It’s every man for himself.”

Rina carefully used her high and enhanced elf’s vision to scan the area. Looking for sudden movements or any distinct energies flowing around. She’s not trying to hide herself or anything, openly inviting the Blue team to advance on her.

On the other hand, Marc and Mei quietly sneaked their way deep into the forest, surpassing Rina’s scouting eyes as best as they could by hiding their breaths and steps. She's not at all bad with magic, and the defending team usually has more grounds to play with various plans; so they had to be extra careful. The attackers only have one objective: locate and engage. But they have no information on Pearl so it’s best to conceal themselves for now.

Mei snuck her way to the base of the cliff and climbed on top of it. She could see a lot of the forest from up here, but definitely needed to get to the tip of the cliff if she wanted to get a good look.

“Elemental Spell: Phantom Presence”

Phantom Presence: Hide the user’s present while also helping them to breathe and move quieter. Relying heavily on the air around the user, the clearer the better and the user's focus.

Mei quietly snuck, she could see Rina on top of the cliff, still kneeling down and watching with her back exposed.

“Elemental Spell…” She pointed the sword towards Rina, then slightly tweaked it to the right side. “Fireball.”

From the tip of the sword, a flaming hot ball of fire formed and flew towards Rina’s right shoulder. Mei squinted and braced herself first, no way Rina wasn’t prepared for this. And she was right.

“A bit rude, yeah?” Using Mei’s elemental staff, Rina turned around and easily negate the ball of fire by just clashing the thing with the staff. No sweat.

“I really should’ve just gone with stabbing you, huh?” Mei charged, leaning forward with the sharp sword on her right hand. She prepared to slash— placing the blade over her left shoulder for a right swing.

To her surprise, Rina dashed backwards, Mei hadn't reached her yet so that dash wasn’t to dodge the sword.

To add salt onto Mei’s dumbfounded expression. Rina casually stood on the literal edge of the cliff, one small step away from falling down onto the forest below.

Mei, however, didn’t hesitate and kept on charging forward, her mind was more occupied about what Rina was about to do than how to get advantages for this fight.

“Elemental Spell: Breeze Torch.” Rina playfully smirked.

Breeze Torch: Combining Air and Fire magic, using fire as energy and air as fuel, as well as weight support. The user covered themself with weak fire throughout and could hover/fly for a duration of the spell.

Rina did a show-off backflip off of the cliff and hovered herself. Mei immediately handbraked to stop charging, the momentum carried her forward.

The ground shrieked loudly as Mei slammed the sword down the ground to brace, slowing herself from moving forward. She stopped right at the edge of the cliff and looked back up at Rina.

Rina wasn’t there.

Mei looked behind her to see Rina waving goodbye and making a non-apologetic "aww" before giving a big push on her back. Causing Mei to tumble and seemingly fall off the cliff. Down to the forest she goes.

Rina, however, didn’t forget to catch Mei’s big wizard hat and put it on herself.

“I’ve always wanted to use Fire magic at this level, your staff is just too beautiful Mei. Also, how did you run around wearing this without the wind blowing it off?” She deactivated Breeze Torch to wear and adjusted the wizard hat, even it is a bit too big for her.

“Give… it back…”

Mei's voice could be heard somewhere, Rina looked underneath her to see Mei hadn't fallen off yet, she somehow held onto the cliff and now dangling.

“Oh yeah sure. We all have valuebles right?” She kneeled down to find where Mei’s head was, carefully placing the hat back on her head. “Darling, if this is a real fight, I could’ve just stepped on your fingers. So why don’t you just…”

She slowly used her hands to peel Mei’s finger off of the grip of the cliff.

“Ca-n I at least have the sword back?” Mei tried to climb back up, waggling her feet.

Rina turned around to see the sword impaled deep onto the ground, before shaking her head.

“No, cutie, just... let it go, this is my cliff, and, my sword now, just let go, good girl.” Rina struggled to get Mei’s finger off, but soon Mei’s arms got numb and she let go.

Rina lunged forward to take a good look at Mei. She saw no one.

Rina widened her eyes in surprise when she saw Mei flew up, using fire with air to burn the front of her shoes and flew backwards, did a three-sixty and slammed her feet down, almost hitting Rina on her head.

“Breeze Torch? you can finally do a child-level spell!” Mei smiled, adjusting her hat in a haughty tone. “I’m curious how good you are without your bow, Rina Wenswood.”

The sword was next to Rina, which gave her a favorable weapon advantage against an unarmed, shoeless Mei, but is it enough?


The moment he saw action on the cliff, Marc quickly dashed through the jungle as fast as he could, breaking down tree branches and bushes that got into his way. His job was to locate Pearl who is most likely keeping Esmeralda, while Mei kept Rina busy.

He went through multiple routes and paths for what seemed like forever, the cliff was way out of his sight already, and still no sign of Pearl or Esmeralda. Which made Marc worried, are they playing psychological warfare? Pearl might be following him all this time for all he knows, or maybe Esmeralda wasn’t even in this jungle to begin with.

Marc searched around the never ending maze of woods for longer than he could count. After all desperate, he aimed his spell staff upwards to the sky.

“Elemental Spell: Fireball!”

He shot a small fire ball up to the sky, which exploded and caught everyone’s attention. Before charging in towards the cliff, faster than he did searching.

Back on the cliff, the two ladies were full of burnt marks, bruises, cuts and torn clothing. They seemed to be having fun.

“Is that some kind of signal?” Rina said, glancing at the fireball exploding in the distance.

The situation is looking bad for Mei, who was getting pinned down by Rina. She is using Marc’s sword to pin the non blunt part down on Mei’s neck, attempting to choke her or at least apprehend her for a while.

“Guh… Heh…” Mei gulped.

Fighting against a much more developed person, who had her signature Wind Dance and greater strengths. Mei can’t put up much of a fight against Rina. Yet when in the worst position possible, she still let out a smile. A comforting one for herself.

“The most dangerous place, is, the safest…” Mei ignited her hands on fire, trying to make their way to Rina’s hands and possibly burn them. “You confidently stood on the cliff and provoked us, was to make us feel like we could waste your time... While in reality you’re wasting our time, spending time on this cliff instead of one important place.”

“Underneath the pointy end of the cliff!” Marc mumbled and rushed towards that direction.

Rina smiled, tilting her head innocently.

“You figured us out, bravo!” She wanted to give Mei a round of applause, but could not. “But if that was true, then could you theorize to me where Pearl might be?”

“Guarding Es? Where else would he-” Mei frowned, pushing harder to get out of Rina’s grip.

Rina shook her head, giggling mischievously. Without another word, she jumped backwards, pinning Marc’s sword to the ground and switched to Mei’s elemental staff. Rina aimed the staff towards the forest below and let out two spells.

“Elves Vision: Wind Children...”

Wind Children: Significantly enhances the user’s air magic abilities, while also decreases other elemental abilities for ten minutes.

“Elemental Spell: Clearing Eagle!”

Clearing Eagle: Cast a big wind magic that pushes away all obstacles in the way. Anyone within a certain vicinity will get a clear line of sight of each other. 

Mei rushed to get Rina down, but it was too late; the spell had been casted.

The Clearing Eagle shot through multiple layers of trees and grass, it pushed trees away like a tornado, it torn bushes in half like high-pressured wind. Soon, a clear path was made.

Pearl was hiding under their nose all this time, preparing for this moment.


Their eyes met, with Pearl’s bow already aiming at Marc.

“The bittersweet laments are yearning songs...” Pearl hummed as energies inside him began twirling around, air magic circulated throughout violently, his bright bluish hair flew side to side, up and down.


A sharp and pointed object flew, it shredded through multiple molecules of wind, bursting through layers of atoms towards Marc, straight for his eyes.

The arrow was covered in a strange cosmic aura, a pair of dark purplish round veins flew alongside the arrow and dangled around it.

Birds stopped chirping for the moment, the sun burned every dangling leaf before their eyes, reality was contemplating for the following impact.

Halfway through their trajectory. The two purple dark-stared like things flew at an enormous speed towards Marc, three times faster than the arrow itself. The pair each then flew downwards, grabbing Marc by his ankle and pinning him down.

Pearl charged up his next arrow, Marc was left with a quick time decision. His young mind flashes through tens of hundreds of possibilities of how this situation would turn out, out of every possibility, he won none.

Marc used the staff to create a simple wind wall, hoping to slow down the arrow, and braced himself.


The arrow stopped advancing, the shiny flint arrowhead was met with a magical spell staff. The two struggle for power. For Marc was not letting this go, he’s confident he could keep this arrow from hitting his eyes.

The thing kept spinning around, mocking everything by its power, slowly building up friction, and before Marc knew it, the arrow pierced through the staff, taking the guy by surprise. Deeply concentrated on the arrow, he dodged his head and the thing went past him, not before taking off of his forehead a courteous amount of skin and flesh.

“Woah…” Marc chuckled out of pain, he put his hand up onto his forehead for a moment, to see it covered in fresh red.

On the other end, Pearl got into a lower stance, aiming again and Marc’s legs, the only things that couldn’t dodge.

Just when he released his grip and the arrow flew from the string’s elastic, a strike came down from above, breaking the arrow in half before it got a chance to fly.


The figure carried on with the momentum. She stepped on Pearl’s shoes to limit his movement, her blade possessed a deadly presence, aiming upwards to his head.

The sword was not slow, it sent Pearl’s consciousness into another level, he was not escaping this.

Everything froze.


Parried... Mei lost her strike.

Disarmed... The sword flew away.

Stomach jabbed... Mei tried to hold onto something.

Down… Mei lost her footing.


In two blinks, something unexpected happened.

The whole game stopped for a moment, staring at Pearl, who was standing over a pain-filled Mei. His bow retracted back into a stick, and the tip was pushing on Mei’s neck, a bit more force and it won't be pleasant.

Pearl’s eyes were widened, his hands trembled and sweats had taken over his face. His glasses dropped down when he nervously let go of the bow.

“Pearl, Mei, are you two okay? What happened?” Rina quickly dropped down from behind to hold the two siblings.

The two didn’t leave eye contact for a solid minute. Before Mei puffed up her chest and picked up Pearl’s glasses.

“Was that … ?”

Pearl rapidly nodded, he tried to hide his awkwardness and put on the glasses again.

“Yeah… yeah, that is that.” He picked up the stick and turned it back into a bow; He smiled calmly while dusting it. 

The two seemed to have an inside thing, which confused Rina a bit. What’s “that” they are talking about?

“Pause please!” Mei waved her hands and raised her voice to signal Marc, who was still in the arrow’s binding.

The match was disrupted, Marc walked weirdly over to the group while facing upwards, not letting more blood from his forehead get out.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Pearl?” Rina took a handkerchief from her pocket and cleaned Marc’s forehead while looking at Pearl.

“Yeah, I’m sorry, it’s something with me and these. Are you okay, sis?”

“Woah, my younger brother just called me sis, is this my 20th birthday?” Mei giggled, fixing herself from grass and dust. “Yeah I’m okay, that stomach thrust did something but not as bad as what Rina’s done to my arm.”

She smiled brightly, raising the back of her arm to show a coagulating cut, a little bit bigger than Marc’s forehead wound.

“We really should consider wound infections in the future.” Marc closed his eyes, trusting Rina’s hands to tend to him.

“Did she cut your shoes too?” Pearl smirked, looking down at Mei’s feet, which are exposed because most of the shoes are burnt. Only the heel sole remained.

“Oh, pfft, forget these.” She snickered; raised her heels up to remove the remaining of her shoes and went barefoot. “I’m getting fire-resistant shoes next time.”

“So, if everyone’s okay. I guess we can call this a draw?” Marc gave Pearl back his elemental staff. “Sorry, I accidentally made a hole on it.”

“That’s okay, the core’s still in.”

Everyone got back their weapons and had a good laugh about the whole thing.

“I think I forgot something.” Marc suddenly said, looking at the cliff above.

“If you forgot, then it is not that important, right?” Rina swung her stick around randomly.

… Meanwhile.

“EIIK!” Esmeralda shrieked, which translated to “This is boring! Where is everyone! This is like those situations where dads left to buy the milk and never came back, right?”

“Oh right, I forgot about Vel.” Marc facepalmed himself.

“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry.” Rina stuck her tongue and shrugged embarrassingly. “How about this, if you can guess where we kept Esmeralda. The win is yours.”

“Can we just call this a draw-” Marc said.

“Deal!” Mei jumped in and began chanting her energies.

She got into a wide stance, focusing with her eyes closed while letting go of her staff, which made it levitate magnificently in front of her.

“This… is how you do elemental.” She giggled, turning towards Rina for a second.

“Elemental Spell: Total Tornado!” Mei held the staff and slammed it on the ground hard, a “thump” could be heard as wind shredded through everything.

One fourth of the jungle was blown away, literally, with no harm done on the team, well, except Marc, who did get some dust onto his eyes and wound.

“Aside from wound infection, we need to care more about what we are destroying, I suppose.” Pearl rubbed his forehead and whispered, which did not catch Mei’s ears.

Mei looked around a bit, frowning.

“If Es isn’t in this area, then she must be… I don’t know… Uh, not in this forest?”

Rina shook her head and signaled everyone to come.

The Blue Team were right, Rina and Pearl were putting Esmeralda under the cliff, but not where they expected. She was on the other side of where they were standing, such a shame.

“Oh honey, come here. Were you bored? Did Marc forget about you?” Rina happily opened her arms for Esmeralda to climb onto. Upon seeing everyone's back, she jumped up and down, demanding to be picked up.

From Rina’s shoulder, she made a big leap straight onto Marc’s face, which almost sent him unbalancing backwards.

“Oh wo- you’re quite heavy Vel, you’ve grown so much that I haven’t noticed.” Marc was cleansed from all fatigue and now rubbing his face against Esmeralda’s, chuckling.

The two shared a bonding moment, a relieving one after so many weird things happening. A journey continued, a journey with things to come.

“...” Mei stared at the two for a moment, contemplating. “Do you guys find it weird how we never taught Es, a newborn dragon to speak human tongue, or any proper living manners and she’s doing fine?”

Everyone looked at Mei, then stared down at Esmeralda with total silence.

‘Crap’ She thought, trying to whistle and distract everyone, but she ended up randomly blowing air.

Soon, they got over it and sat down, decided to camp there for the night.

“We… are so stupid.” After bandaging everyone, Rina lay down on the grass below. She stared up at the orangish turning dark sky above; giggling and shaking her head before continuing:

“We got through a restless night, and then decided to straighten our minds by planning and slashing, and punching  and, and…"

"And fireballing, fighting…" Mei chimed in.

"Yeah yeah, fighting in general."

"Yeah, almost kill each other again." Mei snickered.

"Whew, that was SO random." Rina chuckled, before turning to Mei.

A long pause, staring into the fireplace.

"You two were having much fun, huh?" Pearl smiled, staring at the two.

"Jealous?" Rina winked.

"Agitated, yes." He lifted up his arms and thighs to reveal a handful of red bubbles and marks, resembling mosquitos' bite.

"You would rather get punched by Mei than to wait for a perfect shot that everyone set up for you?" Rina shrugged.

"I'd rather just gather everyone in one place to fight and not be bored to death from waiting." Pearl fake yawned.

"Agreed." Marc raised his index finger up.

"Kiek." Esmeralda jumped in, which translates to "Agree two."  While raising two out of her four fingers up.

"Welp, ladies first~" Rina winked mischievously.

It was a quiet mood, no stars could be visibly seen yet, but the atmosphere was so relaxing.

"God, I've read too many love novels." Mei covered her eyes for a moment, then began rubbing Esmeralda's cheeks who was on her lap.

"Do you think, like, you know…" Mei rolled her eyes upwards, holding hand up to express thinking. "Two from this team would get into a relationship? Since we traveled all over the place and can only make bonds with each other and all that."

"Didn't someone ask Marc out back in town? What's her name again, Na...naui." Rina contributed.

"Naomi, one who made it clear that she hates garlic and wears red contact lenses, right?"

"Yeah, she's cute."

"Yeah…" Marc shook his head slowly. "I'm not ready for that."


"How long have we done this… years?" Pearl brought out some raw meat they had and began to set up a cooking station.

"Less or equal to half a decade prolly." Rina helped by creating some small fire with her index finger.

"That's a fancy way to say four to five years." Pearl replied. “But yeah… I’m surprised about how little we know about each other’s personal life.”

“...” No one answered, which led Pearl to continue.

“Mei and I can talk to each other, but you two, Rina and Marc, should you stop keeping to yourself?”

“You are very kind, Pearl.” Marc smiled. “But I have nothing to unveil about myself, just a normal guy.”


"..." No one said a thing.

"I don't want to talk about it." Marc firmly grabbed Esmeralda and hugged her, like a small teddy bear.

A long pause ensued, switching topics should be the prime option here, but one's only dare to try.

"If my dear, this didn't go as planned. I just hope that they can save themselves…" Mei casually mumbled, boinging her head side to side.

"In my eyes lies a distant joy, on our cart that went through the tunnel~"

Mei traveled across the universe, her high loud voice got more clear as the silent sky tuned in and listened, alongside the whole team and an Esmeralda with her eyes full of twinkling stars.

"...I wish the galaxy, infinitely far far away, would be brought to my front porch. For once giving me the chance to touch it before I grow old!"


Mei stood up confidently, almost kicking dirt into the fireplace as she spun around maniacally.



Rina stood up, woven Mei’s hands as they randomly danced around, not specifically into any music.

“What’s left of only bricks, sand, and a pile of rocks…
… being buried by leaves. As worthless as cobblestones that turn into dust when we evolve backwards too far.”

The two take a slow look behind, to see Pearl slowly standing up, readjusting his dumb glasses while seeing along.

“Worms hiding themselves on leaves. Everyone wants coal to be the goal. This is the stage where faith is imprinted, I sent a request to the force above me.”

”Because for a very long time people no longer have time and faith in their love for their prayers to run after life like a roundabout.”

Marc closed his eyes, stood up straight to join while everyone began clapping loudly and cheer.

“Rather I’d plant a tree
Restore a river
Heaven is home to fish, elephants and homeless cats
While nature carries so many lyrics
Write to life a letter about the old times
As if we are asking for forgiveness.”

The sight started getting chaotically wonderful, as everyone started holding hands and throwing each other around to dance. The frightened and curious little Esmeralda, having the inability to fly up to anyone’s shoulders, began walking backwards.

“The flickering hills and mountains are uneven, the rows of vines are covering sacks of gold.
Blue clouds playing with the storks flying along, seems so busy.
The rice is iridescent in the color of the crop, the farmer viewed them as if he’s growing gold.
The wind comes to the fields so smoothly because screw those life stories.”

“One more time, let’s go!”

“The flickering hills and mountains are uneven, the rows of vines are covering sacks of gold.
Blue clouds playing with the storks flying along, seems so busy.
The rice is iridescent in the color of the crop, the farmer viewed them as if he’s growing gold.
The wind comes to the fields so smoothly because screw those life stories.”

When darkness has taken over and the fire is extinguished, they all lie down on the ground, dumbfounded and tripled the tiredness.

“T...this is fun and all but, can we stop by a town so I can get new shoes tomorrow?” Mei wiped her sweats and roll around the grass randomly, almost squishing Esmeralda and Rina.