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Life 3. The Rating Game that decides it

Part 1.

When I open my eyes...I saw...The clubroom

What the, did the teleportation fail? But everyone besides me and Asia is calm and they aren't even shocked about this situation we are in.

"Why are we in the clubroom…' Issei's mind wandered as he looked around and finally saw the outside and saw the bright sky like it is during the day, instead of the dark it should have been.


"This really is like him. He probably did something like this to show me that even with me having an advantage, he'll still win. I won't give him the satisfaction. I'll make sure that we win this game."

A chorus of approval greeted her declaration.


[Hello everyone. I am Grayfia, a maid from the House of Gremory and today I will be the arbiter of the Rating match between the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix.] Grayfia-san announced through a magic circle.

[In the name of my Master, Sirzechs Lucifer, I will be keeping my eye on this match. By using both Rias-sama and Riser-sama's opinion, we created this battlefield which is a replica of the school, Kuoh Academy, which Rias-sama attends to in the human world.]

"Eh, seriously? Did they make an entire replica of this school just for this rating? That seems a bit excessive," I thought to myself as I looked outside and saw the other school building, their position, their appearance, even their decoration are all the same.

"Serious talk, how strong is the devil? To be able to freely make this"

[The location where both teams were transported will be their "base". Rias-sama's "base" would be the Occult Research Cub's clubroom located in the old school building. Riser-sama's "base" would be the Student Council's room located in the new building. For the [Pawns] to use "promotion", please head to the enemy's base to do it.] Grayfia-san continued her explanation.

.[Furthermore, as one member that is on the side of Rias-sama does not contain an evil piece or a reincarnated devil, the individual Hyoudou Issei has been assigned the role of [ Pawn] with a score of eight pawn pieces, without any of the benefits. This means that he cannot receive the power received from [Promoting]] Grayfia-san announced the situation regarding me.

"So that's how it is huh...Well, that sucks" I said as I sighed, this means that I won't be able to gain any of the buffs from [Promoting] but their pawns can "So that means we gotta take their Pawns first right?" I asked Buchou for confirmation, if all eight pawns of them promote to a queen, it will bring trouble for us down the line.

Buchou looked at me and smiled while nodding her head "That's right, it will be troublesome if all of them promote to [Queen] and turn this into an unfavourable position, since none of us can promote, I believe that a defensive war would be our best bet" Buchou said as she holds her chin while looked deep in thought.

"Ddraig...What do you think...Do you agree with her? I'm not really good with this long-drawn-out tactic" I asked Ddraig who is vigilant, none of his usual sleepiness remains from his tone or way of speaking

[In a normal scenario, it would be a good tactic, that phenex devil is an arrogant bastard with a bad case of short-sightedness, I bet that he will siege us and wear us down with number] Ddraig said as he mulled over it.

[However...I must not agree with the red-head tactic, a long drawn out battle might allow us to fight this battle and potentially defeat them, but she is a bit naive, she didn't count on the thought that they might sneak around while sacrificing one of them, partner, tell them]

"anoo...Buchou...What if they sneak around us? Or even make a sacrificial play? Won't that allow some of their pawns to promote" I asked buchou who snapped her eyes at me with an expression that made it like I just said something scandalous

"Sa-Sacrificial play is it...huh...That didn't cross my mind" she said as she diverted her eyes once more, a distant look on her face, are? Did I say something wrong? I looked to Kiba who looked at me with a forced smile.

[I see...that redhead is truly a youngster huh...To think that she is still this innocent regarding battle…] Ddraig said with a sigh while I didn't have anything to retort, on a retrospective, it is a good idea to sneak around us or even make a sacrificial play, we only have five people while they have fifteen, even if we cull four of their pawns, as long as they could let the other promote, it would still leave us with a one-to-two disadvantage.

"Yuuto" Buchou said as she glanced at Kiba who nodded before taking out a piece of paper and laying it down on the table, revealing it to be a map of the whole school.

The map itself is a detail version, complete with numerous grid that divides our school into section, buchou then circled an area near the old school building that is our "base"

"There's a forest near our base. It's safe to assume that this is also our territory. In other words, the new school building would be Riser's territory. It's quite possible that there will be an ambush here, or they might even sneak to our territory through here, they might send something akin to bait here so there will probably three or four [Pawn] that will go through here"

"Then do we have to go through here, through the sports ground us until we reach the new school building?" I said as I make a line that leads from the forest near us to the sports ground and to the new school building.

"Normally, yes. But the enemy will also know that. So he'll have his servant positioned at the sports ground. ... so he most likely will place his [Knight] or [Rock] to defend it….No, on second thought, it will more plausible if he holds this down with number and mobility, so [Pawns] and [Knight]."

"Buchou, it's about the gym near the old school building. Shouldn't we occupy this location first? If we capture it here then we will have a route to the new school building. The gym is a passage to both of the buildings so we could also restrain the enemy's movements."

Kiba said as he retraced my lines once more, it looks like he comes to the same conclusion as me, as expected of him huh.

"Yes, I also have the same opinion. First, we will capture the gym. …In terms of location, the opponent may have his [Rook] positioned there. Since it's inside a building, it would be better to use the [Rook] with destructive power over [Knight] with mobility."

Buchou then closed her eyes while the rest of us descend silent, the others looked at her with a full belief of her decision.

"Ise...I'm sorry...But it looks like I'm gonna have to depend on you once more" Buchou said as she looked at me with a sorry expression and a forced smile, I can't help but smile reassuringly at her

"Don't worry Buchou...Even if I looked like this, I'm not gonna lose that easily" I chuckled as I scratch the back of my head while Buchou smile turns into a humoured one.

"Then it's settled, Akeno and Asia, stay here and guard this building, worst-case scenario, this will turn into a siege battle, Yuuto, Koneko, go the gym and made sure that it is ours, we can't let it be used against us, Ise….Go to the forest and don't let anybody go through here" buchou smiled which we replied with a spirited "Osu!"

"Everyone, take this" Akeno-san handed me as well as the others with an earpiece, a communication device I see.

"At the battlefield, we will be using this to communicate with each other."

[Now it's the time for the commencement of the battle. Also, this match will continue till dawn in the humans time. So, the game starts now.]


A school bell ringing as the signal to the start of this game huh...Well, ain't that a funny thing to do, is it Maou-sama idea? Or is it someone's else? Not my issue anyway.

Part 2

Issei looked down from his spot, a large tree with shadows that hide him from vision, his breath hitched and his body frozen, he starred at the three figures that are walking through the forest.

"Three people...Buchou prediction is a bit wrong I see" I internally chuckled, before returning my full attention to the three people that are presumably the [Pawns] that Riser send forward as a sneak attack or a sacrificial play.

Moments passed yet Issei does not care, his entire being is just focused on observing the three people that are walking ever so closer to his position, their eyes indicated that they realize they are being watched, but don't know how, a sign that they are amateurs in regards to sense.

It was understandable really, Issei learnt from a young age that most supernatural beings had an inborn sense of how to sense somebody, devils will track others from their aura, Youkai will sense their life energy, Angels and fallen angel are capable of sensing people presence through their aura and even their faith.

Yet none of them had truly learned how to sharpen their five senses due to their experience, Azazel-sensei is a perfect example for this, but the underling with no battle experience, like the fallen angel that tried to kill Issei hadn't sharpened their sense.

Issei captain told him that this is because the supernatural creature already thought that their five sense are top-notch and are not needed to be trained any further, completely ignoring that assassins with the help of tools and experience, can even hide from their senses.

Thus, Stealth, in particular, hiding and detecting, are one of the first things that Issei learnt from [Parabellum], a way for a human to be able to hide from even the sharpest of supernatural creatures.

Issei shook his head left and right before looking at the target before him once more, they are now less than three meters away from Issei position, he finally could see their appearance clearly, two of them looked to be twin while wearing a maid outfit, while the last one wore a dancer outfit, one typically used by middle eastern.

The three of them are walking in a triangle position, with the two maids in front while the dancer in the back of them.

As they reached Issei position, being directly under him, Issei hitched his breath and jumped down and with the help of Shundo, and using his left and right hand, slammed the two maids head to the ground with a disgusting noise, they didn't even manage to react to him, before the dancer could do anything, Issei turned around and for a moment saw fear in her eyes, he steeled himself though as he jabbed the dancer throat, turning her body into light particle.

And the fight is over in less than five seconds since it started. Letting the breath he was holding, Issei huffed before hearing the announcement

[Riser Phoenix-sama's three [Pawns] retire] I nodded, confirming their identities, it had been less than thirty minutes since the game started, and the situation seems to be heating up

Issei huffed his breath once more when a flash of light went through and a loud booming voice reverberated the area.

[Riser Phoenix-sama's three [Pawns], one [Knight] and one [Rook] retire!] Eh? What was that? Who's doing that? Is that Akeno-san?.

[Ise! Can you hear me?] Buchou said to him from the transmitter, Issei tapped the tools once more, activating it, he had it on off on fear that it will alert them to his position.

"Yeah Buchou, loud and clear"

[Good, there is a change of plans, help Koneko and Yuuto on the sports ground, Akeno managed to ambush the enemy on the gym and is currently fighting against their [Queen], Kiba and Koneko are on a three-to-one disadvantage on the sports ground, and that pig Riser is coming here, me and Asia will handle him]

Issei went silent, "Damn it, nothing ever go easy is it', Issei internally cursed himself while replying to Rias with a confirmation "Okay Buchou, break a leg out there alright," he said before turning off the transmitter, and run towards the sports ground.

Kiba jumped backwards lightly, nimbly dodging the downward slash that aimed to cut his torso, he took some distance to regain some time for himself.

He glanced at the side and saw Koneko fighting three people, two of them is wearing a cheongsam while the last one is a particular person with a mask covering the right side of her face, from their appearance, Kiba knew that two-person wearing cheongsam is a twin considering their entire feature and appearance are exactly the same.

Kiba shook his head and refocused his attention to the opponent before him once more, the last [Knight] Riser had, is a young woman with light brown hair and green eyes. Her outfit consists of a full set of silver armour, her weapon, a flaming sword with fire that made Kiba sweats every time it brushes past his body.

"Mouu...Karlamine, just finish this battle already won't you" A pouting voice made Kiba divert his attention to the last person on the sports ground, a young girl with dark blue eyes. She has long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place. Her outfit consisted of a light purple dress with dark purple accents and a blue bow at the front.

Beside her, Kiba saw another woman wearing a kimono that looked to be attending and defending the twin-tailed girl, she looked unfazed and uncaring of the battle happening in front of her.

Kiba looked wary at the blonde girl, he can't help but feel the same feeling he had when he met Riser, the feeling of extraordinary demonic power, one that is highly concentrated and powerful.

Kiba opponent, the female named Karlamine just forced a smile before huffing a breath and charging at Kiba once more, ready to clash once more.

Kiba prepared his stance and charged at her, their clash sends a spark of fire flying through the air, Kiba entire mind is focused on the battle, the outside world sensation becoming duller and duller as his entire sense focused on the battle.

[Riser-sama [Rock] retire,Rias-sama [Rook] retire].

The announcement snapped Kiba back to reality, snapping his head towards Koneko who was disappearing, turning into a light particle that indicated that she is, indeed had retired but her opponent, the mask-wearing girl also began to dissipate, a punch mar could be seen on her stomach.

The two pawns that were fighting Koneko-chan looked tired but their expression didn't betray them, they are truly happy at their victory as they fist-bumped.

Kiba gritted his teeth, keeping his anger at bay, he really wanted to go over there and retire the two of them, yet his opponent keeps blocking him every time he attempts to get to where Koneko is.

"So including the eight that have retired, and five still here plus their [Queen] is fighting Akeno-san, that leaves us with one person left unknown huh" A familiar voice brought a smile from Kiba, knowing that he could trust the owner of this voice.

"You're late Ise-kun," Kiba said as he looked over his shoulder and see Issei walking calmly, he had already discarded his uniform blazer, only wearing the red shirt that hugged his figure and black pants.

"Sorry sorry, I need times to find where this was going," he said sheepishly before turning his attention towards the four-member of Riser peerage.

"So….can I trust you with that [Knight] Kiba...She looked like she's not interested in me" Ise said making Kiba return his attention to Karlamine once more, her gaze not once leaving Kiba.

"I see...Then can I trust you with the remaining four opponents Ise-kun" Kiba said as he readied his stance once more, unintentionally smiling as he heard Ise replied with a spirited "Yeah"

[Riser-sama one [Pawn], one [Queen] retired. Rias-sama [Queen] retire]

The announcement brought the seven of them to a standstill, their expression shocked at it, the first one to woke-up is the blonde girl "Karlamine! No more playing around, take down that [Knight] right now, the rest of us, let's go, we'll take down this last person, I will be questioning Yubelluna a lot later" she practically shouted her strategy, Karlamine and Kiba fight even became fiercer at her words, while Issei looked ready to take on the remaining four.

Kiba and Karlamine clashed over and over again, Kiba techniques are definitely noticeably better than Karlamine, yet she managed to close the gap with her sword and brute strength by forcing him to turn the fight into a fight of brute strength.

Kiba gritted his teeth, he needed to help Issei right now, leaping backwards to make some space for himself, Kiba focused his attention on creating a particular sword he had been practising to make in order for this fight.

"DIE!' Karlamine said as she swings down his two-handed flaming sword at Kiba who grinned as he could sense the sword materializing, grabbing it, Kiba blocked the two-handed sword, what's more surprising, however, is that the flame that surrounded Karlamine sword disappear.

"A trump card of mine, a sword capable of devouring any and all flames, I wanted to use this against Phoenix, but I can't be fooling around anymore" Kiba grinned as he looked at the realization dawning at Karlamine face.

"A-Absurd! Are you telling me that you have two Sacred Gears!?"…or Are you a Sacred Gear possessor who takes the weapons of other Sacred Gear users and makes them his own?"

Kiba shakes his head at Karlamaine's question.

"I don't have multiple Sacred Gears. I also don't take the Sacred Gears of others and make them my own. I created them."


"Yes, my sacred gear [Sword birth] allows me to create multiple types of demonic sword, that is the true nature of my Sacred gear.

"And now, this is the part where you'll get defeated," Kiba said before gracefully speeding up and slashed, thrust and cut Karlamine over and over again in order to defeat her, she tried to hold on, she really do, even capable of blocking some attack but it was futile, with a strike to her nape using the hilt, she felt forward, unconscious.

"Hahh...hahhh" Kiba panted heavily, he had never fought in that kind of speed for that long amount of time, he had usually use a blitz tactic in order to quickly overwhelm the opponent, that's how he managed to make the assault on the gym successful after all

[Riser-sama [Knight[ retire] Grayfia announcement confirmed his victory.

"KIBA!" Ise shouted at the top of his long, dodging and parrying the physical assault easily while making sure he didn't get hit by the magical attack from the blonde girl as well as the yukata wearing girl

"GO ON AHEAD! I'll Follow you later" Ise shouted before parrying an axe kick from one of the pawn. Kiba initially felt conflicted for a moment, but after one look at Issei who support a reassuring grin, Kiba returned it with a smile of his own before dashing towards the old school building, where Riser is located.

"Now then young lady, sorry but I'll be delivering some hurt and despair" I announced as I made sure Kiba is out of my sight and out of hearing distance, my announcement brings an annoyed from their face, for the last fifteen minutes, none of their attacks had been hitting after all.

As I jumped backwards, I huffed a breath before mentally prepping myself before piercing the acupuncture point right on top of my heart.

My aura exploded, literally and figuratively, the sudden influx of natural energy that came into me created shockwaves that reverberated through the entire sports ground.

I grinned before checking myself as I clenched my hands into a fist, [Breakthrough] is successful it seems, no abnormality, the power is not as tempered as two years ago, but this has to do.

The four-person that is my opponent is now looking at me warily, their eyes never once leaving my figure, a smart and wise idea, they don't know how strong I am after all, thus, being cautious is the correct choice here, unfortunately, that is useless.

With a speed none of them could react, I dashed full speed to the blonde-haired girl, from my observation, she is the pillar as well as the main strategist of this fight, without her, I don't think none of them could hold on to this well.

She looked at me with widened eyes, her body though is frozen with sweat littering her body, I could see from the edge of my eyes the yukata wearing girl desperately running to help her, too slow, too late.

"Madan" [1] I muttered slowly as I delivered a fatal blow to her solar plexus with a palm strike, her eyes indicated she felt the pain for but a moment before disappearing with white light.

"OJOU-SAMA!" "DIE" "SCUM!" The other screamed at me as they run towards me, anger clearly visible through their eyes, the yukata girl, in particular, is practically seething, grinning to myself, I dashed once more, chopping the nape of yukata wearing girl, making sure that she is out of the fight.

The last two finally reached me and began their assault, their once coordinated strike became more and more erratic, their eyes that were calm are now expressing numerous expression that made their strike that was once sure, became unsure.

I caught their fist with my hand before pulling her body closer to mine, delivering a straight punch right to her chest, blood and spit came out of her mouth before disappearing, the last one had tears running down her cheek, I felt bad before chopping her on her side neck, making her go unconscious.

[Riser-sama two [Bioshop] two [Pawns] retire. Rias-sama one [Bioshop] one [Knight] retire] Grayfia-san announcement startled me, Thi...this meant that Kiba and Asia retired, Gritting my teeth, I dashed towards the old school building.

Rias panted, glaring angrily at Riser Phenex.

They'd been at it for half an hour on the rooftop and when Akeno had come to back her up 15 minutes ago, and his [Queen], the one he called Yubelluna alongside one other pawn, had arrived the same time.

They had been throwing magic to each other, slinging flames, lightning, explosives and even spheres of pure destruction at each other.

Ironically enough, Riser has lost his [Queen] when she reached for the bottle of Phoenix Tears that was held by the pawn, leaving her open long enough for Akeno to jump in and call upon a bolt of lightning that instantly retired both of them.

However, that was when Riser made his move, that bastard of a man have the guts to instantly encase Akeno who was too focused on calling upon the lightning that she didn't notice the prison cage that encased her, retiring her from the game.

The two of them, Rias and Akeno, had done their best, putting their all into it, getting creative in their use of magic, but Riser proved that the Phenex really earned their namesake and showed them his immortality.

Rias gritted her teeth in anger, she remembers Issei words

-"anoo...Buchou...What if they sneak around us? Or even make a sacrificial play?-

Rias felt like punching her past self in the face for overlooking his words, she was too naive, too young, too inexperienced, to not even consider the possibility of a sacrificial play.

Rias looked at her body once more, no injury whatsoever, the result of Asia sacrifice, she forced herself to activate her sacred gear as well as create barrier at the same time, a feat that she previously unable to do.

Asia, Rias heart began to ache when she remembers her, she had shielded Rias from Riser relentless barrage of attack when Rias was injured, making her immobile, in the end, the only reason she survived is because Kiba pushed her off from harm's way while using his body as a shield for Asia though it was futile in the end.

Rias looked at Riser once more, Riser looked ragged, his breathing a bit harsh, hair a little unkempt and his face covered in sweat. He also looked pissed.

"Rias, this is madness. Both you and I know that your efforts are pointless. Everyone has already foreseen the outcome. So why not just give up and marry me? I promise I'll make you feel things you've never felt before."

The last part was said in a lecherous grin, no doubt implying things that involved beds, lack of clothes, and penises inside vaginas. Specifically, hers. And the female members of her peerage.

"Pointless? Foreseen the outcome? Shut your dirty mouth you bastard...Look at the situation once more, you're alone and about to retire while I'm healthy as a fiddle" Rias practically seethed each word.

Riser flinched at her words, indicating that the situation is truly dire, he had, after all, sees this [Rating game] as nothing more than a game before he took Rias hands into marriage and made himself the most well-known devil on the underworld.

Instead, what he got is a humiliating pyrrhic victory, with Rias manage to catch him and his peerage over and over again, defeating and retiring his peerage easily, and only losing her own peerage member well over into the game, him, an experienced, veteran player of the [Rating game] forced to suffer this humiliation, he will not stand for it.

Riser, nerves beginning to fray, didn't want to keep this up and simply created a huge fireball above his head, the heat of it reaching Rias, who was a dozen feet away.

"Then I'll end it right now and make you my woman!" With that declaration, he threw the now gigantic ball at her, the tiles of the rooftop beginning to melt as the ball of heat passed by.

Rias cursed herself inwardly, quickly, she created a barrier out of her demonic power, she knew it won't be enough, but the only thing she can do is hope for the best.

And hope has come.

A figure stands between Rias and the fireball, and with a swift movement, punched the fireball apart, destroying it when it came into contact with the figure fist, Rias looked at the figure once more, can't help but smiling when she recognizes it.

"So you're safe...that's good Buchou," Issei said as she glanced at the kneeling Rias, body and mind deprived of any stamina that she had left, she doesn't even have any left for any support to help Issei.

"It's alright Buchou...Leave the rest to me" Issei smiled kindly as he unintentionally patted Rias head, making her face warm and a blush appeared on her face, she diverted her face in an attempt to not let him sees it.

"You...You human.." Riser practically seethed at Issei, flames flaring from his back, supporting his current emotion, Issei though, looked unfazed by it, he walked ever closer to Riser.

"Tell me young phoenix….How good is your immortality" he said as he seemed to pull something out of a magic circle as he walked ever so closer to Riser. Riser for his part, arrogantly grinned at Issei.

"Hahh? Are you an idiot? We Phenex are "Immortal", You idiot! We will never die, we will never lose! We are the invincible phenex!" He said with a mocking tone but was surprised when Issei simply smiled at his words.

"That's good, isn't it...That means I can go full power...And kill you infinitely" His words practically brought the temperature down, the aura surrounding him changed, no more was it overflowing freely it began to focus and coat his body tightly, he pulled out a fingerless glove, crimson in colour with a number one in Latin engraved with it.

"Let this be a lesson for you young Phenex,….nobody is truly immortal" Issei said before disappearing, no sounds or even initial movement, it seems as if he truly disappear.

Riser looked stunned before frantically searching the area for him, "Too slow" a voice whispered before Riser was kicked on the head, sending him crashing down to the sports ground.

Rias looked at Issei once more, no longer he radiates kindness and warmth that he usually does, his aura is cold, unforgiving, and are the single most frightening aura Rias had ever come in contact with.

Jumping down from the rooftop, Issei landed on the ground and began walking calmly, his expression remain unfazed even as numerous fireball came flying at him.

"Madan" He said before punching the air, sending the shockwaves that destroyed the fireball with ease.

"I-I'll KILL YOU!" A flying riser supporting a giant wing made of flame began charging at Issei with a speed that is unlike before, Issei though, remains unfazed and get into his stance.

"RIGHT" Riser said as he clawed at Issei and flames erupted, Issei, instead of backing off and dodging, leapt off from his foot and into Riser space, his knee raised and hit his gut, making Riser spit out blood.

Rise thought that was the end, instead, a crushing voice reverberated as Issei punch Riser throat, making him spit blood while a disgusting sound made it clear that his vocal cord is destroyed.

"Bargsard" Riser said as his regeneration began working on repairing the damage, his hand controlled the flame and the flame began to surround Issei, an image formed on Riser mind that Issei will leap backwards to make some space.

Instead, a punch to his nose is the answer he got, his nose began bleeding, he began to realize, Issei isn't afraid of his fire, he didn't even care about it, gritting his teeth, Riser pushed past the pain and punched at Issei.

Issei calmly tilted his head before grabbing Riser arm, making him confused for a second before Issei punched his elbow, a realization that this man just destroyed his ligament on his elbow.

Riser screamed in pain as he looked at his arm once more, it had bent in a weird way that is impossible for a normal hand. he began frantically throwing fireball while throwing himself backwards to make some space.

Issei didn't care, he charged through the fireball, unfazed at the burns that began to appear on his body as the result of his charge, his speed is higher than Riser, making him catch up in less than two seconds.

Riser, panicking, flew upwards on a jump as he looked at Issei who widened his eyes for a fraction of a second before leaping towards Riser leg, but it was too late, Riser are now in the air.

"Not so confident now are you Pawn? I am a Phenex, here in the air, we are the hunters." He spread his arms in a cocky gesture, smirking at him pushing the pain that is piercing his brain to the side.

Riser began to compose himself, his wounds that he suffered began to heal themselves bit by bit, Riser smirked once more as he realizes that Issei couldn't fly, he then create numerous magic circle on top of him.

"BEHOLD! The true power of PHENEX! DI..UARGH" He screamed cut of his announcement, a sharp pain interrupting him, he looked at the source of the pain and looked at horror on his stumped left leg that have been amputated.

Blood spew on it for a second before flame began to cover it in attempt to heal it, Riser gritted his teeth to not scream anymore, looking at Issei, he just made a pose indicating he had just done a kick.

Realization dawned on Riser, this man just created an air pressure strong enough to decapitate him "RUAGHH" Riser said as he completed creating magic circle and from it, pillars of flame erupted from it.

Issei looked calm, too calm, slowly he pulled himself into a punching stance and then, he punched the incoming pillar of flame, making it go erupt and dissipate into the air.

Riser left with his mouth hanging, this man just punched the strongest flame he had ever created to oblivion, a mere human just did it, anger erupted within Riser, he's going to kill this human, even if it's the last thing he does.

"DIE!" He shouted before charging at Issei once more, foregoing all attempt at defence, now, Riser are nothing more than attacking him blindly.

Issei, without even breaking a sweat, dodge and parry all attack Riser attacked him with, his eyes not even showing any emotion, only emptiness and as Riser just attacked him with another punched that he easily dodge, Issei stabbed Riser eyeballs with his fingers, crushing it instantly.

Riser screamed before resuming attacking, seemingly, he has gone insane from the fighting, Issei didn't care, he kicked Riser private part making him to go fall down on his knee, and was sent flying to the side with a kick

Issei huffed slightly, finally breaking a sweat, he waited for but a moment and when he realizes the announcement announcing that Riser had defeated will not come, he simply sighed

He looked at the trembling figure of Riser, his flame had weakened a lot compared to the beginning, his wounds though seemed to have heal itself as his eyes had recovered though his posture is slouched indicating that he's feeling the pain.

Why?" The honest curiosity behind the seething rage in his voice was enough to make Issei stood still and tilted his head in confusion


"Why would you fight for Rias? I looked into you. You haven't even met her before a few weeks ago. You were nothing more than a normal human, with a normal life. You don't even know her all that well. You have no obligations to honor, no debts to pay, nothing. Why would you willingly become someone else's pawn, to fight an immortal Phoenix for someone like that?"

Riser words brought Issei to a standstill, he smiled sardonically as he looked up the sky "I wonder why….Though if I must say...she reminds me of my destined one" Issei said those words with a sad and resigned tone, his cynical smile never once leaving.

"Destined one...Are you a fucking idiot?" Riser seeth as he prepares for an attack "You'll dare to challenge an immortal phenex because of a reason as stupid as that? Have you no notion of what this marriage truly mean?"

"I do...I really do...but Riser...I have told no lies when I said that I do understand what this marriage entails...the reason why I'm helping Rias Gremory is so much more than just that, but I want to help her, to give her the freedom that this world has robbed from her so that she can say what she wants, love who she wants.."

Issei felt himself turning his sardonically smile into a genuine one "So here I stood Riser...not as a warrior, but just a human who wants to help his friend, because this human has lost too many friends because of circumstances"

Unknown to Issei, Rias was at the grounds, the moment Riser crashed down she forced herself to come closer and was currently listening in to their conversation.

"...the reason why I'm helping Rias Gremory is so much more than just that, but I want to help her, to give her the freedom that this world has robbed from her, so that she can say what she wants, love who she wants.

Rias put her hands on her chest. Her face is warm and her body trembling with happiness, a grin she can't put out plastered on her face"Dammit Issei, are you trying to make me fall for you?" She said softly,

Issei finished those words as he prepared his final attack, the once uncontrollable overflowing power began to coalesce onto his left fist, the sheer power of it made the ground shake and the air charged with power.

"Riser Phenex...Any parting words?" Issei said as his fist shook, clearly unable to properly control the power, Riser sighed resignedly before narrowing his eyes, he lowered his body, preparing for his last attack.

"Next time...I will win" he said those words as he charged towards Issei, knowing that it was futile and that this battle was lost, yet the flame he put out is the strongest one he had put out, unknowingly, he had surpassed his limit and put out a flame that's even hotter than before.

Issei smiled as he met the charge head-on, realizing what just happened, yet he still charge on, the two of them clashed, Riser flames versus Issei body, and the result of the clash could be heard when an announcement let them know who's the winner.

[Riser-sama's [King] retires. Rias Gremory-sama is the winner.]

Issei stood there alone, his breathing unsteady and sweat littered his forehead, all of the tension leaving his body, he was bluffing about his overflowing power, in truth, he was hurting, his body unable to properly control the amount of power he used during [Breakthrough].

It had been two years since Issei had last used [Breakthrough] this powerful, his body that has deteriorated due to lack of training had made it clear that he can't use this much power without incurring some sort of risk.

Issei turned her heads towards the crying Rias, a magic circle slowly formed between the two of them, as they are the last remaining person on it, Issei huffed for one last time before calling out to Rias.

"Buchou...I leave my body in your care alright" Issei smiled and said just as Rias now within arms reach. He let the overflowing power of [Breakthrough] leave his body, assaulting his mind and body and making him lose his consciousness.

Rias eyes widened at the falling Issei, forcing herself to move, she managed to catch Issei's unconscious body just as they were about to be teleported.

Rias brushed the dirt and grime off Issei's face, her happiness overflowing, a warm sensation on her chest, and just as she was about to be teleported she kissed Issei on the lips, whispering a low "I love you" that no one heard.

"My first kiss. It's something that girls treasure in Japan, right?" Rias wondered to no one in particular as she was teleported somewhere else

Extra life 1. Those who talk

"Lord Phoenix. I'm very sorry that this engagement turned out like this. I know it's rude but this engagement—."

"You don't have to say any more, Lord Gremory. It was a good engagement for pure Devils, but it looks like we both had too much greed. Both of us already have pure Devil grandchildren. Maybe it's the greed as Devils that made us crave for it. Or is it because we saw hell in the last war."

", I also forced my greed onto my daughter."

"His name was Hyoudou-kun, correct? I wanted to thank him. What my son lacked was defeat. He overestimated the ability of our clan and that made his flame weak, when he let go of his pride and let go of his arrogance, only then he was able to unleash the flame worthy of the name phoenix, after all, Phoenix is a bird that will always revive stronger than before

This is why, even if it hurts his pride and tarnishes the name of our family, it is undeniable that my son has learnt something from this experience, that final flame he put out, that is the flame that rivals even my flame, and that alone is enough."

"Still...That human is one that can't be ignored don't you think? A figure that has until now been unknown to us devil is simply unacceptable, yet when I ask whether my son knew of him or not, he brushes it off…"

Extra life 2. Those who took action

"Take a look Ajuka…You must be familiar with this technique"

"Th...This is...I see…[Breakthrough] Isn't it?"

"Yeah….It is undeniable now, it has resurfaced and it has returned."

"But why is he siding with us? Aren't he with that mercenary company [Parabellum] who upholds a stance on neutrality?"

"Correct…[Parabellum] is an existence only higher-up knows, and it is undeniable that this young man, Hyoudou Issei, is or was a member of it.".

"The organization that said could rival one of the three major factions, for it to resurface from the underground means something is going on, [Parabellum] only moves when they are offered a job by one of the deities, or a threat to humanity appears."

"The last time they made a move, it was two years ago, during the Cocytus crisis, right? I didn't know every inch of it, but apparently some prisoner from Cocytus was on the verge of breaking out, and [Parabellum] moved in to secure it.

"Yeah, though the crisis is only known to us the biblical faction, the Greek pantheon and finally, the Hindu pantheon, even then, the only one who holds the detail of it is the Greek, last time I made an inquiry about it, I got shut off...Back to [Parabellum], is Hyoudou Issei a major member or not?

"He is a major member alright…[Parabellum]...They have four longinues users among their core member, [True Longinus] [Dimension lost] [Annihilation Maker] and [Boosted Gear], and Hyoudou Issei is the current generation Sekiryuutei, Grayfia confirmed this"

"I see…I was really hoping that the rumour of this generation Sekiryuutei has retired after the Cocytus crisis to be true, but it seems that it's wrong…Should we tell the others?"

"For now, no, even Grayfia don't know about the existence of [Parabellum] and the select few who knew them, don't know all about it. If we move recklessly, we run the risk of running into trouble with [Parabellum], and they are not someone who we want to mess with"

"That's a wise decision, alongside this, have you heard from Serafall? It seems that the fallen angel and the angel side has been reducing their military spending, and are moving towards more peaceful method"

"That's a good thing, if it's like this, we can call them to talk about peace, not like this ceasefire that we have now, us devil have been declining in number after all, though the existence of [Evil Piece] allowed us to gradually recover our number"

"Finally Sirzech, I have a question, it's the Great-King faction, they have been moving for quite some times now, and the old-Maou faction, I have several unconfirmed reports about them moving"

"Your unconfirmed report is as good as it is being a fact, can I trust you with the old-Maou faction Ajuka? I'll handle the rest"

"You can trust me Sirzech"

And so the second volume of this story ends, thank you for reading this volume with me, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I do writing it and alongside this, I'm sorry for the long delay this took, now for some explanation;

Q; Why didn't you make Ise use his Boosted gear even though you hinted it at Life 2?

A; Because I realize halfway through writing this life that Breakthrough+Boosted gear is too strong to be used this early on, fret not though, Boosted gear will be used in the next volume

Q; Is [Parabellum] basically the hero faction?

A; Yes, Parabellum is the hero faction, I have plans to make some change to it, but the three core members which are the three Longinus user will stay

Q; You said that this is a harem fic yet there are almost next to none harem interaction.

A; Harem is one of the things I struggle most with this fic, I do know that this will be a harem fic, but I don't know how I will incorporate each harem member, Asia, Rias and Akeno, Irina, Xenovia and Raynare (Surprised! not) are the easiest to do, I even have plan for them, but Koneko, Ravel, Rossweisse etc leave me in the stump, I won't rush them, heck, this two-volume and the next volume will only have Rias and Asia as the harem member.

Anyway, that is all, the next volume, [Crusader of the ball festival] will be released some times in the future, once again thank you for reading this and I'm sorry for any grammatical error that I overlook.