Chapter 42 – Highway to Hell
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["Highway to Hell"]

Rj: Well well. What do we have here? Okay, now. Drop your weapons.

Gideon: How about no.

Max: I don’t think you are in any position to talk. Do what the boy said.

Leonev: Ah. Alright...

Kayle: You can’t be serious.

"Leonev turned and winked at him"

Leonev: Just do what these guys said.

Rj: And also, drop the girl.

Kayle: What?

Reyna: Rj? Did you just hear what you said?

Rj: I mean…

Susan: Your pockets also, motherfuckers. In case of any unknown...device.

Leonev: Well. Since you ask so nicely.

"He proceeded to drop a small item from his pocket"


"The device exploded filling the area with black smoke"

Rj: “COUGH COUGH”. What is this sound?

Reyna: Our bikes idiot. They took three of them! Okay. New plan. Max Kate and I will take the remaining bikes. Su’ can you call the ship via autopilot?

Susan: Already on it.

"Meanwhile back on the road..."

Gideon: Can’t believe we made it.

Leonev: Kayle. We will distract them. Go and find a place to hide and take care of Iren.

Kayle: How will you know where to find me?

Leonev: These bikes have a built in communication system from what I can see. We will use these. If we survive.

"Kayle nodded his head and took a different road"

Gideon: I wonder were these mercenaries are now----

"A rocket exploded just a few meters behind them"

Leonev: Here is your answer.

"A gunship was approaching but another ship blasted it out of the sky"

Susan: No reinforcements for you buddy.

Rj: Isn’t strange that their own forces fired towards them?

Susan: Maybe they wanted to disrupt the road so the ground vehicles couldn’t follow them. Who cares? Now let me drive.

Rj: Jeez girl. We got two more.

Susan: How the fuck did so many Rexians forces enter Earth?

Rj: Eh Zeon can you check the shield generator? I am getting nervous.

Susan: The shields are fine. Stay here Z’.

Zeon: I think my circuits will overload with these two.

"Meanwhile back on the road..."

Gideon: If only these ships were closer to the road.

"One of the mercenary ships flew over them and ejected a flying mine. As soon as Susan’s ship crossed it, the mine left an electric wave"

Rj: Was that an EMP?

Susan: And a strong one. I am losing shields, speed, altitude and my patience. Zeon. How are you doing buddy?

Zeon: I am… I am… {System rebooting…}

Susan: Oh great.

"Leonev started slowing down and as soon as the ship was at ground level he jumped off the bike. For a few seconds the ship started grinding on the highway"

Susan: Come on you stupid thing.

"The ship came back online just before hitting a bridge"

Rj: Wait. There is only one bike? Where is the other guy? Please don’t tell me… Oh crap.

"He turned fast enough just to see a “superman punch” coming his way, dropping him down. Susan immediately stood up and picked her pistol but Leonev grabbed it from her hand and kicked her in the head. Then, just before Zeon reached him, he placed two grenades in the control panel and jumped out of the cockpit rolling on the road. Zeon immediately threw Susan and Rj behind him and covered them with his body. Susan’s ship violently crashed on the ground. Gideon picked Leonev with the bike and left"

Susan: Oh my God Z’. Are you ok?

"A very small part of its body was destroyed with a few cables hanging out"

Zeon: Nothing that cannot be repaired.

"Three mercenary ships flew over them opening fire on the single bike"

Reyna: Guys? Are you there?

Susan: We are fine. Why did you stop? We will lose them!

Reyna: Are you crazy? We watched you crush to the fucking ground!

Rj: But we are fine. GO!

Reyna: Don’t tell me what to do brother.

"Someone connected to their communication devices"

[From Radio]Morgan: Is that so? We will talk later about your goddamn orders. Now pick your team up and come to the next intersection. We got them.

"The two members of Darkstar were surrounded by soldiers and laser sights were pointed at them from snipers on the nearby buildings. The area was filled with the wreckages of several mercenary ships"

EUF Sergeant: HANDS UP! Where is the rest of your squad?

Gideon: They went for a romantic walk on the park.

"The soldier punched him but Gideon didn’t even flinch"

Gideon: Okay, now. I will talk. What I meant to say is that they are on their way to visit your mother.

Leonev: Didn’t know that Iren preferred women.

Gideon: She plays both sides.

Leonev: Good to know...

Sergeant: WHAT THE FUCK. Arrest these two.

"As they were loaded into an armored vehicle, Ghost Squad arrived. Gideon waved towards them"

Gideon: How are we doing this beautiful day?

Leonev: You did well guys. But you need better coordination.

"...He said as he pointed at Max and Kate"

Leonev: These two look like they have seen real war. Maybe you should hear them a bit...

"The vehicle’s doors closed and it left under the coverage of several EUF vehicles. A small transport landed on the spot they were standing and Admiral Morgan, along with the original team that was mean to be sent, stepped out"

Morgan: I broke so many rules and protocols to give you a chance and you blew it. These guys will continue the search for the remaining members along with Max and Kate. For quite some time, they won't be with you. Maybe even more...

Reyna: Shit. What about us?

Morgan: You are officially out of the case. I am also wondering if I should have you home arrested for a month or so. Darkstar was right. Maybe you are

Susan: Admiral wait. Don’t do this.

Morgan: I have made up my mind miss Rain.

"After the Squad's discharge, Susan, Zeon and the twins headed back to their quarters inside Ghost Squad's HQ. The team couldn't believe what happened. Rj was mad at Reyna for not cooperating with him, while Reyna was annoyed with her brother's immaturity. Susan and Zeon just didn't know what they did wrong"

Rj: Fucking GREAT!

Reyna: Exactly what I had in mind.

Susan: How did we let this happen? We are better than this!

Zeon: I'm a Z series prototype android made primarily for combat. I can't believe I was disabled by a simple EMP wave.

Susan: Fuck. Now what?!

Reyna: Now, we are going to just sit in here until the remaining are captured.

Rj: Not to mention Max and Kate having all the fun for themselves!

Susan: Along with the team that was originally supposed to be there.

Zeon: I really don't want to be "That Android" but...I told you so. We shouldn't have disobeyed Morgan's orders.

Susan: Zeon...Not now.

Zeon: No, Susan. Let me finish. If we did as we were told, we wouldn't have been put out of charge by now. And who knows, maybe something is going on in Rexus Prime as we speak and we may as well be needed soon!

Rj: Nothing is going on in Rexus Prime, other than a large scale civil war that we rarely take part in, Zeon. Now we are just going to sit and wait.

Reyna: Yeah. Sit and wait because of you!

Rj: What? Why are you blaming me? You are the one that brought all this up! We wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for you and your stupid ideas!

Reyna: Stupid ide---Okay you bloody moron. We were so close! So bloody close! Only to lose the other two because you three crashed into the fucking highway with the plan of a ten-year old! I mean, what were you even thinking for Christ sake?!

Rj: It's not like it was our fault! He came from nowhere, these guys are trained as hell!

Reyna: Oh yeah? And what are you? Aren't you trained brother? Aren't you fucking combat ready?

Rj: What are you even talking about? Of course I'm combat ready!

Reyna: WRONG, Rj! You are not! What did you do these past 2 weeks?

Rj: Oh I don't know, how is imprisoned on Rexus Prime being treated like trash and almost lost my fucking head, for a fucking answer, sister?!

Reyna: You know this isn't what I meant, you idiot!

Rj: YOU are the idiot one, Rey! You stopped and let the other ones escape! YOU - FUCKED - UP!

"A lot of talking and yelling goes about between the two. Susan seemed like she had enough"


"Suddenly they stop yelling"

Susan: Can't you see what you do to each other? What you do to the team? How did we become like this?! How did we go from saving the world, to fighting with each other while the world is getting destroyed?

Reyna: Su'---

Zeon: No, Reyna. Susan is right. This isn't how a team should behave. This reminds me of kid's act. And maybe today, you really acted like one.

Rj: Ok, listen here you---

Reyna: No...

Rj: What?

Reyna: I said no! They are both right. We acted like friken kids. This isn't how a team...a family should behave.

Rj: Oh, so "kids" now, is it? Hey, look at me! I'm asking you a friken question! Is it?

Reyna: It is! Can't you see? If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here right now. Kid I was, when I disobeyed orders. Kids we were when we couldn't do our job. Maybe they are right.

Rj: No...No! I---

Susan: It's over Rj. Come on Z'. Let's go. I need to see for that part of yours.

Rj: Guys!

"Everyone goes to their rooms. Rj stands still and watches as his eyes turn towards depression"

"After an hour, after everyone being depressed from what happened, all three come outside of their rooms. Reyna tries to find Rj. But with no luck"

Reyna: Dammit, where did he go?

Susan: You think he left?

Reyna: Fuck. Rj!

Susan: Rj, are you here? Man, where is he? Zeon, do a thermal scan. Is he still inside?

Zeon: Scanning. Um. Yes, he is.

Reyna: Where?

Zeon: The training room.

"The three go inside the training room. They see Rj training ferociously. A lot of scraps and bodies from simulation figures are seen in the ground"

Reyna: Rj...Look, I'm sorry for earlier, I---

Rj: No, Reyna. You were right after all. We acted like kids. We didn't train enough.

Susan: Hitting robots all the time won't help the situation Rj. We need teamwork. Teamwork is all we lacked back there.

Rj: So what are you waiting for?

Reyna: What do you mean?

Rj: Join me. Let's prove to Morgan that we can work together as a team. As a family.

Reyna: Well then. What about you guys?

Susan: Set it to max speed Rj. I'm in.

Rj: Zeon?

Zeon: I don't know if a "robot" exists in one's family, Rejar.

Rj: Then how about a brother..?

"Rj smiles"

Susan: Aw.

Zeon: A brother it is then.

"Zeon seems happy"

Rj: Right! Let's rock n roll Ghost squad!

"Meanwhile, E.U.F forces still pursue Kayle and Iren through the road"

Kayle: Come on girl stay with me.

"Iren’s skin has turned pale from all the blood she has lost and she was slowly fading"

Morgan: This is Admiral Morgan. We have the rest of the team. Don’t kill these ones. We need them alive. Try not to get to close. They will use it against you.

EUF Gunship Pilot: Copy that admiral. Ok, you ready back there? We are opening the hatch.

Kate: Ready!

Max: Ready!

Operator 1: Ready!

Operator 2: Ready!

Operator 3: Ready!

"The gunship hatch opened and five chase bikes were dropped into the road. They took an arrow formation and they started chasing the Darkstar members"

Max: Break formation and try to surround them. And again. Don’t get close.

Operator 1: Copy that.

"Seeing the enemy approaching, Kayle took a sudden turn getting off-road. However at last moment he saw a pharmacy in front of him crushing into it. Iren’s unconscious body flinched off inside the store. He immediately got up and started searching for bandages and some gauge, while clearly he could hear EUF approaching"

Kayle: She has a metal piece inserted into her leg. I need supplies to cauterise the wound.

Pharmacist: Wait here.

"After a few seconds he returned with a doctor’s bag and they slowly started removing the shrapnel"

EUF Soldier: Hands where I can see them.

Pharmacist: Can we please see what we are doing, my dear man? Please give us some space.

"More EUF forces were converting in the area"

Pharmacist: And...we're done. Let me wrap this bandage around her leg. There we go.

Kayle: Thanks doc. I owe you one.

Pharmacist: Just doing my job. So about all these rude people.

Kate: Ok pretty boy. Pick the woman up and let’s go. We will check her wound back at the HQ.

Max: Admiral. Do you read? We got them.

Morgan: Nice work Agent Cortez. I will see you and the team back at the base. At least someone is getting work done around here.

"A couple hours later on the E.U.F Washington Regional Headquarters High Security Cells"

Gideon: Good to see ya guys. It was getting boring around here.

Leonev: How is she?

Kayle: She will recover. They have her up on the infirmary. If I was a few seconds late she wouldn’t have made it.

Leonev: Hey. You did well. Now relax in your new room. I don’t think they are done with us yet.