Gryph the Gryphon 9 – Gryph the Gryphon daydreams
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the avians enter the shack


the avians walk slowly

this is very nice with the Gryphon paws


the door closes behind the avians

the door is heavy

there will be sound . when the door is ready


* closed *


the avians go forward with paws and talons

during this . the avians look around

bc the avians don’t want bad creatures


the avians look silent

bc the avians know . the avians need to succeed


the avians arrive to the first gate


imaginary avian : “ Gryph “

“ can u open this for me “


* sounds of keys coming out *

Gryph takes the keys out from a pocket


imaginary avian : “ Gryph “

“ plz tell me “

“ how really can the Gryphon have pockets “

“ this is not natural u know “


* Gryph shows gestures *


imaginary avian : “ what “

“ u really mean this is in ur dna “

“ Gryph this is a completely different thing “

“ u can’t change ur body with ur mind . or can u “


* Gryph gestures anything is possible *


imaginary avian : “ rrrrright “


“ so now through this gate “

“ think u can help me “

“ the keyhole “


* key *


“ inside “

“ please . thanks “


* the gate opens *

this gate is heavy too


imaginary avian : “ yes “

“ soon “

“ we continue “


* talon on the avian *

imaginary avian : “ Gryph “

“ what is it “


* Gryph turns around *

* sounds *

“ oh not this time ehh “

“ let’s go . inside “

“ i hope we can close the gate “


Gryph doesn’t like this


imaginary avian : “ this had to happen right now “

“ why always at the worst time “

“ let’s not get hurt “


the avians look around for possible switches in this other room


imaginary avian : “ yes . here “

* press *

* doors close very very fast *

* closed *


imaginary avian : “ i’m . really happy u were not under this gate Gryph “


“ Gryph not now plz everything is ok don’t be sad “


Gryph still fears everything


imaginary avian : “ Gryph “


“ we didn’t enter the shack yet “


Gryph often daydreams Gryphon things like this