Chapter 2: Developments
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The Summer season drew to a close, as the lengthy days continued to shrink with the approaching Autumnal chills. The farms of the nearby villages had begun in the revels and joys of their bountiful harvests, and yet the Pretty Prince had yet to find his vigor in the jubilant attitudes that began to pervade the castle. A week had passed since his father called him, and his sister had begun to set plans for her upcoming departure to make her final patrol before the onset of Winter. He could only lament her coming departure as each day more strength seemed to escape his grasp, weariness setting in earlier each day.

“What the ‘ell was that!?” Captain Kergo barked as Gilbert panted. He had done it just as he practiced, priming a swift and effective combination of a few slashes concluding with a quick stab. He had nailed it to perfection, but now? His second slash failed to connect with the dummy, and his third never even approached it, as he lost balance falling to the ground. The cheering girls on the sidelines all seemed saddened and disheartened by his sudden failure. A couple were concerned, a few more were frustrated as their shining prince seemed to collapse before them, while a number of others yelled at the captain to leave him alone. “Stop the racket or scram!” he shouted at them. “And YOU, get your fargin act together will ya!?”

“Y-yes Captain,” Gilbert helplessly nodded. He didn’t want to admit it, but even now he was feeling rather tired, and unlike a week ago, it wasn’t even approaching sunset. What happened to his stamina and strength? He was normally able to push on through the night, but now he could hardly muster a full day of drills. He got up and tried to relax, trying his best to recall the basic instructions he was taught years ago. His arm seemed to shake as he thrusted forward, as if struggling to even hold the sword, much less having the dedicated muscle memory to commit to such an act. “What is the matter with me?” he mumbled to himself.

He sighed and decided to turn in early again, a compulsion which agitated him. He did his best to recall the comments of the soldier from the other day and decided to rely on resting some more. He quietly retreated and stowed his equipment, none of the soldiers were present as none of them had even approached their final drills. He took it as a small blessing that he could avoid the general chatter. He did not dislike it necessarily, but some of the general talk would make him rather uncomfortable, particularly when topics became about women. He chose to sneak back to his room to quietly study for the rest of the day, quietly passing through the halls back to the main part of the castle. If he was going to fall behind in his training, the least he could do was study and nurture his mind, perhaps it would serve as a nice distraction.

He returned to his room and grabbed one of the books that he had recently taken out of the library, a dusty historical record his father had instructed him to read about war long ago. The record detailed the battles between humanity and the church against the demons and witches that brought harm unto the world. The descriptions were horrid and ghastly, full of dismemberment, horrid transformations, and curses that corrupted men into monsters and their subservient slaves, wholly convinced they had been ‘saved.’ It sent chills down his spine, and the glorious depictions of the human heroes and soldiers did little to lift his spirits. In fact it only left him more ashamed of his own body’s condition.

He stowed the record and decided to read something he knew would bring a smile to his lips. A fictional story about fairies and magic, a personal favorite of his since he was a small child that he found hidden in the library. He was never certain why he felt so attached to the tome, but it was something that brought him great comfort.

The book was a small and red thing, with brilliant gold leaf lining the hard cover. Equally golden letters read ‘Stories of Flowers and Aromas.’ Unfortunately, the author’s name had been worn away, much like the edges of the binding. Upon opening the book there was a small dedication. “Written with great love for the lost daughters caught by the golden hand,” it read. He always wondered what that meant. Who were these ‘lost daughters?’ What happened to them? Were they okay? Certainly, they were no longer alive, the tome was assuredly over a century old now, but his mind still wondered who those girls were and what fate befell them.

In the end he put such thoughts aside, eagerly turning to the page with his favorite story of the collection. It was a short story, which told the story of a young girl named Saya, who was all alone, having lost her family and having no friends. She wandered into a nearby forest where she stumbled upon a fairy hovel, their quiet home. The sprites that lived there were initially compelled to tease and play tricks upon the girl, but they quickly realized that doing so only filled their hearts with sadness and regret as the girl already suffered greatly. The sprites did what they could to welcome her instead, feeding her, clothing her, and giving her warmth with their tiny bodies. As they did, something startling and unexpected happened. Saya began to shrink, smaller and smaller, as her ears began to grow long and pointy, and big shimmering rainbow colored butterflylike wings emerged from her back, matching those of the sprites. As they accepted her, she became one of them, something which brought her great comfort and joy. The story ending with a blissful happy ending as they lived happily ever after, the girl finally finding a home of her own.

He sighed as he finished it, holding it tight. He was uncertain why, but he felt a certain connection to the girl, likely their love of fairies and fantasy to become small and fly around joyfully. It brought a great calm to his antsy mind as he got up and stretched, feeling significantly better. It was about that time a knock came from the door as his personal maid, Ciri came to deliver his supper. She quickly set up his meal and departed with little to no word, as was typical for supper when he ate it in his room. She was always so busy this time of day, relaying instructions for his various instructors and organizing his schedule. It did not bother him though, as it gave him some much-needed privacy, often when he needed it most.

He sat down to eat, enjoying a fine meal of finely roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, and an elegant salad of cabbage, spinach, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives, with cheese and dressing for flavor. The chicken and mashed potatoes were of course seasoned and cooked to perfection. He took particular glee in the salad though. It took ages to fight his various planners on the salads he liked, as they often tried to fill it with lettuce, onions, and an assortment of other vegetables which he simply did not enjoy in a salad. He took his time eating his meal, after which he decided it was time to get changed and ready for bed.

He pulled out his tailored pajamas and began to disrobe, which was when he noticed something peculiar. He walked over to look at his body in the mirror, blinking in disbelief. “How…?” he asked aloud as he looked over his body. He began to twist his face in shock. His abdomen and his arms were smooth and fair, his musculature and body hair largely vanishing from his body. And then there was his chest, it was…odd. He shook his head and decided put his tunic back on. He had to speak to someone about this. The King requested he see the doctor, but he was stricken by hesitance. He needed someone he could trust with this, and there was only one person he felt such trust with, Xenia.

While it granted him the blessing of a window to look out from, at the moment, his room being positioned at the end of the long hall way was rather bothersome. He hurriedly shuffled through the moonlit halls, passing the massive windows that looked over the courtyard below, descended to the floor below turning into a similar hallway where Xenia’s room was and knocked on the door, only to receive no answer. He knocked again for the same result before backing off confusedly.

“What is the matter my dear?” a soft elegant voice called out. Gilbert turned around to meet a woman in a long soft nun like black dress and veil which obscured much of her body, the only signifiers upon her being her to indicate her identity being a necklace which featured two hippogriffs, like on the door to the throne room, and a single bright blue stone embedded upon the crown of her hood, with a golden trim. As she pulled up the veil covering her face, he began to catch a glimpse of her soft chocolaty hair and bright green eyes, which seemed to quiver with concern. He smiled as he looked upon her.

“Good evening mother,” he gave a gentle bow. “I was looking for sister, Princess Xenia, have you seen her?”

“Xenia? I believe she is still attending to her knights downstairs near the training hall,” she answered.

“Excellent, thank you mother. I shall head there then.”

“Hold on a moment my dear.”


She rose her hand to her chest a look of deep thought covering her face. “Yes, I can feel it. Your spirit, it feels, peculiar,” she looked at him pleadingly.


“I am uncertain beyond that, but that is how it is,” she answered vaguely.

“I…see,” he frowned. What did that mean? What was peculiar about it? Was it connected to what was happening to him? He was half compelled to ask her, but he did not want to be a burden upon her, not when she was always so busy with her matters with the church and father. “If it is okay, I would like to see more of you at some point. I miss spending time with you,” he continued to frown. Even though he didn’t want to be a burden, he did desire to see more of her. He was rather truthful in missing her. It had felt like ages since he even saw her last, and it felt like they had become so distant of late.

“I would love to dear, but you and I both know that neither of us have time. Perhaps we can arrange something later though,” she gave a gentle smile. He could only solemnly nod. “Speaking of I should be on my way, as I suspect you should be as well?”

“Yes, you are quite right. Thank you for speaking with me mother,” he nodded as he darted off to the stairs.

As he ran by, she began to frown and look at his back sorrowfully. “Good luck, my child. My…” she stopped. She shook her head for a moment as she dropped her veil once more. “Good luck,” she said with her face covered once more and continued further into the castle.

Gilbert managed to descend the stairs and make his way across the courtyard back to the training hall where Xenia’s personal office was, tucked away along the castle wall. He knocked excitedly, hardly cognizant of his panting. “Yes? Who is it?” Xenia’s muffled voice responded.

“It is I, Gilbert. I would like a word sister,” he panted

“Gilbert? You may come in,” she answered. Gilbert wasted no time turning pushing on the door’s lever and entering the room. “Gilbert, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked as she fiddled with some papers.

Her office was lined with bookcases filled with all manner of books, all with strategic use. Some were field guides, others were filled with maps, yet others with documents of the individual knights. Her shelves were cluttered with information that could prepare her for most any operation, even having some cookbooks for longer expeditions, and basic manuals to be lent out to new recruits. In front of the bookcase across from the door stood a large desk which currently had a map of the kingdom laid out, a variety of figures marking the positions of varying things. Xenia herself however sat in the chair against the right wall, the only bare wall in the whole room to act as place of rest for her, with a small teacart parked beside her acting as an impromptu table for her.

“Um…sister?” he began. “May I ask you a favor?”

“A favor? Is something the matter Gil?”

“Could you…uh…examine my body? I fear something is amiss, particularly with my…chest,” he stammered as his attempted to calm himself and failing as his face began to be covered in a pink blush due to the awkwardness.

“Your chest?” she questioned, letting out a sigh as he nodded. “Very well, I can do that. Come over here,” she replied as she set her papers on the teacart beside her. Gilbert approached and stood before her, then turning his back to her. “Gilbert, how am I supposed to examine you if you’re facing away from me?”

“I am sorry, could you feel it from there? I am not comfortable revealing it to you,” he said, trying to hide his embarrassment. “I’ve been experiencing some…growth.”

“Oh, Gilbert,” Xenia sighed as she rose behind him and shrugged in frustration. “If you are so uncomfortable, I am certain Aurith or one of the other knights…”

“NO!” he yelped and shaking his head. “I-it cannot be them. Please sister. You are the only I feel safe enough doing this with.”

She took a deep breath. “Very well, where would you like me to check,” she relented.

“Uh…could you check under my tunic?”

“Under?” she said confused. “A-alright,” she crept her hands underneath his shirt and began to pull up towards his chest. “There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am certain tis just muscle. Tis only natural with all of your training to have some…growth…there…” she hesitated as she pressed upon his chest, “...soft?” she muttered perplexed by what she was feeling. She expected to feel the firm tough muscle like others had developed from their training, but Gilbert’s was not. His chest was soft, supple even. She moved her hands more to test it, and found it had a slight bounce to it. As she did so, Gilbert became increasingly restless making small, unusual noises as she examined him. “Gilbert. I need you to turn around and take off your shirt.”

“But Xenia…” he pleaded.


He sighed and turned around to face her, slowly disrobing. Gilbert was always known as the ‘Pretty Prince,’ but this? She was shocked to find all present muscle he once had was now seemingly absent, replaced by pale lithe skin that had a slight inner curve around his stomach. And then there was his chest, it was puffed up and the nipples were slightly enlarged, as if swelling. She was even reminded her of herself when she was a younger.

“Sister, I…”

“How long has this been happening?” she said with a strict discerning voice, demanding an answer.

“Last week, like I told you before. I started feeling weaker and more tired, but this... I did not notice this until tonight,” he said with a pained expression. “What…what is happening to me?”

“I…I am not certain,” she said reluctantly. She brought her forefinger below her lips as she began to think aloud. “Maybe we should ask Mabel? She can keep a secret and her knowledge without compare in the castle.”

“Mable? I am hesitant to tell someone else in all honesty, but I think I would be okay telling her.”

“Good! For now, put back on your shirt. And do not tell anyone else, especially father,” her voice was stern but warm. Her words were harsh in tone, but he was aware of the concern that fueled them. Even so, he felt so humiliated, he was almost brought to tears, but he refused to cry. ‘Princes do not cry, especially not in front of ladies,’ he thought to himself doing his best to reign in his lose anxiety.

After bidding his sister goodnight he quietly returned to his chambers making certain he did not encounter anyone. He did not desire discussing the embarrassment that he was currently feeling with another, especially one of the guards. Nay, the guards would be pleasant compared to his other family, especially William. If he thought him girlish before… he shivered at the thought.

As he approached his room however, a voice called out to him. “Gilly!” It was a girl’s voice, and a very familiar one. Approaching from behind him was a woman with shoulder length golden brown hair bouncing with each step and her red eyes glimmering with excitement. Her face beamed with a brilliant smile as she ran up to him.

“Aria?” No, not her! He began to panic.

“How are ya, my Prince?” she said rushing up to him and patting him on the back. “I’m off for the ‘knight’ if you catch my meaning,” she teased, holding her armor plating up as she posed energetically in her leather outfit. “Wanna spend some time with me?” she asked excitedly. “We could play cards while I tell you about my training.”

“Er…not tonight, sorry!” he tried his best to maintain his composure. He hesitated to look at her and her tight leather armor. Looking at her body like this made him a little uncomfortable. Not because she was not attractive, on the contrary, her physique was quite attractive. Rather, he simply felt uncomfortable feeling such things about women, especially such an old friend. He respected her too much for that, she was a strong courageous knight, one which inspired. Besides, surely all chivalrous knights felt like this way of course, his current anxiety was just making it worse right now. He gulped as he tried to narrow his mind. “I have, er… some duties to attend to tomorrow, so I must get to bed.”

“Aww, already?” she lamented tossing her armor over her shoulder. “I miss spending time with you,” her lip quivered slightly, the moonlight highlighting her pouting lips.


“Well, you are our Pretty Prince, so I guess it can’t be helped. Just, please, I want to spend time with you again soon,” she gave a warm smile at him. “Especially since we’re going to be departing again soon.”

“Y-yeah!” Gilbert returned her smile.

“Well, see you tomorrow ‘knight,’” she laughed.

“Aria, wait!” Gilbert called to her, his heart jumping.

“Yeah?” she asked innocently.

“Uh…that was a really bad pun,” he forced himself to say.

“I think you mean a noble joke! Sleep well!” she continued down the hall toward the armory, likely to stow her armor for the day Gilbert assumed.

Gilbert sighed in relief. Why did he do that? He was not sure, but he felt almost compelled to ask her what she thought of his condition. He shook his head. Dwelling on this is not going to help. Frustrated he returned to his chambers, and changed into the pajamas he set out earlier, a tan silk short sleeved tunic, and black cotton pants. It was a little light for the current season, but he enjoyed the cold enough, and it was still quite early in Autumn. He climbed into bed and tried to fall asleep, his mind occasionally distracted by his sensitive chest and an occasional itch. Before long however, his heavy head gave way to the call of the siren of sleep, as he was graced by the moon’s gentle rays.

In due time the morning sun crept into the sky, prompting Gilbert awaken as all mornings before it. As Gilbert got up and performed his usual routine, he periodically looked at his body as he prepared himself for his morning exercises, but it was so foreign to him now. He was still clearly himself, but the number of irregularities with his body continued to increase. All the evidence of his toned body had seemingly evaporated now, and he just felt a little smaller. While he was still evidently fit, his usual strength had also disappeared as well, he began to wonder how well he’d be able to even wield his sword now. His hair seemed off as well, but he was not quite sure why. He continued getting dressed and did his best to hide his body as best he could by wearing bulky clothing to hide his figure. As he finished, Ciri, came by with breakfast, a pleasant omelet with ham and cheese. Simple and effective for his day of studying ahead.

Shortly thereafter, his tutor, Mr. Gerevall arrived and began teaching him of the political forces in the region, their history, and interactions. He was particularly interested of learning about their former neighbors, the Kingdom of Ethnerta, a kingdom to the North once known for its magics. His own kingdom once did battle with them when Ethnerta was harboring witches, a battle his father apparently took part in for which he was honored as a great hero, though the details seemed largely glossed over and vague. According to rumors, that was around the time he met Lady Elesa, his mother as the two fought alongside each other during the war. Gilbert loved learning of history and enjoyed learning of his mother even more. He wondered what she would’ve thought of him and what was happening now.

He also read about the geography of the Kingdom of Luxur and how it was towards Middle West of the Dracluce continent and North West of the famed city of Biosia, the holy city that Luxur had been in a long-standing treaty with. To the North was a long stretch of fertile plains home to many demi-human creatures, notably centaurs and beast men. ‘Demi-human,’ something rubbed him wrong about that word, but he was uncertain as to why. Further North was the massive mountain range that bordered the icy Northern coasts, home to many magical creatures such as the dracna, humanoid dragons, who ejected any human who defiled their home. Between their Northern lands, where Ethnerta once stood, and the mountains was the thick Dark Forest, an ancient and forbidden land, home to demons, monsters, and witches. Any and all attempts to prune the forest was met with tragedy and disaster, leaving it untouched for centuries. He was captivated by these details, his mind spurred by the many fantastical places beyond the castle’s walls, but in due time he ended his studies.

Finally, it was time to meet with his sister and Mable. Mable had her own private chamber on the other side of the castle where the labs were. She was so far away from others because her experiments had a tendency to get quite loud at night, even more than the other researchers. Her research was invaluable, but it was quite bothersome for everyone else. Fortunately, she appreciated the isolation and being able to work as she wanted to without interruption. Gilbert and Xenia would often visit her when they were younger. Xenia still did, but Gilbert himself had become so preoccupied with his studies he rarely got the chance anymore. It was a shame that his visit now was not just a simple get together.

As he arrived at the Northern entrance, he knocked on the door to her chambers and waited for her to come let him in. The doors began to open and on the other side was a young woman with long teal hair and quiet blue eyes which shimmered with hesitance and caution. Her black cloak normally hid her form away “Gilly?” she said in a hushed voice. “Is that you?”

“Hi Mable. It’s been some time has it not?” he said cheerfully.

She reached out her hand and pulled him inside. “Gilly, I’ve missed you,” she said in a shakey happy voice, the dim halls barely hiding her welling eyes.

“And I you. We really must find the time to meet more,” he said before pausing.

“Oh, right! Come this way!” she jumped and then pulled him down the hall. “We’ll use my downstairs lab. Xenia is there too!” her voice had a certain quiet yet chipper tune to it. She was often quick to excitement when it came to her friends, she was one of few in Gilbert’s life who were so free to show such emotion. She reminded Gilbert of the tales of village girls, if a bit more fragile than the common stories due to her inclinations to remain inside.

They reached the end of the hall and descended the Eastern stair. The lighting was surprisingly more plentiful as they descended, illuminated by Mable’s personal lanterns. They were a form of magitech that she developed several years ago. They let off a warm yellow orange light akin to a flame, but were far brighter than the typical torches that the guards tended to use. The basement floor was illuminated by her lanterns covered with translucent stones, giving the stone passages a comforting atmosphere with small glowing particles of mana floating through it giving it a pleasant mystical sensation. As they turned down the hall, they entered a large doorway and emerged in Mable’s lab.

Gilbert always enjoyed visiting Mable’s lab, it was such a pleasant place thanks to her skylights, although he was uncertain how she managed to get the light through the floors above, probably one of her inventions. It was populated with several long tables with pits and faucets dotting the center of the room, each home to a set of equipment for one of her many experiments. One had a large bulbous device which she had been working on for over a year, an object which stored energy and could release it with a wire. Another had what looked like plans for a person made of metal, and yet another had a mix of ingredients to make a potent fertilizer. She was rather proud of the collection of tools and materials that were strewn across the counters along the side walls and stuffed in the cabinets in the back, which bordered the room. Xenia was quietly sitting on one of the seats surrounding one of the four tables.

“Apologies for the mess,” she said meekly with a bow, her long teal hair tumbling over her shoulder.

“You have no reason to apologize,” Gilbert gave a quiet chuckle. “I know that tis how you best work.”

“Tis good that you made it, brother,” Xenia waved to them. “I apologize, but I am going to have to ask that we start this. I unfortunately need to make arrangements after this, so I do not have much time to dally here.”

“That’s alright,” Mable nodded. “So, what did you two want to discuss anyway?”

“Er, well, I apologize Mable,” Gilbert said facing her, who looked at him precariously. “I…uh…”

“Brother has been undergoing some peculiar changes,” Xenia interrupted, taking charge of the explanation. “He came to me to seek my thoughts, but I am not an expert on this type of thing. We were hoping you may be able to help confirm some things for us.”

“Sure, that’s fine,” Mable nodded. “What do you need me to look at?” she asked looking back to Gilbert.

“Uh…m-my chest,” he said bringing his hand to it. “I need you to check my chest,” he repeated.

“I understand,” Mable nodded. “I’m pretty used to performing check ups since his Highness sometimes has people go to me for medical needs at times,” her words provided a certain comfort to Gilbert who took a deep breath and nodded, then beginning to disrobe. As he did Mable blinked, taken aback by his revealed form, Xenia giving a sorrowful look as well. “Your chest,” she said quietly, “it’s swollen.”

“Y-yes. I don’t know how it happened, but I have been feeling increasingly weak for the past week or so. Then, last night as I prepared for bed, I had found I had lost most of my muscle, and my chest was as you see it now. I sought the aide of sister immediately, which is when she proposed seeing you.”

“And it seems to have progressed even further since last night,” Xenia lamented. “He still had some muscle left, but now…”

“I see,” Mable mumbled as she ran her fingers across Gilbert’s body, grasping his arms and taking a particular notice of his chest as she held and moved them, greatly embarrassing him as she analyzed it. “You just suddenly found yourself like this, correct?” Mable confirmed.

“That tis correct. I do not know what happened,” Gilbert responded sullenly.

“What do you think Mable?” Xenia asked anxiously.

“Well. I’m not sure how to put this, but they’re definitely very close to female breasts,” Mable said with a hesitant yet sure tone. While she was clearly confident in her assertion, she was considerably less sure of the reason that much was clear from her tone. “There’s not much to go on, I’m sorry. For now, all we can do is wait. Let me know if anything else happens.”

“It is alright Mable, we thank you for your time, right brother?” Xenia reassured her. Gilbert remained silent as he touched the center of his chest with what could be described as a dazed look in his eyes. “Brother?”

“Oh!” he snapped back to reality. “Yes, thank you Mable.”

After Gilbert clothed himself once more, Mable escorted them back to the entrance of the building, Gilbert quietly trailed behind the two as they discussed matters. His mind was far away from their words. Female breasts? What did that mean? He felt a heat lick his cheeks which fought him as he tried to calm himself.

“Gilly?” Mable poked him. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, I just have a lot on my mind,” he shook his head.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help,” she said dejectedly.

“There is nothing to apologize for my friend. Thank you for your effort,” he comforted her. She looked back with a thankful nod. “Goodnight Mable,” he waved to her as he and Xenia departed, Mable doing the same in return.

“I apologize that we did not get more information,” Xenia said sadly. “I think she is right though, we will need to wait for now.”

“Yes, I believe you are right,” he nodded, doing his best not to show his stress. He did not need to show that to Xenia. He needed to be strong.

The two walked back to the main castle in relative silence, passing the variety of plants that overflowed in the nearby gardens, both stuck in their thoughts as they entered the main hall. “Well, here is where I have to part ways with you for now,” she frowned as they came to the castle’s lobby. “Like I said, I have to go attend to some things before I go to bed.”

“I see,” Gilbert nodded. “I imagine you have to plan your departure,” he lamented.

“Unfortunately, yes. I was hoping to suspend my travels, but if we have to wait for further developments, then I have to proceed as scheduled,” she frowned, her dark eyes shimmering with worry. “I apologize brother.”

“Nay sister, you have your duties to attend to,” he said, doing his best to suppress his sadness. “I cannot ask you to stay for my selfish needs. I wish you luck in your endeavors,” he nodded. “I shall see you tomorrow,” he said as he climbed the stairs. Xenia gave one more wistful look to him and then departed, a deep breath recentering her.

Gilbert returned to his room, a heavy heart in hand. He was so confused, flustered as well. What did Mable mean? What did this growth mean? And he would have to soon contend with these concerns on his own. He sighed as he entered his room, disrobing and changing into his pajamas in a swift manner, choosing to retire early. He felt so weak and vulnerable, and it felt like the world around him was beginning to come down and crush him. He felt small, curling upon himself as his body felt consumed in unease. He rested his head upon his pillow seeking the only refuge left to him, slumber.