Chapter 1: God Of Fate
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" Hey, Fate! I am coming in, I wanna give you something!"

Fate watched as a cute black haired loli tumbled into his realm. Before he could tell the girl to get out, Death stuck out her hand. In it was a glass bottle with weird black liquid in it.

" Look! I put my breath into this glass bottle. It's for you Fate! Come drink it."

Death started bounding towards the disgusted Fate, who was sitting at his desk as usual. Reading the fates of the mortal in the world the Gods govern on his silver laptop.

" Go away, Death. I do not want to drink your breath. Can't you see, I am busy doing my job! Reading the fates of mortals, to look for anything dangerous for the world that may pop up in their fates. Go bother Infernus or Zewus!"

Fate turned back to his laptop, to continue reading the fate of an interesting mortal that he had recently found. Death on the other hand pouted and walked over to the silver haired man's desk.

" Oh, come on! That’s what you said yesterday and the day before and before that. You have not emerged from your realm for a good 800 years Fate!"

" Listen up! You are participating in the hero campaign. You need to pick your own 'Hero' to send to the mortal realm. They need help dealing with a monster over run."

FINE! Go get Zewus to give me the specifics on this 'campaign'."

Fate said while keeping his eyes on this laptop.

Death frowned.

" Are you implying that I cannot give you the details and spark plug can?"

Fate turned to face the girl.

" Yes, we all know that you are very clumsy and forgetful."

" Hmmph! Fine! You better join!"

The loli turned around and simply vanished.

' Now... with these last few lines of code. I should be able to read my own fate.'

Fate proceeded to type lines of gibberish into the terminal on his laptop and pressed start on the newly written program. Fate rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He had spent the last 200 or so years writing this program. A program meant to allow the god to read his own fate which he could not do under normal circumstances. He watched as the screen changed to...



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Then, a blinding ray of light flashed onto him, burning his body to ashes.