Hellbound X [05] – Adaira – Reality
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This is crazy.


I have checked everything, used recordings and everything shows this is real and yet I can’t take it all in. My phone tries to alert everything around me in a cry for help that I am away from the network and likely in serious danger and yet it can’t. Solar coverage isn’t enough.


“How is this possible?” is all I can manage as I take in the milky way galaxy in front of me.

“I told you, it is magic,” Lily replies.

“I thought you were some remnant of one of those crazy cultists that came out a thousand years ago when you said about magic,”

“Magic is real it just doesn’t exactly get recorded by technology,”

I playback the moments on one of the recordings, in my home with Lily and then in an instant, it is facing a galaxy with my phone trying to go crazy.

“I am safe right?”

“I made an oxygen bubble with protection from all possible threats to your health. I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t sure I could keep you safe Adaira,”

I lose my words again, Lily who bumped into me a few months ago confessed magic was real to me recently, and then when I tried to leave just seemed to appear in front of me when I turned around to leave. I kept thinking of all the ways I could disprove it and run away and yet time and time again she put up with me wanting to still be with me.
“Wait, if magic is real and can do this then why didn’t people prove it like you have?”

“I am kind of on a different scale,” is she nervous? Are there more secrets?


“Those were just witches and warlocks,”

“And you are?”

She seems to really be nervous, I haven’t seen her this flustered before and it makes me want to just hold her, put my arms around her and say it will be okay which is crazy since she is so much more powerful than me.

She seems to be struggling and the minutes pass slightly so I just reach out a hand to take hers giving a little squeeze.

“I am kind of a celestial being and haven’t aged in a very long time,”

“How long?”

She is squirming again before she writes something down, folds it, and hands it to me. In an instance, we are back in my apartment but outside everything seems to have stopped.

“I will wait for you at the location that should lead to,” She vanishes and after a few moments time seems to start again.


Who are you Lily …


I want to unfold the note but my phone is going haywire with being out of service and out of sync even. I check it against the clock nearby and it is actually around a minute off crying out in protest as if reality is broken. Nothing I can do to fix it and soon a knock on the door. I answer it.

“S-corp, everything okay?” a man and a woman checking up on me.

“Yeah, my phone seems confused,”

“May I?” I pass it over and let them have a look connecting to it with theirs and after a few moments they seem baffled.

“What have you even been doing? I have never seen anything like this, you seem to have been out of range without any travel records or position changes, and have you been in strange gravitational locations?”

“Sorry I am a little busy could you just get the logs you need from it and reset it?”

They talk to each other a little consider if to ask me to come with them but after a few moments, a quick inspection of my home to make sure I am alone and safe they just download the logs and do whatever they do to calm my phone down before leaving.

Finally, a moment of quiet and I take the note out of my pocket, is this a family tree? Lilith Taylor at the bottom, Rachael and Alexandra Taylor above, not really strange except the names are a bit old fashioned, Neil and Elisabeth Ried, Charlotte Mitchell leading to Oliver Mitchell, seems a line to indicate only Oliver has children and finally Michael and Robyn Taylor on the other side. I start by searching the names but none come up with any connection to the other. I guess I need to widen the web and get access to a family tree search engine filling out the details. I have no idea how long to set the search for and just keep expanding it slowly.

Still nothing after a thousand years, nothing from two thousand years…

Fine search within all records you stupid search engine. That is going to take a few minutes at least.


I need to sit down. My legs buckle before I make it to a seat. This can’t be right. This is a record from over three thousand years ago. She has been dead for three thousand, two hundred and forty-seven years. It even has a location for her grave. That can’t still be around right? I look up the details and seems that the graveyard has been placed in a trust and sees maintenance to this day due to some rich families buried there.

I guess that is where she wants to meet. Would I even be able to get inside? This place is actually guarded due to an attempt to damage it when the cultists' wave happened as some sort of act of revenge. I take a few moments to stand and just set out. The location was designed on the outskirts but well city growth happened and it is actually nearer to the center now. Easy to reach with public transport and I just look at the almost imposing place, signs where there use to be extremely high-security placements. It is so odd to imagine a graveyard as a battlefield and there is even a museum next to it but I go look at the entrance. A few guards are armed even and I can see I am not getting in there.


Ouch, that's cold, I have dropped my phone as I recoil from a sudden coldness in my wrist but instead of falling it just stops in the air. Everything has stopped. Lily, what are you?

I take a few deep breaths and manage to walk past the checkpoints into the graveyard, it takes about ten minutes before I find it, a headstone with Lilith Taylor on it, she died a few years after her parents it seems.

“Wait she died when she in her early sixties?” I can’t contain myself anymore.

“Only so much you can hide with make-up,” Lily appears nearby again.

“This can’t be real,”

“I was born with magic and am I celestial being, kind of like a god I guess having to fake my death when things got problematic,”

Honestly, at this stage, I can’t even be sure what reality is anymore.

“What even am I to you?” I look at her so unsure.

“I felt lost for thousands of years and something just drove me to look out from my favourite spot to Tonwick, just an old memory I guess but then I saw you. I don’t know what it was but when I saw you I just felt something and wanted to meet you. When I am around people I have to contain myself a lot but when I saw you it was like you were the center of my galaxy so I appeared before you,”

“You have all this power and you literally bumped into me, was that to get my attention?”

“Imagine you could close your eyes and still see around you then you do something that prevents that and just trust your eyes, it is almost like being blind, I actually aiming for a better first meeting but oddly it worked out,”

“Are you still that blind?”

“Whenever I in this solar system or around you I limit myself,”

“What happens if you don’t?”

“Everyone within a large area would awaken as a witch or warlock,”

“How large are we talking about?”

“I could easily have it happen over lightyears, in theory beyond that but I never put it to test,”

“You could make every single person a magical person ending the whole cultist movement?”

“There is a lot of history to all of this, the heavens and hells and keeping a balance, when I kind of awoke more things started to settle down in this area until some other events and almost all invasions stopped. Magical humans took this as a sign that something was happening and increased their numbers a bit fearing the worse but after a few thousand years there were basically no big invasions and they wanted to embrace humanity more again leading to what humans called the cultist movement. I could have stopped it all but I must confess I had stopped watching humanity at that point when they were trying to push out from this solar system,”

“Still trying nothing new there,”

“I had to get a pretty bad headache to learn all of this anyway but basically that was the cultist war that lead to a large decrease in magical beings who mostly accepting of being slaughtered. The survivors that kept hidden lived their lives and passed on magic in secret. They still don’t know what happened but they are the ones that live completely unconnected to the network away from major cities after you started using those fancy phones as safety nets with your security corp and other systems to keep everyone safe while you have high abundance,”

“Why keep passing down magic?”

She looks away slightly at the graves next to hers, her parents before we are back staring at the galaxy again. I stumble onto the rock that has way too much gravity for its size and just look at the galaxy in awe again.

“Why are we here?”

“I want to give you a choice and it is easier to do far away from humanity. If you want to have magic you can but this is a one-way thing, there is no way to reverse it but you will always have to keep it secret and might even have to vanish from your current life if you want to actively use it fully,”


I have no idea anymore, heck we were considering dating before she said she had to be honest and tried opening up to me. I must confess I acted badly and had to have it all proven to me and within hours she was offering something that seemed to break reality.


What do you even say to that?