Chapter 47 – It’s Training Time
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["It's Training Time"]

"The next couple of weeks would prove quite difficult for Ghost Squad with their newest additions. Max and Kate were nowhere to be found and days were passing by quickly as the team only has but some time left until Victus strikes again. The only question is: Can they make it work as a team?"

[Day 1]

Morgan: Good morning guys. I am happy to see that no one got hurt...Ghm. Are you ready to start?

Rj: Not really.

Morgan: Great. Because we're starting. Remember. You have to work as a team in order to pull this through. Today I have something simple for you up in the simulator. Robots. I will only enable simple firearms and medium cover.

Reyna: I just don't understand why we don't get to have Max and Kate back at the squad.

Morgan: That doesn't concern you Reyna. Let's just say they are “out of the game” for now. Until you learn how to fight like an actual team. Until you learn from the best...

Reyna: Great. They're the best, right? And we must know how to work with them...Like we are some kind of amateurs. That's bullshit and you know it, David.

Morgan: I'm...very sad you feel that way. Now it's mission time. You guys ready?

Rj: How hard can it be? We fought plenty of robots so far.

Iren: Never underestimate your opponent Rejar. Even simply coded machines.

Rj: Did she just..?

Morgan: Alright. Time to start then. Initiating combat scenario number 114.

Rj: Okay, so what's our goal here? Do we just destroy them all? Something else maybe?

Morgan: Well your mission is to hold the designated point and defend this computer. If the computer is either damaged or taken, you fail the simulation.

Susan: Well, it doesn't seem that hard.

Rj: I mean, it's just a bunch of low threat scrap bots.

Leonev: Alright then. We're awaiting orders. Where do you want us?

Rj: What do you mean?

Leonev: Who's the team leader? Do you even have one?

Reyna: Well, I do the most planning lately. So I guess, that makes me some sort of leader.

Leonev: You 'guess'? Well let me tell you one thing girl. You are either certain, or you are not. And better hurry. Boogies coming in fast.

Reyna: Fine! Yes! I'm the leader. I'm certain.

Iren: Are you?

Reyna: I----

Morgan: The robots are here and want access to their social media through your computer. Move it! Don't let a single one of those buggers upload a selfie, guys.

Leonev: Commander Frost. They are coming. What are your orders?

Gideon: Give us something to work with girl! Come on. We are siting ducks over here.

"Kayle pushed Susan to the ground to protect her, because a few shots were coming her way"

Susan: I...Thank you.

Kayle: Yeah, don't mention it.

Zeon: Reyna. I detect at least 20 units. Maybe you should...

Reyna: SHUT IT. I'm thinking.

Rj: You better think faster, Rey!

Reyna: Ah. Rj and Susan go left. Zeon you and "what's-your-name" go right and take cover.

Leonev: And I guess the rest take the middle?

"Leonev was trying so hard not to start issuing commands. Scenarios like these could easily be completed even by a rookie officer"

All the robots open fire towards their position. A few shots were passing right next to the computer.

Susan: Careful, God damnit. Ah shit. They are flanking us.

Reyna: Ah! I know, I know!

Rj: Reyna watch it!

"Suddenly, a robot runs towards her position and punches her on the face, knocking her down"

Rj: Reyna!

Iren: She's down!

Reyna: Ah, I can't move!

Morgan: Rules of training. You get hit one way or another, you are out of the game.

Reyna: Oh, great! Thanks for the heads up!

Morgan: Don't mention it.

Susan: Guys! The computer! They've taken it.

{Simulation Ended}

Rj: Great! Just great!

Morgan: Good job guys. Now you're going to have to deal with their beauty blogs...Robots require attention, apparently.

Leonev: Reyna. We need to talk.

Reyna: What why?

Leonev: I believe you know...

Reyna: Hey! How is it my fault? Last minute briefing? What the hell is that?

Leonev: Do you think missions will always go the way you expect them to? What if something goes wrong and you have to improvise?

Reyna: Well---I never needed to improvise!

Rj: Really..?

Reyna: Shut up.

Iren: With that attitude, I am surprised you even made it so far.

Susan: Hey, If you think you're so good on your own, then go and end this on your OWN!

Gideon: We may be good but we are not stupid. This guy is always surrounded by his troops. Especially now with his new army...It would be suicide.

Reyna: Whatever. Since we're stuck with you, I don't think we have much of a choice in this matter. We must train more.

"Morgan came down from the observation room and approached them"

Morgan: Well team, that's indeed what you gotta do. Train on your own until tomorrow. Make plans. Be a team. Consider this your exams. You pass that, you qualify for the next class. Then and only then, will I be able to see what you have become. I wish you a good day.

Susan: Oh great. He is leaving and we have to watch our backs until tomorrow.

Kayle: Maybe you should drop that attitude. Doesn't suit you.

Susan: Fuck you, pendejo.

Iren: That didnt sound kind. Eh, G. What do you say we teach them some manners? The Spec Ops way.

Gideon: With pleasure.

Leonev: Ok that's enough. Get ready. We are re-entering the simulator in 5'.

Iren: Oh come on. You know how much I love pissing them off.

"The two teams spent most of the days trying to figure out a way of how they're going to cooperate. Members of Darkstar shared their information on combat and tactics with Ghost Squad. More advanced and well executed plans that the latter didn't even know. Reyna spent her nights with Leonev learning about what it means to be a squad leader with Rj always hating the fact that his sister spent so many hours alone with the Rexian. Slowly but steadily, the teams were adapting"

[Day 6]

Morgan: Good morning everyone. Same scenario as the last time. Are you ready?

Reyna: We are.

Morgan: Great. Here we go. Alright. Bots spawned. Protect that computer.

Reyna: Alright guys. Just like we planned.

"Everyone splits up and picks a piece of cover with enemies approaching from all directions"

Iren: I'M OUT. Reloading.

Rj: I got you. Switching positions.

"Some robots were approaching too close to their position. Leonev looked towards Susan. He immediately left his cover and disarmed a robot while she laid covering fire for him. He used the robot's body as a shield and cleared the remaining enemies"

{Simulation Ended}

Reyna: What do you have to say now David?

Morgan: I will be damned. You actually did it! I really did not think you could work together so good.

Susan: So, what now? Did we "pass"?

Morgan: Slow down, miss Rain. This was only the beginning. The training has just started.

"Despite the tests getting harder and harder, the team was managing to succeed in all of them. Actually working as a team"

[Day 10]

Morgan: Protect these civilians!


Reyna: Watch left!

Iren: I've got you!

Reyna: Thanks.

Gideon: This situation is too kind for my own heart.

[Day 15]

Morgan: Let's see how well you do inside a frigate protecting your captain. Oh-oh. Looks like the titanic has arrived.


Reyna: Are the turrets ready?

Kayle: Locked and loaded.

Gideon: Man my back hurts.

Susan: Maybe if you stopped sleeping in the damn floor. We have beds you know.

Rj: Now listen here a second...

[Day 18]

Morgan: This time the place will be on fire. You have access only to knives. Cry "havoc" and let slip...Hell.

Iren: Great. My favourite.


Reyna: Done!

Susan: We did it.

Rj: Alright!

Morgan: Well that was faster than I expected.

[Day 21]

Kayle: Calibrating...And I'm done.

Zeon: Done?

Kayle: Yep. Should give you a bit more resistance against EMPs.

Zeon: Thanks, Kayle.

Kayle: No problem, Z'.

[Day 27]

Morgan: Wha...

Rj: Well that was easier than I expected.

Reyna: [Clearing hands] Well, I think that was the last of the scenarios. Isn't that right, Admiral?

"Morgan just stared at them smiling...then slowly left the room"

Rj: So. How are we going to celebrate this?

Leonev: You can do whatever you want. We are still restricted in here.

Gideon: Oh come on boss. Don't be such a church-boy. I still own you that beer. Plus think of all the ladies.

Leonev: Last think I need right own is beers and "vaginas". No offence.

Reyna: None taken.

Rj: Well we could always do something here.

Iren: Like what?

Rj: Like a house party.

Kayle: House party, you say? Yeah. Why the hell not!

Reyna: Alright! I just---

"Reyna's phone started ringing"

Reyna: Hello? Jay! What? When? Really? Yea, of course I am free!

Kayle(whispering): Who is Jay?

Rj: Her supposed boyfriend. Some military guy she met like a year ago.

Gideon: She has a boyfriend? Fuck.

Iren: Really? Oh come on now...

Gideon: What?

Reyna: Um, listen, you guys. I've gotta take the ship.

Rj: What? Where to?

Reyna: Jay is back. He is fully recovered. I won't take long. Will be back in a few hours. He's in New York as we speak.

Rj: Alright but make it fast. And refuel it while you can. Hadn't had the time lately.

Susan: None of us had the time, lately.

Reyna: Alright. Well, goodbye for now. I won't be late.

Iren: Be seeing you.

Rj: Hey, don't make out too much.

Leonev: Woah, there, boss. Keep it loose.

"After an hour, while the team was preparing for the 'celebration', Reyna was already on her way to meet Jay. He was just outside of his marine quarters. As a Staff Sergeant, he had authorisation to be out this late. Some time later they see each other"

Reyna: Jay!

Jay: Reyna!

"Reyna ran and kissed him"

Reyna: Oh, it's so good to see you again! You can't believe how much I've missed you!

Jay: Yeah. I know. It's been months.

Reyna: So, you're coming back in action from what I see.

Jay: Indeed I am Rey. And there is...something I have to tell you.

Reyna: Oh. What?

Jay: We---

Reyna: We?

Jay: Ah I---Fuck!

Reyna: Jay, is everything alright? Did something happen?

Jay: Reyna. This...this can't work. It's not fair. For you or me.

Reyna: Jay. What are you talking about?

Jay: We can't be together no more. I...I am sorry.

Reyna: ...Wh---What? Is this some kind of Joke? Oh I see what it is. You got out and you thought it would be a good idea to prank me. Ha - Ha. Very funny Jay. I would do the same thing, I don't blame you.

Jay: No, Rey. Listen.

Reyna: It's almost midnight and you thought it'd be hilarious. I get it.

Jay: Reyna. Please. I---

Reyna: Because honestly, you---

Jay: REYNA! I can't do this to you! I can't feel bad for anything that happens! I can't stand the thought of you worrying about me! And I can't stand the thought of losing you, God damnit!

Reyna: Jay...

Jay: No! Listen to me! It's not fair! For any of us! Can't you see? This isn't working! I had dreams of making a family! And we can't do that! We both work all the time and we rarely even see each other!

Reyna: No. No this isn't true! I----

Jay: We're over, Reyna. I'm sorry. But it's over...

"Reyna started crying"

Reyna: No...No please. Jay. We can't...we can't break up! Jay listen! We can't----

Jay: We can' together any more. Not now...not never. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who'll take care of you. Someone who will be by your side, no matter what happens. And will always be there to protect you. And honestly, Rey...I'm not that kind of man right now.

Reyna: No...No!

Jay: I'm sorry... Goodbye, Reyna.

"Jay turns away and walks inside the camp. Reyna is left alone. She falls on her knees and starts crying. After a few hours she returns back home. Once there, she sees Rj and the others all piled up in the living room, with music, snacks and beverages. Even Zeon is dancing"

Rj: Woohoo! That's the spirit Z'! Keep it coming!

Kayle: I mean honestly, if someone here is to do 'the robot dance', that's him.

Zeon: No, hey! I'm an android!

Iren: Whatever you say.

Susan: Guys! Reyna's back!

Rj: Sister!

Leonev: Back so soon, Rey?

Rj: Well that was fast, wasn't it? I thought they were going to spent hours and wait---

"Rj saw his sister full of tears. Her eyes were red. She was just standing at the door. It was raining outside"

Rj: ...Reyna. Reyna! Oh no.

Susan: Reyna? Are you..?

Kayle: Oh my God.

Iren: What happened?

Rj: Shit. Come inside. Guys, close the door. And someone turn off that fucking music!

"The music stops. Rj brings Reyna inside and they sit on the couch. She doesn't speak. Tears are still coming out of her eyes. Rj grabs a napkin from the table and wipes them"

Rj: Rey.

Susan: ...Reyna.

Rj: What...happened?

Reyna: It's...It's ov---It's over. I---we...We're over.

Rj: What? Who's over? What's over?

Reyna: Jay. He---

Rj: ...Oh, no. That bastard. What did he do?

Reyna: He---We...We broke---We broke up. It's over guys. It's---

"Reyna then falls on her brother and starts crying. Rj is hugging her. Everyone comes around and start to calm her down saying that everything is going to be alright. Susan even says that he'll change his mind, to calm her down. A while later, she goes to her bed. The celebration is over. Everyone just sits in the table without speaking. Without moving..."