Chapter Sixty-three : A paid off debt
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For Surveen's surprise, nothing seemed right after she heard the story of what had happened on this farm. What she had thought was a simple interruption of Chimera's meat supply turned into a big conspiracy:

Mr. Hendrickson, the director of the farm, was trapped, tricked, and he is no longer a human. Well, she never liked him before, but he was excellent at what he does.

Seaben the magus, under Lord Shiva authority, and the manager of the farm turned a traitor. Surveen confirmed him dead by Savannah's hands in the forest days ago.

A pure-blood Vampire, from the Jasmine bloodline, had infiltrated the farm. He was the one managing it all the previous months. Now, according to a new contract, this Vampire is possessing what it was, Mr. Hendrickson shares, he also has the rights of distribution of the Chimera blood in the human land.

Still, the picture in Surveen's eyes wasn't complete. A lot of gray zones hindered her understanding, such as, how and when Hendrickson turned into a vampire, How could this pure-blood with a smell that can be detected from a mile, infiltrated the Crocotta's cliff despite the top security. What did Seaben get in return from stepping on Lord Shiva's authority? And why did the Count decide to stop the meat supply before the end of winter, did he deliberately want the Crocottas to be alerted about their farm being taken?

And then Esere Akila is detecting a synthetic fuel used in battles coming from an airship supposed to be goods carriers.

Not just Surveen who was longing to hear Mr. Hendrickson's testimony about what had happened, Lady Akila, Lord Shiva were also sitting on a lump of burning coal.

"Should I confirm?" Surveen asked.

"No, not now, we shouldn't make a careless move. If you get discovered, I fear that I can't support you nor the farm can withstand a direct attack."

Akila cautiousness generated from her doubt about the identity of the person who is leading the ship right now. If her hunch was right, the license that allows the Kilioz to pass through the Crocotta cliff must be revised.

She shut her eyes, contemplating. The fall of Nicolai Hendrickson will certainly affect the security of the trade balance. Sooner rather than later. Much like the fall of the black colubrine dragon who's his demise caused a monumental shift in the geopolitical constitution of the Innyana range and the neighboring lands. The succeeding events will be hot and spicy, they can bring great gains or unmeasurable calamities to the Crocotta clan.

Leaving this matter for a more convenient time and when more information will be available, Akila changed the subject to the present pressing matter:

"About your investigation in the north…"

"My team finished the investigation, I have written a lengthy report, I may send it to the control committee if the matter of this farm settled."

Akila gave her a meaningful look and asked: "Surveen, be honest with me. Did you find anything about Savannah?"

Lady Akila's question has an underlying layer of depth, refusing to be frank, yet what she meant to ask Surveen, her exact hidden question: "After your investigations, do you think with or without proof that Savannah was implicated in what had happened in Mt. Ninurta and the death of the colubrine dragon?"

The heavy personal interference with the very not innocent question,  Surveen didn't answer. The coming seconds, for her, were like a long wait for execution.

The looks on Lady Akila's unruffled face were full of hopefulness, expectation. It made Surveen unable to not give her an answer.

But what kind of answer Surveen was going to tell?

Lady Akila was not just her superior, but also her mentor and sister figure? Lady Akila was the one who saved Surveen's little brother from the shadow of death… Helped her elder brother to his feet when he got exiled. Their relationship runs deeper than the roots of the Ea forest.

Matters of family and children, especially rebellious children, are truly stressful.

" You know, Savannah had engaged the Colubrine black dragon in a direct battle when he entered our borders in the north."

This was trivial information for Akila since everyone has heard about this battle. Besides, who could hide the echoes of such an earth-shattering battle?

"Did she kill him?" Akila demanded in haste.

"No… Several witnesses saw him flying back to Mt. Ninurta' peak."

It seems this sentence returned life to Lady Akila's face.

So Savannah didn't kill the colubrine dragon. Akila exalted, the relief cast on her heart was liberating.

However, only she and a few others knew about Savannah's restriction of not being able to kill unless she used an arm that resembled a scythe. If not, a disaster will happen comparable to what had occurred ten years ago, hence comes to her third question: " Was she armed?"

"Yes," Surveen paused, then added to reassure Akila: "Don't worry, I have confiscated her weapon. And restricted her authority."

Though in Akila's mind played another disk. There was a different concern, an alternative explanation. If Savannah let the colubrine dragon retreat back, despite she was armed. And judging from her impulsive, hot-tempered personality, it only meant that this battle was planned beforehand to cover something else.

"What about the battle scene, did you?.."

Unfortunately to Akila, this conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Kanari.

At the door entrance, she announced her presence. Her demeanor reflected her hard work in those last days. Yawning while hugging the name register in her arms. The first thing she did when she saw the two ladies leisurely sitting and chatting was to complain: "I finally finished recording all the names of the recent residents. I still have to revise the accounts and check the storehouses…"

A voice reached behind her answering her complaints: " Exactly, that's why, in the beginning,  I advised you to select a group from the Chimeras and assign them to do those trivial matters."

The man who supported his weight on a cane stopped behind Kanari, then used the same cane to oblige her to make a passage, so he could get inside. He didn't let the frowning Kanari the opportunity to revoke him and continued:" But what were you saying… Ah, I remember, 'I can do everything by myself'…" Nicolai didn't glance at her and moved towards the two Ladies:" What a childish way of thinking."

Kanari looked at his back as he walked and lifted the register high in the air, wanting to smack this man's head. But she was rebuked by the gaze of her mother and sister Surveen. Those two women agreed, so much with what Mr. Hendrickson had said. Yet they didn't dare to voice their thoughts.

" Aren't you supposed to depart with the Count?" Lady Akila asked while pouring him a cup of coffee.

Nicolai settled on the seat. He didn't meet Akila's eyes when he searched for a reply: " Well, my plan has changed."

" My condolences Sir, I was extremely pained when I had heard about your misfortune." Surveen voice conveyed exactly the opposite meaning of what she had said. This was her tone of sarcasm and gloating. At the same time, she winked at Kanari announcing that she has taken revenge on her behalf.

Nicolai forged ignorance and welcomed the edge of the coffee cup to his lips. He felt the invisible pressure coming from three directions as the eyes of the three women settled on him. However, the will of fate was with him this round. The deafening sound of the gyroplane engine penetrated the walls before an inky shadow blocked the remaining sunlight.

The three women protected their sensitive ears. kanari seemed the most affected by this noise.

"Can those machines be more deafening?"  She lost balance and dropped to her knees. The pain washed her face white.

This sudden unrealistic response held Lady Akila's attention. She stood hastily counting the steps toward her daughter.

"Kanari…. What's wrong?"

Noise settled down, but the adolescent girl's pain had yet to leave her face.

Akila was trying to help her daughter to sit. The direct skin contact made her aware of the tremor that ran rampant in her daughter's body. She guessed:

Was it the toxic fuel?

No, the battleship is far away, and the concentration of the toxin in the air is very low.

Was it fatigue?

No, this amount of work won't strain her daughter to this extent.

It toured in Akila's mind the side effects of practicing the art of animation.

"I am okay, just a little bit tired." Kanari comforted the two women that stood close to her, but her eyes confessed something else.

Several seconds later, the young girl stood declaring: "This is the Crimson Lord mounts, I need to see him off."

Sister Surveen stole glimpses from Lady Akila, witnessing her wariness. She mimicked Kanari's movements and reassured, "I will go with her."

The hall was half empty, granting Hendrickson the chance to lay his query as well as his request.

"Is she tired?"

He didn't receive a reply, though he caught his answer when he saw the apparent concern that dangled between Lady Akila's complex lineaments.

This is a mother's fear for her children. Nicolai couldn't fathom the reason behind this concern.

"Then what do you want?" Her serene voice startled Nicolai. Those who hear it without witnessing Akila's face will doubt that her inner heart was restless.

" I was thinking if you can help me get to Babel."

"Humm," Akila set back to face Hendrickson. Her fingers caressed the edge of the coffee cup. "Isn't the Kilioz allowed to stop in Babel?" Her intention was as clear as a waxing gibbous moon. She wanted intel about the airship, or rather the battleship. She must have sensed a malevolence in the atmosphere.

Lady Akila's sense of danger was a source of both marvel and caution for Nicolai.

" I have lost the ship." He confessed, "It is no longer under my control." He sighed before he added: "Probably, I have lost all of my assets by now."

From the corner of her eyes, Akila scanned his neutral face. "Lets us be clear Mr. Hendrickson. If I help you through this ordeal of yours, you should consider that my debt towards you is paid off."

Hi, everyone...

Thank you for reading...

This chapter marks the end of the first arc - the Chimera farm arc- the second arc will start soon.