Chapter 30 – Three Curses of The Elder Gods
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Inside Tyrone’s Mind

Tyrone stood in front of the enormous Elder Gods…

Currently, his physical body was experiencing Hell and back in the real world, but his mind was more or less stable.

To Tyrone, Elder Gods looked like Beings straight out of every nightmare ever conceived by mankind…

Maybe, nightmares originated with the Elder Gods?

The worst of humanity given form…’ he thought, and that thought echoed throughout his mindscape.

Thinking inside the confines of his mind was just like talking in the Physical world…

The Elder Gods, or at least what was remaining of their remnant souls, directed their intense gazes at Tyrone.

If gazes could kill, Tyrone would have been dead a thousand times over…

It was ironic, considering the gazes of Elder Gods could kill but they were just too weak inside Tyrone’s mind.

Swiftly, a shroud of shadows encompassed Tyrone’s figure, hiding him from the piercing gazes of the three Elder Gods, halting any means they could use to discern his identity.

Despite all of Tyrone’s misgivings towards his mutant ability, he had to admit that his mutant ability would always react in moments where his survival was threatened. 

Elder Gods were not without their means to torment a mortal after just glimpsing their face once.

Even though he was protected, being stared at by such entities as the Elder Gods made Tyrone weak in the knees, forcing him to kneel whether he liked to or not.

But even as he knelt, knowledge kept flooding Tyrone’s mind…

The knowledge encompassed millions of years… too much for a human mind so much of it was lost but at the very least, he now had a basic understanding of his situation.

He was here to be judged since he had effectively killed Elder Gods…

One does not simply kill a force of nature without consequences…

Shuma-Gorath…” Tyrone whispered, looking at the Elder God that was a huge eye, and then he looked at the Predator-Alien-like Elder God “Oberoth’m’gozz…” and finally he looked at the ugliest Elder God present “Cthon…

There was no effective way to describe an Elder God as aesthetically displeasing as Cthon…

The gazes of the Elder Gods grew more ferocious, forcing Tyrone from his knees onto his stomach.

Even as Tyrone put all the strength into his arms, there was no way to shift his position even by an inch.

Elder Gods were supposed to be ‘Elderly’ but Tyrone found them to be anything but…

Admittedly, he did expect to meet something humanoid and weak, but none of the Elder Gods were humanoid and they certainly weren’t weak.

It’s a human…”  Shuma-Gorath whispered in surprise.

Shuma-Gorath was a disgusting floating eyeball with tentacles that stretched to infinity.

A humanoid Human…” Oberoth’m’gozz added as if it wasn’t obvious that a human had to be associated with the word ‘humanoid’.

Oberoth’m’gozz seemed somewhat humanoid, but his body was twisted and bent in several places that didn’t make sense.

Cthon scoffed “No shit Sherlock…

Cthon was just ugliness personified.

Shuma-Gorath was incensed by Cthon’s unknown references “Who is this Sherlock you speak of?

Cthon sighed, unlike the other Elder Gods, his avatar was not fully excluded from Earth, keyed behind a door that forbids entrance to all Elder Gods.

Our souls are about to be extinguished at long last… remaining in this stone has been torturous but I still cannot let the mortal who fell me get off scot-free…

Though Oberoth’m’gozz seemed nonchalant about the entire matter, Tyrone could detect the bitter hatred of the Elder God through his tone.

Thankfully, the malice one would expect from the Unforgotten Stone was nowhere to be found in Tyrone’s mind, and hence the Elder Gods were almost entirely powerless to take any action against him.

However, ‘almost’ did not mean they were entirely without power…

If there was one thing that all Elder Gods could do expertly, it was to curse mortals.

Shuma-Gorath was the first Elder God to point a tentacle at Tyrone “I can’t see your face but I can still curse you… I curse you to always have your power just out of reach… in the moments you need it most, your power will never do as you wish of it…

Oberoth’m’gozz was the second Elder God to point a finger at Tyrone “I curse you to never retain mystical knowledge… the memories you absorb from the Unforgotten Stone will forever be out of your reach…

Cthon was the strongest but also most curious Elder God present…

Cthon even lessened the pressure on Tyrone to allow him to his feet once more…

Now on his feet, Tyrone looked at Cthon with endless defiance in his eyes “What are you gonna curse me with asshole?

I don’t want to curse you with anything…” Cthon said dismissively “I just hope you remember this favor when you become powerful enough to do something about it… not all Elder Gods are bad… just assholes...

So you say…” Tyrone murmured, dipping his head back to hide the intense look of hatred that suffused his face, not that the Elder Gods could see his face in the first place.

Cthon seemed intrigued “You doubt my words, mortal?

Lil’Tommy was a genius kid who grew up a few blocks down from me… when everyone was out playing ball, Lil’Tommy sat at home reading some big old books…

‘You’re gonna make it far Lil’Tommy’…

‘Education is important Lil’Tommy’…

‘Keep hitting those books Lil’Tommy’…

‘Be better Lil’Tommy’…

See… everyone told Lil’Tommy to do better, be better… and they really meant it… they didn’t want Lil’Tommy to have anything to do with the hood…

But nobody showed Lil’Tommy how to be a better man… he always saw the banging, the hustling, the dealing, and the violence…

Until one day, the dog went missing, and it didn’t take a genius to guess that Lil’Tommy had killed the thing… he never liked the dog, but nobody blamed him for it since the dog was annoying as fuck…

Barking and biting everyone like it was a wolf or something, while it was a skinny little Pot-Licker…

Then someone came to shoot up the house trying to kill Lil’Tommy’s older brothers… Lo and behold, Lil’Tommy grabbed the gun and returned a couple shots, taking his first life while everybody praised him for being brave and defending the family…

Lil’Tommy left the hood and became a notorious serial killer… but we could only blame ourselves because everybody in the hood knew we should have put down Lil’Tommy when he was young… some things are just born broken…

And what does Lil’Tommy have to do with me?” Cthon asked jokingly, not even making an effort to understand Tyrone’s story.

Tyrone sighed “I look at those two idiots and see rabid dogs…” he replied, pointing to Shuma-Gorath and Oberoth’m’gozz, and continued by pointing to Cthon “But I look at you and see Lil’Tommy – something that should have been killed just after it was born…

The atmosphere turned cold and Tyrone slumped to his knees as a massive pressure weighed on his fragile shoulders, but he still didn’t relent.

Even kneeling, Tyrone yelled defiantly “So curse me, beat me, and even kill me… but I will never accept a favor from you!

Cthon smiled with a mouth filled with razor-sharp blackened teeth “Then I curse you to never wield a weapon in your lifetime…

With the curses completed, the souls of the Elder Gods turned to dust, and Tyrone was left alone in the recesses of his mind as the curses immediately got to work…

Firstly, the little control Tyrone had over his mutant ability was severed, and his mutant ability became wilder, showing that it would be almost impossible to control it ever again.

Secondly, all of Tyrone’s memories extracted from the Unforgotten Stone were sealed away inside his mind, but that was not all…

Namora and other Atlanteans had mystical origins, hence anything mystical in Tyrone’s mind was sealed away, that included ever swimming to the bottom of the lake to discover a gateway to the Ocean’s floor.

Lastly, a triangular tattoo appeared on both of Tyrone’s hands… ensuring that any weapon he held would never perform to full capacity.


20th December 1941 – Deep Below the Atlantic Ocean

Location of Unforgotten Stone

When the Unforgotten Stone finally dissolved into dust, Tyrone’s body had turned completely black…

Even his Atlantean form had been dispelled by the overwhelming strength of Dark Eldritch energy that had infected his body.

He died a warrior…” Attuma murmured, walking over and embracing Tyrone’s body even if he was unsure if he could catch the infection.

Hmmm…” Namor grunted in agreement, feeling a bit sad but also relieved that the Unforgotten Stone had not caused chaos for the underwater Kingdoms. 

It was Namora, who kept staring at Tyrone’s body intently, that heard the slight heartbeat in his chest.

He lives…” She whispered appalled and quickly spun her feathered fins to retrieve Tyrone from Attuma’s arms in joy.

Namor, Kharsa, and Attuma gasped as Tyrone’s darkened skin slowly receded to his usually light brown countenance.

Impossible…” Namor shouted perplexed “Doesn’t that mean-

He has become the Unforgotten Stone…” Kharsa whispered in realization, drawing her spear and striking for Tyrone’s heart.


Attuma was quick to grasp Kharsa’s spear before it could even near Tyrone’s body, but his hands shook with the conflicted emotions that were birthed in his heart…

Because… they could all feel it coming from Tyrone’s body – the scent of an Elder God…

There was no doubt in their minds that Tyrone had somehow absorbed the power of the Unforgotten Stone, and hence, became a version of the Unforgotten Stone himself.

Of course, without Sycorax’s magic, they could not be certain but some things were just instinctually known.


Namora left behind a trail of bubbles as she carried Tyrone’s body, swimming at her fastest speed to get away from Namor and the others…

She knew what was bound to happen next and it would disturb her heart to sacrifice Tyrone after he had done so much for Atlantis…

As if expecting Namora’s actions, Kharsa, Attuma, and Namor already swam to block her path.

We have to kill him…” Namor whispered with a heavy heart.

Attuma still seemed uncertain on which side to take…

On one hand, should Tyrone live, there was a very real possibility that he would begin to mutate an army of Dark Creatures and attack Atlantis in the future, urged by the malice of the Elder Gods.

On the other hand, Tyrone had already sacrificed a lot during the course of this battle, and taking the life of a warrior hero after he had miraculously survived is beyond low.

Namor was about to make the final decision but he suddenly paused and glanced across a vast distance to witness Atlantean reinforcements coming to check on the earlier Oceanic disturbances.

Reinforcements are coming…” Namor murmured half-heartedly.

Attuma and Kharsa understood what Namora meant – it meant that Tyrone had officially run out of luck…

Atlantean troops would not spare a potential threat and even Namor, as the Prince, would not be able to save Tyrone since the decision was his grandfather’s to make.

Namora took off once again but with an even greater speed this time…

She didn’t have the luxury to worry about Tyrone’s fragile skin any longer…

Namor, Attuma, and Kharsa gave chase once more, though this time they were noticeably slower, clearly not able to stomach the conflict of emotions raging inside their hearts…

Namor hardened his heart and ordered, “Take him down Kharsa…

Yes, my liege…

Kharsa aimed her spear at Tyrone who was being carried in Namora’s arms and threw the weapon with utmost lethal intentions.

Thankfully, Kharsa grew a heart at the last moment and intentionally willed her spear to miss the target, flashing just right of Tyrone’s shoulder.

Namor was about to complete the deed himself but Namora and Tyrone vanished into thin air…

What?” Attuma yelled surprised.

Namor merely shrugged “We lost them and that is the end of the matter… if anyone asks, we lost Sycorax, Namora, and three members of The Swift Tide today…

Attuma and Kharsa nodded in understanding and departed to meet the Atlantean reinforcements alongside Namor.


All Namora knew was the fact that she was swimming at her fastest speed to preserve Tyrone’s life when…

Suddenly, the wide expanse of the Ocean disappeared, replaced by a smaller waterbody she could only guess was a lake.

Namora spun around and immediately noticed an egress door closing shut, sealing whatever route she had taken to appear in the lake.

Of course, Namora recognized the runic carvings on the doors as Ancient Atlantean language, and as an avid researcher of historical knowledge, she could guess that this was one of the many hidden routes between Atlantis and the surface.

Surprising, I would stumble onto one…” Namora murmured, holding Tyrone more firmly in her embrace “At least, this answers the question of how this Human made it to the Ocean’s depths…

Finished with her inspection and noticing the bubbles exiting Tyrone’s mouth, Namora waved her feathered fins and launched herself out of the lake, landing on the shore flawlessly.


Two Hours After Tyrone’s Disappearance


Like always, Spryta pulled a trick to allow Tyrone to think she was drowning in the lake when actually, she simply hid in the cave behind the waterfall.

However, Tyrone was a fool like always, rushing to assume the worse…

Still, hiding behind the waterfall and watching the terrified and lost look on Tyrone’s face when he thought she had drowned was euphoric for her little heart.

She didn’t love Tyrone or anything but she was developing a minor crush on the boy…

Never had Spryta met someone she loved to trick more than once...

Every trick on Tyrone gave Spryta butterflies in her stomach…

Honestly, Spryta was aware that her way of showing she liked Tyrone was twisted, but the world was twisted as well, so that made her infatuation as straight as an arrow in her mind.

She waited for a minute after Tyrone had dove into the water to remove herself from behind the waterfall, finding a comfy place on the shore to await his return.

Maybe he will jump into my arms and thank me for not dying?’ she thought smugly, arranging her legs in just the right position to give Tyrone a glimpse of her ass.

She knew he admired her petite body…

However, ten minutes passed and Tyrone never surfaced for a breath of fresh air.

Spryta began to panic, thinking that Tyrone had somehow drowned at the bottom of the lake.

She found it slightly sweet - the thought that Tyrone could not swim but still risked his life to check if she was drowning…

That’s proper boyfriend material…” she reasoned enthusiastically through her panicked emotions.

As the panic turned to terror, Spryta decided to do what she always did when she was scared – take drugs and hope everything works itself out.

Spryta rushed into the bushes and came back to the shore with an injection that held ACID drugs.

With ACIDs in hand, Spryta took one injection after another, pumping herself with enough drugs to OD and elephant, but it was just enough to keep her happy and hallucinating.

Nearly two hours later, she heard the splashing of water and turned to witness Tyrone snuggled in the arms of a blue-skinned busty woman that was sexier than her in every way.

High out of her mind, Spryta immediately went to war “You fucking bitchy mermaid… always trying to steal my man… do you want to fight harlot?

Namora was surprised that an Elf would try to pick a fight with her as soon as she reached the surface, but the situation was more comical than threatening.

Your man?” Namora questioned, thinking she could finally get rid of the burden that was Tyrone “Is this human your mate?

Spryta smirked, puffing her ‘womanly’ chest outwards to intimidate Namora “Yes… that’s my man… his name is… hmm… Tyming… Tion… Ty-food?...

Cough… cough… do you mean Tyrone?” Namora asked innocently, trying hard to withhold her laughter.

You bitch!” Spryta yelled, turning into a madwoman in the blink of an eye “Who said you can be on a first-name basis with my man!?

Weren’t you the one that forgot the name of your mate?’ Namora thought irritatedly.

However, Spryta could no longer be reasoned with… she was already a difficult person without drugs in her system, but when drugs were in her system, Spryta would go full Oozaru mode.

Spryta darted towards Namora with all the strength she could muster in her little feet…

She cranked back her fist for a powerful blow as she yelled the name of her attack with all her might “Super Mega Ultimate Drug Hallucinogenic Punch!

Sadly, Spryta swung her fist a bit too soon, and instead of punching Namora, she punched the unconscious Tyrone directly in the eye…

Then her momentum carried her forward until she bounced into Namora’s bountiful chest, rebounding and hitting her head on the ground…

With that, Spryta was sprawled out on the ground, unconscious by her own attack, and Tyrone was even more unconscious…

Namora sighed “Elves are unreasonable creatures…” she murmured, placing Tyrone beside Spryta and hopping back into the lake to try and activate the doors so she could go home.


Author’s Name: The_Young_Flash
Note: Ever watched an awesome movie/anime/series that just didn't have the proper ending? Then this is where you belong, as I intend to give all movies/animes/series the proper ending they deserve. Nothing will go untouched.

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