Chapter 22 Displeasure
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Demon continent Alsace in the year 237 in the 5-month Aeigium on the 25th day after the destruction of the empire.


For several years, voices were raised among the population that the current ruler was not right and that the population longed for its rightful ruler.

So they talked in secret and made plans at secret meetings how and when to depose the wrongful ruler. Secret alliances were made, open alliances, all in an effort to depose the king and his corrupt council of advisors. So was every nobleman who sided with the king and took advantage of the current situation.

Lists of loyal and non-loyal people were drawn up and attempts were made to get into appropriate positions of power to facilitate a takeover. Thus, the twenty-fifth Aeigium became the day of the revolution.

So it happened that the hand of Alsac was in Locri when the revolution broke out in the whole country. And there were not a few in the Hand of Alsac who were not happy about the developments, since they had been working actively for years to organize this revolution. After all, one of the main wire-pullers was one of their own, the former Immortal Chancellor Abraxas.

And when a Cirkati of his rank and name asked them for something, the families were happy to oblige. When his daughter and her wife joined them with a child given to them directly by Abraxas, then really big things were going on.

After taking the child, with his parents in Vanadium, they brought weapons and equipment to Dikili Tash. Where an ever-growing resistance grew against the followers of Meinoume and the false loyalist. Where they could only deliver their supplies without the greatest care. Since some of the rebels probably got caught, they had been banished from the city.

This was not a setback, however, since the Duke of Dikili Tash was on their side and he wanted to see his country back under the leadership of the correct faith. In addition, the new chancellor had taken advantage of one of his family members.

After that, they had traveled on the main supply route to the front and supplied the individual rebel cells there. After the first contact, another family took care of further communication and supply. Similar actions took place throughout the empire, with the help of the temples.

After they had done this successfully, they received their new orders in Kirra. Their new orders aimed to check the loyalty of the army and also of the individual soldiers and their officers. Thus, lists were drawn upon which were loyal and which were non-loyal. In this case, of course, it is understood that loyalty to the Revolution was mentioned.

These lists were then passed on to the corresponding loyal officers. After which, a silent and clandestine restructuring of the troops began. Should anyone not in the know noticed this, he was involved in a tragic death and thus eliminated from the world.

With the new troops, an attempt was made to ensure that all troops were made up of more loyal soldiers than non-loyal ones. So that the latter could simply be killed when the time came.

Of course, not every soldier and officer was privy to this, but the Cirkati lists helped put quite a few sympathizers into the same groups so that their ideas would resonate within their own troops. It was just a matter of creating a superior force with which to kill every bit of resistance.

At the same time, more and more families took on the task of supporting the military on the front lines, which took many forms. From simple transport missions to training with the soldiers in practice battles to prepare all involved for the real thing.

Of course, it was important not to forget that they were on a front line and that the other side was watching their activities and acting accordingly. So the renegades and colonies still had to be taken care of in all the preparation for the revolution. After all, one did not want to overthrow the ruler only to lose the front against the renegades with their own interests. Once they should have won and replaced their ruler with the rightful one, they would also bring these territories back home to the empire.

Some of these renegades even tried to use the revolution for themselves to increase their sphere of power. Others of them planned that they would invade the empire and could use the situation inside the empire for their advantage. They were not wrong in doing so, some were enchanted by sweet words of the renegades and were about to betray the revolution. However, the rebels always caught on to this and were able to prevent it.

Other families, in turn, set out to scout the troops in the hinterland or the private armies of the nobles or guilds. Because in this new state there should be only one army and this army should be under command of the ruling family. Finally, the centuries-old oath of allegiance was to be renewed and the empire was to flourish again, larger and more powerful than it once was.

Thus it came about that on the twenty-fifth day of the fifth month the revolution began.

First, the capital was brought under control. Which the new ruling couple took advantage of.Which the new ruling couple took advantage of. Around which the revolution had gathered. To lead the revolutionaries in person. This news spread like wildfire throughout the country and from then on there was no stopping them. In every town, in every village there were revolts, enemies of the revolution were killed on the spot. Of course, many innocent lives were taken, but the revolution was willing to pay for that if it brought victory closer.

Thus, the revolution would last only a few days, even if the false king and his lackeys fled and still had allies in the new demon realm. If he could not be found for the moment, as well as his advisors and closest confidants only a few of the enemies of the empire were caught and executed in public places after a public trial.

In the coming weeks, much more blood would flow, followed by wars in which even more blood would be spilled...




"... That's all I have to say to you Cali." He pointed to Sappho and Sia, who were sitting on a couch next to them. "Even if the situation of the Cirkati will improve after Justinian and Theodora take power, you are still only level one with your sixteen years. Not like your friends, who have already risen to level four, far ahead of normal children." The leather of the couch creaked as he shifted his position on it. "It's not like you won't see your parents again, just that they're going back to the capital, where I'll prepare your mother for her role as my successor and Sia will resume her old role as general."

Mother? Yes, he had seen the two of them as his parents in this life. However, he reacted badly when he was not seen for what he was and when he had to be told by an old demon that he was only good for marrying. But he tamed his anger and contempt. Ignorance was a cross-racial fault, it seemed to him, and he had to remind himself that he did well not to forget it.

Sappho and Sia had said this morning that they wanted to show him something and had taken him across town to a mansion where a demon he knew was waiting for them. It was the same demon he had seen in this city many years ago. Even then, something seemed strange to him and he had recalled the events over and over again. Today he could also see the similarity between its spirit and that of Sappho. The daughter of the immortal chancellor.

What he still didn't quite know was why this theater had been put on.

Sappho had done the talking for her father and he had difficulty keeping his emotions off his face. He had always been allergic to betrayal. That he was alone this time in, as he now had to admit, hostile territory did not make things any better.

If he wanted to change his fate, he must not let on. Even if Sappho was now talking about why she needed a spouse who could protect her and with whom he could spend his life. She would also visit him as often as possible. He made a good face to the bad play.

The longer the three of them talked and he played along, the more time he had to get into their minds and look around. He had to do damage control now and get as much information as he could.

He assured the three that he understood and that he would try. Which made Sia and Sappho smile, they even came to hug him. In all that time he had wormed his way into every mind on the estate, taking all the information he needed and wanted. He had altered memories of guards so that they didn't patrol and gave him a few escape routes.

"Besides, then you can meet your sister when we get back to the capital." Sia interjected from the side.




She gave her wife a quick glance, after which she immediately turned back to Cali, this made a surprised face.

"Yes, you have another sister who lives with your parents, since she wasn't born a Cirkati like you." Explained Sia straight. Cali seemed surprised. Which was understandable, considering she had now learned about having a sister.

"You don't have to think of her as a sister if you don't want to and your real parents too. No matter what happens Cali, we will always be here for you." She assured her, Cali looked like she had seen a ghost, which was understandable. Her previous life was thrown over her head today. "If you want, you can retire for the day." She looked at her father and Sia to communicate that they should let it go for today. "Come, I'll take you to your room." She stood up and after Cali by the hand and led her to her room.

She could feel how much Cali was shaking, even if she tried to hide it. But did she want to leave her alone for now, so she could think about everything she had heard today.

Stopping at the door of Cali's temporary room, she wrapped her in her arms once more and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "See you at supper." With which she closed the door behind Cali and ran back into the parlor.

"She took that quite well, don't you think?" Congratulated her father once she was back in the salon. "I don't know, I think we put her through too much, that we told her all that at once."

"Don't worry too much Sappho, Cali is a smart girl, she will understand I think." Sia tried to cheer her up. Still, she couldn't shake her worry.

Towards evening, when they had all gathered in the dining room again, Cali had still not come out of her room. So they sent one of the servants to look for her, who returned a few moments later and announced that she was not feeling well.

The same game as in the evening happened in the morning, which is why they had food delivered to her room.

Around noon the same thing happened, which made Sappho even more nervous, but the other two assured her that she was just going crazy and that Cali would just need a little longer to digest all the news.

Afternoon, surprisingly, there were guests at the door, which they had not expected for another four days.

"No, I'm telling you that today is right. After all, today is the twenty-ninth."
Head shaking from all three housemates. "You're getting forgetful in your old age, aren't you, Abraxas? I also brought my son, as you requested, so where is the young lady I promised."

"Wait a moment please, I'll go get her in a minute, she hasn't been feeling well these days." Said Sappho, even if she was still quite sure that it was the twenty-sixth. But putting that thought aside she set off to get Cali from her room.

Arriving at the door she knocked but got no answer. "I'm coming in now Cali." Now that she thought back on it, Cali had never been sick. The room was empty, no Cali for miles. The bed didn't even look like anyone had slept in it.

Immediately she sounded the alarm, in just a few minutes all the guards were at their positions and servants were searching the mansion.

"I report that Cali is in her room mistress." Said another servant, by now the tenth servant they had sent to search for Cali, who reported finding her in her room. One thing they all claimed, even when she was standing in the room with them, they told her, without talking to anyone, that they had talked to Cali and that she was not feeling well.

"Something's not right here." Murmured her father beside her, lost in thought. "Get me a mage and a psion." He ordered another servant.

They didn't have to wait long for these two and what both of them could say after a brief examination was that everything was fine. Which they all denied and had them examine again. Also this time she could not find any traces of manipulation.

In a quiet moment, she took her father and Sia aside. "What's going on here and why exactly did you ask for these two." Her father looked around the room again, activating a barrier.

"I think we made a mistake and that we underestimated Cali. The soul that resides within her is the soul of one of the most powerful psions that have ever walked on Arcane, I think you both know who I'm talking about."

"The soldiers from the Empire who arrived in one of the colonies a few months ago." Escaped Sia. Sappho groaned. "That's why the strange abilities Cali had trained in the forest. You had Caleb killed by Basilisk. That's also the real reason you wanted to marry her off, so she could pass on Basilisk's blood." She took a breath to calm herself before continuing.
"We're lucky the Empire has other problems right now, or they would have surely sent a legion to teach us a lesson." She raised her hands in frustration. "Father, are you insane to tamper with the Empress' brother.