02 The reunification
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“Even though this might be a trap, I have to try just in case.” Is what I then said “for Peter”.

And so I went on to the volcano. Since Arthondium was under what was once Ba Sing Se, I was going to have quite the trip to the volcano. I knew it was on an island, so I was going to need my talent for airbending. I quickly made an earth platform, got a layer of rock to melt, and put it around the plate. “This should make it float.” I said. I then air bended myself across the water, pretty quick however also dangerous. After about 4 hours of bending, I was exhausted. I had to take a break on land. This was also my biggest mistake yet, as I was about to learn. As I was taking a nap on the beach, I didn’t realise that the aliens had found me and kidnapped me. I woke up and immediately felt the heat, and thought to myself: “the fuck????” I then found out I was locked up to a chain and I heard an extremely familiar voice from the other side of the room. “sup”. They said. I couldn’t believe my ears. It was Peter!

He looked totally different from last time I saw him, though. The was still tall and boring, like usual but he was also badly injured, and missing an arm with wounds all over his body.

“you’re alive?” I said “yea. They wanted to capture you, and they succeeded. U kind of bad bro”. “bruh moment” I said. I asked him why he was there, and why they wanted me. he told me I was the avatar, and I did not believe him, since at school I’d learned that the avatar doesn’t exist anymore. Then I heard the most scuffed voice I’d ever heard. “oi, quiet down you’ll die soon.” “How did you get here anyway.”