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Hope everyone's enjoyed the story. Catch you down below for some commentary.

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EnsjDF74vC

“Commander!” Cordelia beckoned her commanding officer, Fiona. “Has there been any news?”

“None unfortunately,” she lamented. “The day has fallen to night since they chased after Saya, and Mable has since pursued them as well.”

“Commander, if I may, should we not pursue them as well?”

“Nay, Cordelia. I feel your excitement, but for now we must trust them and do our best to prepare to receive them once they return. I am confident in the Captain’s and Aria’s abilities. They will certainly return to us,” she said as she gazed on into the forest.

“I suppose you are right commander,” Cordelia nodded.

“Well, I’m not,” Rosa countered as she approached the two.

“Sister, were you not supposed to be helping Cheryl cook?” Cordelia scolded her.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m taking a break. All the heat was getting to me,” she shrugged.

“Even so…” Cordelia pouted.

“Enough,” Fiona shook her head. “Rosa, what did you mean by not being sure?”

“Eh, it’s just a feeling I’m getting. I…I’m not certain we’re as prepared as we had expected,” she scratched her head.

“Meaning?” Fiona pressed.

“Well, take Saya. Ever since yesterday evening, she was acting strangely, like she was grieving or something,” she sighed.

“Grieving?” Cordelia repeated.

“I see,” Fiona nodded.

“You do?”

“In all honesty, I have been concerned as I believe you are. What if Princess Saya’s wishes go against what we had been working for, is that correct?” she said with a soft concern in her stern eyes.

“Y-yeah,” Rosa nodded, her eyes wide with surprise at her commander’s adept perceptions. She was always impressed by Fiona’s perceptiveness, and this time was no different.

“But, if that’s true, what are we going to do?” Cordelia asked with a soft concerned voice. “His highness was rather explicit about what he desired. What do we do if…?”

“Rosa, Cordelia, allow me to consider this matter, and please remain quiet for now. I need to consider our options,” she frowned.

“Of course, commander,” Cordelia bowed.

“We’ll do our best,” Rosa followed suit.

“Now then, you two are dismissed. Go eat,” Fiona gave a soft smile befitting her station as the two went off to the makeshift kitchen. “Captain, Princess, Aria, Mable, I hope you are all fine out there. Please be safe,” she prayed with a single gauntleted hand over her chest, as she gazed into the forest’s trail, a wind howling through its maw.

Her body seemed small and fragile from atop the nearby cliffside to the South-east, a single jutting shelf of stone that had been upended during the war so many years ago, heaved skyward by the massive might of an unknown witch. Atop it smirked a single cloaked individual who grinned at the knight’s unaware visage. ‘What a foolish and incompetent woman’ he thought as he gave a sneering gaze upon her as his face curved like a cackling beast’s.

“Boss,” a man approached him. He had a suave veneer to him, an upstanding fellow at times, and a greedy, battle craving, mercenary at others. He glared with equal contempt upon the camp of the knights that humiliated him weeks ago now. “What are our orders?” he asked returning his attention to the cloaked man. “Shall we strike them now?”

“We wait for now,” he grinned.

“More waiting, are you serious? These bitches are just sittin’ around and…”

“Calm, my fellow. Their nerves have yet to truly ripen. We must wait,” he answered with bemusement. This was all a game to him. Waiting and observing natural tasks to win it. He was willing to entertain the need for patience to satiate his need to entertain himself. And yet no, it was not a mere game to him, this was something far more elaborate and satisfying for him.

“Wait for what?”

“For their return, my dexterous friend,” he chuckled

“Those princesses? They’re that important?” he asked rubbing his neck to ease his tense muscles.

“Indeed, they are.”

“I don’t get it; we could’ve just gotten them before. With all of your crazy gadgets we clearly could’ve overpowered them, so why?”

“You mistake our objective,” he answered with a playful tone. “Last time we were merely peppering the bait. Once they return, they’ll bring a far more appetizing prize,” his grin grew.

“What the hell are you talkin’ about?”

“You’ll understand in due time.”

“Whatever you say, Silvers. Just make sure you pay us! Geez, bein dragged this far North…” the mercenary groaned as he turned to return to camp.

“Yes, between this and that lovely night in Hollow, there is little doubt now,” he chuckled. “All according to plan. You shall soon see my dearest father, just how impotent you truly are to me, just as sister shall see. I can hardly bear this anticipation,” he said with a wide and wicked grin. It was only a matter of time before all was finally within his grasp.


And so we've reached the end. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and commenting. First, I'll talk about this project then I'd like to talk about my future plans.

This is the first book I've written and completed, and it was a long and hard project. I started writing this story back in 2018 around the time I started going back to school. The story initially was far more modest and ended around the point this book does, but I got really invested in the characters and their journey, so I decided to change my plans. Currently I have three books planned, and I'm currently writing the second. I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the year, and I think I'll be able to pull that off.

Like I said this story originally started out a lot more modestly. This project started as a simple way to test my writing style and get myself out of my comfort zone so I could eventually feel confident to write some other bigger projects I've been working on for a long time.

I've always loved stories with witches, and particularly ones where witches are seen as villainous but are revealed to not be. Mix in my desires to see more fiction about trans girls that focus on the emotional end of things while remaining largely positive and you get the inspiration for this story. I hope I nailed those emotional moments well, since they writing them meant a lot to me.

A little fun fact, the first things I wrote were chapters 3, 12, and 13 and they've developed a lot since the earliest drafts.


As for the future of things. I'm currently working on book 2, which all I'll say on that for now is that you should expect a lot more magic to be happening. I'm planning to try finishing it and releasing it around the end of November and beginning of December... for reasons!

I'm also finishing up another book atm (currently I only have a few chapters left to write of it) called Prism Girls. It's a bit of an atypical magical girl story starring a trans girl (shock) in a setting where magic has suddenly begun to appear. Expect a bit more of a... mature(?) take on the subject matter. As in dealing with complex issues. It will also act as a sort of founding piece of a broader universe some other projects I'm working on. Once I finish up writing it I'll be passing it off to my test readers and I intend to start posting it before I start posting the second The Witches of Floroma book.


I'm also starting to look into getting some concept art for my characters, so I'll be trying to get some proper art for my book covers. It may be a while, but I'm hoping I'll get some good art, so look forward to that.


On a bit more of a personal note, I might be going back to school this semester, so that could affect my productivity, but with COVID and some other factors it's still ultimately up in the air. I'll try to give regular updates both on here and on my Discord server, so be sure to follow/join to keep up to date.

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EnsjDF74vC


Thank you all for joining me, and I hope you'll join me again when I start posting Prism Girls and the second book of The Witches of Floroma.

Til then, later sweets!