52. Making Plans (S)
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Tara was in pretty good spirits after we left her parents' place. I wasn't sure what made her happier, breaking her dad's nose and wrist or finding out her mom wasn't a transmisic bigot after all. Whatever the reason, I was just glad the visit had a positive outcome.

After the reunion we hopped on a streetcar and headed back into our old turf, then we enjoyed a few hours wandering the city streets. Thursday nights weren't quite as busy as Fridays or Saturdays, but there was more than enough of a night-life in the city to keep it interesting any night of the week.

Tara was in a good mood, and that put me in a good mood. And after the bars and clubs closed around two in the morning, we waited in a back alley off Yonge Street by the employee exit of a posh strip club. When a couple of the staff emerged, Tara and I enjoyed an attractive tasty meal together.

After we ate we wandered around the city a while more, then an hour or two before sunrise we finally made our way back to the hotel where we spent another lazy relaxing day in bed.

We were both up and fully dressed again as the sun started to set. Tara and I were once again ready for trouble, ready for a fight. Neither of us trusted Jessica, or her two enforcers. Or anyone else in the Family either, for that matter.

And I was planning to challenge Jess, or at least put her to the test. Reuben texted me a few questions and answers that I could use to verify if she was really herself. If she was a Slúag then this would definitely turn into a fight. And if she wasn't, well she might not be happy about me challenging her like that. And she probably wouldn't be pleased Reuben shared some personal information with me either.

Our three guests arrived at nine o'clock sharp. I opened the door and let them all in, then closed it and set the deadbolt and chain again.

We all exchanged some quiet greetings as they moved past me and Tara and over to the sofa. Daniel and Kathryn looked uncomfortable, like they really didn't want to be here. Jess wasn't much better, she seemed slightly impatient like she was eager to get the conversation over with and move on.

With the three of them on the sofa, Tara and I sat on the edge of the bed again. I had my phone in my hand, with the text app open to Reuben's text.

"Thanks for coming," I said as I looked the three of them over. "Before we get started, I have to ask you some questions Jess."

She frowned at me, "What sort of questions?"

I took a quick glance at my phone then looked back up at her and asked, "When was the last time you had an ice-cream cone? And what flavour was it?"

"What?" Jessica demanded. "We're not here to waste time playing games Samantha."

Tara stayed quiet but I knew she was ready to move. If Jess failed the test my girlfriend would put a load of silver powder right through her forehead, and probably follow that up by taking out Daniel and Kathryn as well. With her enhanced speed and the element of surprise, I was confident the three of them wouldn't have a chance.

I replied calmly, "Just answer the question Jess."

The head enforcer glanced at her two subordinates then back at me again. She was obviously confused, but after a few moments she shrugged, "It was in the summer of nineteen-fifty-three, not long before I was turned. And it was strawberry."

I nodded, and asked "Who'd you have it with?"

Jess glared, she looked like she didn't want to answer. "What exactly is this about Samantha?"

"Answer the question Jess," I stated in a hard tone. "Then we can get on with the meeting."

She continued glaring at me as she replied in a cold voice, "His name was Brandon, and that's the last thing I'm going to say on the subject."

"Ok Jess," I replied as I set my phone aside. "That's all I needed to know. So on with the meeting, what have you got to report?"

Jessica was obviously glad to leave that subject behind and she immediately got started with the business at hand.

"As I said earlier, there's no way to get Olivia or Julian out of the mansion, let alone off the estate property. There don't seem to be any predictable routines to their movements either. Nothing that would have the two of them both accessible at the same time."

She continued, "So taking your other idea, I've worked out a plan that should do the trick. As the head enforcer it's part of my duties to report to them, particularly if there's anything unusual going on. So I should be able to arrange a meeting with both of them, if I tell them there's something particularly important that needs both their attention."

"Ok," I shrugged. "So get to the point, when and where?"

Jess sighed, "If I come rushing up telling them I need a meeting and there's nothing else going on, they might become suspicious. It's going to take a few days for Daniel and Kathryn and I to orchestrate this. We're only going to get one chance so we need to be a hundred percent confident it's going to work."

Tara asked, "So what's the plan Jess?"

The redheaded enforcer made a slight face, she obviously didn't appreciate me and Tara pushing her to get to the point. I got the feeling she'd rehearsed this or something, she had a little speech and she meant to do it her own way in her own time.

She continued, "We'll be setting up some minor 'incidents' to report. Nothing that will stand out on its own, nothing that would attract their attention right away? But taken together, it'll appear to be a pattern and that will look believable. Particularly when it's spread out over a few days. It won't be suspicious, but it will demand some attention at that point."

This time Tara and I both stayed quiet, since prompting her wasn't helping anyways.

Jessica seemed put off by that too, but she did at long last get to the point.

"So Wednesday morning I'll request a meeting with the elders for Wednesday night, nine o'clock sharp. I'll explain it's regarding the recent events, that Daniel and Kathryn and myself need to update the both of them on the situation. That won't seem out of place, it'll fit with other sorts of things we've done over the past few years. When I get confirmation that the meeting is on, I'll notify you both by text message. Then at around eight Wednesday evening I'll meet you both here, or we can arrange to meet elsewhere if you prefer. Daniel and Kathryn will stay at the mansion, they'll be in contact with me to notify me if anything changes at the last minute."

She took a breath then finished, "Sam, Tara, and myself will arrive at the mansion at five minutes to nine. Daniel and Kathryn will be nearby making sure the front hall is clear. The three of us will enter and go straight into the meeting room where we can set up and await the elders. When the two of them come in, Daniel and Kathryn will follow them in and close the door. Olivia and Julian will be caught unawares, you two can do your thing, and that will be the end of the Slúag Marb."

I glanced at Tara then looked back at the three enforcers. "And after that? Me and Tara leave, you three mop up the mess and take care of whatever questions come up?"

All three of them looked uncomfortable again but Jess nodded, "Yes. When we arrive we'll park the SUV by the front doors, so you can get back in and return here to the hotel if you must. Of course we'd appreciate it if you'd stay and help us, you know there'll be a lot of unrest and upset when it becomes clear what's happened."

I didn't respond to that. My plan was we'd get in our car and head straight back to Winnipeg at that point. And I knew Tara would agree.

Instead I asked, "Last month when we spoke on the phone, there was a little matter of compensation. Have you put any more thought into that?"

Jessica's expression darkened slightly but she replied "I haven't forgotten. But until I have control of the Family and its finances, there's very little I can do. If you're really serious about that, then yes I will make arrangements as soon as I'm able. I have no idea how long it will take, perhaps days or weeks, but when I can I'll make arrangements to get you your 'compensation'."

Daniel and Kathryn looked even more uncomfortable hearing this part of the conversation, but I didn't care. I didn't care if it was mercenary, or if it made it sound like me and Tara were assassins. To be honest I didn't really care if we actually got paid or not, but I figured if there was money to be had then we may as well try.

I smiled, "Good. I'm glad we're all on the same page."

"Does anyone have any questions?" Tara asked. "Or are we all in agreement on the details of the plan?"

Nobody spoke up, so I figured the meeting was just about over.

"You know Samantha," Jessica commented after a few quiet moments, "Wednesday is the eighth. The twelfth is only four days after that. I'm sure your mother would appreciate a visit on her birthday, and it's not that much longer to stick around."

I kept my calm as I stated, "I know when my mother's birthday is Jess. I knew when it was back when Tara and I gave you two weeks. We're not hanging around any further than that. We're getting this done on Wednesday, then we're heading home like we've said all along."

It was like she wouldn't take no for an answer as she kept trying, "She's going to be ninety. There won't be many more opportunities to see her, Samantha. And you know your last visit was cut short. Are you sure -"

"Very sure," I said in a firm voice. "I don't want to have to keep repeating myself Jess. And you know, it's pretty fucking ironic hearing you using a visit with my mom as a lure to try keeping me in town. I seem to remember the Family was pretty fucking strict about avoiding our living family after we were turned."

Jess sighed, "Of course we don't want vampires visiting their living family and revealing themselves. It's a complete violation of the covenant. But you've made it clear our rules no longer apply to you and Tara, and the whole reason you came back to Toronto was to see your mom. So why not visit her again before you head back home? Why not stay and spend her birthday with her? Think of how happy she'll be, Samantha."

"I'll send her some fucking flowers," I replied. "I came to see her, I saw her, and if not for your threats and grovelling Tara and I would have been back home again last week."

Tara had been quiet while my mother was the subject of conversation, but she spoke up at this point. She could probably hear the tension and anger I was holding back.

"Jess let it go," Tara stated. "We gave you two weeks or less, you agreed to that and the other terms up front. We're not changing our minds, and all you're doing right now is aggravating Sam and me."

I watched as Jess looked back and forth between Tara and me. Kathryn and Daniel were both quiet, I had a feeling they didn't want to get involved in this part of the conversation.

Actually I had the feeling they didn't want to be part of any of this, they were only here because Jess brought them, because I told her to.

All five of us were quiet again for a few more seconds, until Jessica finally relented.

"Ok Samantha. Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to try and keep you around another couple days. We could really use your help here above and beyond the job on Wednesday."

I slowly shook my head again, but kept quiet. I wouldn't let her draw me into that debate a second time in a row.

"I think that's about all we have to discuss then?" Tara asked. It sounded like a rhetorical question, and our guests just nodded quietly.

Tara got to her feet and continued, "Then we'll let you three get back to your regular duties. Jess, you know where to reach us if the plan changes or something comes up. Otherwise we'll look forward to your text on Wednesday, and we'll see you then."

Jessica, Kathryn, and Daniel all got to their feet as well, while I stayed where I was. Tara saw them all out to the door, then closed and barred it after they were gone.

She finally came back to me and sat down again, slipping her arm around my waist.

"That went more or less like we expected, huh?" she asked quietly.

I nodded, "More or less. I'm not happy Jess keeps trying to get us to stay longer."

Tara grimaced, "I noticed. But don't worry about it ok? I think we've been pretty clear it's not going to happen. We only have to see her once more when we get the job done. Then we go home."

"Right," I agreed as I put my arm around her shoulders. "That's another five days away though. What do you want to do till then?"

She shrugged, "Do some more sight-seeing? Go see a movie? Some more not-patrols around our old turf? Or just stay here and wear out the bed, and abuse the jacuzzi?"

I smiled, "They're all good ideas. How about all of the above?"

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