36 – Is this allowed?
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Hongyan sends Jixue off.

He sends Jixue off, and then he gets right back to work.

Now that he has a location, he quickly enters his private vault.

Once there, he quickly locates the treasure known as the Far-Seeing Mirror, which as the name implied allows one to see far and wide; a nifty little thing said to have originated in the Human Realm, changing hands multiple times before it had finally ended up with the Hua clan, who had used it for some highly nefarious purposes until Hongyan had taken the liberty to steal it for himself.

Officially speaking, said mirror is still considered missing though, lost in the turmoil of the deaths of Old Lady Hua and her lot. It’s not the only thing missing either, and a significant portion of these missing items are now a part of Hongyan’s private collection.

He doesn’t feel like its unjustified though, all things considered. Because a fair number of these items had originally been obtained by the Hua under some rather dubious circumstances after all.

Right now though, Hongyan cares little about the Hua clan. He’s got far bigger fishes to fry.

Thinking this, he digs out another potentially useful item – a special birdcage he’d also obtained from the Hua clan’s vaults. Then, watching the events as they unfold, he waits, biding his time until the opportune moment arrives.



He leaves and soon returns victorious.

It’s almost too easy to catch those things, and Hongyan cannot help but rattle the cage just to see if any of them fall out. The cage should be enough, especially now that it’s been more heavily enforced with seals. Hongyan sees no real reason not to be extra cautious though, and chucks it inside a heavily warded room for good measure.

“So,” he finally says, addressing them directly. “What to do with you lot, huh?”

The white ferret that is System 225 stares back at him without flinching whereas the other two – a small spider and one of Hua Hongzhu’s butterfly talismans – partially hide behind it, clearly petrified.

The thought that his sheer presence evokes such a strong response from these things warms Hongyan’s bitter heart immensely. Fortunately for them though, Hongyan has other places to be and other things to deal with.

He wants to check in on Little Yue, but ultimately decides to leave it to Mingyue and the rest. Instead, he goes to find Jixue – during which he is duly informed that the other is already waiting for him, and that Hongyan is to come and face the consequences of his actions.

And Hongyan comes, because why would he not? He’d been the one to say that they’d settle their affairs afterwards, after all. He can’t help but feel a bit anxious though, entering the bedchambers already sealed from the inside.

As he does, he fully expects a fierce glare to land upon him. It doesn’t though.

Some time has passed in-between Jixue’s alleged proclamation and now, and in the meantime, Jixue has curled up on the bed where he now lies, still with those wings attached to his back. Hongyan cannot find it in himself to rejoice though, noting the other’s pain. Although he wants little more than to soothe it, he finds himself hesitating.

Mingyue, he eventually decides. Mingyue would probably know what to do. The other had hardly seemed surprised at the sight of his master’s wings after all, increasing the likelihood of him knowing about them beforehand and knowing how to fix it.

Because Hongyan wants to talk to Jixue, but he can’t talk to Jixue like this.

Mingyue comes – not immediately, but he still comes – and Hongyan steps out and away for a bit, checking in on Jun and his cute little son-in-law before once again checking to make sure that the Systems are still where they belong. He also takes the time to check in with Xunyun, effectively leaving her in charge of things for the time being.

And by the time he’s done with that, he just... doesn’t come back. It’s a cowardly act for sure, and if Hongyan hadn’t already felt like a coward before, then he definitely feels like one now.

It’s difficult though, somehow.

He keeps an eye on things, checking in from time to time. He doesn’t linger though, allowing Mingyue free reign, at least for now. And Mingyue’s treatment does seem to have at least some effect, because the next time Hongyan checks in, Jixue’s sleeping. He’s also been partially redressed, and the bed has been stripped of its topmost layer, which has been tossed into a haphazard pile in the room’s farthermost corner. Hongyan really doesn’t care though, and he doesn’t linger either – that Jiao Ziyu is there, and Jixue is about to wake up. Hongyan still isn’t ready.

Hongyan still isn’t ready, and yet, he lingers within the general vicinity. He’s not quite hiding, but... almost. There’s nothing immediate demanding his attention elsewhere – nothing more important to him than the one beyond those doors. Still

Jiao Ziyu steps out, clearly exhausted. He also appears lost, but seems disinclined to ask for directions. It seems like such a foolish thing – foolish, yet oddly relatable.

Hongyan had always steered clear of this individual, for various reasons.

Now however, after watching the other head into a quiet corner and just sit there, clearly resigned, Hongyan feels compelled to speak to him.

“Peak Lord Jiao,” he says. The name tastes absolutely awful on his tongue, but it has the desired effect as Jiao Ziyu slowly lifts his head.

“He’s been asking for you,” the other tells him, as if Hongyan doesn’t already know. “He’s been asking for your head on a

Ah. Well, it doesn’t matter though, not at this moment. Because“When was the last time you slept, Peak Lord Jiao?”

Truthfully, Hongyan already knows the answer to that question, more or less, and he becomes all the more certain of it as he watches the Peak Lord’s confused blink.

“...I don’t know?”

Ah, honestly

Hongyan grabs him and drags him up, then opens up a portal and drops him into a bed on the other side. Jun and Yue and Mingyue are all there, so Peak Lord Jiao will be in good hands, Mingyue will be distracted, and Hongyan, Hongyan needs to take responsibility.

He steps back inside.

Jixue is on the bed. He doesn’t open his eyes even as Hongyan makes his approach, but his wings shudder, breath hitching momentarily. Then, as Hongyan sits down and slides his fingers into those feathers, those glacial eyes finally slide open.

“You” Jixue croaks. “I’ve already gutted you once, and I’ll

Hongyan drags his fingers down and then back up, against the natural direction of the feathers, and Jixue immediately makes a small noise and then goes quiet and unresistant as Hongyan spreads out the wing closest to him.

And as he does so, he clearly sees the numerous acupuncture needles still embedded into various points on the other’s back. “That’s a lot of needles. Can you even move?”

Jixue releases a harsh breath, then offers up a minute headshake.

“Should I get them out?”

At this, the other looks ready to snarl. He doesn’t though, and Hongyan takes it all in stride, meticulously retrieving needle after needle.

This doesn’t take very long, and but Jixue clearly can’t wait, sitting up even before Hongyan has completed the task – and once he does, Jixue noticeably sways, and then sags against him as Hongyan pulls him into his side.

Jixue then opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out and he ducks his head down, clutching at his chest. And this obviously pains Hongyan as well, and he quickly slides a hand up to squeeze the back of Jixue’s neck, and once the other finally lifts his head to look at him, Hongyan presses their foreheads together and closes his eyes.

‘What’s the matter?’ Hongyan quietly asks. ‘Can I help?’

It takes a moment, but then

Get me to ‘System 225’. Please.

Mingyue would undoubtedly disapprove, but Hongyan honestly doesn’t care. Instead, he holds Jixue in his arms, nuzzling into his hair and breathing him in. “Don’t worry. I will.”



True to his word, Hongyan brings Jixue to System 225 – and by default also to the other Systems.

The lot seem to be engaged in some sort of row, but upon their arrival, they all grow quiet and wary.

The white ferret doesn’t cower though, fixating its beady black eyes upon Jixue as Hongyan lets him back down. And Jixue does manage to stay upright, surprisingly enough – though he’s definitely starting to look a bit

“225,” he then hisses, and the ferret abruptly stiffens. “I’ve been in agony for the past day and a half, and you didn’t even

He clutches his head, then sways. Hongyan quickly steps in to steady him – and he’s not the only one to move, as System 225 quickly slinks out of the cage. Then it leaps right towards them, and Hongyan is just about to smack it aside when Jixue puts a hand upon his arm, stopping him in his tracks. Then Jixue uses his other hand to snatch the little creature right out of the air, giving it a rough shake.

“Bullshit!” he hisses, apparently in response to some unheard communication. “You

Another moment passes. Then Jixue’s knees buckle, and Hongyan takes his weight, gently lowering him to the floor where he kneels, then stoops forward. Hongyan can’t help but hover, can’t help but start rubbing his back, but a sharp glare his way tells him his interference is unwanted, and so, Hongyan quickly withdraws.

Then finally, Jixue releases a shuddering breath and straightens back up. Then, he once again fixates his attention on the System before him, and extends his hand, palm facing upwards.

The System wastes little time climbing onto it, remaining perfectly balanced as Jixue lifts it.

Soon, they lean their foreheads against one another; an undeniably familiar gesture.

A silent conversation then ensues. Hongyan tries not to feel too excluded, and instead takes note of how the reunion seems to affect Jixue’s condition.

By now, the other’s wings have finally stopped trembling. Instead, they’ve started to droop, and Jixue’s breaths are a whole lot calmer, a whole lot steadier.

Then, the moment passes. The white ferret jumps down, and Jixue opens his eyes, then narrows them.

“Fine,” he says. “Twenty-four hours.”

[Twenty-four hours,] the System agrees.

Twenty-four hours, Hongyan thinks. It sounds like a time limit of some sort, but Hongyan isn’t quite sure what it concerns. He quickly decides it doesn’t matter though, because when Jixue looks up at him, he immediately feels compelled to move closer.

He does, and then extends his hand – and Jixue takes it, allowing Hongyan to pull him back onto his feet, and doesn’t pull away even after that. Instead, he keeps his hand upon Hongyan’s, and Hongyan notes that it’s definitely warmer than before. He then lifts his gaze back up, watching the other as the other watches him.

Nothing is really said. No words are exchanged, and yet, Hongyan finds that this time around, they aren’t really needed. He wordlessly opens up a portal and tugs lightly, and Jixue – after casting a final glance towards the System – soon follows.

And then

Once on the other side and all by their lonesome, Hongyan pulls Jixue in, then slides his other hand up to cradle the back of Jixue’s head.

“Is this allowed?” he wonders out loud.

“For now,” Jixue decides after a moment of deliberation. “But don’t push your luck. I’ll gut you like a fish.”

Oh. “Do you like fish then? Or do you prefer other types of meat?”

At this, there’s a mild scoff. But then“Keep pushing your luck, and I might decide I like you more as food than as a mate.”

Ah. “So, you do like me. I didn’t think I’d ever get you to admit that.”

“You’re such an eyesore,” Jixue mutters, allowing both his eyes and his wings to droop. “I can’t even bear looking at you.”

“Then don’t,” he purrs. “Lie down. Let me take care of you.”

At this, Jixue pushes back against his chest, putting enough space in-between them to level him with another look – it’s not quite a glare, but it’s clearly sharp; assessing.

“Fine,” Jixue eventually decides. “Groom me.”

And Hongyan readily obliges.



“Well,” the Demon King said, contemplating his tea. “In essence, Jixue and I go way back. We met in Hua territory way before he was Peak Lord and way before I was the Demon King. Circumstances... weren’t exactly ideal, and he remained suspicious of my motives for the longest time. And believe me, I tried very hard to prove my sincerity, but he just wouldn’t let go of the idea that I wanted to kill and eat him. I mean, I not only helped him get Mingyue back, but I also took care of the aftermath. And yet⸺ well, regardless, he went away and now he came back, and I wanted to settle things so... I enlisted Mingyue’s help. But... upon learning more about the situation, I decided to assist Jixue instead.”

Well, Jiao Ziyu supposed that explained how Bai Jixue had turned up at the Lake of Bones. Still⸺ “You also used him – used us – as a distraction in order to capture the Systems though.”

“Well...” The Demon King offered up a mild shrug at that. “It’s true, so I won’t deny it. I did it for his sake though.”

Riiiiight. “And then?”

The Demon King sighed. “Well, you heard him, didn’t you? Asking for my head on a plate? I figured I’d steer clear and wait for him to calm down, but... then Mingyue got distracted with you, and I... decided it was high time for me to take responsibility for my own actions. And so, I went, and Jixue asked me to bring him to System 225, and so I did, and the two of them had a very productive exchange, and then we got back to my bedchambers and then...”

The Demon King trailed off, an undeniably satisfied look on his face.

“Well,” he said. “Then Mingyue burst in and threw a hissy fit, accusing me of taking liberties and whatnot, and then Jixue was all like ‘You should be happy, brat. I’m actually letting him court me’ and then⸺”

The Demon King covered his mouth with a hand, which did very little to mask the other’s obvious delight.

“You should’ve seen his face,” he snickered. “It was almost as funny as the look on the face of that fool!”

That fool? “...Which fool?”

There was a brief pause. The Demon King regarded him quietly for a good moment before finally speaking up again, this time with a wry smile playing on his lips. “I think we both know which fool I’m talking about.”

Oh. Holy⸺