Gryph the Gryphon 6
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Gryph liked the lake . now Gryph goes and looks for new things

bc Gryph is like this

always wants to do something

Gryph really is very curious


bc Gryph doesn’t live well if Gryph doesn’t look for new places

now Gryph is inside the forest . before . the forest was empty . except there were wild animals and birds


Gryph still has one thing . Gryph wants to look for an intelligent being . if Gryph doesn’t find one . then Gryph imagines one again . like what Gryph did before

bc the Gryphons always find a way . in the end


* climb *

ofc this became the fate of the first tree . Gryph found this tree and now Gryph is on the top of this tree again

somehow the trees don’t snap bc Gryph weighs . tbh lots of weight


then Gryph looks around . like this is what the Gryphons often do . sit and look and then others wonder what kinds of things the Gryphons do . even if the Gryphons only chill

bc Gryph is alone here too . Gryph does something bc others don’t see Gryph . Gryph preens the Gryph’s feathers . bc Gryph is very poofy . and when Gryph preens the Gryph’s feathers . Gryph becomes embarrassed . bc Gryph looks very poofy


however . Gryph now notices something new

Gryph looked at many paths . and then Gryph thinks of something . about one path Gryph looked

the road is not the same

Gryph activates the Gryph’s eagle eyes . these eyes are very powerful . and Gryph looks more close to the path

Gryph sees

talon prints


this means there is someone here

not only a wild bird . these talons are big . bigger than wild birds

it can be there’s an intelligent creature here


still Gryph doesn’t know if the creature is good or bad

if the creature is good then there are lots of hugs for Gryph

if the creature is bad then there is new abuse for Gryph

Gryph chooses the hug over abuse . bc others have abused Gryph for too long . and Gryph wants no more abuse


so Gryph * leaps * from the tree . then flies towards the path . still Gryph tries to stay hidden . bc Gryph doesn’t want others to see Gryph . and Gryph is like this anyway . always hidden in places