Chapter 9 – Susan’s Story
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["Susan's Story"]

Susan Rain was born in December 8th. Mexico - Earth. She has brown eyes and average black hair, with more hair dropping in on her left side. This is the style she kept when she grew older. She only has one bigger sibling named Carlos.

At a very young age her family moved over to Rexus Prime. Her mother, Gloria, worked as an employee in a bank while her father, Jason Rain, was the Head of "Fusion Robotics Inc" in Greexa. A small town in Rexus Prime. A perfect "out-of-the-radar" spot. South-East of the capital: Lion's Gate. From a small age, her father used to bring Susan on his work. When Susan was around the age of 4, her father was already working in secret to support a massive civil uprising in Rexus Prime. Word has it that he could build hundreds of thousands of robots in less than 3 months. In short, Jason had the means and was one of the most powerful men in the planet, after Victus. The latter knew that Jason had to be "watched" carefully for any activities.

At this time Victus was already a ruler of Rexus Prime. When he finally found out proof about Jason's collaboration with the rebels, he had men observe his progress as he was frightened that such man could bring about the fall of his reign in no time. He wanted to strike and end him and his facilities once and for all to stop an imminent danger for his rule.

Once it was time, Victus ordered his men to infiltrate Jason's facilities and destroy everything, as well as taking his life. He had it all covered. Susan was now only 5 years old when mercenaries, sent from Victus who arranged this mission with one of his most trusted friend, Admiral Bren Warden, broke into the facility and tried to kill Susan's father. Jason saw the mercs coming from the cameras. Being calm, he told his trusted friend and godfather to his daughter named Ryan, who was working with him in the same project, to leave the building with her and tell his wife to leave the planet as they were in danger. He also said that he would leave in a moment when he got all the original plans with him.

When Jason was about to leave, the enemy broke into his office and killed him. After killing everyone else who was inside, they set charges in the building to blow it up. Susan and Ryan were running as fast as they could, away from the building. When suddenly they heard an explosion. As she and Ryan turned around, they saw the building in flames and cars leaving the area. The enemies had left and there was no one else inside. Susan was crying.

Terrified as they both were, they went to Susan's house.

When Ryan explained to Gloria what had happened, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Ryan insisted that they had to leave Rexus Prime and go to Earth. When they packed everything up, went to the shuttle and were about to get in, mercenaries showed up and started firing. Everyone ran inside the shuttle as it was about to do an emergency take-off. As Susan was running to get inside, a mercenary stunned her with a hook shot on the legs and kidnapped her. Ryan saw that and tried to save her. But it was too late as someone shot him with a shotgun from the side.

After that the enemy were heading back to their payer with their cars. In their road to Victus, a small group of Resistance members that were fighting against Victus's injustice all across Rexus Prime called "The Blue Lions" set a trap on them. They knew that these mercenaries were sent by Victus as they had been watching his actions for over a year. It didn't take long before the mercenaries died.

As Susan was frightened and scared, sitting behind a car holding her legs, she saw a man coming close to her.

The man said "Hello. Don't be afraid of me. I will not hurt you. I am a friend. I can help you. What is your name little one?"

Susan didn't speak. The man kept telling her that he was not an enemy and that he would take care of her.

Finally Susan was convinced. She didn't speak. She just opened her arms waiting for a hug. The man hugged her and took her to his base.

The man asked "Do you remember what happened, my dear? We heard the explosion and the bad guys running"

Susan said that she was with her father and that she, along with her godfather (Ryan), were running to escape from the bad guys, later with their family as well, but they got her before she could enter the shuttle.

The man said "Don't worry little one. Now you are here with me. I can help you avenge your family. It was no doubt Victus the man behind everything. But you didn't tell me. What is your name?"

And she replied "Susan"

"Susan? Oh what a beautiful name you have there little princess!" the man said. "My name is Brian Keller. But you can call me "Maverick" !". As Brian finished his sentence, everyone gathered round.

Then he continued "I welcome you Lady Susan, to The BLUE LIONS!"

And everyone cheered in joy.

Years had passed. Susan was 13 years old, when she started going on missions with the clan. She was really good at it. Susan was training day by day, getting better day after day. She learned everything from Combat to Stealth. How to use weapons and how to defend with or without them. She learned new tactics. She was really good at it. She helped in a lot of operations against Victus's State, as she grew older. Both in Rexus and in other planets, Earth included. Everything from freeing victims of Victus's Anarchy, to leading the charge against small and big camps and garrisons of the RPU. Sabotage missions or even ambush ones. Hit n' Run tactics to guerilla fights. One might even say the clan was helping EUF out, doing all the work for them.

Seven years later she's now in the one of the highest ranks amongst the group and the left hand of Maverick. Right hand being Lt.Colonel Peter Fury, ex military of the RPU, once served under the rule of Victus himself before his defection to the Blue Lions and now very close friend to Susan and Maverick.

At that time, Victus was working on a prototype android class. The "Z" series. Rumor has it that he stole the original schematics from Susan's father. These androids would be made to be almost untouchable. And could help Victus win the war with the United Front in no time.

All Susan wanted was revenge for her family. She desired no more than pure vengeance served cold. But she was impatient. She kept asking Maverick when is the final strike going to come. Most time even proposing ideas for them to execute. Maverick always replied with the same word: "Patience".

Two years later, at the age of 22, Susan decided to strike on her own. She wanted some support as well. So she convinced enough members of the clan to help in her, as she called it, "final strike".

It was late. Not many guards were around. Mostly quiet. Susan and her assault force were headed towards the Governmental building were Victus was residing most of the times. She took the guards down without even making a sound. Concentrated in killing her nemesis, she was close to the main room where she had information of his presence. When they were there and after planing the breach beforehand, the group came inside as a lightning, throwing flash-bangs and made ready for everything that comes in their way.

They were surprised not to see anyone inside. Susan wondered what happened. She was certain that Victus would be there at this time. She ordered the group to split up and search everything. Some guys replied that they have already scanned the area and that the other rooms of the building were clear.

Suddenly, soldiers stormed the room and pointed the guns at the group. They ordered them to drop their weapons or they would open fire. Everyone complied. But not Susan.

One guy looked at her and whispered "Commander, are you crazy? You can't just take them all on!".

"Try me." she replied.

All of a sudden Victus came in.

"Drop your weapon" he said "and I will let your buddies live another day"


"Now, now Susan Rain. No one wants this to end badly. I propose that you put down your weapon, or I will start executing each and every one of those people.", Victus replied.

"No...First, you're going to tell me why you killed my father and his workers...and then I will put an end to your filthy life !", Susan said as she kept pointing her gun at his face.

Victus replied "Alright. You want the truth? I suppose you deserve to know before you die then. After all what's it going to matter to you once you're in the other life?"


"Why? I'll tell you WHY! Your father was a scumbag! A traitor to the Rexian people! He supported a civil uprising! He had the means, he had the money, the connections, everything! I've never seen a bigger threat in my life! But it turns out...your father was no threat at all. He was an idiocy that I needed to get rid of. And that I'm building the new Z-series androids? Oh...the power is all in my hands. The WAR IS ALL IN MY HANDS!" Victus said.

"'re a lunatic..." Susan replied.

"Lunatic? No. Ambitious? Yes. But I'm afraid I wasted enough of my time talking to a dead woman. Kill them all", Victus said as he was turning the other way to leave the building.

Soon after he finished that sentence and as soldiers were about to kill everyone on sight, they heard a loud noise closing in very fast. Little did they know, it was Maverick's ship who had come to rescue her after he learned why she and the others were missing. The ship came crashing from behind, destroying the wall and opening it's back hangar so that troops would sweep and save them.

"SUSAN! COME INSIDE NOW!", Brian yelled as a fierce close-combat firefight was taking place.

Some even drew their combat knives out and started melee fighting.

"He is there!", Susan said. "We can fight him!"

"No Susan! It's too late now! We have no choice but to leave!", Maverick replied.

"No...This time...I'll put an end to this madness", Susan said as she pulled her knives and guns out and ran towards the back were Victus was escaping to his Ship.

"No! Susan! Fuck! I'll go after her!", Peter Fury said as he left the ship and ran towards Susan.

"PETER!", Maverick yelled.

But Peter wouldn't listen through the gunfire and his determination to save Susan. Susan was about to reach Victus. His ship wasn't taking off for some reason. He ordered the crew to fix it fast so he could get to safety and also ordered nearby units to attack Susan, who was coming his way fast. Furious as she was, nothing seemed able to stop her. She was killing one man after the other before reaching Victus. Once close she jumped to the ship that was about to take off and with a quick move, grabbed Victus by the hand and threw him down in solid ground. She jumped back down as well, with her two knives ready to kill him.

"Amazing", Victus said. "If it's a fight you want, you shall have it. Shame I don't have you on my side. You would've been a wonderful asset to my army"

"Enough chat. Now is the time you DIE!", Susan said as she charged towards him.

Susan was good, but Victus was better.

About a dozen seconds passed through a fierce melee combat when victus activated a high-pitched sound coming from his wrist module and Susan fell down screaming while blood was coming out of her ears. But Victus was prepared. He came fast and kicked Susan in the side throwing her down, completely disarming her.

"Goodbye Susan. I'm glad you made it so far", Victus said as he pulled his sword out to finish her.

As he was about to kill her, Peter ran towards his location, grabbing him from the front with a "spear" technique, throwing him down and start punching him.

"JUST DIE YOU BASTARD. FUCKING DIE!" Peter said as he was punching him.

At this point, Susan was almost up and standing again with every power she had left. But it was too late as she saw Victus punching Peter back, then getting up and killing him with a knife he pulled out that was hidden in his boots.

"NO! NOOOOOO!", Susan screamed as she fell down crying.

"And now...YOU!", Victus continued as he was heading towards Susan with his knife drawn out.

All of a sudden, Maverick came rushing to Susan's location after coming down from his ship.

"You ain't killing no one else today you scum", he said as he pulled a pistol out and was aiming at him.

But before he could take any shot, a patrol ship came from the front and started doing attack runs with it's multi-cannons. Maverick saw that. He quickly grabbed Susan and picked her up, putting her on his shoulders and started walking towards his ship that was being damaged by the enemy. Susan fell unconscious. Hopefully the shields lasted long enough for the two and some others to get out of there and back to their base.

A day later, as Susan had recovered, she was heading towards Maverick. Everyone in the way looked at her. Some were angry and some were very disappointed. With a sad but serious face, Susan walked into his office. No one said anything. They were just looking at each other.

When Susan looked at Maverick she started crying and with a serious look on her face she said "I killed him Brian...I...I killed him. I killed Peter. It was all my fault."

"No...", Maverick replied. "The fault is all mine. I should have seen it coming...But I didn't..."

"None of that would have happened if I just listened to you. I...I'm sorry. Brian...I'm....I'm sorry for everything. I...I can't stay here any more. Only more pain grief is going to come if I do.", Susan said calmly.


and before Brian could finish his sentence, she said

"No. I've made up my mind. Tell everyone I'm sorry. But even if they forgive me, I won't forgive myself. And I'm not done with Victus. He's going to pay for everything. But this time no one else is going to get harmed or killed by my actions. I'll do it alone. I will put an end to him once and for all. Starting by finding Victus's new super-weapon. The Z-094. Farewell Brian. Thank you for being my family, when a single man took it from me. Thank you...for everything", she said as she walked away and left the building.

After many months of preparation, planing and getting the information she needed she was finally closer than ever into taking Victus's new advanced prototype and turn it against him. And so it happened. For one long year, Susan prepared herself for this day. She had connections from the Blue Lions that she used to her advantage. She learnt about one android of the incredible Z' series that was being transported to one of Jupiter's biggest robotic facility inside one of the largest space stations in orbit. The planet was under EUF control but the space station that she was heading into was under a powerful mercenary clan's control that secretly worked for Victus. She wasted no time.

By the time she learnt of this, she was already equipped and ready for action. Her plan to steal that android couldn't go any wrong. So she went inside a disguised Rexian transport that was heading to the planet, after she killed a guard and took her uniform.

She showed the ID and they let her in. Once at the space station, she moved silently. Making sure to avoid attention such as having eye contact with someone or going too close to the NCOs to notice her. Susan is smart. She remembered all the entrances and the exits that she passed and all the corridors that she went through. After all, once her plan is complete, she would need a way out.

She went inside one of the big rooms and she saw it. The Z' series combat android. Code ID: Z-094. It was the only one in production so far. She quickly tried to get close to it to insert the chip device that she created inside its main circuit, so that it could identify her as an ally. But before she did, an NCO noticed her.

"Who are you and what are you doing in here? Show me your ID", he said.

"Private First Class, Sarah Worn. I was told to scan the android. Officer Green sent me", Susan replied.

For her luck, the NCO was still a corporal and didn't know the names very well. So for a moment, he 'bought' it.

"Uh. Very well. You may proceed", he said.

That is all Susan wanted. It was either that or shooting the man and starting chaos. It was a close call.

With swift moves she tried to insert the device into the android. But before she went too far, the NCO remembered that there was no officer "Green" inside the facility. So he turned around and saw her close to the android. He was the only NCO in there. All the others were simple mercenary soldiers and didn't even notice what Susan was doing.

The corporal yelled "Fuck! Intruder! Soldiers arrest that woman!"

Suddenly everyone came to her place and pointed their guns at her. What everyone didn't know was that Susan managed to insert her device into Z-094. So as the soldiers got close, she activated it. Suddenly, the android started scanning everyone and everything to identify who was friend or foe. The soldiers gasped and started to move back. They didn't know what was going on. Some were pointing at Susan and some others at the android.


"At what, sir?" a soldier replied.

"AT BOTH OF THEM YOU IDIOTS!", the NCO continued.

The soldiers got a quick look at each other and started firing at both Z-094 and Susan. Immediately, the android quickly got in front of Susan taking all the bullets. After everyone had completed their rounds, they stopped. They thought they got them. The android wasn't moving. All of a sudden, Z-094 raised his head back up and activated a shield from one hand and a machine gun inside from the other and started firing all around. Before you know it, everyone in the room was dead. Susan was amazed about what that android could do. It looked at her and she kept looking at it, too.

Suddenly, soldiers were swarming the area. Susan needed to get out. Z-094 didn't have much ammunition in him, either. So as he was covering her, she placed charges at the wall behind her and blew it up. They both ran. They came to a stop when they saw a gap between another room and the bridge that was connecting them, in pieces. Susan looked at the android.

"Think you can do something about it?", she said.

With no second thought, Z-094 grabbed Susan and activated his thrusters to move to the other side. They kept running until they saw the main hangar bay. There was a lot of people there. Some ran and some got their pistols out and started firing at them. Susan needed a way out. There were no fast ships available but a few old RPU fighters docked in that were repainted to look like they're contractor fighters.

Passing through all incoming fire, they both got inside one of the fighters. Susan took a while but she managed to activate and ascend it. Once up, she opened fire against the soldiers inside the station. Z-094 had the bottom cannon that was firing as well. She fired enough for them to get away. The trouble didn't end there. About three enemy fighters appeared behind them. Susan tried to avoid incoming enemy fire by maneuvering the ship. Suddenly she made a twist to the other side and both started firing their guns at the fighters. It was successful. All three fighters in their tail were destroyed.

Susan then headed back to Rexus Prime. She needed to fix the android and also make it speak with normal sentences instead of half ones. Once at the planet she quickly started working on it.

"Alright. That should do it. Can you speak?" she said.

"Looks like I can" the android replied.

"Alright. My name is Susan. What's yours?" she asked.

"Happy to meet you Susan. My name ID is Z-094", it replied.

"Z-094, eh? No, you need a shorter name. A...better name", she said.

"Z-094...Hm. How about...'Zeon'?" Susan asked.

"Zeon? Yes. I like that name, Susan", it replied.

"Great. Zeon it is then!" she said.

Both were happy. Susan with her work and Zeon with his new name. Both spent the rest of the day knowing each other. Susan told him her story so far. She even began to teach Zeon some of the local lingo so he could get even more phrases.

The next day police could be heard coming to Susan's apartment and heavy vehicles could be heard approaching.

"Oh fuck. We need to get away from here", Susan said.

"What is the matter Susan? What is going on?", Zeon asked.

"Fuck. They learnt about Jupiter. I knew it. Zeon, we need to get out of here. Out of the planet", she replied.

"And go where? Nearest planet is more than enough Mega meters away and under Rexian control", Zeon said.

"The only safe place is EUF territory", he continued.

"Great then. Earth it is", Susan replied.

"How are we going to find a ship that will take us there?", Zeon asked.

"Come with me", Susan replied.

So Susan and Zeon got their equipment and headed out moving quickly, before the enemy could get to them. They eventually reached an empty warehouse in the fields west of Lion's Gate. There she opened it and revealed an old ship of hers from the time she was working with her old clan. The ship looked old and unused. But it still had enough fuel inside for one last ride.

"Are you sure this thing is going to work?", Zeon asked.

"Oh no. I am certain", Susan Replied.

Meanwhile the Rexians had managed to track Zeon's signature out and came outside of the warehouse. They had surrounded it. All of a sudden, a ship crashed the top of the building and started flying to the atmosphere. The ships outside of the planet were quickly informed and were waiting for them. When Susan and Zeon exited the atmosphere, they saw a dozen corvettes and frigates pointing their guns at them. Fighters were also dispatched. The ship only had a multi-cannon at the top that Zeon took control of. Susan wanted to go into "supercruise" but a Type-Tesla frigate was blocking their escape. Susan had a plan. So she headed for the frigate.

"Are you crazy, miss Susan? They are going to obliterate us!", Zeon said.

"When I fly close, fire into the jamming device", Susan replied.

"This is estimated to fail at a percentage of 99.99!", Zeon said.

"Good. That means we still have 0.1% success chance", Susan replied.

"I can't believe we are going to do this" , Zeon told.

So the ship was getting close to the frigate. Enemy fighters were behind them. Once very close, Susan turned the ship upside down for Zeon to fire at the device.

"NOW!", Susan yelled.

Zeon immediately started to open fire, destroying the jammer and opening a clear passage for them to go into supercruise. And so they did.

"Ha ha! We made it Z'!" , Susan said happily.

"Z'?", Zeon said.

"Short for 'Zeon' you stupid robot. Haha", Susan said.

"Android...", Zeon replied.

Some time later they reached Earth. Susan was specifically heading for the US state of Florida. Looked like she had a plan. Their journey from there was only getting started...