Ch 1 : Land of Illumination – Part 1
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I closed my eyes for a few seconds and opened them again.
"No change, dammit", I was frustrated... and angry. Everything around me is pitch-black.
There is no change at all... It already feels like forever. And the worst of it, I can't feel my hands or legs, etc... in their usual form, what the hell is this place.

[Welcome Traveller, I [Radianz] welcome you to the land of Illumination]

I was surprised at the sudden voice. "Who?", I shouted. I turned around in each direction I can but can't see him. Turned again, and again and again, left... right... forward... backward... All directions I can. But alas, I can't see him. Then is he... invisible?
Then, I heard a burst of laughter... [You seem fun. It's been an eternity since I encountered someone like you.]

I got annoyed because of this stranger. "Who the hell are you?", I shouted at the top of my voice. No one dares to play games with me.
"I dare you to arrive in front of me.".

[You... you don't remember why you are here, do you??], and then I heard another laughter. Bigger... and even more annoying.
[I was right. You are fun. This is gonna be so much fun. I can tell your sponsor is something else. Been a while. Only idiots and geniuses choose such sponsors!!], he remarked, and then I felt a chill. [And you seem more idiot than he a genius], he said while laughing.

I can and can't make sense out of his words at the same time. But what I knew was that if it's a choice between idiot and genius, then genius I am.
"Bring it on", I shout." Let's see whether I am a genius or not."
Then another thought occurs to me, "But what will I gain from this anyway?", I ask.

I heard a sigh,
[Traveller, you arrived in my land unannounced. It's your life at stake here!! Don't try to negotiate.]
[Well I am getting bored, let's start]

After that, silence swept the area and the area lit up. I turned around, again and again. It seems like a disk-shaped object. The edges seem to be circular and there were 2 light sources at the edges.

[You have a lux meter that can measure light intensity. Your task is easy, go to the least intensity area]

SB7cmxC.pngOn hearing the question, I thought a bit "Ahh... Okay... This seems simple enough." 
I started laughing, "This is so easy,". I think for a moment more." Heck, I don't even need the Lux meter!! So easy... And you said it will be fun!!"

'First things first, let's call the light sources A and C. It's so obvious that I move away from the line AC in perpendicular, the intensity will fall, after all the distance increases with both light sources. So, the lowest intensity can only be on the edge, that is something like point B!!'



'Now, by intuition or symmetry, it's so obvious that this point C,  equidistant from A and B will have the lowest intensity. But even this is easy peasy to prove for me.'

Now the intensity at B due to A is I/AB2  and due to C is I/AC2  

We know AC2  = AB2 + BC2 = comstant. Lets call these x and y and x+y is constant = c
Now Intensity at B = I/AB2 + I/BC2 = I/x + I/y = I * (x+y)/(x*y) = I * c/ (x) *(c-x)

This is minimum for x = c/2.

I think for a moment... so easy... damn too easy... Am I missing something? Doubts were in my mind but I can't show them. Is I get doubtful, I lose to this guy. I will utterly humiliate him.

With this, I confidently go to point B and say... "Next".

Things begin to change. A silver shield surrounds me and the lighthouses changes to something else. Radiation?
"Is it radiation? Crazy!!" leaks from my lips. Barely audible, this was barely audible, and yet that crazy guy heard me.

I hear laughter. [Not too sure now?]
I am getting pissed.  Dying is better than this humiliation. "I am correct... always correct... and someone like you cant do anything to me."

With this, the radiation starts, I can feel it slowly increasing in intensity, and then suddenly the shield breaks and so does the radiation... which stops. I must admit, the moment the shield broke, I thought I was dead!!

And then a hear another burst of laughter. [Lucky, you are damn too lucky.]
Luck? What luck?

So, is there an issue with the proof? When can it be incorrect?
Hint: Is [Radianz], the host... really invisible?