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-1- The glossary will be a chronological (not alphabetical) list of terms used in this novel and need a general definition.
-2- The glossary will be - slowly - updated depending on the development of the novel (and my free time).
-3- If there are words which you don't understand or you have some doubt concerned its meaning, you can ask for an explanation here.
- 4- There are words (some are strange) that are used to have the same connotation. (It's confusing, why use this?) Because I wanted to show the variation in culture between two or more species.



The glossery:

* Aractanthrope: a combination of ¨Anthrop¨ for a person or humanoid and ¨Ar¨ from Arctoidea an infra-order of mostly carnivorous mammals mainly used in this novel to means a creature with two physical shapes: a mythical bear-like beast and a humanoid.

* Lycanthrope: a mythological creature, from Greek literary means "wolf-person", a human with the ability to shape shift into a wolf. In this novel is used in the sense of a creature with two forms: one a mythical wolf and the other is humanoid form.

* Anthropomorphic: relating to or characterized by anthropomorphism. Is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. In this novel, it is used in the sense of a mixture of animal and human physical and psychological characteristics.

* Metamorph: used in the sense of a creature who can change its form or shape.

* Polymorph: it is a creature who has more than one shape, basically have the same sens of Metamorph.

* Aramaic: an ancient language.

* Amarok: a mythical giant wolf. Used to name a Polymorph who has this mythical wolf shape. In the novel it's used to have the same meaning for a Lycanthrope

* Kerit: a mythical creature: bear-like beast with hardened armor. Used in this novel to name a Polymorph who has this shape. In the novel it's used to have the same meaning for an Aractanthrope.

* Crocotta: a mythical creature, a mix breed between a wolf and striped hyena with two horns.

* Chimera: used not in it mythical sens but in a way to refer to a being who is composed with two or more parts of diffident species. It has the same signification of anthropomorphic. Why use two words that have the same signification, because I wanted to show the culture difference between two species.