Xiao Songfen had always been a fan of extreme heights and speed. Back in the modern world, he had been to the local amusement park a few times.
His first time was on the day he was adopted from the orphanage.
His new parents had taken him there to celebrate. They were on the older side and were not in the best of health, so they were unable to join him for more intense rides.
Nevertheless, they cheered him on from the sidelines and took many photos.
Right before they left, his father secretly snuck off together with him while his mother wasn’t looking to ride the largest rollercoaster.
The anticipation as the passenger carts steadily climbed up the tracks. The wide vast view of the entire park at the ride’s peak. Feeling like you were on top of the world. The wide smiles and shrieks of joy as they plunged down.
They were both thoroughly scolded afterward.
It was one of the happiest memories of his childhood.
Riding the wind currents with a full view of Liushu Peak and beyond induced a familiar inexplicable feeling of nostalgia.
(So this was sword flying! So fun!)
There was nothing to fear. He was a cultivator at peak core formation stage with ample muscle memory control over sword flying.
Spiritual energy coursed through the meridians in his legs. Keeping his feet firmly planted on Yaoye.
From this body’s original memory, the closest town should be close enough for them to go grab a meal and be back by sunset.
Xiao Songfen lightly bent his legs to lower his center of gravity. In response to his will, Yaoye began to speed up.
The veil of his weimao fluttered wildly with the wind, exposing his face now and then. Unfortunately, Bai Yiyan, standing behind him, was not in any position to catch a glimpse.
Bai Yiyan stood obediently, focusing on staying upright. The sudden increase in speed made him reflexively grab onto the back of Xiao Songfen’s robes for balance. He immediately opened his mouth to apologize, but was unable to make a sound as they began to weave through the tall trees at breakneck speed.
Xiao Songfen noticed nothing as he was completely immersed in enjoying the rush of adrenaline.
They hurtled past the neighboring peaks and crossed the outer protective barrier of the sect.
As the forest became less dense and eventually sparse, they came upon the local town of Sanchuan1三川镇 sānchuān zhèn (three rivers town).
It was a lively booming place. Prosperous. Sufficiently wealthy from trading natural resources and being the main distribution center of the Qingshan Sect’s exports. The annual Orthodox Sect Alliance Conference hosted by the Qingshan Sect also brought an unbelievable amount of profit from tourists and visiting cultivators. Profit gained from this weeklong conference could sustain some local businesses for many months afterward.
They landed just outside the town entrance so as not to disturb the daily business there. Xiao Songfen nimbly stepped off his sword feeling very energized.
Bai Yiyan hopped off after Xiao Songfen and landed a bit unsteadily.
Yaoye smoothly slid back into its scabbard.
As the feeling of exhilaration receded, Xiao Songfen finally noticed the state of his disciple. Bai Yiyan was slightly pale and his facial expression looked significantly stiffer than when they had set off from Liushu Peak.
(Fuck, I forgot about him.)
“…Are you okay? Was it too fast?” He took a step towards Bai Yiyan with a hand outstretched.
Bai Yiyan waved both hands in front of him to maintain some distance and shook his head quickly.
“No, I am just too incompetent to keep up with Shizun. Please go ahead, this disciple only needs a few moments to recover and will follow shortly.”
Xiao Songfen felt guilty, but figured he should at least give Bai Yiyan some face. So he nodded and tried not to look back in concern as he started walking into Sanchuan.
Of all the advantages the original Xiao Songfen had, geographic knowledge was not one of them. He rarely left his peak and bought most things through courier delivery.
As a result, Xiao Songfen had little to no memories of Sanchuan other than its general location for reference.
Realizing this, he stopped as soon as he reached the busiest main street. How embarrassing it would be if he got lost and needed to be found by his disciple like a wayward child at the mall.
It was early evening and the street congestion had cleared up notably compared to morning market traffic.
As he contemplated whether to turn back or wait for Bai Yiyan, a boy selling children’s toy trinkets on the streets bellowed enthusiastically.
“Pinwheels and rattle drums2拨浪鼓 bōlanggǔ!
Dolls and paper kites! Grand opening sale of two for the price of one!”
The boy wore modest clothes a few sizes too big for him and his hair was haphazardly tied into a topknot bun. He looked quite a few years younger than Bai Yiyan and there was an ever-present cunning look on his face despite his youthful round appearance. He stood over a large cloth rug piled with various toys and trinkets for children.
(I suppose when in doubt, just ask.) Xiao Songfen thought.
He curiously strode over to the little makeshift toy shop.
The boy didn’t seem very fazed that he was wearing a weimao. It was not uncommon in a large town where there were sometimes visitors who wished to remain anonymous on their travels. After a slow business day, he actually felt especially excited to be approached by a wealthy-looking customer.
“Good sir, are you here to buy a gift for your child or younger sibling?”
“Not quite. I would like to know where the nearest place to eat a noodle dish is?”
The boy grinned cheekily.
“Noodle dish? Good sir, you’re in luck! There is a noodle place only a few streets away. The best in town!”
“Could I trouble you to lead me there? I will compensate you for your help of course.” Xiao Songfen took out a generous amount of copper coins from his money pouch and dropped them into the boy’s eager hands. The boy's eyes widened at the amount, but this expression was quickly suppressed by his desire to act like a mature adult.
As he pocketed the money, the boy replied very seriously.
“An honest man never accepts charity.”
He took a handful of the most expensive-looking pinwheels from his selection of goods and held them out as an offering.
“For you.”
Xiao Songfen shook his head. The weimao’s veil swayed left and right.
“I don’t have any children or younger siblings.”
“Then for your lover.”
“I don’t have a lover.”
“For someone you wish to curry some favor with?” The boy suggested tentatively, having run out of ideas.
Xiao Songfen paused and his thoughts flashed to Bai Yiyan.
Unfortunately, these pinwheels seemed a little too childish a gift for someone his age…
Suddenly, the memory of Bai Yiyan kneeling on the ground, body folded in half like a clamshell, resurfaced in his mind.
(I take my previous thoughts back. A pinwheel is very fitting.)
With that, he chose a simple gold-colored paper pinwheel3but you know...more golden lol from the several that were offered and placed it carefully in his spatial storage ring.
“Just this is fine.”
“Of course!” The boy grinned and turned around to pack up his little makeshift store. The payment he had received from Xiao Songfen was worth many days of profit. It was no great loss to close up shop early today to guide this wealthy customer.
“Please wait a few minutes. My disciple should be coming along shortly to join us.” Xiao Songfen requested.
As he finished speaking, he detected Bai Yiyan’s spiritual aura swiftly approach from behind.
Bai Yiyan quietly appeared beside him. Most of the color had returned to his face, giving him a healthier complexion.
“Ah, you have come. All is well?”
“Yes, Shizun.”
Xiao Songfen turned to the young vendor boy.
“Lead the way.”
“Right away!” He started to lead them down the main street before taking a few turns at intersections. He chatted with Xiao Songfen enthusiastically the whole way while Bai Yiyan followed quietly behind.
The streets began wide but slowly narrowed as they took several more twists and turns.
“Here we are!” He said with gusto. His arms waved proudly to present a small dinky restaurant behind him as they exited from a narrow alley. It looked very old, but well kept and the presence of seemingly regular customers showed that business was going very well. The dining area was outside under the early evening sky. It was occupied with a bunch of mismatched furniture, giving it an eccentric charm.
“Please don’t discriminate because of how this place looks. There is no mistake that these noodles will give you a taste of heaven. You must try a bite before making a judgment!”
He turned to face someone working behind the counter.
“Uncle Su4There are many different words for ‘uncle’ in Chinese. In this case, the boy is using the word 舅舅 jiù jiu which means maternal uncle (his mother’s brother)! I’ve brought you some customers!”
A middle-aged man bending over behind the counter straightened up to a standing position. He was tanned with weathered skin and looked very healthy for his age. A chopping knife was being wiped clean with a towel in his hands.
“Aiya, my good boy!" He spoke joyfully. "So filial! Who have you brou-ungg??!!!!!!”
At the sight of Xiao Songfen and Bai Yiyan’s appearance, the man’s eyes almost bugged out and he choked on his words.
Those robes. Qingshan Sect and Tian Lianhua Sect cultivators!
And t-that jade-colored weimao! It is without a doubt, Second Young Master Xiao!5萧二公子 Xiāo-èr gōngzǐ
The Willow Peak Elder was well known for his unsociable and cold manner. What had his nephew done, inviting him to a peasant's restaurant in such a reckless manner?
The restaurant owner was feeling very panicked. They could not afford to offend someone of his status!
He immediately stopped what he was doing, nearly stabbing himself dropping the knife on the counter. After running around to the front of the counter, he gave the boy a hard swift whack on the head.
“Aiya, you stupid boy! Why would you recommend our lowly roadside restaurant to such venerable young masters?! Look at our dirt floor and crooked furniture! Look at their luxurious robes and regal countenance. Do they look like they would want to eat here ah?!”
“But Uncle Su-“
“No buts!”
With an apologetic expression, he bowed politely to Xiao Songfen. One of his hands shot out to drag the boy’s neck down into a bow with him.
“I must offer my deepest apologies Second Young Master Xiao. This boy has recently lost his mother and is new to town. He is an orphan who has yet to learn the ways of the world. Please forgive his mannerless invitation. Our humble shop is unworthy of someone of your status. There is an imperial roasted duck house down this road on your left that may be more suitable for you and your companion’s presence.”
The boy had his lips pressed together tightly in obvious disagreement, but said nothing. As a farm boy from a rural area, he may not have recognized their robes, but he did know major sect names. The Qingshan Sect and Tian Lianhua Sect were known far and wide for powerful cultivators and high political standing. Now that he knew who they were, he also did not dare to offend them.
Xiao Songfen let out a breath.
(Bullying. Everyone thinks I'm bullying.)
“There is no need to go elsewhere. We will eat here.” He stated with a tone of finality.
Xiao Songfen walked over to the small dining area and promptly sat down gracefully on an old wooden stool with uneven legs.
Bai Yiyan followed suit.
Xiao Songfen cocked his head at the restaurant owner.
“Two bowls please.”
He glanced at Bai Yiyan’s lanky form sitting across from him.
“….make it three bowls.”
The owner walked over uncertainly.
Xiao Songfen pulled a hefty money pouch from his sleeve. He had no more copper coins so he took out a single hundred tael silver ingot6A silver ingot that weighs 100 taels (1 tael= ~40 grams).This shape/form is called 元宝 yuánbǎo. Feel free to check the glossary for more info on money conversions., placing it quietly in the owner’s hands.
“Three bowls.” He repeated.
The owner’s hands shook as he held the silver ingot. As a back alley noodle store owner, he’d never held such a large amount of money in both of his hands at one time in his entire life. A hundred silver taels were nearly half a year's worth of income for him.
Xiao Songfen maintained a calm face but inside had a sudden realization.
(I gave him too much.)
The old Xiao Songfen was actually very wealthy. With a large monthly allowance from the sect master and incoming profits from selling qi pills, his personal jade tablet could easily withdraw hundreds of times more than this amount with plenty to spare.
He also rarely indulged himself and only spent his money on elusive cultivation materials. As a result, the current Xiao Songfen had no way to gauge how much normal things cost.
The owner was frozen. He couldn’t shamelessly accept the money, but he was also afraid that publicly rejecting the Willow Peak Elder would anger him.
“Young Master, this amount is nearly half a year’s profits for my small restaurant…” He began to say fearfully but swallowed down the rest of the sentence.
Xiao Songfen quickly offered a compromise to alleviate the awkward atmosphere.
“Just accept it. Consider this as me paying for meals in advance.”
Bai Yiyan diligently poured tea for him at this time. Xiao Songfen leisurely accepted a cup and took a sip before speaking again.
“I will come again with my disciple to eat. When the time comes, you will not have to charge me…Uncle Su7Xiao Songfen is using a different ‘uncle’ 叔叔 shūshu. It technically means ‘father’s younger brother’, but it is also commonly used for unrelated men who are around your father’s age..” He tacked on a familiar form of address at the end to express friendliness.
The owner’s expression immediately relaxed.
“Y-yes! Three bowls for these two young masters it is!”
He carefully pocketed the ingot and rushed off to prepare the noodles, dragging the boy with him to the back kitchen.
With that taken care of, Xiao Songfen settled into his stool and turned his attention to Bai Yiyan.
It was time to get to know his disciple a little more.
Bai Yiyan looked at him with an attentive curious expression. Xiao Songfen wanted to cover up those eyes.
(Don’t stare at me with deference like that. It makes me feel bad in light of the conversation I'm about to have with you.)
“…what have you been doing these past few months?” Xiao Songfen finished awkwardly. There really was no tactful way to ask this without sounding like an incompetent master who had no interest in taking care of his own disciples.
But since he had already admitted to being neglectful, let’s just continue to be thick-faced8厚臉皮hòuliǎnpí - A Chinese term for being thick-skinned, brazen, cheeky about it.
“I have been self-studying.” Bai Yiyan replied lightly.
“What have you been self-studying?” Xiao Songfen probed further.
“Cultivation Principles, Spiritual Qi Afflictions, and Demonic Creatures. They're Tian Lianhua classroom reference materials. I brought them over with me."
(…so he has no cultivation manuals.)
“And sword practice? What sword style have you been practicing?”
“I am practicing the standard Tian Lianhua sword style, Thousand Blossom White Lotus.”
(…he also has not been sparring with anybody or learning more advanced sword styles.)
“Where and when do you practice?”
“The outer circle practice fields...”
“With the outer circle disciples?”
“…no. Only when the fields are empty.”
With more than a few dozen outer circle disciples sharing the outer circle practice fields, those areas should be occupied all day. Bai Yiyan would have had to wait until the dead of the night when it was truly empty to practice.
Still, it certainly couldn’t get worse than this. Xiao Songfen pressed on with his interrogation.
“What about your meals?”
“I don’t have a disciple’s jade tablet to receive sect meals, so I buy ingredients from the local market and cook them in the kitchen.”
(It got worse.)
“How do you pay for them without a monthly allowance?”
“My father gave me some money before I left.” Bai Yiyan's gaze shifted to the side, avoiding eye contact.
Xiao Songfen narrowed his eyes. Something was amiss.
“...how much did he give you?”
“…” Bai Yiyan stopped answering and clamped his mouth shut.
This riled up Xiao Songfen even more. He frowned behind his veil.
“How much?” He barked curtly.
“…two hundred….”
(Oh. That sounds like a decent amount.)
“So he gave you two hundred silver taels.”
“Two hundred…copper coins.”
(TIAN LIANHUA SECT MASTER, YOU CHEAPASS BITCH. Throwing pennies at your son before kicking him out. Pei9呸 pēi - to spit, bullshit, like an onomatopoeia for the sound of spitting lol! Are you kidding me? Two hundred copper taels?!)
Xiao Songfen was about to cough up blood in anger.
Two hundred copper taels were barely enough to feed a person over a few months much less afford anything else outside of food.
(Haaaa…..you really left me to do all the work here OG Huan 10just the MC's nickname for the original Xiao Songfen. Bai Yiyan has no clothes, no cultivation manuals, no sword practice, no money…)
What a project he’s been ladled with.
(I should just start at the top and go down the list.)
“First, we should resolve the matter of your current appearance. It is not appropriate for you to continue wearing the Tian Lianhua Sect uniform. Let us visit the local tailor to have new ones made for you.”
He paused and saw that Bai Yiyan looked receptive to his suggestions before continuing.
“There is no longer a need for you to self-study. You will report to the inner circle lecture hall tomorrow afternoon for an evaluation exam by the Poplar Peak Elder. I will decide your education curriculum from there. As for sword practice, do not go to the practice fields tonight. I will instruct you personally from now on. Report to my residence tomorrow at sunrise for personal instruction. I will also give you your monthly allowance after morning practice.”
Xiao Songfen thought to himself for a bit. He rubbed his chin behind the veil in contemplation.
“Come to think of it, it is also not appropriate for my core disciple to continue staying in living quarters for outer circle disciples. Bring all your things when you report tomorrow morning too. I will ask someone to tidy up the disciple living quarters on Liushu Peak by then.”
It was at the mention of moving to Liushu Peak, Bai Yiyan seemed to have a reaction. His eyebrows suddenly knitted, giving a reluctant expression.
“Is there something you would like to say?” Xiao Songfen questioned.
Bai Yiyan's knitted eyebrows relaxed. He shook his head and replied quietly.
(Ah? Does he hate the idea of moving to Liushu Peak? Don’t tell me he hasn’t actually forgiven Xiao Songfen for his past neglect?)
As Xiao Songfen was thinking this, piping hot bowls of noodles came out. The bowls were very large with generous portions. It looked like Uncle Su had also given them both extra toppings.
Uncle Su brought two bowels over first and when he came back with the third, Xiao Songfen motioned for it to be also placed in front of Bai Yiyan.
“Thank you, Uncle Su.”
“The pleasure is all mine.”
Uncle Su quickly retreated to give them some privacy for their meal. Bai Yiyan took this chance to speak.
“Shizun, I don't think it's necessary for me to-" He began to protest, but Xiao Songfen was quicker.
He picked up a pair of chopsticks and pinched Bai Yiyan’s lips closed with them.
“No talking during meals.”
Xiao Songfen: Let’s ride that rollercoaster.
Bai Yiyan: …okay.
Xiao Songfen: (。◝‿◜ 。) *excited
Bai Yiyan: (≖ _ ≖) *significantly less excited
I actually can’t handle extreme rollercoasters. My bodily constitution rejects it.
Like me, Xiao Songfen gets kinda grouchy when he's suddenly ladled with a lot of unexpected work lol.
This is not a xianxia-themed song. I was hungry, so here's the song they use for Chinese cooking meme videos.
I'm dead
Xiao Songfen: Cheapasses must be called out accordingly.
Lmao that line had me cackling too
ahhhhh i love that song ahhhhh noooodleeeeeesssss
im hungry
hm i liked the peek we got into XSF's past in this chapter with his foster parents! if anything, they were very good to him
ahem defense of the ML aside i do wonder why he's reluctant to move in with his master. it's probably the best place for him now away from scrutinizing eyes, especially since XSF's reputation should be leaning towards spotless and aloof in the sect. it's not like he's troubled his master at all these past few months, so i wonder if he's just embarrassed or something? he's certainly got enough pride to never ask for help...
anyways i'm looking forward to their interactions. i hope BYY gets more chances to talk, i really wanna see what kind of personality he has behind that polite disciple thing, plus i need to see his reaction to the golden pinwheel hehe.
and omg chopsticks touching BYY's tofu in chapter 4! tsk, how bold of you XSF...
Hahaha yeah, I love that song too. It's a very serious song about noodles.
YUS, the iconic chopstick lip pinch.
So cute that Xiao Songfen enjoyed flying! (A litle sad about his adoptive parents and how they're dead now....)
He had no more copper coins so he took out a single hundred tael silver ingot, placing it quietly in the owner's hands.
"Three bowls." he repeated.
This is like....so rich young master style ???????
(Haaaa…..you really left me to do all the work here OG Huan
The term "OG Huan" is so fun ????
He picked up a pair of chopsticks and pinched Bai Yiyan's lips closed with them.
Hhahahahaha!!! Cute!!!
I actually can't handle extreme rollercoasters. My bodily constitution rejects it.
ooooofff, I guess you can be fancy and pilot a flying ship or something more stable instead?
At least he placed the money in the owner's hands politely hahaha.
Low-key though. OG Huan sounds like a 90s rapper.
Yuh, that's all the skinship you're gonna get this chapter. A chopstick lip pinch.
What's funny is I'm actually pretty comfortable on an airplane and I can swim very well hahaha. Just can't handle rocking or spinning motions. #DatOneVikingShipAtTheAmusementPark
Maybe...maybe I'll just travel on a spiritual beast and let my sword collect dust at my waist hahaha.
Uncle Su: They're the best in town.
Thank you for the chappy!

God I looooove how much BYY is going to get spoiled
I suddenly had the thought... I wonder if XSF will ever tell BYY about his transmigration and who he was before....
Jiayou jiayou, author XM!
Who knows~~
Bai Yiyan is really adorable.
Bai Yiyan: Thank you...
Xiao Songfen: Keep complimenting him. He needs to build a thicker face.
Thank you for the encouragement ?
He's gonna spoil his disciple, I can see it! ?
But I do wonder why Bai Yiyan reacted that way to moving... hmmm, mysterious...
Thank you for your hard work, author!
Xiao Songfen: How to spoil? I only know how to throw money.
He picked up a pair of chopsticks and pinched Bai Yiyan’s lips closed with them
And after that he will eat noodles with those same chopsticks… indirect kiss!
How scandalous!
I love your book so far??? Thank you for the chapter!?
Thank you thank you~ please look forward to chapter 5 hahaha
@xiaomangisbusy I don't want to stress you out but do you perhaps have a schedule for when you update? If you don't that's fine too?
@PandaLover I do~ but it's not exact due to my offline obligations. I will say that I have no plans on dropping the novel and I do have outlines already made for the next 6ish chapters.