Chapter 44 – New Allies
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["New Allies"]

{Location: E.U.F Regional Headquarters, Washington - DC}
{At: Holding Cells}
{Time: 03:30}

"There were about 10 cells in this floor as the HQ wasn’t supposed to be a prison. Mostly used to keep important prisoners that the EUF could use to extract information before being sent to an actual jail. Morgan ordered the guards to leave the room. They looked at him with a confused face"

“Are you sure about it sir?”, One of them said.

"Morgan replied with a nod of his head"

Morgan: And turn-off the cameras. That’s an order. Now where was I? Oh yes. Your four big bugs in my ass. You have caused quite a bit of disturbance lately. You know that?

Leonev: Cut the crap General, Admiral, whatever you are. What do you want?

Morgan: A deal.

Iren: Oh? Well that sounds interesting.

Morgan: Let me explain myself first.

"Morgan proceeds and starts talking about the new situation that came up into the surface"

Kayle: So let me guess. You want us to help YOU bring Victus and his army down. Wasn’t that your job like a few years ago?

Morgan: Yes. And we failed at it. We just locked him away and thought this was over. So in order for this not to happen again, I came to you. So here's how it will goes. You will help us end this once and for all and we will destroy all information we have concerning your squad and its members. We won’t bother you again after this.

Gideon: And you think your politicians will accept that deal?

Morgan: If Earth’s politicians want to have any saying on this they better hop on a drop ship and land on the battlefield. Plus that’s my concern. Not yours. What do you say?