Chapter 53 – The Town of Blood port (shorter)
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Up in the North of Nermoniax, where no one suspects, is a town. This town is called "Blood Port". 

Named after its founder! Unrelated to blood! *Cough* Anyway…

A town full of Demimonis, a species similar to humans but more red skin pigments and the females grow wings as their puberty hits. As well as boobs of course just like humans. But, they don't seem to ever get saggy boobs.

The female genitals are similar to those of humans. So if it weren't for the obvious wings & pigment, it could definitely pass as a Human woman's genitals. No Doubt!  

The difference is the absence of a womb and eggs and all of that. Instead they have a vagina that's just like a human vagina in appearance and function on the outside and inside. Getting wet and swelling a bit as they get horny. Clitoris, pee hole, the hole… Yeah, Vulva and all or something. 

It's of course very different for each person. 

They too have females that have issues with getting wet. Some are a bit too tight. Some get enormous ones… 

Anywaaay, as they get horny they also secrete a lube-like substance inside of their vaginas. 

And there's something that's very similar to a cervix opening up inside the vagina, just like in human females and a lot of other species. 

It's however closed off and it just leads right up egglike oval, well… Egg. From what I've been told it’s flexible and won’t break, so don’t worry.

So if a male comes inside them and their lifegate is open (Lifegate is what they call what is the equivalent of a human female's cervix on Demimonis) , the egg gets impregnated. Then after an hour, the egg is excreted. It needs to be kept warm, at normal body heat or so. 

And after roughly 3 months it counts as if there is a life inside it and it shall be treated as a life according to their laws. Then it hatches, and out ,comes something that would look like a human teenager! 

So if it's a boy, it can come out hairy in all the places. 

If it's a girl, she will have boobs like an adult would have. 

They know a lot already as they hatch. They inherit the knowledge of their parents. 

And it keeps going. Knowledge is passed down as they keep going. Unless a bloodline is broken of course. 


See? I had a point to get to! 


That's all there is to the female reproductive system. And they can only be impregnated if the female opens the Lifegate. (Again, Lifegate is the Demimonis name for the equivalent of a cervix opening on a human female.) 

Females grow this reproductive system at the age of "100ish"... normally. Plus minus 20 years. Maybe. And this is as their second puberty hits.

But not all females get the lifegate. 


A lot wants to learn the transformation skill to be able to explore. Fit in and blend among the humans. 

A lot is in secret among all kinds of races, but mostly humans due to their similarities, learning to transform to one and staying in the transformation isn’t that hard.

But, all of Ssargeni has no clue of this town's existence. Yet. 

They do have something that helps them hide.
Just take a walk down the alley of watchful trees up north from the village and you’ll be at a gate. The gate at the foot of the mountain.
They say their god rests there. 

But who knows.