Chapter 13 The Supreme Gods
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Divine space, administrative domain of Yasamaq


In the here and now and in every other time to come.


Something was different today than usual. To his chagrin, he couldn't say what it was that was different. He only knew that something was different. In the end, however, he had to give up his search; delay, after all, was not tolerated. In the domain of the Death God of Arcane, there was no delay.


This may be due to the fact that no time passed in this divine domain, no matter how long souls had to wait for their case to be processed, no time would pass. The same was true for the servants of Yasamaq, who were also affected by this effect. So all souls could be correspondingly helped to their New Life with no time difference, from their death to a new life.


However, while he worked on one case after another and weighed the deeds of the souls, he could not rid himself of his feeling that something was wrong. Nor did he get any closer to an answer.


Although he was used to his work, he could not concentrate and he weighed the souls wrongly or made more serious mistakes, which he had to improve again and get the souls out of their new life. Which was always an unpleasant thing. For the soul and for a servant of the god Yasamaq.


So it happened that in a place, where no time passed, exactly this happened and it came to delays, which could not exist. According to the laws of nature or laws of the God ruling here.


This, of course, did not go unnoticed and soon the other servants knew about these delays, delaying their own work.


Then slowly more and more servants had the same feeling as Froebel and also they could not determine what it was. These accumulations became so numerous that it attracted attention from the upper floors. As time went by, Wort moved even higher until it reached Yasamaq itself.


With that, Yasamaq took care of this matter and investigated it personally. Before that, however, there had been orders for everyone to continue working as if nothing was wrong.

With that, all servants tried to ignore the feeling of wrongness and to continue their work conscientiously.


Thus, the operation resumed normal form, despite a growing feeling of wrongness.




A large room without walls with a roof held up only by columns, whose base disappeared in the mist that covered the floor. In this room stood a large round table. From the center of which rose a globe, Arcane. Distributed around the table in such a way that all the chairs were at a distance of one-third of the table surface from each other, there were three chairs distributed around the table.


From one moment to the next, Yasamaq manifested in this space.


Yasamaq, god of death and life. One of three supreme gods who commanded over Arcane. Appeared in any form of life and death, as if in fast motion from birth to death, until there was nothing left, then the cycle began anew. Which had earned Yasamaq the nickname God, of many faces and forms.


So the ever-changing form of Yasamaq took a seat on one of the chairs to wait. However, Yasamaq did not have to wait long.


First came Verdandi the sister of the present. She was a woman of unattainable beauty in a clarity which one perceived the Presence only in certain moments of his life. She was colorful with ever-changing colors, from the most beautiful and vibrant colors to the saddest and most emotional colors to the washed-out colors. She was the reality in the here and now. With an ever-changing shape as the present inexorably changes into the past and becomes the future.


With which the other two sisters appeared. Urd fate and the future was hard to see and it was in the eye of the beholder to see them at all. Like her sister, she was colorful and ranged from the brightest and boldest colors to the most emotionally washed out. Came with her only that her figure changed from an upright, intact person she became a haggard and crippled person. Like fate, which can be well-disposed towards you or which can give you a life of poverty and illness.


The last of the three sisters Skuld was like a fading memory and as unclear to recognize as this one. But she too changes, sometimes reflecting a happy memory sometimes a sad or traumatic memory. She looked exactly like her two sisters, and as with them, it depended on the observer whether and how much you recognized.


Urd and Skuld took a seat on the same chair where Verdandi was sitting, becoming one person, the Goddess of the three sisters. No sooner had this happened than Ini'Äigi appeared, mistress of space and time. She appeared as big as the universe itself, but at the same time as small as the smallest room in a universe. Also, she did not walk through the room towards her chair, but the room behaved in such a way that it came to her and she simply sat in the chair without having sat down.


She was the most recognizable of all, she was a tall or short woman with hair in all the colors of the universe, which was always in harmony with her ever-changing skin color. With two colored eyes, one that shone as brightly as a star and seemed to be a different star after each blink, and the other that changed from a black hole to a colorful nebula and from these to the next cosmic object.


Not that mortals or other gods ever get to see these three Supreme Gods in their actual forms, let alone a mortal. They would always appear in forms that did not strain or even endanger the mind.


"And why this meeting?" Ini'Äigi asked, raising a fiery red eyebrow for the moment. In a voice that seemed to come from the depths of the empty space.


Yasamaq in the guise of a little girl replied.


"I am reluctant to admit this, yet it must be mentioned and you must be informed of it." She paused in all the time she had been talking, her voice had gone through the vocal change of a young girl, just as her body had gone from a little girl to a young woman.


"Artifacts of the Kan are used to steal souls from me and to circumvent their allocation." This caused the three sisters to cast a probing glance at Ini'Äigi. Yasamaq, now a woman in her mid-thirties, also looked at them.


"What you think, these artifacts come from me?" She looked at the two one by one and had to laugh when she could read the accusation in their faces. A laugh as hot and explosive as a supernova. Mortals and gods would have withered in time at this laughter.


"I'll have to disappoint you on that one, this time I'm not the villain working in the shadows." A bittersweet smile crept onto her features, making the black full lips shine. "No need to look like that, you two."


"Ken was one of your people, though, and we destroyed all the artifacts, and you swore on an oath that they all were." Sounded a voice with the sound of three voices.


"If all you two are going to do is accuse me, then I will leave now. I have more important things to do than worry about your little accusations." With which Ini'Äigi disappeared.


Yasamaq let out a sigh. She looked down at Arkan for a few moments. Before she looked at the three sisters.


"I believe her." Which this only acknowledged with a snort. "It seems you do, too. If it's not her, then it must be the lesser gods."


"Yes must. I just don't know how they escaped our rules. And how we couldn't have sensed Ken's artifacts."