Old Version – Chapter 53 – Is She A God?
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“They even took the stones of the catacombs.” Nadya said angrily. The woman, Ari, who was from Caeda, sighed softly.

“The Digallan nobles have long since plundered this place and burned the bones inside the temple. They built their mansions with the stones, and seized the lands for themselves. I once heard that the temple grew lots of grains all around it, and this town never suffered famines as the goddess allowed them to trade their surplus.” Ari looked sadly out the window.

She had already eaten her fill, and now provided all the information they needed.

“Do you have children, Ari? Or family nearby?” Nadya asked her gently.

“No. As you’ve already seen, my nipples are too pale to have nursed a child. The other members of my family abandoned me when the war started, and the Digallans fled. They now try to seize what once belonged to the Digallan nobles, and I am a liability. That’s why I tried to sell my flesh. Food is scarce, and I was a woman. Women are considered a waste of food when a boy can take care of the parents later in life.” Her voice grew angry, while Eos snorted.

“As if a male child will take care of their aging parents. Isn’t it always the women who do that? Never the men.” Hebe answered faster then Eos could, and for her effort, Eos gripped her thigh. It wasn’t unkind, as Eos knew what happened in Hebe’s past. She was also abandoned like Ari, and had to join the Death Squad to survive.

“I believe we have seen enough, don’t you, Sol?” Nadya asked, now more then eager to return to the temple.

“Let me ask.”




“Mom? Is something wrong?” Ever since Lena sent Aura to Kyrie as an Offering, and she became one of the Yathanae, she’s latched onto the goddess and the Empress as though she were her parents. She felt the sudden change in her emotions, and how the throne room began to rumble.

“I’ve just heard something that angered me. Sol and Nadya have made an initial report of what went on in Asmaria.”

“Is it bad, mom?” Aura asked her quietly.

“Yes, different from what happened to you.” She growled. “I need to go somewhere to cool off.” Kyrie got up off her throne and disappeared. Aura frowned for a few seconds, then saw her appear beside Lena.




“Leave us.” She said firmly. Nicci saw the dark energy roll off their goddess and nodded. She left the room quickly, and hoped that the goddess wouldn’t do something that she would regret later.

Kyrie laid down on the bed, and laid her head on Lena’s shoulder.

“Sol and Nadya have gotten to the first Asmarian town.” She said softly. She hid her face. “They stole the entire temple, and burned the bones of the Offerings.” Kyrie snuggled in close.

“I want to destroy them, but we are of Haven.  My Offerings still live in Haven.” Her voice grew softer, and quieter. “I have never been human, so I’m not sure if I overreact. I need you, Empress. My Empress.” Ever since Lena became close to her, Kyrie needed her more and more.

As a goddess, she felt highly under qualified, and suddenly insecure.





“Yes, goddess?” She stood at the doorway.

“Put an apple at the Empress’s lips every hour. One from Haven. If she doesn’t eat it, she’s still too deeply asleep and needs more time to recover. If she eats it…”

“Continue to feed her.” Nicci said softly.

“Yes. She is of Imera, but she is also of Haven now.” Kyrie lightly kissed Lena’s lips and smiled softly down at her. “Haven will be more of a paradise for the Yathanae then it is now when you come home.”

Kyrie disappeared, and while Nicci watched, she saw Lena’s lips curl a bit. Nicci felt odd and came closer to the bed. She sucked in her breath.

“Her heart beat so strongly that I felt it rather then heard it just now!” Nicci laid down beside her, and gently put an apple to her lips. Though it did not disappear, Nicci wasn’t worried.

“We miss you, Empress.” She cleared her throat. “I miss you.” She lightly kissed her cheek. “I shall serve you forever, Empress.”




“The Empress is still asleep, and the goddess doesn’t want us to act until she wakes up.” Solange looked at Ari carefully, and made a decision. “I do not know if the Empress will agree, but if you come with us, at the very least, you’ll be fed and protected until she wakes up. If she decides to tell us not to bring you back with us, we’ll bring you back here, or to another town on the route back. Will you come with us?” Ari looked at Sol, then at Nadya.

“Will she even like me? I could barely eat these last few weeks because I am fatter, and not Asmarian. You four are.” Ari said, but didn’t speak harshly.

“We are also fatter then those who are said to be better looking, don’t you agree?” Nadya said with a grin.

“I-I...yes, according to the current trends, your figures aren’t what they want.” Ari said reluctantly.

“Our Empress has unique tastes.” Solange said softly. “Doesn’t she, Nadya?” Nadya grinned.

“Yep. Even our two companions have caught her eye, but because they are members of the Death Squad, she didn’t bring them into her bedroom.” Nadya looked at Hebe and Eos. “Although, if they were willing, I have no doubt they would be welcome.” Hebe blushed.

“S-she...b-b-but…” Eos stuttered and stumbled over her words, but then her eyes crossed as she felt a gentle touch at the edge of her consciousness. “What was that?” She asked breathlessly.

“A simple touch. The Empress is capable of so much more, Eos.” Nadya looked at the confused Ari, then watched as her eyes also rolled back into her head.

“Looks like we have our answer. You are acceptable to her.”




“Please, Empress. You have to eat.” Nicci was quite upset. She spent the last three days with apples, oranges, or bread from Haven, but Lena did not move her mouth.

Nicci closed her eyes, took off her robe, and straddled Lena’s hips. She leaned down, pulled her mouth open and put her nipple at her lips. When she felt no movement, she did the only thing she could.

The pushed her nipple into her mouth, and made sure she had a mouthful. With force, she pushed Lena’s mouth closed. Nicci groaned and grimaced. Lena had to mentally sharpen her teeth in order for them to cut flesh. This time, Nicci had to force her mouth closed.

“Please. You have to eat.” As her human teeth finally cut through her flesh, Nicci cried out. She hadn’t returned to Haven for a recharge of her spirit in the last few days as she was too worried. The combination of low energy, and teeth that were not meant for meat, made it all that much more painful.

When she was about to push away from the Empress so that her flesh would tear, she felt a set of arms hold her down.

Sharp teeth severed her nipple cleanly. Nicci sighed softly. She heard a slightly savage growl leave Lena’s lips as she pulled the flesh away with her teeth and swallowed it with a moan.

“I’m so glad you’re awake, Empress.” She whispered. She looked down into a set of pitch black eyes.

“Go home to recharge when I’m done eating, Nicci.” She pulled her down and growled. “You can’t believe how hungry I am.” Nicci’s eyes rolled up, and held Lena’s head to her breast as she ravaged her chest. She smiled as her teeth sank deep into her flesh once again, even as she felt the pain.

“I’m just happy that you like my flavor.”




“Father, who is Gallae?” Talia asked, but there was something odd in her tone. It was almost like the question she asked could be interpreted as ‘Who is Gallae that we should be afraid of her?’

“Quiet!” He ground out, but it was too late. The realm that he personally built began to tremble, while the sun itself blinked, like an eye that closed and opened again.

“Father, what was that?” Talia shrank down in fear.

“That was the one of whom we should not speak!” He whispered through grit teeth, and turned away. He took a moment to calm himself. “Talia, there are things you do not know, and one of those things is about the one referred to only as Gallae."  When he spoke, Talia could feel a sensation in the air, as though someone monitored his words.

"The old sky watchers called the first planet from the sun Gallae. She was also called the world of calamity and chaos. That was only because of what their large spyglasses told them. They could see a world filled with volcanoes, with intense storms on the surface. Rivers of lava roll down mountains like water does here.” He sighed a bit.

“You sound like you admire that world.” Talia frowned.

“It is a world filled with horrific danger, and indescribable beauty. There are deposits of diamonds shattered like pebbles. Metal has been smelted for countless eons, and the greatest of Imera’s smiths drool over the possibilities those fantastic metals represent. Although that world is named after this being we speak of, Gallae is anything but a simple planet.” He spoke reverently, and cautiously.

“Is she a god?”

“No, she is not a god.” Talia let out a breath of relief, but quickly had her hopes dashed. “She is not that small and weak.”