38 – Don’t show me such a face
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“What happened with the Systems?” Yue said, without Jun for once. He was also half dressed, because although he was wearing a beautifully embroidered crimson wedding robe, his hair was still undone, Mingyue having left in the middle to do... something.

“Yeah,” Jiao Ziyu said, not sure if he should even be here. Like, technically, he was Mingyue’s cultivation partner and all, but he wasn’t sure what sort of protocols ought to be followed here. Yue wasn’t a woman after all, although the phoenix-adorned attire clearly seemed to indicate that he was to be the bride.

“Well,” Yue said, turning to look down into the mirror before him. “Stuff happened.”

Well, obviously. “I only heard the Demon King’s side of things, and he got really vague about what happened near the end.”

At this, the youngster made a slight face. Then, after a brief moment’s contemplation⸺ “Why ask me?”

Well, as the other had put it before, the System was no longer around to scramble his brains, besides⸺ “I’m sure you know as well as I do that Mingyue’s very⸺” agitated “⸺sensitive right now, and since he seems to be doing his best not to⸺” throw a hissy fit “⸺say or do anything too improper about the situation at hand, I’d rather not add to it by making some thoughtless comment about matters of which I am still ill-informed.”

“That’s a surprisingly diplomatic way of saying you’re scared he’ll throw a hissy fit.”

Ah. Well⸺ “Am I wrong though?”

He wasn’t. There was no way he’d be wrong about tha⸺

“That tsundere won’t do anything,” Yue said. “Yìfù might be dissatisfied, but he took a gamble and he lost, and even though he’s dissatisfied, his pride won’t allow him to act out of turn.”

Huh. Well, that was certainly one way of referring to conspiring with the Demon King against his master. Still⸺ “That word, tsundere. What does it mean?”

This earned him a definite look. “Considering your master, I’m surprised you don’t know already.”

Well⸺ “I’ve definitely heard that word before, but that in itself doesn’t mean that I know what it means.”

“Well, that’s certainly true,” Yue said. “It doesn’t really matter though, so I won’t tell you.”

Ugh. “Not even in exchange for compensation?”

Predictably, the other furrowed his brows at that.

“No offence,” he then said. “But you don’t really have anything I need, Jiao Ziyu.”

Huh. Well, Jiao Ziyu supposed that was fair – as the spouse of a very dedicated Demon Prince and favoured son-in-law of the Demon King, Yue would hardly be left wanting. Still⸺ “Is there anything you want to tell me then?”

Yue turned his head towards him then, regarding him with eerie, light-coloured eyes.



“Say, Master...”

Yue sits across from him, an ongoing boardgame between them.

“There are some things that I still don’t understand...”


They’ve only just started playing, and Yue can already tell that he will lose. It doesn’t really matter though, so Yue allows his mind to drift. He wonders where Jun is right now, and he wonders how Grandmaster Jixue is now – because much like him, the other is someone who’d been left behind – No, someone who’d chosen to remain.

Yue obviously isn’t about to ask about that though, because Master Bai is obviously trying to distract himself from the fact. He’d obviously opposed the union, and he obviously still does.

Instead, Yue turns his mind towards other, and hopefully also less sensitive topics.

“I’m just wondering... the whole bit about the Wūtóu poisoning. Knowing what I know now, it doesn’t really make sense to me. What was that all about?”

And indeed, what had that been all about, and why had it even been much of an issue? Because even without Grandmaster Jixue providing his blood, the Demon King would’ve undoubtedly

“There are reasons,” Master Bai finally admits. “Not necessarily good ones either. This master was young and foolish back then – and quite angry too.”

Well, that definitely sounds like a story and a half. It sounds like it’ll require some tea at the very least, and Yue rises to his feet with the intention of getting some. Also, his legs have been falling asleep on him, so

Yue opens his mouth to announce his intentions, but just ends up squawking instead as Master Bai is suddenly on his feet as well, throwing Yue over his shoulder in one swift motion.

“Master!” he gasps, struggling to both get free and to reorient himself. “What?”

A strike to a certain acupoint immediately makes his legs go completely numb and uncooperative, and Yue draws in a breath through gritted teeth, not quite able to clamp down on the dread arising from the thought of paralysis. Logically, he is of course aware that Bai Mingyue is extremely unlikely to cause him any harm, but

Yue is carefully deposited back into bed, and then Master Bai’s cool hand lands on his forehead, smoothing his hair back.

“Call me yìfù,” he says.

Adoptive father. Yue’s lips instinctively form around the word. “Yìfù.”

It feels strange, calling him that. Strange, but not... wrong.

Yue remembers little of his parents from his first life; he remembers them being quite distant. They had most likely loved him though, in their own way – loved the idea of him, at any rate. The medical student; the son who would make them all proud and support them when they got too old to work. A future doctor; that was what they had wanted, not

Well, it doesn’t really matter now, does it? Yue had said so himself, had he not, back when Master Bai had first confronted him? Getting what one wanted most wasn’t always possible, and sometimes, one might even be better off not getting them in the first place.

It could’ve been a great life though, but Yue would never know. Granted, he had been offered the chance to return to that world to inhabit another body and to receive compensation for the ordeal he’d been put through. However

“I will tell you,” Bai Mingyue says, tenderly stroking his hair. “But only you. Don’t tell anyone else.”

And Yue looks at him, taking note of the strange twist in his master’s expression, and then makes a promise: “I won’t, yìfù.”

“Good,” Bai Mingyue says, leaning in. “Now listen closely, because I will only tell this story once.”

And tell it he does.



It was strange, thinking you had known a person only to realise you hadn’t really known them at all – and after hearing his master’s story, Yue felt this immensely.

On one hand, he was surprised, and on the other, not at all – because at this point, he was well acquainted with both his master’s stubbornness and unforgiving nature. This was of course the same for Jiao Ziyu, who had indeed known him for longer, albeit in a different capacity. Jiao Ziyu however was not the one who’d been told, nor was he the one sworn to secrecy.

“It’s not really my place to speak about the past, even if I probably know more about certain past events than you do,” Yue said. “Besides, yìfù forbade me.”

“He did, huh?” Jiao Ziyu snorted – exasperated, but not particularly surprised. “But forget about the distant past for now – I want to know about what happened with the Systems and all that.”

And so, Yue told him.



“I’m not sure what to say,” Yue told him. “There were negotiations, and an agreement was reached – and then, I was given a choice: to return to my original world or to stay. And I chose to stay. Then System 225 directly entered my mind to make a copy of relevant memory data and to sever my connection with System 707 properly. It was a weird feeling, but... not unpleasant. Its pelt was also really soft.”

Huh. “I’m surprised Mingyue allowed that.”

Yìfù didn’t like it, of course, but Grandmaster didn’t let him interfere,” Yue said. “Besides, with everyone gathered, it didn’t really take that long. And once it was over with, the Systems left to bring System 707 to justice. Apparently, it wasn’t properly certified and broke all sorts of System protocol in regards to both me and others, so... well, I’m not sure what the penalty is, but it was shrieking when they dragged it away so I’m sure it’s something excruciatingly unpleasant.”

The other looked viciously delighted at the thought – which was understandable and oh-so-familiar all at once, proving the other’s place within the Bai lineage, whether official or not. And, as far as the Bai lineage went⸺

“And your venerable Grandmaster? How did... that happen?”

“Ah, that,” Yue said, offering up a casual shrug. “Well, I got the impression that Grandmaster and System 225 had some sort of... well, calling it a falling-out is probably a bit much, but... there was some disagreement of some sort, and then there was a mutual decision to break ties – for Grandmaster to retire, that is.”

Retire? “And that translates to him marrying the Demon King... how?”

“If you want to know such things, then you should ask Grandmaster directly,” Yue said – even though the latter obviously had to know that such a thing was actually impossible because there was no actual way that Jiao Ziyu could ever ask the other about such things!

“That said,” Yue continued. “I remember that part pretty well, actually – because as soon as soon as the Systems had left, the Demon King hooked an arm around Grandmaster’s waist and announced that he’d be leaving the Demon Realm in Jun’s, Xunyun’s and Hua Hongzhu’s capable hands for the next week or so, and that his kingdom better be intact by the time he got back. It didn’t actually take a week though, only like three days, I think?”

Only three days, huh? “And Mingyue?”

Yìfù obviously wasn’t happy,” Yue said. “He was pretty upset, muttering things like ‘this wasn’t what we agreed upon’ and ‘if Master hasn’t been well taken care of, I’ll take the bastard’s head’ and whatnot. And I didn’t really say anything about it, even though I thought – and I still do – that yìfù ought to have known better than to make such iffy deals in the first place.”

Indeed, that made two of them. In any case⸺ “He’s sure taking his time, isn’t he?”

“I guess,” Yue said, glancing at himself in the mirror before turning towards Jiao Ziyu once more. “Would you care to help me with my hair? I mean, I’d do it myself, but... I’m no good with such fancy hairstyles, especially not on myself.”

Uh⸺ “I mean, I could, but... I wouldn’t want to intrude? I mean, you’re basically Mingyue’s kid and all, and while he isn’t exactly happy about the marriage, I think he’d be very displeased if I⸺”

“Why?” Yue said. “You’re partners in cultivation, so that basically makes you married. So, for better or worse, I’m now also yours.”

Ah. “I’m not sure I actually want to take responsibility for you. I mean, in-between Mingyue and my own disciples and duties, I think I’ve already got my hands pretty full.”

“Well⸺” Yue shrugged. “If you don’t want to, then I completely understand. I mean, it’s not like we’ve ever had such a great relationship – or much of a relationship to speak of, honestly.”

That was indeed true, at least as far as this timeline went – and as far as the other one was concerned, Jiao Ziyu knew entirely too little and no one really seemed inclined to provide more detail. Still⸺

“It’s not like I don’t want to have an amiable relationship with you, and no matter what happened in the past – past future or recently – I don’t really dislike you. I mean, I obviously don’t approve of everything you did, but I also recognise that you weren’t...”

“That I wasn’t sane, you mean?” Yue said. “I’ll have you know that I did what I did while perfectly aware that it wasn’t the right thing to do – I did it because I wanted revenge. I mean, I didn’t want to hurt you, but... I guess I wanted to give you a taste of what I’d experienced. It was deeply unfair of me, I know, but...”

Huh. “You don’t regret it?”

Yue pointedly averted his eyes, but also kept watching, regarding Jiao Ziyu through the reflective surface before him. “I don’t. But I’m more grounded now, so I completely understand it if you don’t really want anything more to do with me.”

Well, recent past grievances aside, there was really no need to go that far. After all, as far as recent past grievances went, Jiao Ziyu had some bones to pick with his own disciples. As such⸺ “If possible, then I’d like for us to get along. I’d also like to get to know you better now that you’re slightly more...”


Yeah. “...Something like that?”

“I don’t mind,” Yue said, closing his eyes. “It’s not untrue.”

Perhaps, but⸺ “As a victim of such extreme circumstances, the fact that you didn’t break entirely is astounding – and that you managed to resist until the very end. And although we don’t really have a deep relationship, I guess... I’m proud of you? I mean, it probably doesn’t mean much to you, but⸺”

Jiao Ziyu looked and immediately regretted it, because as Yue looked up at him, his eyes were visibly moist. And Jiao Ziyu immediately panicked – not because of the smudging of any bridal makeup, because no such things had been applied, but rather because he’d just made Yue cry, and⸺

“Ziyu,” Mingyue said, somehow managing to appear at the least opportune moment. “What are you doing?”

The other’s expression was carefully neutral. However, there was something undeniably dangerous in that tone.

Jiao Ziyu swallowed, weighing his options. Then finally, he said: “Mingyue, I’m⸺”

“Don’t dawdle,” Mingyue said instead, going immediately to Yue. “Help me out.”

Jiao Ziyu tried not to let his relief be too obvious, accepting the comb that Mingyue handed him and getting right to work while Mingyue in turn took his position up front, cradling Yue’s face in his hands as he used his thumbs to gently wipe away the tears.

“Don’t show me such a face,” Mingyue muttered. “You’re giving me second thoughts about not killing the brat.”

“You mean you didn’t have them already?” Yue answered, unwittingly voicing Jiao Ziyu’s own thoughts.

“Quiet,” Mingyue said, evidently annoyed by the other’s smile. “You’re old enough to make your own choices – and for all it’s worth, you could’ve done far worse than the demon brat.”

Huh. That would’ve implied that there’d been other⸺

“Hua Hongzhu’s actually pretty nice,” Yue said, and Jiao Ziyu had to employ no small amount of self-control not to react. “That said, I’m not interested in taking part in a... foursome with her and her other⸺”


“This lineage will never have such relations with the Hua,” Mingyue said. “And especially not as some measly concubine!”


“But Grandmaster’s⸺”

“Quiet,” Mingyue said, removing his hands from Yue’s face to instead sink down before him, taking Yue’s hands into his own. “That matter doesn’t concern you.”

Yue looked ready to argue with that, but soon decided that keeping quiet was the better option – which was exactly the option that Jiao Ziyu had gone with, busying himself with the comb. Mingyue had after all implied that there was little time.

Not long thereafter, Jiao Ziyu finished, and the curt nod from Mingyue indicated that the end result was acceptable.

Then, after a few finishing touches, Mingyue got out a red veil, and once Yue stood up, they finally put it on top of his head.

Then Mingyue took Yue’s hand, and just as Jiao Ziyu stood there wondering what was expected of him, Mingyue sent him a pointed look that immediately had him reaching for Yue’s other hand.

It turned out to be a little cold, but Jiao Ziyu opted not to read too much into it. Besides, it wasn’t really his place. Instead, he looked up at Mingyue, smiled, and then together, they escorted Yue from the room – Jiao Ziyu on the left and Mingyue on the right.

They didn’t end up escorting him all the way into the throne room however, only up to where Youming Jun awaited them.

The latter was dressed in an even gaudier version of his usually red attire, and it was embroidered with not only dragons but tigers as well. He was also wearing a mask, and Jiao Ziyu absentmindedly wondered if this was simply due to the latter’s own fancy or if it was part of some wedding custom in this part of the Demon Realm. It hardly mattered though, because the mask only covered the top portion of the other’s face, doing nothing to conceal the delighted grin plastered across it.

“Master Bai,” the Demon Prince said, in a way that clearly tempted death.

“Demon Bastard,” Mingyue answered with decided coldness, and if looks could kill, then Youming Jun would’ve died at least three times over.

Even so, Mingyue took a step forward, tugging Yue along, and Jiao Ziyu let go, knowing that they had now fulfilled their role, at least as escorts.

Instead, Mingyue put Yue’s hand into that of the Demon Prince, and briefly enveloped them with his own. If he said anything, then it was conveyed only through touch, because he said nothing out loud even though his actions certainly said a lot.

Mingyue then let go, stepping back until he was once again at Jiao Ziyu’s side, grasping him by the hand and interlacing their fingers.

“Let’s go,” he said, and just then, the doors leading into the throne room opened.