Chapter Forty-four : A tough expected outcome
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In this endless sea of variation. Lies always dominate the surface and the truth always sinks into the depth, far from the light. And only a few people will search for the truth, fewer can find it, and those who can accept it are exceptional. That is why it is not wise for everybody to learn about the truth. Most people will have a happy, blissful life, living in lies and ignorance.

This extreme opinion about the truth and finding the truth, Nicolai have experienced it in all his existence, the weight of the torment, the futility of knowing, his heart ached with a bit of remorse.

His fingers stopped from knotting and adjusting the white ascot tie. In the end, he regretted his blank and direct approach. This direct exposure to the truth can freeze someone will for life. How would Mr. Hendrickson use someone who has lost his will?

Maybe he should have revealed the truth behind those creatures realities and the purpose of this village with a little touch of optimism. He wished he had chosen a less depressive approach to convey it. But he just couldn't fight the blowing excitement his dead heart was pumping a moment ago.

What could be the choice of the albino doctor after this life changing revelation?

Acceptance and forbearance… ignorance or full self-destruction?

Reaching for the doorknob, Nicolai couldn't contain his ecstasy, thirsty to uphold the doctor next move...

The mirror reflected a twisted wide evil grin on a dark unrecognizable face. Nicolai tried hard but failed to repress it. In the end the mirror reflected a hand wrapped in a black successfully covering the wide grin.


In the main hall, Francis sat alone after the Crocotta ladies have left. He listened to the rhythm of their heart pumping as it disappeared with the sound of their steps. He glanced to The documents that were still scattered on the table in front of him. And felt an urge to pour himself a drink.

Taking a sip after a sip while laying leisurely, self-contained on the armchair, he thought about the chaos the mongrels are doing right now, searching for the reason behind it and wondering about the person who instigated it.

"Who could it be? Who will benefit from the disorder? Was it Seaben? Nicolai? Or the Crocotta's ladies?"

All the three of them have a motive to ignite it. The benefits the responsible could get depend on the outcome and certainly the outcome of chaos is hard to predict.

Francis took another sip, enjoying the stinging taste before the trail of his thoughts flew again. He fully understood what he was playing with when he decided to enter the game. While he thought of himself as a side player, a spectator who enjoys a good drama show, and get by collecting the leftovers. It was very beneficial and less dangerous.

However, when he intentionally allowed the Crocotta clan to be a part of the play, the laws of the game have changed. The number of players has increased and it became dangerous.

Sadly, he had no choice, it was a matter of time before the Crocotta's clan could join the show. After all, The game was played in their territory. If he didn't allow those beasts voluntarily, they would get in by force. Didn't they already have sent two spies inside?

Following Nicolai advice by contacting them first and asking for a contract with a safe retreat was the most logical resolution.

Yet he couldn't brush up the sorrow of losing this farm.

He suddenly remembered a small talk, he long ago had with Nicolai when they have fallen apart:

" Did you know why I make this choice? Because I won't win a thing by taking your side. You easily give up. You always take the safe road, always retreating when you face an obstacle whether a small or big. You never afraid of confronting people like you get ahead in the struggle of life."

Francis thought again and arrived at the conclusion that Nicolai didn't propose this plan to invite the Crocotta only because the latter thought that he would follow it because it reflects his wavering nature.

Suddenly, the leisurely, self-contained atmosphere replaced by a grimace of disgust and disdain. Francis got mad at his person. He was doing exactly what Nicolai had planned for him to do.

He stormed out of the main hall gripping anxiously the documents of the contract. When he gets to the main split staircase of the building. He halted to observe Nicolai struggling to descend it.

Once Nicolai noted the presence of the crimson lord at the end of the stairs. He paused, then gave a fake smile to greet him before he said: "good day for you my lord."

The Count felt the urge to grab that fake smile and wipe the horse offal with it. He screamed at him in a serious tone: "Stay there, I need you for something important."

The two of them worked their way to the Count's study room in extreme silence, the Count was taking the lead while Mr Hendrickson was finding a hard time chasing after him.

At the door, the Count declared without looking backward: "The Crocotta's young ladies want me to appoint a witness to view the final signing of the contract. Of course, the young lady will appoint a witness from her side too.

" Her mother?" Nicolai asked as if he knew the meaning of this arrangement. The fake smile left his lips whom they have curved in the opposite direction. He knew that the need for a witness, it only means one thing, share transfer.

"No, someone else, more important, I have chosen you to be the witness on my side." Francis placed the documents in Nicolai hands before he closed the door, leaving him out.

Nicolai skimmed through the papers, the ecstasy from before evaporating like a boiled water, he crushed the papers between his fingers, because he just confirmed that the Count wanted him to be a witness when the ownership of the shares of this farm will be transferred. And what an irony, this transfer concerned Nicolai own shares to be legally under the Count disposal.

What a killer move, for Nicolai loosing his shares, it didn't only mean that he lost his fortune, it's also meant that he also will lose his connections.

How could Akila do this to him, How could this be legally done whiteout his consent? He took the papers again, and this time he read them carefully... He came to an understanding that an incarcerated person and a free person are not the same.

Nicolai crushed the papers between his hands as he said between his lips: "after you took my freedom, you want to spoil all connections that took me years to build."

In the study room the count's knotted eyebrows relaxed a little, he sat behind the desk and listened to the extreme fainted flow of the blood, aware that Nicolai still standing behind the door, he hissed into his heart: "If you thought that you can use the Crocotta to get away from me, you should think again."


The tiny droplets of water spread all over kanari face. They reflected the light to take the appearance of precious gems. They looked under the dark skin beneath like a serene night sky. Kanari struggled to breath through her nostrils. Her fingers trembled when she used them to mop her wet skin. Her mother gave her a clean towel and asked: "How do you feel? "

She rubbed her face with the towel as if she were trying to pull her skin out before she confessed: "Humiliated, disappointed and mad at myself… I fell directly into his provocation." she used the towel to dry her hands in the same angry style and continued:

"I feel that I have lost to him, despite the fact that I entered the battle having the upper hand."... "I feel like I should have strangled him with my own hands."

" I am proud of you."

Akila said as she placed the documents on the contract on the disarranged desk. Unconsciously, she began to arrange it while she continued: "You did well in your first time. The most important thing now is to learn from this mistake, never let your emotions overcome your remarks. Maybe, You seemed a little hesitant, but that's okay. This will get better with experience."

She finally lifted her head to have a look at kanari whom her tantrum subsided and a red tint of shine slightly painted her cheeks. It was an expressive image of a kid getting his parents' encouragement. With that Akila couldn't help but to give her one of her warm motherly smiles, before she advanced to stand near her.

She used her thumb to scrub the droplet of water stuck in her eyebrows.

"Remember our objective that there is no victory in the destruction. Getting this farm destroyed in a pointless battle is also an eminent loss to us."

Akila stated, her voice was almost like a night whisper and her daughter understood perfectly the hidden meaning under her mother's words.