Chapter 49 - just a bored but interested party
---Tiggy’s perspective, Above the Northern border of Ssargeni and outside the town of Iceshaft. Inside the forest Regnad Enoz. Country of Nermoniax, Present time---
We were pretty damn close now. The giant thing filled up the sky above us, blocking out light.
“Woaw, that thing is huge… How would we even…” Nisa mumbled behind us as we were making our way toward the giant. We’d cleared out quite a few monsters on our way. Well, most of them were shot down before we even saw them by the two sharpshooters, Aitenia and Hiori. Those two girls were pretty damn deadly.
“Leave the how to me.” The blue girl in the mask said. People just nodded agreeingly. If someone says, hey, let me deal with your seemingly insanely difficult problem for you, I guess you just happily take them up on the offer.
I looked around as I heard something. Looking at the tree tops, up into the sky, behind us, into the woods… “Could’ve sworn I heard some weird noise” I mumbled. “What?” Anaya looked at me. Happy was too busy trying to sweet talk Nisa who was going with the rear forcefield generator thingy.
“Something along the lines of, Ihe ihe ihe, or something… I’m not sure.” I answered. She started to look around as well.
“Yeah, something has felt… More off, as we’ve gotten closer…” She said while looking around as if she were paranoid. Which to be fair wouldn’t be very strange considering where we’re at right now. Deep into Regnad Enoz, the forest that covers the land or Nermoniax which you’d have to pass through to get to…
Well, I'm not entirely sure where you’d end up.
People have said there’s a demon city beyond the forest by the mountains on the horizon. Some have said there lives a king of the monsters. Well, I've heard a lot of versions. Probably all just made up gibberish rumours that bored people make up.
“Yes, I heard it… A faint, ihe ihe, noise…” Anaya said with a worried expression as she looked around us, like she was searching for the source. She’d done a partial transformation, obtaining bird-looking eye’s and the ears of a cat-creature. Looked weird, but efficient for scouting, which is why she’s placed in a tower most of the time.
A druid, a title that you call a person that has the ability to use magical energy to transform into different creatures, animals and even monsters. Not that many that I know of that are referred to as druids… I only do know one druid and I'm not out much, but still, I'm in the military.
Birds had suddenly started to swoop down in, from seemingly nowhere. Big hunter Ravens, accompanied by a ton of smaller normal ravens… strange. They don't fly together with each other like that when hunting…
"Watch out!" Raah-Se yelled out.
We dodged them by throwing ourselves on the ground, as they swooped down again toward our heads, cawing.
"What the…" Anaya said. "Fuck!" Happy yelled. Anaya stared at him annoyed and mumbled something inaudible. I'm not sure why she's so easily annoyed by him.
"Graaurrh" "Rwaar" "Bhee"
Three nonsense yells from different directions. Suddenly three different creatures, well, humanoid with pretty big black… ish… growths on them. I think it glimmered a tiny bit in purple.
The one coming in front of me closed in quickly. I put my hand on the hilt of my sword and was halfway done drawing it as I saw a huge bearclaw made of iron with claws long as my sword where each claw was supposed to be, mauling it down, leaving it crippled in a single swoop. Fuck that bear form is gigantic…
The monster gurgled something. Anaya just stomped its head into a mushy substance with her front paw.
The captain took one of them. It was two huge black arms on that one, sort of like somekinda Ape in build but way more demonic in appearance with its glowing purple eyes giving off some smoke for some reason and the black spikey parts scattered around the body.
He drew a blade, and as the creature smashed down both its gigantic arms toward Raah-Se, he had jumped up into the air above it before they even came close to actually touching the ground. Then with some magical spell, as he'd jumped far up into the air, maybe about the height of a tree, he made a platform that he kneeled against with his feet and from that platform pushed off at a super high speed toward the back of the creatures head.
Before the creatures fists touched the ground he stood behind it with his blade in his hands. He took out a linnen cloth piece. Half the creatures head slowly slid off as it had been cut in half from ear to ear. It was as if things hadn't had time to react to him even doing the cut.
He started drying off his blade with the cloth piece.
"Savage beasts.." he mumbled, inaudible to the rest.
A fountain of blood sprayed up as the knuckles of the beast hit the ground, then it collapsed, slowly laying down in the dirt and blood.
The last one of the creatures was charging with black legs, looking like a minotaur as it ran roaring toward Nisa. She yelled out a girly scream and raised her hands, raising up a wall of green energy from the dirt that the demonic minotaur just smashed right into in its charge. It got stuck in the magic energy that she'd raised. Like it was somekinda spiderweb it had charged into. The beast struggled, roaring. It looked human where the black thorny things wasn't covering up. They all did.
The energy started to devour the monster slowly, making it scream out in agony and struggle even more intensely to no avail as it couldn't get lose from the magics grip.
"Hah! That's what you get!" Nisa yelled.
A caw.
I looked up. In a tree above a black hunter raven was sitting, watching us.
"Ihe ihe ihe" I heard coming from the ravens direction. I tilted my head confused, scratching the side of my head.
“hello there younglings, ihe ihe ihe
What? Huh? who… We all looked around for someone. Something. The creatures went up in smoke, the ones we just killed that is. We all huddled up together, forming a defensive circle.
"Oh right, invisible. sorry!"
Birds suddenly came from the forest, flocking together into one big tornado of birds. Ravens, pitch black. But wha…
"All I hear is what he spoke to me, ihe" someone, or something was singing. A dark raspy voice.
"Come fly with black! ihe ihe ihe!”
The birds swirling around, merging. A few of them taking off and disapearing, some sitting down in the trees. All chirping loudly. Then a flash of purple light before it became all black a moment. A fog suddenly appeared out of nowhere, I couldn’t even see a meter ahead of me. It looked like it was sort of vacuumed into one spot where the birds had been circling. And suddenly, all gone. It formed a person in a black robe. A thick mist or fog of sorts was still hovering around his feet though, sort of spreading across the ground.
“Ihe ihe, Tadaaa!” The person exclaimed in a dark raspy voice that echoed throughout the forest loudly. We all readied our weapons, we’d all lowered our guards in the confusion that the entrance show that thing made did.
The giant leaned over us, just watched us from above.
Birds were sitting kinda like it was planned out, perfectly around us beside each other in the trees.
"Well. Oh. I think they might watch." the black figure mumbled. The gesture snapped its fingers.
… everyone tensed up…
We looked around. Nothing happened…
Then the radio sort of sparked up, the sound that a transmission was being received filled the place
"team 12! The giant is gone. Kill confirmed?"
It's the voice of team 2's captain, Ghana.
"Go ahead. Ihe ihe." the black thing said, all cool with its raspy voice. Then it aimed its hand at the giant.
As Raah-Se lifted the communicator from his belt, shadowy looking tendrils shot out from the black one's hand, a lot of them too.
They quickly extended and grew massive, massive enough to engulf the giant with ease. Then it looked like the tendrils started to, beat, like a heart… or maybe breathe like lungs… anyway, they moved as if they were gulping up the giant. And they did. It disappeared within 10 seconds and we all just stood there, mouths open, gazing at it.
The kid that had been hovering in front of it was gone too.
The tendrils quickly withdrew and disappeared back into the black figure after devouring the gigantic demonic thing.
The kid, there, suddenly hovered in front of us looking bored…
"Hey, you could've just said to put it away you know!?" the kid muttered. Sounded female.
A tiny kid. Well, maybe 150cm tall, skinny, underweight for sure. Flat chest, but a really feminine beautiful face with super long hair reaching to her feet. The hair now shone in purple and pink.
“Sorry sorry, but, i’m trying to put on a show here ihe ihe” The black figure answered and waved his hand at the kid.
"Hello? Team 12?" Ghana's voice again.
Raah-Se held down the button and lifted it up to his mouth. "Y-yes, kill confirmed, the giant is gone." he said. The kid and the black dressed thing gazed at him like you'd maybe watch an animal you kinda didn't want to startle.
The communicator immediately lit up, "Amazing as always! Get back here asap then, request for pick-up if you need it." Ghana's voice.
"Thanks, we'll make our way out, no worries."
Then as he was finished, the kid shook its head.
"Well, I'm off then, I did my part." she mumbled. Starting to draw something mid air. Runes.
"I'll cya around, bye for now." The black gesture said. "Hmph." the kid made some noise. A light lit up from the runes and the kid disappeared.
We still stood, quite surprised, observing the black thing while we noticed the blue girl had gone out of the group and stood beside the black thing.
"Well, I did as you asked father." she said.
"Yes yes, ihe ihe. Good girl." The black thing responded, stretching it’s hand up above her head and patting her three times.
"Form a line." Raah-Se said.
All the members of team 12 lined up perfectly in between us and the black figure. They held their arms forth and a field grew out infront of them all. 5 of them were infront and 4 behind them, creating an angled wall that also would shield their heads. Nisa was in the back and smacked her hands together in the opposite direction. And suddenly a shield was covering their rear too. Nisa managed the rear one herself.
It seems she might be the more magically blessed in the group.
"Ihe ihe ihe, what's this?" The black thing, or, Father as the girl in blue called him, cackled.
The girl in blue started to giggle. “Aww” she exclaimed.
We also huddled up together, me by the left leg of Anaya in her Pansar-bear-form and Happy by the right leg.
“They’re trying to flex Ihe ihe, Go ahead Ao! Wipe the big team.” Father said as he laughed in between in his weird way.
“My pleasure” the blue girl, that he just referred to as ‘Ao’ said as she bowed to Father.
Then she shifted her gaze to team 12. They all looked like they started to shiver, but maybe it’s my imagination. That mask, staring this way… Light hit the mask in such a way that I can’t see where she’s looking. It feels as if she might be staring right at me. Like shades I guess, you can’t tell where they’re looking.
She pointed, everyone huddled up tighter. We didn't have time to see what happened, as she pointed her finger at team 12 they fell apart, as if they had been pushed through a cheesegrater with a huge amount of force in an instant. The shields broke instantly to, disintegrating with its power supply of course.
"ihe ihe, they're only human my dear! Ihe ihe ihe!" the one she'd called Father said as he laughed, or cackled might be a better word, in his raspy dark voice. Anaya charged him and swung her paw at him, he didn't move, it just went right through him. It looked like he turned into a small black cloud where she struck.
"Now now, calm down" father mumbled as he pushed a finger out toward Anaya. She reverted back into her normal self and fell to the ground.
"Hey! What did you-" father interrupted me as I yelled. "Calm down, she's just sleeping." he said irritated.
"Father, I can put them in thei-" he interrupted the girl, Ao, as she spoke in a very irritated manner as well. "Nooo, I need these ones for something. You should've figured that out." he gazed at Ao.
She looked down at the ground. "Sorry father…" She mumbled.
"Ihe ihe ihe, no long faces now" father cackled.
"Umh, what… what's going on?" I mumbled.
Father turned his gaze at me and suddenly appeared right in front of me in a cloud of black smoke. And where he just stood was a small cloud of black smoke that quickly disappeared.
"You're my property, that's what's happening, ihe ihe" he said, then walked off toward Anaya, who was by the trees where he'd been just a moment ago.
She must be the quickest of us all as far as I know. We got no chance in hell here. Best bet to survive is to go with it. Me and Happy stared at each other a moment. Then Ao broke the silence.
“You’re working for Father now.” she said, in a mildly angry manner.
"Blue, don’t you think they know that already?" Father then said, calm but serious.
“Well… I mean... “ she was stumbling over her words, clueless as to how to answer that question that the individual calling himself ‘father’ had asked.
“Are you saying they’re fucking dumb?” he followed up with, as he turned his gaze at Ao.
“No, sorry, I mean, i’m just s-saying… I didn’t…”
“Oooh, so are you saying i’m fucking dumb?” He got up close with his head, extending his throat all the way so his mask was touching hers. Forehead to forehead with the pointy nose-things beside each other.
“No, father, I would never!” She exclaimed, shaking a bit as she did.
A moment of silence…
“Ihe ihe ihe! I’m just messing around!” Father then said and went back to his… Normal? form…
"C'mon, let's get going." Father then said.