Chapter 36 – Held is the Second Council
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["Held is the Second Council"]

Previously on EUF :

"A communications officer detected a weak incoming signal"

C.Officer: Eh sir? Something strange is happening.

EUF Supervisor: Pass it on the central screen.

"In a huge screen located on the ceiling a man appeared covered by static interfere"

EUF Supervisor: What the fuck?

Man: This is Lieutenant Leonev Falcrac {static} commander of {static} squad, 1st Rexian Special Forces Division {static}. We are contacting you {static} because we want to make a deal. This is not a {static}. I repeat this is not a trick. We want to end this madness. {static} Help us get of here and we will {static} try to provide as much information as possible. {static} If you accept then meet us at the southern part of the city {static} next to the old robotics facility in one day. We will be unarmed. I am losing conne{static}.

{Message ended}

EUF Supervisor: Have you saved the transmission?

C.Officer: Yes. I am pretty sure I heard that name before.

"The communications officer, then, starts searching through the database"

C.Officer: Sir. You need to see this. We don’t have their names but…


{Time: XX:XX AM}
{Location: EUF's HQ - Washington DC}

"A few seconds later, Chief Admiral David Morgan was informed of the suspicious transmission. He arrived as fast as he could in the room and saw it for himself"

D.Morgan: What in the love of...This must surely be some kind of trick! I doubt they would ever do something like this. They're far better than that.

C.Officer: Sir, with all due respect. Who knows? Maybe they've had enough. I believe that everyone can be driven insane when taking orders from Victus. In addition, sir, they continued to say that this wasn't a trick.

D.Morgan: I---No. No, this has to be a trick. If what I heard is correct, we're talking about Victus's personal elite. Darkstar Squad. They must surely have a trick up their sleeve.

C.Officer: Sir. I doubt they would be so dumb as to give their exact coordinates and meet us. Like you said, they are better than this. So, with all due respect sir, they must definitely have a reason to do this. Sir.

D.Morgan: Ah...Fine! Inform the Prime Minister. I will explain the situation and see if I can quickly be granted to send a team out to the meeting point. This raises for a closed council consultation.

"Some time later, Prime Minister Duke Wellington calls for an urgent private council. Within 2 hours, everyone that has been granted access is present. This consultation is of high importance so the whole building goes into lock-down. Police, army and security forces have already taken positions and set up defences. Armoured vehicles, snipers, atmospheric air force and attack/surveillance helicopters have swarmed the area. Nothing can get past it"

Duke Wellington: Gentlemen. I would like to welcome you all for being here, present at this very moment. First of all, I would like to thank my friend, Admiral David Morgan for coming. He was the first High-Ranked to know of this. To continue, I would also like to thank Field Marshal Peter McArthur, High-General Toyoshi Yoshida and Lesser-Admiral Joseph Makuvic. Passing on to the Ministers, I would like to thank the Minister of Defence, sir Thomas Jeffryson and also the deputy Minister of Defence, sir Felipe Garcia. Passing on, I would also like to thank the Minister of Foreign Relationships, mister Richard Reyes, the Minister of Finance, mister Louis Ardoin, the Deputy Finance Minister, mister Nicholas Papadopoulos and last but not least, the Minister of Human Rights, mister Tao Ming.

"Everyone sits down at a large round table. Each position has a microphone and a glass of water"

Duke Wellington: Now, I am sure you are all wondering why I called you here. As you have been informed, this council is very important. Security forces have closed the area and we're the only ones inside this building along with the personal guards. I have called you here today because of this.

"Duke shows the holotape of Darkstar's message"

Duke Wellington: This is a holotape containing a message from a very dangerous man of an elite enemy force. The Darkstar Squad. Victus finest agents.

"At the hearing of Darkstar, everyone is surprised and shocked. Suddenly they realise the danger and it's importance. After that, Wellington starts the holo-message and everyone hears it"

Duke Wellington: What you just heard, gentlemen, seems to either be a defection message or a surrender one. I strongly agree its the latter. Based on intel, they would never try to change sides as they are sworn to Victus's Regime. Brainwashed, if you would...

Minister of Foreign Relationships: Mister Prime Minister, if they are brainwashed as you say, then why would they try to even attempt the second option? This seems like a trick to me and a huge waste of my time!

Duke Wellington: We've worked on these as well, mister Reyes and we concluded on the decision that they must have a very important reason to do such thing based on what we know of them. They surely can't be so stupid as to give out their location for the whole United Front to know.

Minister of Human Rights: And, pardon me, Prime Minister. But what do we know about them exactly? As a minister of the Human Rights I haven't really been informed of them except from the basics, that is.

Duke Wellington: I'm glad you asked about this, mister Ming. Of course I was going to refer to all the details. But for now, let me just give you all an example of what they have accomplished. For starters, they took action both before and after the civil war broke out. Intel shows at least 200 confirmed missions, all of which were successful and dealt a huge blow to the EUF. We're talking billions worth of credits. At least 5 to 8 billion worth of damage in all aspects of war and civil state. Not to mention the countless personnel that died trying to stop them. And only one thing is for sure gentlemen. We can bring back equipment and vehicles, but we can't bring back lives.

Lesser Admiral: Do we have any information regarding the members and their background, mister Wellington?

Duke Wellington: Unfortunately, mister Makuvic, almost everything about them is unknown. We have neither their background, where they come from, nor their exact number. We do, however, suspect they are about 5 in total. You see, gentlemen, they played their roles very well, hiding private information and clearing out their tracks so we could never catch them. Or even if we did, it resulted in a whole squad being killed before they could even report what happened. Now that you are all informed of the seriousness of this council, we may proceed to votes, into taking a decision. There are currently 10 of you here. I will decide on the final vote. Gentlemen? We may now start. I would like Chief Admiral David Morgan to go first. Mister Morgan. What is your opinion on this? A special forces squad is already on their way to pick Drakstar Squad and transport them here. Should we imprison them? Execute them? Ask for information? Cancel the meeting with them?

D.Morgan: Mister Wellington. Prime Minister, sir. I believe we should bring them here, imprison and extract information. They surely know Victus's whereabouts and his defensive positions on all Rexus Prime fronts. This should be a turning point, sir. Not to mention we are currently losing men rapidly. Just yesterday a whole division was wiped out of a well staged ambush.

Duke Wellington: Thank you, mister Morgan. Field Marshall Peter McArthurt may proceed. Mister McArthur.

Field Marshall: I will have to agree with the Chief Admiral, mister Prime Minister. I, too, have the same information about what he mentioned just a few seconds ago. We must get all that we can out of them so we can crush the revolution, otherwise we will have to retreat sooner or later.

Duke Wellington: Thank you, also, mister McArthur. Next, we have High-General Toyoshi Yoshida.

High-General: Mister Wellington. I will have to disagree with the past statements. I believe that this is just a trick to let our forces into an ambush and get whatever information out of them that they can. After all they are in a tough spot with the revolution and their supplies running low.

Duke Wellington: Alright. Thank you mister Yoshida. Lesser Admiral, mister Joseph Makuvic has the next speech.

Lesser Admiral: Yes, thank you mister Wellington. Indeed, I will have to agree with mister Toyoshi on this matter. To me, this looks not only very suspicious but very dangerous as well. In fact, I believe they are already up to something in the area and it is only a matter of time until they can accomplish it. I strongly recommend we cancel the meeting.

Duke Wellington: Thank you, mister Makuvic. Well, the Army Staff has spoken. We are currently 2 over and 2 against the association. Now, passing on to the Ministers. Starting with Minister of Defence, sir Tomas Jeffryson.

Minister of Defence: Mister Wellington. I gave the matter some thought and I strongly agree we associate with them. I also agree on an optional defection plan. To have such great agents to our hands and with the knowledge they own, we could turn not only that war, but every other war that may occur. I absolutely agree, mister Wellington.

Duke Wellington: Very well. Thank you mister Jeffryson. Passing on to the Deputy Defence Minister, mister Fellipe Garcia. Mister Garcia.

Deputy Defence Minister: Suffice to say, I agree with mister Jeffryson on that matter. They would prove not only a valuable source of information but a valuable ally as well.

Duke Wellington: Thank you, mister Garcia. Next, we have the Minister of Foreign Relationships, sir Richard Reyes. Mister Reyes.

Minister of Foreign Relationships: Well, like I stated earlier, I strongly believe this is all but a trickery to aid one of their plans. And I also think this is just a waste of time. They want us to be distracted! We are all being played gentlemen!

"Suddenly everyone starts yelling and speaking simultaneously. Some raise their hands and some others even hit their hand on the table"

Duke Wellington : Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Ministers! Generals, please! Let us all calm down!

"Everyone keeps yelling and talking despite Wellington's attempts to calm them. Suddenly, the Prime Minister hits the table with anger and yells"


"Everyone keeps quiet"

Duke Wellington: This isn't a zoo for the love of God! Thank you! We may now proceed.

"Duke clears his throat and proceeds"

Duke Wellington: Until now, the votes are as follows. Four over and 3 against. Passing on to the Minister of Finance, mister Louis Ardoin.

Minister of Finance: Thank you, Prime Minister. In matters of Finance, I believe this is a very bad decision. Not only do we lose money trying to meet them and possibly destroy our space shuttles that are going there, but we are also throwing more money away as we speak to guard the Headquarters! Is this all even necessary? What even is this?!

Duke Wellington: Thank you mister Louis Ardoin. Has the Deputy Finance Minister, mister Nicholas Papadopoulos
anything to say about this? Mister Papadopoulos.

Deputy Finance Minister: I also agree with mister Ardoin on this matter. Financially-wise, this doesn't even make sense to me. We're just wasting out resources.

Duke Wellington: Alright, mister Papadopoulos. Thank you for you statement. We are now 4 over and 5 against. Last we have the Minister of Human Rights, mister Tao Ming.

Minister of Human Rights: Thank you, mister Wellington. To say the truth, I do not fully know what the outcome will be, if we agree on bringing them here. As a man responsible for all human rights, I support this plan. But as a man who has seen enough of what this squad can do...I do not.

Duke Wellington: So what is your vote, mister Ming. We need the final vote.

Minister of Human Rights: I am going to ... agree with the plan.

"Everyone starts speaking and raising their hands again. But the prime minister continues"

Duke Wellington: Thank you, mister Ming. Gentlemen? I now have all the opinions and votes. It comes down to 5 over and 5 against. So that means that my vote is the deciding factor, fortunately or unfortunately, for some of you. But I have had enough time to decide about this. And I was prepared if the votes came split like that. So I, Prime Minister Duke Wellington, decide that we must bring them here and work from there.

"Everyone stands up. Some agree and applause, while some others raise their hands and speak against it"

Duke Wellington: Gentlemen, thank you all for coming here. Your votes mattered, I tell you that. The council is over. You may now proceed to the exits. Have a wonderful evening everyone. Goodbye.

"Everyone gets out except from Morgan and Wellington"

D.Morgan: Well, I expected this to happen. How are you feeling?

Duke Wellington: Like my head is about to burst. Reyes gave the the headaches. This man is unbearable. But...I know his family.

D.Morgan: I can assure you that we took the correct decision. I, too, had doubts about this. But it still remains to be seen.

Duke Wellington: How long until we reach them?

D.Morgan: About 10 hours sir. Our shuttles still need to prepare and fuel up.

Duke Wellington: Good. Inform your team as well. Those guys are the only thing we have that can match them if Darkstar decides to play smart in any way. Or at least I hope they can..

D.Morgan: Remain calm, Duke. You can count on me.

Duke Wellington: I know David. I know...

"Some time later, Morgan arrives at Ghost Squad's HQ"

D.Morgan: So...did you hear everything?

Reyna: Yes. We got it all.

Rj: Yep.

Max: Admiral. What is our next move?

D.Morgan: For now, we wait and see what happens.

Susan: More waiting? Gah, I hate this. When are we going to see some action?

Kate: Yeah. I'm dying to kick some ass!

Zeon: Exactly what Kate said.

D.Morgan: Soon guys. Very Soon.