chapter 2
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The pressure from her eyes alone is terrifying and all of my senses are screaming at me to run but gathering my remaining courage I bowed “yes miss charlotte my name is Percy Snisel and from here on I’ll be serving as your butler from today.” I managed to not stutter while saying this I raised my eyes to look towards her but it seems as if she had stopped paying attention a while ago and was looking at the jewelry which was covering the floors and furniture. “ butler, Tidy up my stuff. Gallia ready my dress” oh so I guess this maids name is Gallia now that I think about it I think I did hear something like that in the game but it must have been just named mention in some filler scene. Anyway once both of them had left the room to allow charlotte to prepare her dress I looked around the room to try and find boxes to store them managing to a single ornate box and a large box with some jewelry sitting at the bottom which looks similar to the ones on the floor so I decided that this would be the best place to store them. While I was gathering them up I managed to find a piece I recognize leaving it out and placing the rest in the large box and decided to place the one I recognized in the ornate box I believe it is the one which she wore on the front cover of game meaning she must like it right ?. well not like I’ve got much of a choice as I can hear two footsteps coming from down the hall quickly standing up and moving towards the door I stood in front of it to welcome whoever was there, Naturally, it was lady charlotte and Gallia who entered the room with Gallia looking slightly surprised when she looked around the room but lady charlotte showed no emotion and walked over towards her dresser where I’d place the ornate box and opened it, a small smile formed at the edge of her lips taking the neckless out and putting in on “ Were going to see a friend of mine I’ve already informed Gallia who has prepared a carriage for us so we will be departing immediately “ she ordered. As we walked towards the lane leading to the gate to l leave the house I looked up only to realize that the sun had reached the halfway point of the sky as my gaze moves over towards miss charlotte her Lolita style dress complimented her sleek purple hair and ruby red-eyed as we approached the carriage I sped up slightly to allow me to open the door for her but before I can the door opens by itself a completely confused by this I stand still for a second till I notice both miss charlotte and Gallia had gotten in so I decided to think about it later I close the door inside and the driver gets the horses ready as we start to move.