Chapter 48 – A "bloody" fight, Nana vs a psychopathic mist
---Nana’s Perspective, Reatown, Southern Ssargeni, Present time---
"Wait, you can transform into a.. Demon... dragonkin?" Lilith looked at me amazed but with some doubt in her eyes.
I did look pretty damn evil I suppose. Demon-dragonkin? Not sure that exists… But, maybe, who knows! I fucking exist so.
"don't worry, it's technically just magical energy that's hardened in place on me, making a layer of magic armor that.. Sort of acts like it reads my mind? Cause it moves like it's one with me!” I said happy, clapping my now a tad bigger clawed hands together.
“I didn't even think about it the first time around. Then it was.. A reaction?.. Instinct.. Triggered by the hate I guess.. “ I kept explaining, mumbling partially. But Lilith has good hearing so I never worry about that.
Or triggered by worrying?.. No, I only felt hate at that moment… That’s the only thing I can think of that could’ve triggered it.
"soo, how do we use this?" she then asked.
I smiled at her, then cleared my throat before beginning my explanation. With quick bad notepad sketching and all.
“We're going to phase out, so no one can see us, fly super fast into their special barrier that’s surrounding the castle and just smash through!” I said in an energetic manner, Lilith raised her hand as did a worried sound. “Umh..” I poked her. “Yes?”
“Well, won’t we die if we just smash into the castle barrier?” Lilith said worriedly.
“No no, Well, I don’t think so if I manage to cleave it with some of my demonic or celestial magic. That’s something we never took into account we’d need to defend against in the first place when we designed the barrier!” I explained, gestures and all. Lilith seemed, well, pleased enough with my explanation as to why we wouldn’t just drop dead when we’d hit the barrier. So I kept going. ‘cough’
“Anyway, which of course will cause a big scene with guards coming running immediately. But we'll go into the castle from the inner walls, enter at the west entrance which will put us directly at floor four, and when inside we start looking.” I explained with a smile.
“There should be stairs leading up and down there, but I suggest we don't split?” Lilith said then looked up at me. I nodded. “Yes, stick together. We don’t know the full extent of the kidnappers or invaders or whatever we’ll call them’s, power.
(Floor four is technically floor seven, but anyway, it has access to all the walls, towers and such. So by going in from the west opening that is on the roof/wall they’d get directly to the floor which has access or lookout into the whole building. Pretty damn insanely hard to get onto it from the main entrance as an invader, that is if you aren’t Nana and Lilith.)
“Let’s get this shit done then!” Lilith exclaimed and smashed her fists together. I jumped up and nodded, yelling “Yush!” and smiled at her, holding my fist into the air.
“Get on!” I said and pointed at my back with my thumb.
---A few seconds later---
I took off having Lilith on my back sort of. Like when you piggyback. And she had a crossbow I connected my energy to as well, she kinda has a whole damn arsenal stuffed into her magical storage.
And the connection is kinda like a tunnel being open between us. I think it would stop working if someone big got in-between us, like it would close down or disrupt the distribution route. But they’d have to be pretty damn big.
We swushed through the air and quickly arrived by the barrier. “Okay then, don’t let me down now magic!” (Inside my head: “Fuck sake, when I EVER let you down?!” The demonic me yelled in an angry manner at the normal me. “Yeah, I mean.. Words HURT you know?” The Celestial me sobbed forth then turned and pouted. “See, now you’ve gone and upset Mrs White and pink over there you fucktard!”
“Woaaw, sorry sorry!” I tried to say but they kept going back and forth a bit.)
I sighed, I held out my arms as if I were about to dive into water and a dark shell formed around them that looked like a huge drill. It easily let us slide in through the barrier, splitting up a spot like it was nothing.
“Damn, nice.” I mumbled.
“Huh? Nana?” Lilith said. “Nothing! We’re in!” I said as we passed through.
---Lilith’s Perspective a few seconds ago---
We had attached Nana’s magic flow to me. I had this crossbow that can harness magic to fire off deadly projectiles. I can’t really maintain it unfortunately with my own magic, as it requires a lot of magical energy to work at all. But Nana had the idea that she’d just open a direct tunnel between us that constantly channels magic as soon as I use anything. So I guess there’s like this direct line between us now that pumps magic to me, keeping me filled to the brim with one of her magical energy types. I don’t remember which one she said she’d channel.
As we flew and closed in on the castle I heard some strange voices… I looked at Nana strange, It sounded like her voice but a bit off. Though I couldn’t see her talk.
“dle gwkcwrw, böe gäe häf BPBAUB acujwr suf!?” a darker version of Nana’s voice said, faintly. then “Ks, ptf lsm dqts, bry fi b’aö?” a sort of more, calm and smooth version then said in a sad way. Then “Awe sy, by gäe sy fhier Dey Cur ixg epaä yoeles surr höckä räes!” the darkness version again.
And all of a sudden from nowhere Nana said “Woaaw, sorry sorry!” in her own voice…
Then we broke through the barrier. “Damn, nice” Nana mumbled.
“Huh? Nana?” I said. “Nothing! We’re in!” Nana said as we passed through.
I shook my head. Doesn’t matter. Focus Lilith!.
---Nana’s perspective---
“I'll take us down to the west tower!” I said as I aimed for the window on the western tower.
We broke inside the tower, landing smoothly. Lilith jumped off me. We looked around us. I felt something weird. And sure enough, just a few seconds after setting foot inside...
"Ah ah ah, look who's here!" a red mist appeared and filled the room.
"Oh, a cat. Emilia is trapped in the cellar, follow the stairs down to the bottom and you'll find her" a distorted voice said. We both stood there confused and weren't sure how to react.
"Now shoo, I wanna play alone with Nana!!!" a wave of energy formed and shoved Lilith towards the stairs.
"Umh, it seems it ain't lying… I sort of sense it's all truth it spoke.." I said and shrugged at Lilith.
"Okay, I'll go free her, you handle the mist!" Lilith gave a thumbs up and disappeared down the stairs.
Guards came running along the corridors, as we were on a level that was connected to the walls.
"Hey, you there! Halt!"
I sighed.
"Ah ah ah ah, so hard to be alone huh.." the mist moved over to the running guards.
My eyes shot up. No. I got a bad feeling. "Turn around, ruuun!" I yelled, but as I did a mysterious figure in a big blood red robe turned up behind them. Two such shapes actually and behind both guards that came running and then the shapes touched them. They fell to the ground and their blood rapidly left their bodies through any openings they had as they were screaming and writhing in pain on the ground. The blood gathered up into a ball. It merged together the two copies of itself, the two shapes I mean, and then it grabbed the ball, clenched its hand around it.
That motion for some reason turned it, the blood orb/ball, into snake-looking things that slithered towards the head of the… Well, monster and/or person, in the robe and into its now wide open mouth, I'm assuming. The hood hid its whole face. Sort of want to assume monster...
"Ah ah ah, more for me. This is fun!" it leaned its head to the side and walked, or skipped, towards me while fiddling with its finger in front of it. It looked as weird as it sounds.
"Sooo, you're the great Nana!!" it still spoke in a distorted voice.
"my mission is to.. Wait.. Woops!" it stopped and smacked its forehead with its palm.
"Silly meeee! I can't say! ah ah!"
It drew a Katana. A big one, it looked like it had veins all over the blade and a weird heart for a guard in between the hilt and blade that seemed to be beating. And... Eyelids on the center of the guard, or heart, of the blade?
"Show me." a now deep distorted voice, almost growling, spoke.
The eyelid on the Katana opened.
"Let me taste it." the growling voice said.
I swallowed. What the fuck.
Celestial armor mix, go! My right half surged with Celestial magic, on my hand appeared pink claws and a barrier as a shield hovered along my arm. It crawled up and made a layer all over the right half of my body.
The other half was already covered in Demonic magic.
I levitated up and shot out a barrage of Celestial mixed with Demonic energy-fire balls. About 10 or so.
The shape got hit and completely splattered by the first ball hitting. I squinted. “No way it’s that easy.” I mumbled, Then it appeared closer to me. “Nope, of course.” I said and sighed while rolling my eyeballs. It got completely splattered again, as it got hit it looked like a big explosion occurred. The body ruptured from inside literally splattering all of its insides all over the place turning it into a big puddle of blood that’s spread all over.
It however just reshaped closer and so on until my Celestial-Demonic-fireballs were all used. I just watched the show up until then.
If my fireballs don't hit, they circulate around as long as lifeforce is sensed then it goes in for the attack when there’s something it can hit.
Then it appeared again a few meters away from me, sighing. “Aw, that's all you got?” it said, sounding pretty let down. Still a distorted voice… It does look like the shape of a woman under that robe but, doesn’t mean it’s human. It sliced at me with the Katana and a red beam was launched thin as the blade towards me, I flew up and avoided it just in time.
Then it turned to the red mist, I saw it everywhere, the mist. Okay, so, it’s a mist-monster? Or something? I’ve never ever heard of such a thing and I have no clue how I'd beat freaking water particles… I coughed and spat. No, blood particles.
The, assumed to be, monster materialised right above me already halfway through with a swing, I quickly blocked it by holding up my forearms.
The blade cut through the armor and chopped off my clawed hand extensions. I turned in the air and used my wing to smack the monster down. I hit it and it flew towards the ground. I then teleported a bit away, to the entrance of the corridor. I don't wanna go into the corridor, then it has an advantage.
We currently were in a square room up in a tower. It had 2 corridors to walk off on the wall through and two doors or openings, one leading down and one leading up.
As the thing I was fighting was about to slam into the ground, instead of the *Smack!!* sound I was waiting for, I heard something more in the line of, like, if you'd drop a pillow on the ground...
It dematerialised again.
"Ah ah ah, you have no chance in hell here!" the voice said, echoing in the room. I couldn't pinpoint where it came from.
It's right though... "I need more space." I mumbled.
I levitated up, aimed, and lunged forward. I flew straight towards the main hall of the place right through all the walls like a wall penetrating bat, then I smacked my wings forward, stopping in place in the air. "Fuck yeah!" I yelled out. I flew in place in the center of the room. "That was fun." I mumbled. Then I gazed around the room. "Hum."
I aimed my hands. I blasted away all the 6 pillars to get more space too.
The mist followed me and quickly filled up the room. The smell, no, stench of blood was extreme when fighting this foe… Like damn, take a shower… Or… Water transplant? Eh...
"aah ah ah ah ah ah!! God I like you!" the voice said.
It materialised by the main entrance now, doing the same thing again as it had done with the other guards that came running, now with the shocked door guards who fell down screaming for a few seconds as all their blood violently escaped their bodies every opening and sort of just flowed into the beast… “Ops, right… Forgot there’s other guards all around…” I mumbled as I scratched my neck.
(In my head, the demonic version of me yelled “C’mon, stop wussying about that kinda stuff and fucking focus up!” while the celestial version of me followed up with “Yes, the demonic douche is right here, it’s a daemon after all.”. I looked back and forth at them in the center while mumbling. “Yes yes”
The Demonic version of me muttered “Well, get to it then!” to which I muttered back, “Alright alright.”)
"Leave the others out of it! Fight me!" I yelled in anger. Clenching my fists. But when I looked up from my small mental chat it was gone.
Disappearing. I focused on removing my presence, I removed my orb out of me that was my presence, as Emin had taught me, and left it in place. But also made it a physical clone of me while I moved away a tiny bit.
"Ah ah ah, they're just nuisances. Not like you." the beast cackled in a demonic sounding dark distorted voice.
It threw some sort of magic towards me, it looked like 6 beams going in a circular pattern straight towards me, or, my clone. Yes! It fell for it!
I made my clone block, but it went right through the demonic/celestial armor and into that body. I couldn't move the clone, it seemed to be frozen in place. The monster materialised another body behind the clone, Katana was already halfway through completing a swing and… chop.
It split my clone's head.
I stayed in the shadows..
"Not her. Your eyes deceive you." the growling voice spoke. Fuck, is the sword gonna give it away? really?...
(In my head, the celestial version of me spoke: “That’s no normal sword. I know of it…”)
I sent a rain of Celestial yellow glowing magic rays zapping down all over where the monster was. I kept bombing it.
It dodged every single ray I sent at it, laughing. "Ah ah ah ah, damn, you are indeed worthy as I thought, and as they say!" then it stood still and let a beam hit. The body was vaporised. It couldn't be… I looked around a bit panicky.
I felt a knock behind me on my shoulder.
I turned around, then lept away by flapping my wings hard, sending me to the other end of the room. Getting me some distance between me and it.
"Your powers are strong enough to kill for sure. Ah ah ah ah!" The beast cackled. Three red stars flew toward me, I instinctively held up my right hand to block, but they went through right into my flesh, then disappeared into me. Fuuuuck.
I froze. Frozen in place. Fuck fuck fuck.
Blue particles began to ooze from me, circulating me. Like a small mist of my own around me.
It was all of a sudden before me with that Katana. It held the Katana towards my chin, and slowly drew it, slicing me gently. Not really doing any real damage.
"aaaah, fuck. Why?" I grunted out. Fuck that stung.
The blood in the sword was about to drip off, but the drop that fell, changed direction back to the sword, then it merged into it. The sword's veins lit up and the heart started to beat faster.
The beast gazed at the sword.
"Yes, yes. This is the one!" the growling voice spoke slowly.
The beast then held its hand against its ear, just staying in place for a moment. Hovering before me where I was frozen. Then it mumbled something inaudible. I guess it’s some sort of communication device or spell?
"Ah ah ah ah. Well, looks like we're done here anyway." it said, the distorted voice sent chill down my spine but, even that couldn’t make me move a millimeter. I hovered in place though, I didn’t fall down when I was frozen by whatever that was. The beast then turned to mist.
"Thanks for the battle, I look forward to the next time my friend, ah ah ah ah!" The mist evacuated quickly as soon as it had finished the sentence and the cackle of laughter or whatever.
What the fuck was that. I need to ask Abbadon for spells to counter it..
I heard guards running on the 3rd floor and a window was opened. Daeron?
"The overlord has been assassinated!" he yelled.
Fuck. Well, not the biggest loss, but, fuck… this…
means war.
Feeling started to return to my limbs. I slowly glided down toward the bottom floor.
Lilith smacked up a window as well adjacent to daeron on the 3rd floor.
"I had no clue how to get back up without taking the stairs back up, but I got Emilia!" she had her on her shoulder.
"This was a rescue so, see it as a win for now and we'll deal with the aftermath." she yelled in an, as serious way as which she could. Which was spine-fucking-shivering serious.
We saluted on reflex and yelled "Yes mam!" as a response. I looked over at some sound in the room. Someone was… I got more feeling back, almost fully restored.
Abbadon was strolling around. Looking through the rubble. “Oh, okay.” I mumbled then sighed.
Behind him, some fat old guy was following him close by. Wait, the overlord? “what the fuck” I mumbled. Then I stretched out, aaah, feeling back, I can move!
Wait. I started to move over to Abbadon.
"Abbadon, is that the real Overlord?" I yelled.
Daeron and Lilith both glued their gaze at him. He was saying thanks over and over to Abbadon who seemed to be ignoring him.
"Let's head back, something's real damn off about this. And I resurrected the meathead, I heard he was important so." he said casually, then disappeared.
Ugh. Head back where? Base? Home?
I used ‘locate magic’ with my Demonical magic power, as I have infinite resources in the dark, demon, light and celestial schools now. So even though he's near a god in power it should work. Sure enough, he shone up at home.
“Come down here everyone.” I removed my Nephilim, which is what I'll call my armor-mode now I think. Since it’s a mix between celestial and demon now I guess black armor doesn’t fit anymore. So ‘Nephilim’ sounds better. Actually pretty fitting I guess.
I let out a moan of pleasure as I stretched a bit.
They got down quickly.
"Where's Yuna?" I asked and looked around.
"Here!" she yelled, she came down from a destroyed point in the ceiling, flying on a pink fluffy cloud.
She landed and jumped off.
"Thaaanks cloudy!" she patted the cloud.
We all sighed. "You get Celestial magic within you, and you make a cloud?" We all laughed as I said that. She pouted.
"Well, it kept me safe. There was this weird magician attacking the overlord, so Abbadon told me to fly away for now and he shot a hole in the roof for me."
I nodded. “Okay, that makes sense.” I mumbled. But it's still quite fun to mess with her about it.
Abbadons perspective, earlier in the castle.
I saw a weird looking mage. Green robe and a dark green disease-mask. He oozed some magic I had yet to feel in this world.
We hid, I told Daeron to hide, then I fired a silent spell to disintegrate a hole in the roof, to which I directed Yuna to fly through and away using her magic. He didn’t hear us or notice what I did. We were hidden anyway in the corridor.
I observed as he got up close to the overlord. The overlord seemed to sit calm. But I saw fear in his eyes. I could smell it from here even though his calm exterior wouldn’t give it away.
A green cloud traveled from the weird green mage’s hand, clearly magic particles of some sort, but what sort I can't say.
When they hit the overlord, he started to cough at first. Uncontrollably coughing. Then the mage turned around and walked away. Then just teleported, without even observing the death. So sloppy...
The overlord then spat out blood as he kept coughing. He started scratching himself aggressively. Spots appeared rapidly everywhere on him, red and black ones.
His skin started to look rotten. He tore his skin off as he scratched. His eyes went red, they looked like they were bleeding. His nose started to bleed too. His skin flaked at random spots and he was screaming as he kept scratching his skin off, flesh and more fell off him randomly. He eventually died, horribly.
That's when I resurrected him and restored him, while also capturing a trace of the magic used for research.