Chapter 16 The Cirkati of Gela
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Demon continent Alsace in the year 291 in the month Inium on the 10 days after the shattering of the empire


Gela was a small sleepy village, which was located in the forest and functioned as a logging camp. It consisted of a large road, which leads once through the village, which was also the road that they would take further to get to the front with the colonies. Along said street were about twelve houses, all of which were two stories high, except for the tavern and hotel and, of course, the town hall.

Gela had no real stores and the only other store was a blacksmith's store, which could be reached by a small path, if you could see it, that ran along the side of the town hall. Of course, if you were coming from their direction, you could just turn off the main road and walk along behind the houses to the blacksmith shop. Which, together with the tavern and the town hall, was one of the best-equipped houses. There was no temple to the gods or other professional future as a woodcutter or hunter, the felled wood was not even processed here.

Small flower plots had been planted around the houses, with which the local people supplemented their meals with vegetables. Fruits they seemed to get from the forest. The houses had no windows, only shutters made of wood, as everything here seemed to be made of rough-hewn wood. That was all that could be said about Gela.


Nevertheless, it would remain in his memory for a long time, because this was the first time he could witness, about the dubious honor he was still unsure, how Cirkati children were given away by their families. In total there were four children a little older than him the village seemed to have kept them until now. Either because no Cirkati group had come through their beautiful village or because they could have used them for the simple work as lumberjacks when they had grown up. Possibly, however, the situation had changed. He did not know and was not particularly keen to look into the minds of the demons what he could see and hear of them superficially was not very promising. Only one mother had struggled to give up her son, a boy named Arle. She had whispered something in his ear and pressed something into his little hands. From her, he could sense real sadness and also anger against her husband, who, as far as he could tell, was one of the stronger demons in Gela and acted as village leader. He wondered if this was a new development within the village and that was why the Cirkati children were only now given away.


He looked at the woman a little closer at her level four core and meridians. She was an arcane user of the body like pretty much all the demons in the village. With a little help, she could surpass her husband and become quite a passable Arcane User of the Body.


A smile crept onto his face, they would be in Gela for a few days, he would give her a little help. An idea here and there could do wonders. This also made him look at all the demons in Gela and see the potential of all of them. Something he hadn't done in a long time. There were no hidden geniuses among them, but most could definitely reach higher levels if they had a different foundation and used a method of accumulating arcane energy suitable for their arcane energies and physique.


However, he would only help this one woman, not the other demons. As a branded one, which Cirkati clearly were, one had to stick together and reward kindness to them.


He would not even have to enter her mind or her dreams to do so, all he had to do was direct his superficial thoughts and that they contained the appropriate ideas. For him an easy task, but for any normal level one user of the Arcane Energy of the Mind an impossible task. Unless one was a genius, then it might be possible. But he was not a genius, but a very old human, who had reached level ten and therefore knew one or the other, he would say this about himself at least.


He also learned the names of the four children, a girl named Flur was like Arle a rather large demon child, even if Arle was a little larger. Where Flur had red hair, Arle's was pitch black and apart from him, the two were the palest demons he had seen so far. Both had topaz, colored, eyes with the demons, usual goat-like pupils.


Lexington, which he thought was a rather exotic name for a demon, was a bit smaller than Flure. Which still made him taller than him at twenty-seven inches. With black hair and gray eyes as well as his skin color. Hopefully, his character was not also pessimistic or worse than that a naysayer. He thought silently to himself alone.


Rezac was the last girl of the four and about the same height as himself. Like him and Lexington, she had black hair and, like them both, gray eyes. Only her skin color, as he understood it, was of a rare fire red, which was considered by the villagers to be a waste of the sacred color of the gods. Understand one Demons, he thought to himself.


Around a well, which lay in the middle of the street, their camp was set up for the coming days. Sia and Sappho started to set up the theater, and as soon as they were done, the children, who until now had only watched, began to gather.


"Who of you knows the story of the Dragons?" Sia asked with a mysterious-sounding voice to the children, who were now all hanging on her lips. At first, none of the children raised their hands, until hesitantly a boy in the back row raised his hand.

"Yes, please tell us what you know about her." Sia invited the boy forward to join her, only hesitantly did he come forward to join her. Eventually, however, he stood stiff as a stick beside her.


"I heard that dragons are...big and invincible and...that they are something like lizards...or something. That's what my father said." He had grown quieter and more uncertain with each pause. Sia smiled at him, though, and maneuvered in back to his seat. Before she turned back to the crowd of children.


"Your father is right about that. Dragons are great and powerful creatures. -" She paused dramatically. - "But should you have the misfortune to encounter a dragon, you should not mistake them for lizards or tell them to their face that they are just lizards grown too large." He could hear a soft hissing, which made his gaze wander upward, where he saw the snake living in their wagon. It seemed to him that she did not like dragons. He was sure that Sia and Sappho had not seen it, which was possibly better. The snake looked at him, which he took advantage of to put a finger to her lips and make her understand that she had to be quiet. Meanwhile, Sia had continued with her story.


In a time long forgotten, when demons, humans, elves, and beastmen were just emerging from under the protective wings of their deities. Arcane was ruled by Titans and their Titan races. But even the mighty Titans hid when the shadow of a dragon slipped over them. For they were the true rulers of Arcane, and they behaved as such. None of the other Titans or any of their races could match the dragons.


Giants like harpies and from cyclops to hundred-headed ones to the gods and the divine races could not match them. Neither did anyone want to anger the great mother. But slowly resistance was formed against the dragons and their Titan father Börr.


So it came that Titans and Gods joined forces against the dragons.


For an opportunity had arisen Börr was in dispute with the Hydras dragons similar and so they should recognize his rule. But as powerful as the dragons were, it cost many dragons to kill just one Hydra. So the alliance of Gods and Titans seized the opportunity presented to them and attacked the dragons.


Although this was in a fierce war with the Hydras, the war of liberation from the dragons' yoke cost the lives of many Gods, Titans, and mortals.


Individual dragons could kill entire armies of mortals with just one breath, just as they could kill gods. The battle lasted a long time, claiming more and more victims. Once great cities were turned into nothing more than ruins, entire races were wiped out or so reduced that they have not recovered to this day.


The war became so bad that the three sisters had to intervene and help the rebels. They taught them to use Arcane Energies, which made them equal to the dragons.


In the end, they were defeated and Börr was imprisoned by the bravest mortal race of demons. In return for their service to Arkan, they were rewarded with longevity. And entrusted with the task of watching over them for all eternity.