Chapter 1 – Getting Reincarnated
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My name is Shizuka Sato, a 17 years old highschool girl. Like always I'm walking my way to school, but suddenly I realize a kid that got pushed in a pedestrian while the lights are still red. And when a car is almost to hit the kid, I grab the kid's clothes and drag him out of the car's path making me switch place with him.

Am I going to die? I said to my self as I slowly losing vision of my surroundings. I can hardly hear them talking while I'm on the ground. It seems that this is the end to me... And I blacked out.

As my eyes are close, I hear someone's voice and some clanging metal. The talking and clanging added by screaming, and it seem that they're in pain. 

What is this? Am I still alive? I thought on my self as I slowly open my eyes. And there I saw some people fighting each other... With swords?! And as I watch them fight I saw some blood in where I am laying.

Wait... Is this my blood? I mean I do get hit by a car and lose consciousness... but where am I? It doesn't seem to be the road or the hospital... I thought of my self as the guys wearing a silver with blue armor wins the fight.

And finally realizes me laying here while covered in blood. All of them approaches as they point their sword at me.

"What are you?"

The one guy said that as I once more look around my surroundings. And it seems that I got into an accident in some kind of wagon. But what about this chains on my hand? What does this mean? Well it's not like I can understand what's going on so let's just randomly answer them...

"I... Don't know..."

Wait... My voice is different... As I thought to my self and touch my face. And feel a horn growing in my head. And what's with this outfit?!

"Do you not remember anything?"

I'm just an highschool girl with a horn growing in my head~ like hell I can say that! It seem that I got reincarnated into someone and got into an accident. And looking at this chains it seems that I was caught and will be sold as a slave. Well let's just keep an act so they will not attack me.

"I don't..."

"Well if you lost your memories because of the shock. You will need to come with us and let the lord of the country tells you what to do."

"Wait..! I will not get arrested right..?"

"It depends what the Lord will order."

Well I do need answers so I just follow them and lead me to a country. And while as I walking I heard a strange voice coming in my head.

<<Register Complete>>


"What's wrong?"

"Ah... nothing..."

What the hell was that? I just heard someone's voice in my head. Am I started to go insane?

<<Nice to meet you Shizuka Sato. You can talk to me through your mind>>

Who are you? How did you manage to talk in my head?

<<Answer: I'm just an guide that will guide you in your new world>>

A guide?

<<Yes. I know you were wondering where are you, and why do you have a horns in your head right?>>

Ah yes I been wondering since earlier. Can you answer it for me..?

<<Yes. In your world called Earth your body died and your soul was sent to an another world in a body which also died>>

So you mean I am possessing this girl's body?

<<Yes, something like that. But the original soul of that body died, and now it's yours>>

Is that so... Then who am I anyway?

<<Answer: You're an demon that got kidnapped by bandits and about to get sold as a slave>>

... What?

<<As I said... You're an demon that got->>

Yes, yes! I understand that. But why demon?

<<Answer: It's mostly like a coincidence that both of you died in the same time>>

Just a coincidence eh..? Well that's all I have to ask for now...

<<Yes. If you have any question you can just call me>>

What's your name anyway?

<<Answer: I don't have an name. You can give me a name if you like>>

Then... I will call you Alpha!

<<Very well I will now be called Alpha. Again, nice to meet you Shizuka Sato>>

Nice to meet you too! But you can just call me Shizuka.

<<Very well... Shizuka-sama>>


After meeting Alpha and talking with her while while walking. We finally arrive at the country. It's awesome that it have a giant walls. But it seems that I'm standing out... Well that's the normal reaction seeing a demon with a chain on it's hand getting drag by a guards of the country.

"The guards caught a demon?"

"It seem that's a demon lord's subordinate"

Ah... As expected... They're talking about me a part of a demon lord subordinate... Well let's just ignore them...

"This is the lord's mansion..."

Woah... It's big! As expected of an isekai nobles!

And after that they let me enter the place and bring me to the lord. But when I'm in the presence of the lord, he slowly approach me and speaks.

"What is this dirty demon doing here?"

I forgot... That some of the nobles on another world are... Rude...