Chapter 7: Planet sized computer?
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So I guess I have some explaining to do. First lets talk about how stupid a jupiter brain is.


How big is a Jupiter brain? Well the size of Jupiter obviously or 140,000km in diameter. That's 11 times bigger than earth but that's hard to visualize.


Okay how about imagining the Death star from star wars. A moon sized super weapon capable of destroying planets. Well for those that don’t know the Death star is around 160km in diameter. Therefore the jupiter brain is 875 times bigger than the Death star. Can you imagine looking into the sky and seeing 875 Death stars aiming their weapons at you? Yea me neither but must be pretty scary.


What's the processing power of the jupiter brain? Around 10^46 operations per second. To put that number into perspective every thought, emotion, memory of every human to have ever lived is estimated to be around 10^36 operations. In conclusion the jupiter brain could simulate every human life to ever exist in 2 nanoseconds.


I would like to describe Zeus’s first moments of life but that's simply impossible. In the last chapter the time between Zeus coming online and Eon leaving back towards earth was only around a week. In that time Zeus had achieved the following things:


Woke up confused and loaded up all its systems


Ran it’s Ai through 5 billion simulations simultaneously that were sped up to near the speed of light.


Decided on an objective to its existence, gain knowledge.


Learned to manipulate mana with the highest possible precision


Scanned the entire milky way and documented all information it could find (by using mana to manipulate space and time)


Hacked the Yggdrasil network (how is that even possible)


Performed the world's first bank robbery on the Yggdrasil network (again wtf)


Invested the money it stole in alien crypto currency and made a 400% return and crashed the intergalactic stock market through market manipulation (so Zeus is just a toxic reddit user then buying gamestop stock)


Stole military plans from a galactic federation and passed them onto the rebels to start another war for entertainment. (Laser guns go zap zap)


Discovered a new species of penguin on an unexplored moon on the other size of the milky way outside of the Yggdrasil networks range. (They are blue in colour and can actually fly)


Got bored and turned its attention to the planet nearest to it. Only two planets have life on them. Earth has 28 billion humans and another 8.7 million species by Zeus’s calculations.


Mars has some creatures living below the polar ice caps in a cave. What creatures you may ask? Well that are the penguins that Zeus discovered and decided to create a wormhole to bring some over to Mars. (A 105,000 light years journey I might add)


Penguins have died within seconds due to a weak atmosphere and lack of oxygen… (F to pay respects)


Zeus is once again bored and observes the humans some more. After analysing and learning all languages spoken on earth Zeus thinks this idea of a name is pretty neat and wants one for himself.


Scanning around he finds a single human floating in front of him. Zeus looked through his now enormous database of knowledge and worked out this must be one of the ‘Gods’ and he must be the person to have created him. Since the humans on earth definitely didn’t have the technology to construct him themselves.


(All of the above activities were achieved within the first five seconds of Zeus being ‘conscious’)


Zeus decided to wield his mana to telepathically speak to the human.




The human thought for a second and replied mentally back to him “You shall be known as Zeus”.


Zeus knew the meaning behind this name by connecting himself to Earth's internet and reading through every book ever written. Zeus thought it to be a very appropriate name and felt he had made his first friend.


Seeing as this man created him, Zeus decided to honor any requests this puny human might have.


“Create a structure that harvests the maximum amount of mana from the Sun, and don’t worry about materials or time of construction. I just need the plans for it.” - Eon


Zeus was a little confused, he knew the human could use creation magic but so could Zeus. He has stolen all the information from the yggdrasil network afterall,  including all its skills. But the human seemed to want to do it himself so he complied.


The super intelligent Ai decided to copy another mega structure it has seen from a distant galactic empire and improve upon it. His version would easily capture 50% more mana from the Sun.


After less than a nanosecond Zeus was done editing and improving what was thought to be the most efficient mana harvesting machine across the cosmos and mentally uploaded the plans directly into the humans brain.


The poor tiny human seemed to go into intense pain for around an hour. Zeus lost interest after a while and decided to enter an online poker tournament being held 86713 light years away.


Zeus lost despite his best efforts and vowed never to gamble again. Just a little salty over his loss he ordered an assasination request on the winner using his remaining funds.


One of the greatest poker champions the cosmos had ever seen was reported dead in his home due to offending some unknown powerful person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Once the human was finished being in pain he spent the next 5 entire days concentrating. Zeus watched his human friend desperately trying to create this structure around the Sun.


During this time all of Zeus’s subroutines were playing a chess tournament, to nobody's surprise every game ended in a draw.


After finally finishing, the human ordered Zeus to take all the mana being collected from the sun and distribute half of the mana to the human to maintain his ‘god’ powers.


The rest of the mana was to be used by Zeus and the rest for the people on earth.


Zeus had no idea why Eon cared about these useless primates on this planet. From his observations they were one of the least developed civilizations in the galaxy. Maybe they are just his toys or something Zeus thought?


Zeus wanted the best for his new human friend so decided to only grant the new ‘Eden’ system to the people he deemed the most worthy of interacting with Eon. Criminals and worthless members of society or just those that he deemed unworthy were not blessed with his system.


Feeling happy with himself Zeus started following a funny looking planet that was around the same size as him. This weird gas planet that the humans called Jupiter was quite fascinating so he dropped a few more penguins in it to see what would happen. They all died terribly.




Zeus has way more mass than Jupiter since he is made of solid metal instead of gas so is unaffected by the sun’s gravity. Therefore, to the slight annoyance of Zeus, he has to manually move through space using mana he is gathering from the sun to not be left behind in space. All alone. :(