Chapter 41 – Gracious Return
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Chapter 41 - Gracious return

---Reatown, present time, Nana's perspective---

I went through the rift. They didn't seem to notice me. Ah, I'm sort of a ghost, but physical? Maybe I'm invisible... Who knows. 

All of a sudden the door was kicked down. 

"WHAT HAPPENED TO NANA?!" Lilith screamed on top of her lungs. Panting as she paused for a moment. I jumped and let out a girly scream as she stormed through the door. Not that anyone heard or saw me thankfully. She Looked over at my body. Yuna and Dearon turned around staring at Lilith in surprise with jaws dropping a little bit and their eyebrows raised from when she yelled. Well, guess neither of us were ready for that. 

Lilith gazed at my body. 

"No...Nonono… Nana can't be fucking dead! Fucking hell! I'll murder that whole fucking country!!" She started running towards me, or my body, as she started yelling the words fucking hell. She ran over and threw herself at my body, beating my chest. I entered my body at that moment, the moment she decided to try C.P.R and beat my heart back into working. And I yelled out "Yes, fuck, don't hit me! I'm alive!!" I huddled up, coughing up some blood and at the same time it looked as if a storm of Ash in white and black swirled around me and I started glowing bright in a pulsating mix of blue, purple and pink.


I turned my head towards the roof, looking up I mean. I just let out a scream, I felt pain as I woke up. My chest, a really insane pain. I can't explain it. My heart was apparently still gone, which was the cause of the pain. It was unbearable and… well, fuck! Don't try to go around without a heart. It fucking hurts. 

Magic automatically went into action, building me a heart out of magical energy. It looked like white and black threads jumped into me and placed themselves as building blocks or helped sew something together. It was a fucked up sight, thankfully it was over quick. The glow stopped. The magical storm looked like ash, which acted like a quick material buffer for the healing, the repairing magic took material so to speak from that ash cloud of magic as it worked. Anyway, it all then flowed into me. 

This all took about a minute and a half. A min and a half of me screaming a bit and yelling 'fuck!' over and over with a stunned, frozen and shocked audience. 

I was panting and crossed my arms over my belly. My body had been as I 'Left it' apparently… My skin started turning into a different color. My body was still in its original condition… well, not condition… It looked normal, the skin was still in my original color I mean. Anyhow, the right side turned lighter and the left side darker. I felt something on my back growing. 

Aaah, great. So they'll grow out here and now for real?! Eh… 

"Nana!" Lilith yelled and threw herself around my throat hugging me. Kiwi communicated "Welcome back Nana, bit faster than I thought!" and was wagging her tail. Daeron and Yuna were still in shock, looking like they were completely lost. 

"Nana?!" Daeron yelled out, Yuna just started crying. They both also threw themselves around me. 

Kiwi sighed. "Told you, we just had to wait." she made her voice loud and clear. She then laid down in the air. 

My wings feel sort of crushed. Oh, they're almost fully grown. 

"Hey everyone, I'm fine, don't worry!" I hugged back as well as I could, but it ain't easy while being squeezed from all directions. 

Lilith backed off and dried her eyes with her arms as she coughed, back turned to me. "Well, good. It'd be... A massive hit to our force…" she said slowly. Looked like she was thinking of a good excuse to say. Then she turned around and mumbled "And we'd all be sad.. If you were to... You know." She took out a paper towel from her bag and blew her nose. She was carrying a messenger bag with her for some reason. It's kinda cute seeing how much she cared. It felt good knowing behind that rough leader of mine, she really really likes me. To the point where she's crying her eyes out over me. I've never seen her cry for real I think. Nope, it took me dying for her to cry… oh well, I suppose that's just how some people are. 

"I just have... Allergies…" Lilith said. "Well.. It's fine now." She mumbled as she burned the paper towel with a firespell and dried her eyes one last time with her arm before turning back around. 

Yuna still hugged me tight crying. Daeron hugged me in silence. Tears running down his cheeks. 

"Nana… your eyes..." Lilith pointed at me, looking surprised. "Huh?" my first reaction was to try and rub them. 

"one of your eyes is pink... And... And your skin!" Lilith drew her sword and pointed it at me. I guess my eyes and skin has turned now. Right side celestial themed and left side demonic themed. Or something. Woo, this isn't gonna be fun to explain. (apparently being loaded with to much magical power that resides within you permanently, constantly refilling, can discolor you permanently!... Hum, that might be why demons and Celestials and some elfs look odd…) 


"Are you really Nana!? Yuna, did you see her die?" she looked frightened. 

Yuna looked up at me. She sat at my right side. 

"Nana... you're kinda pale? And..." she sniveled. Then let go and crawled backward in the bed, she sat with her back pressed against the headboard. I sat up and hugged daeron with my left arm. 

"I'm sorry for scaring you" I whispered to Daeron. He didn't answer, just kept hugging. 

"You got wings?!" Yuna yelled, surprised and pointed at my wings that now were fully grown, just as folded in as can be. Maybe… Umh, I guess there's a getting used to things-curve. 

I sighed... How do I explain this? 

Now that the wings had grown out there's no hiding from it. I'm in a permanent magically loaded state. 

Daeron kept hugging me. Then he looked up and grabbed my head, forcing it towards his head, and kissed me.

"Daeron!!" Lilith yelled, waving her sword a bit, still pointing it at me. "I know my Nana." he stared into my eyes. I stared back, feeling my eyes tear up a bit. Oh my fuck, I love this guy. 

We both smiled at each other and kissed again. 


Then suddenly the air got a bit colder for some reason. 

The light started flickering then dimmed down a bit as sparks started to pop up around the room. 

We all looked around. Wait… is it?... I sighed. 

Then lightning started to spark up and the room got dark. The lightning turned red and purple, it didn't disappear either but traveled around and around as it was forming a circle, a circle mid air that was made out of lightning. It was shining something fierce as the lightning zapped around rapidly, expanding the circle. It sounded weird, like a buzzing noise and a static noise combined? Eh, hell if I know. It looked pretty damn dangerous too. When it travelled in the circle it randomly sent out lightning that hit the surrounding area. So my living room. The circle's inside 'area' turned pitch black and sparks flew out wildly from inside it, red lightning then formed a pattern inside the circle on the pitch black… whatever it was... It formed a mark meant for summoning something... And as it was done, the mark exploded. I read it quickly before it went and exploded, it read 'deänjäkkä diebrusä swnib' when I looked at it. I squinted and mumbled it. Even though just being a big single, but complex, symbol. It was like my brain just registered it, read it, translated it for me. Oh and that means 'Summon Ancient Demon'.

It's fair to say my walls, floor and roof got tons of burn marks and got pretty fucked

And as it had exploded a gesture walked through the circle, when he had passed through in full, the circle imploded and the light was restored in the room. 

The figure had elegant posture, about 180cm tall wearing a pitch black open trench coat. Underneath was a pair of black jeans that looked brand new, glimmering as if heavily enchanted.(I guess he went and changed?) A shirt with a logo of a skeleton soldier of sorts stepping on its enemies on a battlefield while wearing a flag with some text above it. Not sure what language. 

I didn't recognise the print. Looked good though. That also had a coating of shine to it, which meant that the shirt was most likely heavily enchanted.

(You don't have to let enchanted gear shine or get a glow, but if the enchanter isn't skilled enough it can shine a lot as magical particles tend to, brighten things up. Mostly. Eh. Anyway, they can also shine because it's just so heavily enchanted it's not possible to remove the glow. It's a matte glow/shine though, but still.) 

He had black horns that shined in purple. Black Cat ears. Hair to his shoulders that was black and purple. Some of it covers one eye a bit. 

He bowed down towards me as he'd done his entrance "My lady." he said, then he stood up again. 

"Are these mortals a threat to you my lady? I could exterminate them." he said calmly as he gripped the air beside him as if he'd gripped for the hilt of his sword, he then drew it as if he'd drawn a sword and sure enough a sword, a claymore type of sword, started to appear. The hilt just grew out from his grasp and from there it just, grew out… Red and pink sparks flew out of the, apparently invisible, sheet. That was made out of air...? And the blade looked to be made in a metal that was a dark-purple color that shone in pink. That's no metal I've ever seen.

Also, he drew a fucking 2 handed claymore, as if it was a small rapier... 

"Aa, a spirit!" Abbadon exclaimed, then lowered his guard and diverted his gaze to Kiwi. She didn't seem too bothered with him. In fact, she was wagging her tail. "Gwhaäb, öe seaaä slskufä äkkuweäsw?"(Hello, are these mortals allies?) Kiwi sat down in the air and gazed at Abbadon. He nodded at Kiwi. 

Lilith aimed her sword at him. I sighed deeply and smacked my forehead with the palm of my hand. 

"A-a demon?!" she yelled. Daeron gazed at him "what's up with the demon Nana?" he asked, I could hear a bit of fear in his voice. But he mostly seemed worried. 

Yuna had crawled under the sheets. A big bump was on the bed, with two rabbit ears sticking out at the end of the sheet… Yeah, good hiding there buddy… Eeeh… 

"Stop stop stop.. Everyone, this is Abbadon. He's a friend. Abbadon, these are my friends.."

"Ah" He smiled as if, Oops, I fucked up. 

I turned to Abbadon. 

"Lilith's the one pointing a sword at you" I gestured at Lilith, she kept pointing her sword but nodded slightly, quickly, as a hello out of reflex I assume as she was introduced to someone. "This is Daeron beside me." I poked Daeron, he waved slowly at Abbadon who nodded in response.

"And under the sheet Yuna is hiding." I explained. 

"My mistake, my lady. The great spirit explained. Hello everyone, I'm assigned to be the Princess's personal guard and teacher. I didn’t know she had more people serving her.” he bowed and he didn't look all too happy. “Pleasure to be serving with you." He said as he rose, with a big, tad forced, smile. But then again, he didn't look all too happy before either. So might just be him being bad at… well, having company? 

He sheathed his sword. It disappeared again. He didn't use storage magic so.. I wasn't sure how.. Oh well.

Lilith dropped her sword. "A-Abbadon?.." she looked as if all hope was gone on her face for a moment.