[NSFW 18+] 5.48 Special chapter – Reconciliation time
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╔════Author's note═════╗

This chapter contains soft pōrn, you can skip it without missing much.

Lu Kai is a gentle lover and usually adopts a softer, more nurturing approach. He decided to become like this mainly because his other personas are out there spicing things up a bit too much, and it makes him feel pity toward Bing Shi, lol.


With a muffled chuckle, Lu Kai nodded in agreement, if only to ease the slight guilt that still lingered in his heart. Bing Shi felt that she deserved a break after all that crying, so she wordlessly held out her arms to the standing Lu Kai. 

He offered her a tender smile, guiding her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. As they made their way to the room, he planted gentle kisses on the exposed skin, leaving behind the faintest traces of his touch.

His kisses were soft yet stirring, designed to awaken her senses without overstepping into roughness. He couldn't bear the thought of leaving any marks on her that spoke of anything but love, ensuring that his affection was felt without a hint of harm.

Her soft moans, breathy and high-pitched, made it harder for him not to make love to her right there in the middle of the corridor, but alas, he was able to resist the temptation he carried in his arms. As he threw her onto the bunk, he didn't pay attention to her giggly yelp; he was too busy unbuckling his belt and pants while staring at her.

The visual Bing Shi made, legs spread apart and cūnt barely decent because of the thin cotton fabric that stuck wetly to her core, made the pupils in his eyes dilate; the blue in his iris was suddenly a thin line, overtaken by black lust. 

Don't even mention the horns that'd been knocked askew in her hair, or the fangs that bit into her plush lips— by the gods, if she were bait, thrown by the demons in hell, he would have gladly walked into hell's fires just to bathe in her presence.

Bing Shi was so bewitchingly alluring, and so, before he could utterly devour her selfishly, he admired her. Her hair strands were amuck, long enough for him to pull on later, so her head would fall back and her eyes would roll up like she's riding the high of an ōrgasm and oh, her chest… 

Her brēasts, covered by his shirt, were just beckoning for attention. He wanted to lick at her nīpples through his shirt; lather them with saliva so they could stiffen; so she could cry out in embarrassment and so he could toy with them as he would fūck into her relentlessly. 

His hands reached down to stroke at his swollen cōck, teasing himself as he stared at the darkening wet patch on her panty. She enjoyed watching him tease himself, as much as she loved being teased when she was in the mood.

As he rutted into his wet hand, he made his way over to his squirming wife.

"Finally joining, hm?" She would tease as he settled between her legs with a moan. 

"Mmm… you tease," he groaned as he pushed his hips into hers, enjoying the way the wet lips of her soaking pūssy kissed at the head of his pēnis. He quickly got a condom from the bedside drawer and rolled it all the way down his dīck. 

Once done with that, one of his hands slipped beneath her shirt. 

"Nghh… mhhm…" She sucked in her breath with surprise and then lost her composure when his fingers teased the tips of one nīpple roughly. Her brēast was rolled within his palms and her stiff bud was pinched, squeezed and flicked just this close to being painful, but so very pleasurable. Once deeming one nīpple sufficiently teased, he would switch to the other nīpple and give it the same treatment.

"Ahh… ouhhh…"

He listened to her moaning as his unoccupied hand stroked beneath her trembling belly and descended down into her moist valley. He brushed her soaked panty aside and was unsurprised by the wetness that instantly drowned his finger when he pressed into her vāgina. The whole time he'd been teasing her brēasts with the affection they were due, he watched as she ground against his hard cōck with desperation. 

He turned his head away from the sight of her vāgina trying to suck in his pēnis even through the cotton fabric, acting as the only flimsy barrier between them, condom aside. He lowered his head, so his lips could mouth at her ear lobe. 

"Well dear, it looks like we won't be needing lube today," he whispered sensually. Before she could reply, he thrust in another finger, making her whine in pleasure. She was so warm on the inside; her moist walls sucked him in deeper in an effort to hold him inside forever. He groaned with arousal as she squirmed in his hold. 

"But I like lube...nghh," she abruptly stopped talking in order to keen loudly when he curled his fingers. The feeling of his fingers thrusting inside of her summoned a deep need that's been unburied in the depths of her stomach. As she was about to voice her desire, he deemed it the right time for his thumb to circle around her clīt. 

"Ahhh! Nghhh… Oh…" She arched her back in pleasure; her chest, still fondled by his unrelenting hand. He watched her with his half-lidded eyes. "Shhh, I know…" He murmured softly into her ears as she absently protested his hand leaving her brēast and the fingers that left her warmth. She felt empty on the inside. 

"Hang on, sweetie, I know…" He soothed her by pressing his lips against hers, blocking the words that wanted to escape. With his free hand, he would grab his cōck and smoothly, he entered her with one thrust. 

"Mmmf!" Her loud moan was hungrily devoured in the kiss as he thrust inside of her wet vāgina with steady thrusts.