Extra 3 – What if the Demon King had waited for no man and no army?
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“What are you doing here, you damned eyesore?”

“What are you doing here yourself, Frosty?”



Informed of the massive blizzard unleashed upon the Hua, Hongyan knew that he needed to act quickly.

This was no time to wait. This was the time to act.

“I guess I’ll go and take a look then,” he said, rising to his feet, and Xunyun sent him a definite look, no doubt detecting the underlying eagerness in his voice.

But before she had the time to suggest some guards to accompany him, Hongyan had already slipped away, making a quick trip to his private quarters before he was off again. Time was after all of the essence, and Hongyan had a wayward bird to catch.



“Why am I even here?” Jiao Ziyu muttered quietly to himself, shivering as he stood in the now wintry Great Cherry Blossom Forest, watching as one white-clad immortal unleashed a never-before-seen blizzard upon the surrounding landscape.

Youming Jun meanwhile seemed perfectly content to leave Bai Jixue to unleash his unholy fury upon the realm of the Hua clan, keen to take advantage of the situation.

As for Jiao Ziyu meanwhile⸺

“Someone’s coming,” the Demon Prince reported, drawing his blade. The threat couldn’t have been all that great though, because Youming Jun soon stuck it into the frozen ground and leaned against it, adopting a quite casual yet strangely lordly expression as the new arrivals entered the clearing.

And enter they did, stumbling and shaking, their teeth clattering, and Jiao Ziyu snuck a momentary glance Bai Jixue’s way and thanked his lucky stars that, whatever misgivings the immortal might’ve had about him and Mingyue, Jiao Ziyu would most likely be safe from repercussions so long as he and Mingyue never⸺

“Esteemed visitors!” one of the demons called out; their leader, from the looks of it. “Please cease this assault on our beautiful valley! If we have in any way offended you, then surely there are other ways in which you can be compensated!”

The leader seemed to direct his call towards Bai Jixue, who responded by sending an icy wind their way before ignoring them altogether.

Next, the leader looked towards Jiao Ziyu, who was obviously powerless to do anything and thus helpfully directed the demon’s eye towards Youming Jun, who stood there leaning against his sabre wearing what could only generously have been called a smile.

“Oh.” The leader did a visible doubletake. “Prince Youming Jun, what is the meaning of⸺?”

“Lord Hua,” said Youming Jun. “Long time no see. I’m here to take back something of mine.”

The other blinked, evidently confused. “Milord?”

“Hoh?” said Youming Jun, narrowing his eyes. “You mean to say that you don’t know?”

“Milord,” Lord Hua tried again, obviously struggling with the cold. “I can with certainty assure you that our clan does not have anything of yours in our⸺”

A surge of demonic qi cut him right off, and all the snow and ice in the area surrounding Youming Jun immediately evaporated.

“Is that so?” the half-demon asked, his eyes gleaming red and his pupils narrowed to slits. “Then, Lord Hua, did this princeling simply imagine your daughter and her minions infiltrating his domain and kidnapping his spouse?”

The faces of Lord Hua and his attendants immediately lost all colour. Then, they seemed to grow even paler as they caught sight of something some distance away.

Jiao Ziyu turned his head to look, and promptly noticed someone standing there; a tall, redhaired demon dressed in fine cloths and fur, staring at them with an unreadable expression.

Lord Hua and his lot promptly threw themselves to the ground, obviously intending to grovel as the other, presumably the Demon King himself, pushed himself away from the tree trunk he had been leaning against.

“Hoh,” he said. “This is a very interesting conversation.”

Youming Jun was clearly caught off guard as well, looking ready to say something. But then, the veiled Bai Jixue suddenly landed right beside him, brandishing his fan in the Demon King’s direction. “What are you doing here, you damned eyesore?”

“What are you doing here yourself, Frosty?”

Ah. Holy⸺

“Well,” the Demon King said next, directing himself towards his nephew. “What’s the situation here?”

Youming Jun hesitated only briefly, then promptly spilled everything to his uncle, who looked towards the upper echelons of the Hua clan with a definite look in his eyes.

Moments thereafter, a dimensional rift had opened right beneath them, swallowing them right up.

“Well then,” the Demon King said, astonishingly casual. “Time is of the essence. Have you figured out Little Yue and Hua Hongzhu’s location yet?”

They hadn’t, and this fact evidently displeased him.

“Stop wasting time here then,” he said, which was certainly easy for him to say, seeing that he had just removed the only individuals that might’ve been able to tell them.

“Also, you,” the Demon King went on, eyeing Bai Jixue. “Stop.”

Predictably, the former Peak Lord Bai didn’t take too kindly to getting ordered around, even by the likes of the Demon King himself.

And equally predictably, this didn’t go over too well with the sovereign in question.

As for what happened, well, it was over with before Jiao Ziyu had time to do more than blink, and he swallowed at the sight. Because seeing the former Peak Lord Bai brought down with such ease was undeniably alarming.

“Honestly,” the Demon King muttered, hoisting his cargo of unconscious immortal more firmly into his arms. “If you’d just come to me right away, then we would’ve been done by now. Now, we’re heading back to regroup. Will you two come along willingly or will I be forced drag you back as well?”

Hah. Well, what choice did they have but to⸺

“And you,” the Demon King said, looking down at Bai Jixue with definite coldness. “Show yourself, System. I know you’re there.”

The latter wasn’t late to obey, and neither was it late about removing itself, leaving Bai Jixue behind to curl around Youming Jun’s neck like some living scarf.

“Good,” the Demon King said. “Let’s head back.”



In short order, they found themselves at the Demon King’s palace, and under the curious watch of the palace’s inhabitants as they were escorted to a guestroom of sorts – though in truth, there was no real escort but rather them trailing behind the Demon King, who didn’t speak up again until Bai Jixue had been laid out on the bed, still firmly out of it.

“You,” the Demon King said, gesturing to Jiao Ziyu. “Stay here. And you⸺” He pointed to his nephew and to the System still riding atop his shoulder. “⸺follow me.”

In a way, Jiao Ziyu was glad that he didn’t have to follow – that he would be allowed to remain behind. Once left behind though, he found his eyes drawn back towards the bed.

There, Bai Jixue lay, eerily still save for the noticeable the rise and fall of his chest, and Jiao Ziyu’s thoughts inevitably drifted towards Mingyue.

If Mingyue had been here, then what would he have said? What would he have thought? What would he have done?



“Hoh,” said Bai Mingyue, sword already at his waist, having been filled in on the situation after a certain artefact known as the Far-Seeing Mirror had been located and shed light on the current whereabouts of certain individuals. “No time to waste. Let’s go.”

And so, off they went.



Meanwhile there was Jiao Ziyu, stuck at the Demon King’s palace. He hadn’t been keeping track of time – not strictly, at any rate. Still, he estimated that at least thirty minutes had passed before former Peak Lord Bai finally began to stir, and after that, it wasn’t long before the other shot up, clutching his head in obvious pain – and in spite of honestly knowing better, Jiao Ziyu quickly made his way over.

“Venerable Master Bai?” He reached out, fully expecting his hand to get swatted away. It didn’t though. Instead, Bai Jixue grabbed his wrist and held on, his grip so tight that it made Jiao Ziyu’s bones creak in a decidedly disconcerting manner. Jiao Ziyu tried not to let it show though, something that he obviously failed.

This did seem to snap the other out of it though, because Bai Jixue immediately let go and pulled back, staring at him with a highly disconcerting look in his eyes. For a brief moment, the immortal just looked so lost, and his eyes had this sheen to them as if he was ill. His hands had been cold as well – disconcertingly cold.

However, considering who this was, perhaps this was nothing out of the ordinary. And yet, even knowing this and knowing that his touch would likely be unwelcome, Jiao Ziyu moved closer. Leaning against the side of the bed, he tentatively reached out, holding out his hand well within reach but without actually touching.

“Venerable Master Bai?” He kept his voice and presence deliberately soft as he called out to him. “Bai Jixue?”

Those eerie yet beautiful glacial eyes watched him for a good moment with confused suspicion. Then, slowly, the other reached out, grabbing hold of Jiao Ziyu’s wrist and pulling it towards him.

Soon, Jiao Ziyu found himself kneeling on the bed, kneeling before Bai Jixue as the latter laid bare the skin of his wrist, then brushed his cold fingertips against it, mapping out the extent of the damage.

The former Peak Lord remained silent throughout the process, but one soft and cool influx of qi later, Jiao Ziyu’s wrist was as good as new, completely unblemished, and he opened his mouth to speak – to thank him and whatnot, but then⸺

Bai Jixue swayed, and once again, Jiao Ziyu acted without thinking, steadying him and pulling him into his arms to press his palm against that pale forehead – and the soft noise this earned him only made his grip tighten.

“I’m sorry,” Jiao Ziyu finally managed, averting his eyes and willing his fingers to loosen up. This proved more easily said than done however, and then⸺

Cold fingertips brushed against Jiao Ziyu’s cheek, bringing any thought activity to an abrupt halt. He looked down, locking eyes with that glacial gaze – familiar, oh so familiar, but at the same time, also so⸺

Reining himself in, Jiao Ziyu used his own hand to cover them up, earning a very soft noise of protest for his efforts. He didn’t allow himself to be swayed though, no. Instead, he kept his hand right where it was and used his other one to grab hold of one of Bai Jixue’s, holding it gently but firmly.

“No,” he said, speaking softly.

Then finally, Bai Jixue finally gave in and passed out again, much to Jiao Ziyu’s relief. This still left him with an armful of unconscious immortal though – but it might have been more accurate to say that it was a sleeping immortal, his fingers attached quite firmly to Jiao Ziyu’s lapels.

Honestly, what was this situation?

And why was his heart beating so fast?



Fortunately, Jiao Ziyu’s torturous ordeal didn’t last all that long, and it probably felt a whole lot longer than it really was, and the worst part was probably what came after. Because suddenly, Mingyue was there, and Jiao Ziyu was incredibly aware that he had just been caught in what might be construed as an incredibly compromising position.

So, he had opened his mouth – to explain, to beg for mercy, to do whatever, honestly. But before Jiao Ziyu really managed to say anything, Mingyue had already joined them on the bed. And before Jiao Ziyu really understood what was happening, they had Bai Jixue firmly sandwiched between them.

“Ziyu,” Mingyue finally said, gently but firmly dislodging the hands keeping him prisoner. He said nothing further though, but it was a very meaningful silence, heavy with glances and underlying thoughts.

Jiao Ziyu also said nothing, but he felt as though he really ought to say something, feeling vaguely guilty about it all. But then, just as he had gathered up the courage to speak⸺

“You know,” Mingyue said. “I wouldn’t object to a threesome.”



One near qi deviation later, Jiao Ziyu found himself seated across from the Demon King, willing his hands to remain steady. This proved decidedly difficult however, considering the look the Demon King was giving him.

“So,” Youming Hongyan said. “He wouldn’t object to a threesome, he said?”

Jiao Ziyu promptly choked on his drink, lapsing into a coughing fit. Thankfully, the tea in his cup had already gone cold, or else he would undoubtedly have burned himself. Still, it took a good moment for him to compose himself, and while doing that, he tried not to think too hard about how the Demon King had found out about all that.

“I harbour... no such inclinations,” he finally managed, and definitely meant it, even though he found it difficult to meet the other’s gaze. “I harbour... immense feelings of reverence and respect towards Venerable Master Bai, and I entertain no delusions that I myself would be a worthy match.”

At this, there was a soft snort.

“You know,” the Demon King said. “Before now, I didn’t really give you much thought. Other than your nuisance of a mentor, I thought there was really nothing extraordinary about you, and yet⸺”

He trailed off, and Jiao Ziyu chanced a look – which turned out to be a mistake, because once he had locked eyes with the other, it proved nigh impossible to look away.

“⸺Mingyue clearly saw something in you, and looking at recent events, I suppose there is something about you.”

Yeah, well, Jiao Ziyu still wasn’t sure what that might’ve been, but⸺

“So,” the Demon King said, cutting right into Jiao Ziyu’s thoughts as he leaned in, lowering his voice to a mere whisper. “Teach me.”

Hearing this, Jiao Ziyu’s thoughts came to an abrupt halt, and he blinked, staring at the other in complete incomprehension. Then, for some reason, he found himself leaning forward as well, lowering his own voice as he asked: “Teach you what, exactly?”



“So,” Bai Jixue said, now quite awake and lucid and largely back to his normal self. “The Eyesore asked you for tips on how to seduce me?”

That was basically the gist of it – and once again, Jiao Ziyu had absolutely no idea as to how this information had managed to reach the other’s ears.

Were there listening talismans hidden around this place, or were the senses of demons simply that acute? Because yes, the former Peak Lord Bai apparently belonged to the latter category, which was a surprise yet also not.

“What a fool,” Bai Jixue spat, eyeing Jiao Ziyu with obvious displeasure. “As if I’d let myself be seduced by the likes of you.”

Well, obviously. Jiao Ziyu hadn’t imagined anything different – and as for the opposite scenario, he would much rather not think of it, honestly. Still⸺ “No offence, but... in the strictly hypothetical scenario that I’d ever try and prove successful, I honestly wouldn’t know what to do with you. Mingyue used to scare me, but you, you’re still deeply terrifying to me.”

“Well,” Bai Jixue said, offering up a cold but nevertheless satisfied smile. “I’m glad to see that I still manage to inspire some degree of respect around here.”

Well, fear and respect tended to overlap but weren’t necessarily one and the same. In fact, they were quite different, even though they occasionally coincided. Besides, as far as respect went, Bai Jixue still inspired plenty of it around the Demon King’s palace from what Jiao Ziyu had observed, and the Demon King did respect him, he really did, but⸺

“The Demon King does not fear you,” Jiao Ziyu said. “He does not fear you, but he fears for you. He’s afraid, but the prospect of your death scares him far more than the prospect of your rejection. He wants your affection, but he will protect you, regardless of whether you give it to him or not.”

“I never asked him to protect me!” Bai Jixue hissed. “And if I leave, it’s not like he can protect me then either!”

If, huh? “You never asked for his protection, much like Mingyue never asked for mine. Trying to protect him was my decision, and in practice, it hardly made much of a difference, because Mingyue was still taken and I nearly succumbed to a massive dose of Butterfly Demon Dust. But I doubt I need to tell you this, because you probably remember these events better than I do.”

Truth to be told, Jiao Ziyu was annoyed – but only a bit – and this irritation wasn’t purely due to Mingyue withholding information. No, this was but a tiny drop in a sea of other grievances, and the Demon King and the immortal before him just kept on adding to it.

“Look,” he finally said. “Again, no offence, but... maybe you two ought to consider airing your grievances to each other directly rather than doing it through me. I mean sure, I’ll listen, but...”

He trailed off, not really sure where he had been going with this. Then again, this whole situation was uncharted territory, so⸺ “Honestly, I don’t really know what to say – what I should say and what I have the right to say. I mean, it took years for me to realise... it took years, and so much time was lost, simply because I was too... deeply convinced that I felt nothing of the sort, and that it was honestly better that way because it was a love that would never come to fruition – which it did, and it’s something that still leaves me utterly baffled! I spent so many years, such a large portion of my life, just pining, pining after someone. It made me miserable, but I was far too afraid to risk what I had – the tentative friendship I had sought to cultivate. I was too much of a coward, and in another life, I died never knowing how Mingyue felt about me. I mean, I’m sure you have your own circumstances as a Transmigrator and whatnot, but⸺”

Jiao Ziyu trailed off, taking a deep breath before pushing onward.

“Look,” he said. “If you’ve got something to say to him, then just say it now, before it’s too late, and even more so if you’re planning on leaving. Just... don’t leave him waiting forever... for an answer that’ll never come.”

Ah, damn it all. He was getting emotional now. No, Jiao Ziyu was already emotional, tears stinging in his eyes and emotions constricting his throat. He was about to have a minor breakdown right in front of Bai Jixue as if he hadn’t already suffered through enough mortification in recent months!

And by the time the first tear rolled down his cheek, Jiao Ziyu knew that he had lost, no longer holding back the sobs rising in his throat. He did manage to compose himself slightly however, and against better judgement, he looked up, his eyes brimming with tears.

Then, a blink promptly sent the excess liquid rolling down his cheeks, affording his eyes momentary clarity before the tears welled up once more – and during it, Jiao Ziyu caught a good glimpse of Bai Jixue staring at him with an absolutely bewildered look in his eyes.

Then, abruptly, the former Peak Lord just got up and walked away, leaving Jiao Ziyu to stare after him, wiping away the tears, mortification truly complete.



“You know,” the Demon King told him, months after those dreadful events. “As it turns out, I do owe you a great deal, Peak Lord Jiao.”

To this, Jiao Ziyu offered up a helpless shrug, contemplating the cup of tea in front of him.

“Yes,” said the Demon King. “Turns out you’re quite the matchmaker, intentional or not.”

To this, Jiao Ziyu offered up a noncommittal hum, because the less he said about the matter the better, honestly.

“That said⸺” The Demon King smiled. “⸺I do have a small favour to ask.”

Jiao Ziyu did not look up. In fact, he didn’t even acknowledge the other’s presence.

“Come on,” said the Demon King. “It’s nothing too troublesome – I promise.”

Incidentally, the other had said almost exactly same thing about the last handful of favours, and Jiao Ziyu’s keen memory made him decidedly reluctant to accept another. Still⸺ “What do you want?”

At this point, he had long dropped any pretense of courtesy, because although Jiao Ziyu should probably have addressed the other a bit more respectfully, time, observation and experience had taught him that the Demon King answered quite well to terseness – if only from certain people.

“Well,” the Demon King said. “I was just thinking... maybe you could translate something for me?”

Translate something? “From?”

“You know, from that really weird-sounding Transmigrator tongue,” the Demon King said, nodding to himself. “I mean, I did ask my cute little son-in-law about it, but... for some reason, he wouldn’t say. And I know that he knows what it means, because I’ve heard the two of them speaking that language amongst themselves. But, since he wouldn’t say and I’ve been told not to ‘push my luck’, I figured I might as well try asking you. Because knowing your nuisance of a mentor, I have no doubt he taught you a thing or two.”

Hah. “I suppose.”

“Great.” The Demon King clapped his hands together. “Now do tell me... ‘fucking castrate him’. What does it mean?”

Fortunately, Jiao Ziyu hadn’t been drinking right at that moment, or else he would undoubtedly have choked on it. Instead, he calmly put his tea back down and promptly pulled out a bottle of strong alcohol, because he was not having this conversation sober.

“It depends,” he said at last, the Demon King watching him in obvious fascination. “Do you think they might’ve been talking about you?”

The Demon King thought about it, then casually admitted that such might indeed be the case.

“Oh,” Jiao Ziyu said, taking another swig. “Then I’d really suggest that you do not push your luck.”

Saying this, he wiped his mouth on his sleeve, uncaring of the fact that it came away stained. Instead, he said: “Seriously. Do not. Push your luck. Like my late master. Pushed his.”

At first, there was initial confusion, soon followed a mounting realisation.

“Oh,” the Demon King said. “Okay then.”

Point made, Jiao Ziyu offered up a dismissive wave, and surprisingly enough, the Demon King actually took the hint, vanishing just as quickly as he had come.

Jiao Ziyu didn’t stop drinking though.



Fortunately, it all turned out to be something of a misunderstanding. Because allegedly, the ‘him’ in this whole situation had not been the Demon King but rather some other demon – some clan leader or whatever – who had apparently said something to awaken Little Yue’s ire.

As for what it had been, Jiao Ziyu didn’t know nor did he care enough to find out. Sure, he was the Windward Sect’s secret spymaster and all, but keeping track of the Demon Realm as well seemed a bit excessive, honestly.

Ah, honestly. What was his life these days?