Chapter 07 – Cave (part 2)
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It's been 4 weeks since the last chapter and now we're doing physical training to get Konan to use basic breathing.

Throughout this time Konan and I were training our physique and chakra. As for her body, our training was intensive and we fed as much as possible to get body fat and muscle mass.

Surprisingly she had learned how to dismantle animals in her clan, but since she had no weapons and no physical strength to hunt then she didn't make use of it since she started living on the streets.

With the help of the campfire and the inventory, we were able to eat roast boar meat for a whole week in abundance we cut the meat into several pieces and ate it at meals.

This helped a lot with our training and our gaining muscle mass and now Konan no longer looks malnourished and her abdomen is slightly ripped thanks to the aid of mock battles we did while running on the walls.

Our chakra also improved and surprisingly Konan has a much better control than mine. In the first week she was already able to climb walls and walk on them for a few minutes, but soon her chakra would run out because she couldn't control her consumption properly. And now she's practically on my level when it comes to chakra manipulation and she can even keep up with me in a run on the long walls of the cave.

I can currently control chakra output better and can run through walls while spending as little as possible. Our chakra reserves are currently at a genin's level, but mine are closer to a chunin's.

Right now, our statuses look like this:


Race: Human

Name: Tsuna Hiro

Age: 10 years

Rank: Genin

Rating: E+

Status: Normal

Lv: 2

HP: 8/8


Attack: 10

Defense: 11

Chakra: 11

Agility: 15

Resistance: 13

Acquired breaths:
{basic breathing (mastered}

Other Skills:

Kenjutsu (beginner); Inventory; Inspection


{Kill your first ninja}; {First step}


[another world]



Race: Human

Name: Konan

Age: 12 years

Rank: Genin

Classification: F +

Status: Normal, concentrated

HP: 7/7

Attack: 6

Defense: 5

Chakra: 9

Agility: 10

Resistance: 7

Acquired breaths:

Other Skills:

Paper Manipulation (Kekkei tota)


I don't know how far to go to get to chunin level, but I think I'm closer than far. I don't know why Konan's HP increased, but I have a theory that it's due to her physique improving.

As for Kekkei tota she's managing to bend some papers, which I had gotten while looting things in the alleys when I fled the village, and even let it constantly float and even manipulate it for a few meters away. The reason she progressed so fast is only because of her blood and her incredible chakra manipulation.

As far as our interactions go, we've gotten a lot closer these past few days. The first week we stayed in this cave, she was apprehensive and didn't get too close to me, but the second week she started sleeping while hugging my back and would only let go when she woke up. And sometimes when we rest after eating, she lays her head on my lap so I can pet her.

Since we started living together, she has shown more emotions than when we met, but her face most of the time remains inexpressive and cold. Even though she now shows affected when related to me.

I think she has developed an attachment to me over the time we've been living together. I don't know if it's because she sees me as part of her family or something like that, but I won't complain about it since we will be spending most of our time together to survive from now on.

Sometimes I wonder if we'll be able to survive long after we leave this cave, or how long she'll want to stay by my side. But I won't think about it too much, I have no intention of binding her to me in case she wants to move on once we leave Amegakure.

Back to our training. At this point I judge that her physique is good enough to handle the basic breathing practice. I didn't teach her earlier because I was afraid, she was too weak and couldn't handle the constant pain of using it.

"Konan, let's change the training"

"Change?" she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"Yes, all that training has been done so far to prepare you for that"

"all that hellish training that left me with a wobbly leg was just foreplay?"

In these last few weeks, she has also developed a habit of throwing double entendre phrases around. I don't know if it's pure innocence or if she just likes to tease me, but I think this is one of her good sides.

"don't say things that will make a double entendre, the readers will misunderstand"

"what's a reader?" she tilted her head

"forget it, it's nothing"

I walked over to a corner near the wall and sat down on the floor.

"sit here next to me" I said.

She came to my side and sat down next to me. Then I opened my inventory and took the parchment out of my breath and handed it to her. Surprisingly until today she hasn't asked what the inventory was or anything like that.

"can you understand what's on that parchment?"

"A little, but there's a lot of things I can't understand" she said as she looked at the parchment.

"That is a technique I inherited from my family, passed down between generations and I was the last to inherit that technique." I said catching her attention.

" It consists of using your breath to move your blood in a different way and make your body stronger, but that comes along with severe pain and a lot of training to perfect it" I made up this lie for her as I won't tell anyone about the system or about me being reincarnated in this world.

"why are you giving me something so important?"

"Whoa, aren't we a family? Was it just me who thought we were close enough to share our secrets and strengthen each other?" I spoke as I pretended to cry trying to get back at him for his earlier teasing.

Suddenly she comes up to me and hugs me tight. She usually does that when the training is over and she gets really tired. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG

"you gave me my life again when you saved me in that alley, so I will protect you forever to get that debt" she said while whispering in my ear. I think she tried to provoke me using that whisper.

For a 12-year-old she's pretty mature, isn't she? It even sent a shiver down my spine right now.

"will that make me stronger?" she spoke right then.


She released me from the hug and said "Then I want to start now" as she stared at me with eyes full of determination.

I didn't ask her if she was sure and decided to start immediately as she would have to learn this one time or another.

"Fine, watch what I do and imitate me, but keep in mind that it will hurt when you start practicing"

"Um" she said while nodding her head.

I immediately started using the technique again and again while assisting her to imitate. I was surprised for a moment because she had a pained expression on her face, but she didn't falter at any point. I think that just shows how determined she is.


 ----------------------------// ----------------------------

It's been four days since we started training with basic breathing. Konan has put a lot of effort into the training and sometimes went sleepless at night in order to adapt faster while enduring pain.

Currently she is able to use the technique constantly while feeling discomfort all over her body because of abnormal blood circulation.

I think she was able to adapt faster than me because her body was trained to resist this technique from before, and as for me I started training without preparing my body before.

His statuses at the moment are:


Race: Human

Name: Konan

Age: 12 years

Rank: Genin

Classification: E-

Status: Normal, concentrated

HP: 7/7

Attack: 7

Defense: 6

Chakra: 11

Agility: 10

Resistance: 8

Acquired breaths:
Basic breathing {progress 64%}

Other Skills:

Paper Manipulation (Kekkei tota)


Her chakra also had an increase due to the training she did while using the technique. Her paper manipulation has progressed to the point where she can manipulate paper from over 20 meters away and turn her fingertip into paper.

Sometimes she wanted to train non-stop and skip meals, but I always made her eat and rest while I gave her share of daily coffees and sometimes, she would nap on my lap with her head against my chest in her break moments. She discovered that she liked to use me as a pillow.

Today we decided to go exploring the back of the cave to get the weapon I need. One of the reasons we decided to go as soon as possible is because of our food, we still have enough for another week, but we won't stay in this cave until we run out of food.

The secondary reason is because Konan's training is already ending and we won't gain anything by staying here much longer.

But before we leave, I have something important to talk to her about, I don't know what dangers we are going to face by going deeper into this cave so it is better to be as careful and cautious as possible.

Looking for Konan in my vision, I spotted her standing on the wall practicing her chakra control.

"Konan" I called making her look at me

"we need to talk; can you sit here on my side?" I said as I sat on the floor leaning against the wall.

"Um" she nodded and came down from the wall, but instead of sitting on my side she decided to sit on my lap and pull my arms around her waist. This surprised me a little, but I was getting used to these cuddles she asks from time to time.

While hugging her I started to speak "We agreed to explore the cave today, but I don't want to enter an unknown territory without any kind of security measures" She nodded for me to continue, so I continued speaking "In my family there were secret techniques that were used in ancient times for unknown purposes. It was a kind of contract that had special effects, it allowed you to measure how strong you were or know where the other person was or even share experiences with the other person, however..." I made up a fucked up lie, but I think she'll still believe it.

"However…" she said asking me to continue.

"However, that contract is made through blood and that means we will have to stick together until one of us dies."

"I accept" she said immediately after I finished speaking.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!? Did you understand what I said? You won't be able to undo this bond of us until one of us dies!!!"

"I understood perfectly what you said, we're going to be practically married, aren't we?"

"A-I guess so..." I replied, still perplexed by what she said

She thought for a few seconds before turning her head towards me "You saved me at the moment when I most begged to survive, you gave me food at the moment I most felt hungry, you showed concern and care for me when no one else did, you cared for me and treated me with affection and kindness when all I received were cold looks of contempt wherever I went, even when you were in danger of being killed by ninjas you still rescued me and took me along with you to save my life...." she said while looking into my eyes.

I didn't know what to say at this moment, even though she has an inexpressive face most of the time, now she had a beautiful smile on her face as she said those words.

Then she went on to say, "I guess I'm good at judging people's character; remember the first week since we came to this cave? I watched you all the time to see if you were cheating on me or not, and at no point did I feel the slightest hint of ulterior motives coming from you. And the moment you treated me like part of your family and helped me become stronger so that I wouldn't have to suffer any more in the future, without even asking me for anything in return. I decided to use that strength to protect you forever and repay this debt of a lifetime that I have with you so...this contract will only serve to make me happier that we can have a connection with each other until the end of our lives.

I was stunned. Did I mention she has a mentality way above her years? But I'm not sure if she's naive or really grateful for everything I've done for her.

I know I won't make her suffer in the future, but we've only lived together for 4.5 weeks and she already feels this way about me? I guess I underestimated how chaotic this world is or how much what I did meant to her.

Without much to say in response I can only reply "thank you" as I hugged her as tight as I could for a few minutes.

"Ouch..." she gave a little cry of pain and I let go of her and faced her eyes with a smile on my face.

"Sorry, I kind of got a little too carried away haha" I said and she returned to her usual inexpressive face but with a slight pink blush on her pale cheeks.

Once again, the notification appeared on top of his head.

[This character wishes to form a group; accept?]

The message was a little different than before, but no matter.

I answered in my head "Accept" and immediately afterwards I heard the voice of the wise man

[think of a name for your group and a symbol, for it will be branded on your skins Mr. Hiro]

I can't think of any name or image right away, but I decided to imagine something that would symbolize our union.

[Finishing group creation process...Successfully completed]

Suddenly we both felt a small pain in our breasts, more specifically between the breasts and the neck.

When we looked at where it was hurting, we saw three tomes inside something that looked like a sun. I had thought of something that meant sealing because of our union and a new beginning for both of us, I guess that's why there were three times and a sun around them.

Suddenly a notification appeared in front of us. Apparently, Konan also sees it because she has a completely surprised expression on her face as she looks in the direction of the notification.

[Group was formed           

Group name: Golden Union

Members: Tsuna Hiro (Admin); Konan

Member Status:

Race: Human                                   Race: Human

Name: Tsuna Hiro                          Name: Konan

Age: 10 years old                            Age: 12 years old

Rank: Genin                                     Rank: Genin

Classification: E+                             Classification: E-

Status: Normal                                 Status: normal 

Lv: 2                                                    Lv: 1

HP: 8/8                                               HP: 7/7

Exp:10/30                                          Exp: 0/20

Attack: 12                                          Attack: 7

Defense: 11                                       Defense: 6

Chakra: 14                                         Chakra: 11

Agility: 16                                           Agility: 10

Resistance: 14                                   Resistance: 9

Functions: Group chat; location map; sharing]

Last chapter of the week and new chapter on Monday

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  • Karin
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  • Mei Terumi
  • Rin Nohara
Total voters: 41 · This poll was closed on Apr 27, 2021 03:35 PM.