Chapter 5: First Dungeon
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The three enter the dungeon together:


[Richard Williams]


[Level 1]

[Job: Dragon Knight]

[Titles: None]

[Skills: Dragons Strength 1]

[Health: 100/100 Strength: 4, Magic: 2, Mana: 20]


Dragon Knight(S Rarity): This class is the better version of a magic swordsman. Specialising in physical defense and fire magic.

Skill Dragon Strength: 50% increase in base stats for 5 minutes


[Xander Holland]


[Level 1]

[Job: Arcane Mage]

[Titles: None]

[Skills: Zap 1]

[Health: 50/50 Strength: 1, Magic: 5, Mana: 100]


Arcane Mage(A Rarity): This class is a better version of wizard focusing on the lightning element. It has good crowd control spells, mobility and damage. However its weakness is that most skills are single target.

Skill Zap: Long range spell that deals low damage and has a 50% chance to stun the target for 2 seconds.


[Evelyn Holland]


[Level 1]

[Job: Blackops]

[Titles: None]

[Skills: Dagger Mastery 1]

[Health: 60/60 Strength: 3, Magic: 2, Mana: 5]


Blackops(A Rarity): This class is a mix of an assassin and archer. It is well versed in sneak attacks and traps. Can use long range weapons such as a bow or magic gun but specialises in daggers.

Skill Dagger Mastery: Basic dagger techniques are learned without practice and damage and crit chance increased when using daggers.

Information from Eden website.

All participants of the Eden system are granted a job (could also be called a class). Most specialise in fighting for example [Warrior] but there are some production classes like [Alchemist] but these are rare.


Jobs cant be changed except under special circumstances and would require the input from an administrator of Eden.


Every 10 levels a participant's job will upgrade and grant a new skill. There is no level cap but few will be able to pass around level 50. Each skill level can be raised from 1 to 10. When a skill levels up its mana cost and cast time will decrease and the effects of the skill will increase.


Currently all dungeons are low level dungeons designed for beginners, in the future more dungeons will spawn that contain higher level monsters and more rewards.


Levels are raised by killing monsters in the dungeons. Monsters have a chance to drop mana stones.


Anything can be brought back from the dungeon including monster corpses.


-Richards party enters the dungeon-


[Generating terrain]

[Spawning monsters]

[Spawning loot]

[Commencing transfer]


I entered the blue portal all I could see was darkness and these four lines entered my vision. After a few seconds the scenery changed to that of a huge beautiful grass meadow. The gentle breeze blew the grass around my feet from side to side. I could see rolling grass hills stretching to the horizon.


The beautiful blue sky could be seen with a few white fluffy clouds floating along. My emotions became unstable and water was filling my vision, so I ripped off the gas mask I had been wearing and threw it to the ground.


I looked to my right and could see the couple had also ripped their gas masks off. They also had tears streaming down their face. This could be seen as a weird scene but for people of my generation it was rare to see such a beautiful sight back in our world.


The toxic smog covered most cities meaning the sky was never seen. Of course green vegetation had long withered and died. New York central park was nothing but a barren wasteland. No property developers wanted it since the soil was mostly sand so it was too difficult and expensive to build there.


I had gone on holiday as a kid to some resorts out in nature so I had seen a scene similar to this before but since it had been so long I naturally was still shocked by the sight.


As if the system had been waiting for us to get over our emotions once I started looking around a blue message popped into my field of view. From the reaction of the couple it seemed they could also see it.


[Welcome players to Eden’s dungeon]

[This is a D ranked dungeon designed for levels 1-10 players]

[Players can leave this dungeon in two ways]


[1. By saying logout after 5 seconds the player will be teleported out]

[If the player picks this option they cannot take anything out with them except mana stones]


[2. Defeat the dungeon boss and a portal will be opened]

[Players can bring items through the portal back to earth]


I look to the couple and say what's on my mind after wiping away my tears. “I think we should level up before trying to fight the boss.” they nodded in agreement so I continued “I don't know much about Eden’s skills and stuff so we should say what our abilities do and come up with a strategy before the wolves get here.”


Xander proposed a good strategy. The idea was for him to attract wolves with his Zap spell. It had a long range, low cooldown and mana cost. It did almost zero damage no more than a simple slap could do.


But it had a 50% chance to stun the target so could be used to keep the wolves still and make them easy to kill.


When he attracted the wolves near us Evelyn and me would attack them. Evelyn would focus the wolves that got stunned while I would fight the ones who weren't. This was because I had high base stats and my skill increased my strength to the point where I should be able to one shot the wolves. On the other hand Evelyn would need two hits to kill the wolf so fighting it without it being stunned could be dangerous.


After finishing the strategy meeting we began putting it into practice. After Xander had spotted a wolf and used Zap on it, since it did not get stunned I ran forward to intercept it.

[Grey Wolf]

[Level 2]

[Skills: Bite 1]

[Health: 10/10 Strength: 4, Magic: 0, Mana: 0]


I activated Dragon Strength skill, I could feel the power flowing through me. I had brought no weapons with me so used my bare hands to smash the head of the wolf.


The wolf was about twice the size of a large dog so it certainly was a little scary but I believed in the system. Right now I could tell I was way stronger then this weak little wolf and felt no sense of fear.


My fist collided with the wolf's nose. I could hear the smashing of bones and warm blood splashed on my face clouding my vision. I quickly bring up my sleeve to wipe away the blood and see the sight in front of me.


Complete destruction


The body was destroyed to the point one could find it hard to even know what the creature was before its death.


[Title granted to player Richard Williams due to fulfilling the conditions]


A title? What title, it did not tell me what I got? A little confused, I decided to check my status.


[Title: One for you twice for me]


What does this title even do? I thought of biting my lower lip, however what I saw caused my eyes to widen with excitement.


One for you twice for me, title is awarded to those who killed their first ever monster in a single hit with no weapon.


Effect of title: Double exp gained from opponents that were killed in a single hit.


But wait this title doesn't make sense. I think I have accidentally found a broken title. This title would usually be a decent title but only useful early on. Since enemies would get harder the more I levelled up there would come a point where I could no longer one shot them.


But here's the confusing part. This wolf wasn't killed in one hit. It was hit by Xanders Zap magic before. Therefore this wolf died in two hits, not one.


It seems Eon has done a slight oversight when creating this title. So long as I deal the last hit to a monster and it dies from that attack I will gain the double exp.


While thinking this I had killed one other wolf that had been hit by Zap nearby. I decided not to let my party members in on my discovery yet and decided to focus on levelling up.




[All stats rise by 2]


[Richard Williams]


[Level 2]

[Job: Dragon Knight]

[Titles: One for you twice for me]

[Skills: Dragons Strength 1]

[Health: 99/102 Strength: 6, Magic: 4, Mana: 22]


It seemed I had hurt myself from punching the wolves skulls so hard. I could feel a small dull pain across my entire body as I levelled up. It seemed like a super toned down version of when I had first been picked by Eden and evolved into a better human body.


I could feel muscle mass being added and also a weird sensation which I assumed was my mana being increased.


We continued this strategy for the next few hours. We stopped for lunch and ate some sandwiches Evelyn had brought with her. Speaking of Evelyn she seemed to have purchased some knives that the special forces would probably use.


She was short but was wearing all black, the two special forces looking knives she was holding really made her look like an assassin. Her hair was light pastel purple and short in length but went over her eyes and she was wearing black earrings. She looked like a super edgy teenager but in this situation it fit her job of Blackops. I hadn't seen the colour of her eyes yet as they are always hidden behind her hair.


After talking for a while I really started to feel close to these two. I hadn't had a friendly conversation with anyone for maybe a year? I was kicked out of my family for being useless and told to find something to do. But I have no talents when it comes to studying so I didn't go to university. I tried to find a job but the job market right now is in chaos.


With earth's population being around 28 billion and the number of jobs not being increased with the population has caused a large amount of unemployment. This is why I'm happy about this Eden system thing. It seems I can make some money somehow by doing this?


I turned to the couple and spoke some words that seemed a little rushed but I felt needed to be said. “You two seem like dependable comrades, would you like to form a guild together?”. They tilted their heads in confusion “what's a guild?” said Xander.


I explained that this Eden system is quite similar to the system in manga I had read. Although I wasn't 100% sure, once everyone has settled down those at the top of the leaderboards would form groups called guilds.


I suggested that I be the guild leader and Xander the vice guild leader. Since Evelyn seemed quite shy I suggest she could be whatever position she felt suited her. They both nodded their heads in agreement.


After a few minutes of suggestions we finally came up with a name for our guild. Black dragon. It's a mixture of my dragon knight class and Evelyn's Blackops class. I tried to fit Xanders class in there but we couldn't come up with any ideas that didn't make the name too long.


After we had established our guild of three members I told them about my title. It seemed I was level 6 while the other two were only level 3. I felt with my skill and current stats we could defeat the boss wolf.