Chapter 55- Violent
(Attack on Reatown part 3)
---Nana's perspective---
What do I do now… What do I prioritize? "What should…" I mumbled out loud as I thought.
I'm flying in place, so levitating I guess, in the air with an insane psychopathic warrior who has the mind of a child in a way, who just became my friend.
"Will that guy be able to survive against Erust'jrak alone?'' she was looking up at them fighting, Abbadon and the green-looking mage. Wait, is that their leader?
Abbadon had successfully scattered the meteor-sized giant ball of... whatever it was.
Though some remains of it as he imploded, it scattered around the city and had reached the ground by now.
"Yes, I think so. I'm pretty sure Abbadon can't die for real anyway so let's head down and help in the city." I said and flew down.
She ran after me, in the air. Like, her legs moved as if she ran but while she was flying, sort of. It’s hard to explain it properly but I guess you get it sort of.
"Wait, what?! Is that THE Abbadon?!" she yelled out loud as if she was a fan-girl of his, holding her hands on her cheeks.
"Yes?" I mumbled. How annoying.
"Wait, you're a demon obviously, you're in a party with Abbadon.." She looked deep in thought as we.. I mean I flew and she ran, towards the center of the town.
"Halt!" the guard yelled and held out her hand, signaling me, or us, to stop.
"Who are you? Identify yourself!" the guard yelled and moved her other hand to her weapon.
Shit, Should I lie?
"I'm Nana"
I should've lied… oh well.
"Why would a fallen angel care about this town?" she scratched her head. Wait, fallen angel? Isn't he a demon?
"Wait, that's not right, he's a demon? He said he was an archdemon?" we landed, I raised my eyebrow at her as I spoke. Why doesn't anyone tell the whole damn story from the get go…
She raised her eyebrows, looking confused.
"Well, technically he's a primordial I suppose. Made in the beginning. but he was an ‘angel’ from the start, since in the beginning there were only angels and God." Sithran said, looking like she was thinking about every word that she said as she spoke.
"Weeell, in the beginning they say there was only darkness, theeeen God. Then angels. Yes. Ahah!" she smiled at me. I sighed.
"Right right, we'll have to have a chat about history later." I pointed at a group of people.
Soldiers with the red lines painted on a black background, the cultists were fighting at the gates of the castle. Sithran nodded at me. My nephilim activated and started shining. Sithran turned to a mist.
I flew in and crushed one of them, putting my palm on one of them on top of their head then just pushing down towards the ground with all my might. He popped like a tomato. Blood splattered everywhere together with flesh, intestines, brain substance, you name it.
Everyone froze and gazed at me. I put up a barrier between our soldiers and the cultists.
"You guys take a breather" I said in a happy tone and smiled wide. Sithran materialized next to me. She was jumping in excitement with a wide smile too.
Then our side's soldiers who were defending the gate cheered, their captain was shouting "Backup is here men! It's Nana!!" followed by everyone letting out a warcry and putting up a shield-wall along the gate, bashing their weapons on the shields. So much for taking a breather…
There were about 10 of them and their captain fighting against maybe 23 cultist warriors.
The cultists looked demoralized. Some of them looked disfigured, having demonic looking limbs.
I guess these might be a quick batch of an experiment.
The cultists all turned towards me, readying their weapons and magic, chanting. Some of them were shaking at the sight of me. I heard some whispers.
“It’s the monster…” “The demon of Reatown has come for us… I knew it…”
and a few more that were hard to make out.
"Sithran, you want the honor?" I smiled ominously. The captain looked confused at me.
The Captain's name is Andrecitia, another half-ent. He came here a year ago and quickly proved himself, climbing to the rank of captain in no time.
"Ah ah ah ah, yeeees, I haven't played this much in ages!" she laughed and jumped as she half yelled happily. She slowly fell apart into red particles while laughing. Her laughter turned into an echo that seemed to be coming from all different directions as she dispersed into her mist-form. The cultists seem to be horrified at the sight of her coming at them. She turned into a red mist and floated in among the cultists.
"What the hell is that?!" the captain yelled and pointed at her with his sword.
"Just watch." I said and giggled. He lowered his sword and had a tad disapproving expression.
Blood started flowing out of all the cultists from every opening they had in their bodies, half of them started to try running but she drained those that ran immediately. They all fell over writhing in pain, squirming on the ground. Screaming in pain.
The soldiers on our side started clapping, cheering. Well, about seventy five percent of them. the rest had a horrified look on their faces.
"Yes, you show them!"
"Just what you deserve you fuckers!"
"Can't you drain them slower?"
"No mercy for these fanatics!"
along with two quiet whispers that both simultaneously uttered the words “What the…”
Safe to say this particular fight was won. Now, what about the-
Before I had time to think more...
A green figure appeared before me in a flash of smoke, a big robe in a dark green shade covering the whole body. And a mask, green, with a long beak above the mouth. A mask used often to nullify poison if you have to work in a poisonous environment, with gas of sorts or disease. You fill the beak with cleansing magic power and that way you're safe from bacteria, viruses, gas, poison and such things.
A cloud of green dust was emitted from the green figure, it flew out in different directions throughout the town.
“Not fair sending your dog at me.” The green figure mumbled.
“Nana!” A telepathic signal… That voice… Where did I… Shanti?
“Yes?” I replied surprised. “That magic he’s spreading out, it’s basically airborne diseases that’s flying through town! Get people off the streets!” When I heard her, my face went pale. Not literally, but still.
“Captain, run and clear the street, quickly!”
“Shanti, where… Can you help?”
“Who the hell are you talking to?” The green figure asked with a confused tone.
“I’ll help cure people later, right now, focus on the green one and his subordinates!”
“Right.” I mumbled.
“Hum?” The green figure looked a tad confused, he held out a hand, gathering up a ball of dark-green magical energy.
The soldiers had frozen in place for a moment, being on guard as the green figure landed. But Andrecitia snapped out of it as I turned my head towards him and said “Go.” with a serious face.
“R-right! You heard her! Clear the streets soldiers!” Andrecitia turned to his soldiers and yelled out, lifting his sword as he yelled.
A loud cheer from the soldiers, then they took off. I was on guard, in case the green one would attack anyone. But he just watched me. He didn’t even flinch, or well, turn to watch anyone that ran past him.
He left them all alone.
“What do you-” “That’s Erust’Jrak Nana!” Sithran’s voice said. Telepathy? Not to surprised she knows how to do it. She was still hiding in mist-form.
“Sithran, you traitor. I will have Rimran discipline you…” He said in a harsh tone.
I jumped as he threw the ball of dark green magic he’d gathered at me.
I landed. He was gone. He disappeared in a cloud of green smoke.
“Don’t breathe it in!” I heard Sithran’s voice say. “Of course.” I mumbled, then jumped up high in the air. "higher…" I flew up higher quickly to dodge it. Both the cloud of smoke or poison, and the ball of unknown magical energy… I looked down and saw the energy was coming right at me. It had turned and changed trajectory as I’d flown up. “Fuck’s sake!” I yelled, then flew even higher. “Abbadon, where the hell are you?!” I yelled. The ball of energy closed in. I do not wanna find out if that thing is a big ball of horrible horrific diseases or not!
“Save me you damn Demon or angel or whatever you are!” I yelled a bit panicky.
Out of nowhere a wall appeared right infront of me, I crashed right into it and fell.
I hit the floor. Wait, floor?