Chapter 3: Fan Service (18+)
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Chapter 3: Fan Service


Last updated: 2021-08-02

POV: Clark Smith


“Wait, where are we going?”, I asked with growing concern.


“Oh this is just a small detour, it’s a surprise.”, she said with a sly grin and a wink. She held me closer to her bosom. A little miffed and curious, I stayed quiet wanting to see where she was taking me.

We sped across the city and in under a minute we approached one of the skyscrapers. We started slowing down and her feet landed gently on the flat roof. The roof had several vents and antennas spread sporadically across its surface. A waist high railing surrounded the perimeter. With slow and gentle movements she put me down.


“Sorry, I just really wanted to show you this.”, she gestured toward the sunset. From here you could see over the smog that covered the city. The sun in the distance glowed with a bright orange aura reaching across the ocean toward us. It was one of those little things we take for granted.


“Every so often I come up here, and just sit and watch the sunset”, she said with a wistful smile.


Looking back at the sunset, I pondered why she was telling me this. Was this a place she frequented to get away from all the hustle and bustle of city life? Why was she sharing this space with me?


“Yeah, it’s really beautiful up here.”, I said, while appreciating the view. The evening air was cooler up here, and the air was cleaner. I took a deep breath and scanned the horizon once more.


I peeked over and studied her face again. In this orange glow I could almost see a hint of melancholy. I returned my gaze back to the sunset.


A fragment of a long ago conservation popped into my head. My dad telling me off handedly, ‘it’s lonely at the top’. It took me a few years to understand what those words meant. It’s human nature to want to connect and relate with someone else.

A super hero let alone a leader has to always present a face of unwavering confidence. When someone like Captain Nova had doubts or petty complaints, who would she turn to tell them too? A normal person would tell those to their peers. There’s a reason superheroes usually ended up making friendships and dating other superheroes.

But what if you didn’t have any peers, and it was just you shouldering the burden. 

I am pretty sure that’s why she brought me here. She probably just wanted to feel human even if it was just for a single conversation. 


Not for the first time I counted myself lucky that I didn’t have powers. Life is just more complicated with them. They’re like some type of magnet for misfortune. Powers were seemingly the manifestation of the curse ‘may you live in interesting times’.


I sighed to myself, crap I was philosophical again, That usually ends with me being depressed. Snapping out of my slump, I decided to be Nova’s friend. Mustering up my courage and fake self confidence, I put on a smile.


“Clark. Clark Smith”, I said in an overly friendly voice, while offering my hand for a shake.


“Nova. Captain Nova”, she responded in kind but with an overly official tone. She gave me a wry smile, and I smirked back at her.

 We kept the hand shake going while maintaining eye contact, waiting for the other to break first. 

I raised my right eyebrow, she mirrored me. Her commitment to the bit broke me and I started laughing. 

A warm feeling spread inside my chest as I laughed. She started laughing as well and it took me a couple of seconds to regain my composure. But the warm feeling lingered in my chest.


“I am a civil engineer, with a firm downtown. So what do you do?”, I asked playfully. 


Squinting into the sunset she replied with the same bravado, “Oh you know, this and that. I am always traveling and seeing the sights and meeting new people”.


“Sounds exciting”, I said with a laugh.

“Yeah, I think so too. But you know, up until they start shooting at me or throwing cars my direction”, she replied with an almost straight face while shaking her head. “But you know that’s life”, said cracking a smirk and a shrug.


“But civil engineering, what’s that like?”, she asked.


“We mostly do reconstruction on areas of the city that get banged up. In reality it’s just us looking up the old plans and 9/10 times passing them back to the contractor. Sometimes we’ll add more support to keep the structures up to standards.”, I said, getting bored just hearing myself talk. “But you know I am just in it for the money and the women”, I said sarcastically.


“Oh yeah, I am sure you are.”, she said with an eye roll and a smirk.

“Do you still play the key-tair?”, I asked, referring to a music video she once appeared in.


“I hate to break it to you, but I never learned any instrument. That video was a favor to a friend, and I thought that the key-tair looked cool.”, she gently smiled, reminiscing.


“You’re kind've a dork”, I said teasingly. 


She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Yeah, and what are you then?”, she said while suppressing a grin.


In a fake shocked/offended tone I responded, “What exactly are you implying”.


“You’re an idiot”, she chuckling and shaking her head. Her grin persisted. “You know I don’t have to take this from an engineer. What’s the worst thing you could do, besides approximate pi to 3.”. She shot out a playful jab.

She was playing on the friendly revially physicists, mathematicians, and engineers had toward one another. 

We all used the methods, but a lot of those had different names depending on your field of study. Engineers were seen as the Chad’s of the trio because they had the tendency to approximate their calculations and had higher paying jobs. Captain Nova had a PHD in biology and physics, compared to my humble bachelors in civil engineering, I didn’t stand a chance at flexing my mathematical knowledge.


“I surrender”, I sheepishly replied, holding my hands up.


Changing the subject I asked, “You know I’ve always wondered why you went with ‘Captain Nova’, and not ‘Dr. Nova’.”.


She shrugged and a look of exasperation appeared on her face, “I actually did want to, but my agent put it to a think tank. They thought that ‘Captain Nova’ sounded safer and more commanding, and that ‘Dr Nova’ sounded like a mad scientist. So they went with that.”.


“Do you still do any research?”, I asked.


“Rarely, a lot of my time is spent keeping up with my responsibilities for the guardians, or doing some event promoting the brand”, she said with a sigh. “Of course sometimes the guardians need me to analyze something. Those projects are always a rush job, but really fun.”. She turned and looked at me with a smile spread across her face.


Unconsciously I noted that she was really cute when she smiled like that. It's been a while since I just laughed and joked around with someone else. When around Isabell there’s just too much tension to joke with each other the way we used to. Thinking of Isabell she’s probably wondering where I am. I should probably start hinting that it’s time to go. Patting my pocket for my phone I froze, not finding it there.


“Well this has been fun. Thanks for showing me this sunset.”, I said with a tone that indicated that our conversation was coming to a close. I needed to go back to the park and find my phone, Isabell is going to be pissed.


“Yeah, it was. I don’t normally have time to do this type of stuff. You know, just meet new people and appreciate the sights. There is always something new pestering for my attention. Like I never have time to focus on the important things”, she said while a crooked grin flashed across her face. For the briefest second I saw something in her eyes. Something that resembled the gaze of a predator. A chill ran down my spine.


“Yeah, I get that. Like you want to be spending more time on your hobbies but you keep putting them off until you’re less busy. Time passes and you’re always busy. It’s like you have to take a leap of faith and trust that you can handle everything. Otherwise you’ll never know if you could’ve. Sorry, I didn’t mean to ramble like that.”, I confided in her, feeling like I stuck my foot in my mouth. I looked up to see a look of pure joy covering her face.


“Huh, yeah I think I could make time. Especially someone so cute.”, she said smoothly, as if she had that line prepared.


“Sorry, but I am already in a relationship”, I stuttered out, my stomach filling with lead weights.


I started back up saying, “In fact I probably need to start heading back... ”.

“To Isabell? Correct?”, she said, cutting me off.

She started to laugh to herself, seeing the look of shock on my face. “Oh I already know about Isabell, a petite redhead, height five six, and has a zodiac sign on her right calf.”.


My mouth was dry and my palms were sweaty. I confusedly started walking backwards. My world was spinning and my balance was shifting. Was this a vertigo attack? I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening. A sense of dread and impending doom filled my mind, numbing me to my environment. My steps became more clumsy.


“How do you know all that stuff?”, I asked dumbly.


“Impressed?”, she said with a cheery giggle, she then switched to a serious tone, “I know more about you. I’ve been following you, well stocking you really. Ever since I first saw you 5 months ago at the stupid book signing event.” she said all with a giddy tone and a gleam in her eye. “I know when you head off to work. I know when you take your work breaks, and when you cheat on your diet. I know what bus routes you take to work. I know what exercise equipment you prefer to use. I know what nights you get some, and what nights you masterbate instead. I know what shampoo you use and what cologne you use on date nights. You’re just so perfect~♥”.


My heels hit the perimeter of the roof and I stopped. I blinked and she seemingly vanished. Feeling a swish of air around me. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up.


“Why honey, where do you think you're going?”, she said in a pouting voice. The voice came from right behind on my left side. A pair of warm strong arms reached around me and held me close to her chest.


“Please let go of me”, I said with fear leaking into my voice. “I want back home”, frantically looking around the roof for some type of roof access I could escape too.


“Ha, and what? Go back to the queen of ‘painfully mediocrity’. Does she seriously believe that her zodiac tattoo makes her unique or quirky?”, she sneered in disgust. “Isabell… Isabell...”, she said like she had something nasty in her mouth. “The name Isabell even sounds like someone who believes in the zodiac signs and sells essential oils”. 


“I am a little surprised she hasn’t dumped you yet. Though I can’t say I blame her, with cock like that…” her words died off as she ellipsed in daydream.


My face grew hot after understanding what her words meant, “I am guessing you're the one that’s been harassing us with those pictures.”, I said in a bitter angry tone. 

A few weeks ago someone started sending Isabell pictures of me having sex with other woman. 

The first few were laughably photoshopped, it was easy to point out that my appearance was taken from some old facebook photos. 

The pictures of the women were easily found with a reverse image search back to some porn website. 

When Isabell first received those images from an anonymous email, she was livid. It wasn’t after hours of persuading that she let me point out how the images were doctored. We didn’t break up, but it was tense sleeping in the same bed that night. 

My fidelity was in question in her mind and it severely damaged her trust in me. Her paranoia went into overdrive. She requested access to my phone and other accounts, and required complete transparency in what I was doing and who I was with. I complied with every one of her requests. For a while things started to get better. 

Then more anonymous emails started to come in, these ones were higher quality. Isabell was convinced that something was up. I didn’t blame her suspicion. She checked my location often and would question me if I deviated from usual routes. Early today when returning back to our apartment, I remembered I forgot my phone at work. Returning back to my work and then to my apartment added an extra hour to my transit time. When I got back to my phone it had 9 missed calls and 13 text messages from Isabell.

Isabell was furious when I got home. I tried explaining why I was late, but she just wasn’t having it. I just didn’t know how to convince her that I wasn’t cheating on her. So I decided to do what always cleared my mind, and go out for a run.


“What, you didn’t like my work?”, she said with a pouting tone.


“They were crude and offensive. Just what the fuck is wrong with you.”, I responded harshly, not even trying to hide the anger in my voice.


“I suppose, the first ones were a bit hacked together. But I am very happy with the images VAIC generated, it’s nice having a legit Artificial Intelligence assisting you.” she said with a mischievous tone.

“How did you even get access to all those pictures? Not all of them were on my facebook. Why are you even doing all of this.”, I barely kept myself from screaming at her.


“Oh honey, after watching you for so long, I’ve been able to watch you type in all of your passwords. I should mention that I have a near photographic memory. You should really use 2 factor authentication on your Google account. It also helps that I have access to an AI and a NSA database at my disposal.”, she said with a laugh. 

“But I didn't even need to go that far. You do know that your Google account connects to your photo roll, right? 

That being said, I love… love the fact that you’re confident enough to store your dick pics on there.”, took a second to swallow, “Sorry, I can’t help but to drool when I think about your cock. Especially thinking about it being nestled in my hands, with you cum covering my breasts, and your mouth... hehe~♥. Sorry I am just getting a little too excited, it doesn’t help when you're squirming so much while in my arms.”, said while snuggling herself against me.


“S-s-stop, please let me go”, I pleaded, feebly trying to loosen her hold on me.


“Hehe, you’re so cute~♥ when you struggle like that. Don’t worry honey, you couldn’t possibly get away from me. I love you so much~♥”, she cooed in jubilation. She stopped snuggling her head into the crook of my neck and turned to look at the last gleamer of the sunset. “Honey, wouldn’t it be magical if we shared our first kiss in the dying light of the sunset? The symbolism is perfect! Representing the changing of a new era of our lives. Hehe one could say were are at a crossroads of sorts.”, she giggled in excitement, while turning me around to face her.


“I don’t consent to this”, I spat out desperately, still trying to maneuver out of her grasp.


“Oh silly, you’re acting like I am going to rape you.”, she responded in a patronising tone. “Besides, who would believe you? I am Captain Nova, savior of the city. Who would believe a random guy, certainly not my fans. In fact they would be the first to call for your head. I am a super hero girl scout.”, she then switched to a slightly menacing tone. ”I only hurt bad guys after all. Even in the best case scenario where the public somehow believes you. My lawyers would bury you alive with slap and defamation suits. All the court costs would bleed even a millionaire dry.”


She switched to a more cheery tone, ” I am just a woman pleasing her man. What’s so wrong with that?”.


“Honestly when you say stuff like that it makes me more confident in what I must do to save you. Honey, you’ve spent too much time among the ants, you're better than them. They’re doomed to mediocrity, with you by my side you could actually have a meaningful impact. After all, you've seen first hand what it’s like getting caught in a meaningless dead-end job.”, she said with passion and vigor. Her offer seemed intensing, but from Clark’s own experience he knew it was too good to be true. He had seen his father and brother fall down the same path, searching for some higher meaning.


I shook my head in disbelief. “I’ve seen that same pit fall over and over. You look at others and call them sheeps because they live in the system. But you never see the hypocrisy in such views, you're just as much of a cog in this system as I am. This notion that you’re enlightened over everyone else is flawed and sickening.” 


She chuckled and replied, “You do have a point, but you’re forgetting one thing”.


“What’s that?”, I replied in a cautious tone.


“I am Captain Nova dearest. Your logic was flawed when you tried lumping me in with everyone else. I can lift buildings with one hand. I can fly into space and back without breaking a sweat. I can race and catch a bullet in mid air. I have 2 PHDs in physics and biology. When not actively saving the world, I am exploring the frontiers of Science. You wouldn’t compare gold to pyrite now would you.”, she replied all in one disgruntled breath.


“You know what honey.” pausing to stabilize her breathing, ” Let’s just agree to disagree. We don’t want a silly argument getting between us.” she stated firmly.

Switching to a more innocent tone, she continued, ” I have a little secret.”, she said while biting her lower lips and raising an eyebrow. 


“A week ago, when you were sleeping. I flew into your apartment and stole a hair from your perfect little head.”, she paused as if trying to give this moment more suspense. “After running a few tests, I found out that our DNA is just similar enough for an impregnation to occur.”. She moved in closer and whispered in my ear, “You’re going to breed me.”, she pulled back with a sultry expression on her face.


“It may take some time, but I think we can get this breed”, she said with a wink. 


“The best part is when I do become pregnant. I can take a break from heroing and we could spend all our time together~♥”, She said with a look of elevation and inticaption lost in a fantasy.


Coming back to reality she leaned in and forced a kiss on me. A moan escaped her lips. The longer our lips were in contact the more frantic she became. Holding the back of my head with one hand, she traced her other hand the small of my back. She started getting more aggressive with her kisses, and started probing my mouth with her tongue. I gritted my teeth and tried to resist her but persistence wore me down. She explored my mouth with her tongue, all I could do now was hang like a rag doll in her arms.

“What’s wrong honey? You don’t seem to be enjoying this as much as I thought you would.”, asked serenity.


“Please, just let me go.”, I pleaded with her.


“Very well”, she said as she let go of me, letting me drop to the roof. “I know what will make you happy...”, she said in a seductive voice.


Laying on my back I started to scoot away from her, while not letting her out of my sight. She reached behind her neck and started unzipping her suit.


The garment fell to the roof and before me stood Nova with her amazonian like body. Her body glowed gold in the dying rays of the sun. Her eyes blazed with a glee of a predator closing in on their prey. I never noticed how big her breasts were or how wide her hips were. Every inch of her body was toned, without an inch of body fat to be seen. Her pussy sprinkled with moisture in the light of the sunset.


“You’ve pleasured one set of my lips, how about the other?”, she said with a sultry look.


She walked up to me and gently put my face to her pussy. I struggled and tried to push away, I refused to open my mouth. But she was too strong for my feeble efforts. She slowly started to gyrate her hips, grinding her cunt onto my mouth.


“Be a good boy and start licking”, she said through a moan.


Not seeing an escape option, I acted in desperation. I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could. She giggled as if I were a pet giving  her a love bite. She released one hand and flicked me hard on the side of my head. My head reverberated with pain.


“Do that again, and I will throw you off the building.”, she threatened, switching to a cutesy tone she continued, “But don’t worry I would catch you before you splatted. Hehe but if that’s a kink you want to explore we can try that later~♥.”, she replied with a giggle.


Lovingly caressing my face, while saying, “but for now let's just focus on you licking my pussy”.


Not wanting to invoke her wrath again I start licking up and down her slit. Her juices ran down my face as I focused on her hole. Her breathing became labored and her moans louder. Readjusting her hold on me, she started to play with one of her breasts. Against my wishes my member started to arouse. Reaching up I started fondling her other breast. Her pussy started to pulsate as she was on the edge of cumming. Making my up to her clit I focused my attack there. Licking, sucking, and teasing it out of its hood. Her legs tightened and she began to shake as she started to climax.


“Just like that. Just like that.”, she moaned like a slut. Her nectar started to come out at a faster rate. With a final squeal she her body relaxed coming down from the zenith of the orgasm. She let me take a breath. My face and shirt were covered in her fluids. 


“Oh honey, that was perfect. I want to do that after I get off work.”, she said in a loving tone. “I bet I tasted so much better than her.”.


“Please, can we be done”, I begged in a dejected tone. 


Nova noticing the bulge in my pants let out a small chuckle.


“You sure do complain a lot for someone is so obviously hard. But no, I haven’t pleasured you yet dearest. I am sorry, I didn’t mean to be so selfless. I just get so carried away when with you.”, she said with absolute sincerity. 

“You’re going to feel a lot better when you cum in my pussy. Now take off your clothes.” she commanded.


My only response was to curl up in the fetal position. She sat on the roof crossed legged and pulled me into her lap.


“Now honey, I understand that new beginnings can be scary, but there’s no sense in resisting something that is for your benefit, is there?”, she said in a soothing tone. “I am sorry if this feels a little rushed. I just want us to be happy. You’re going to have to trust me on this. I love you Clark.”. What terrified me the most was the fact that she seemed to believe this was in my best interest.


“I don’t. I don’t trust you. Why should I? You’re just going to hurt me no matter what.”, my voice cracked trying to suppress a sob. ”Just leave me alone”, I asked bleaky, knowing all too well that my pleas would fall on death ears.


“Now honey that’s no way to be. I am gonna be honest, it kinda pisses me off when you keep on acting stubborn like this. But I know this is just a little fit you’re throwing.” She said while levitating up with me nestled in her arms. She began flying away from the roof.


“But for now I think we should work on building our trust in each other. Like if I tell you to do something… you do it. Now honey, do you trust me?”


“Yes. Yes I do.”, I lied quickly.


“Good.”, she said with a smile. She then let me drop into the void of approaching twilight.


I tried screaming but the rush of air got caught in my throat. Flailing around desperately, as I tried grasping for anything. I watched her silhouette become smaller and smaller. My body twisted as I fell. I could see the fast approaching street lights below me. The streets were covered with small figures, out on a Friday night.


My life began flashing before my eyes. My brother and I, fishing with my grandpa. My father giving me a piggy back while he flew around our backyard. My parents getting into their umpteenth argument down stairs, while me and my brother tuned them out with wii sports in our room. Playing video games in my room alone, while my brother packed up for a local powered academy. Living with my mother after my parents divorce. Packing up for college. Laying down on my dorm room bed, feeling only numbness after my father’s funeral. Meeting Isabell for the first time at the gym.




Nova’s arms reached around me and slowed my free fall. She flew us back up to the top of the and deposited me on the roof yet again. I groaned, feeling dizzy from the sharp Gs my body went through.


“See honey, I told you I would catch you.”, she said in a cutesy tone that didn’t fit right with her actions. It was just a game to her. Getting back to business she said with a commanding tone, “Take off your clothes, it’s time I got my hands on your cock.”.


Not wanting to anger her again I sheepishly started to undress. She stood there leering at my exposed body.


“Why honey, you’re not hard anymore. I suppose that’s my fault, putting you through our little trust exercise. But I think I know how to solve our little dilemma.”, she said with a sultry smile. She lunged at me and kissed me fiercely. Her left hand grabbed the back of my neck forcing me closer into her. Her right hand began gently massaging my member. She moved from my lips and gently kissed her way down to my growing member. She began taking my cock into her mouth. Running her tongue up and down the length of my cock. Giggled as if taking pleasure in how hard she had gotten me so quickly. She began going faster only pausing to look up at me with a sultry smile and seductively asked, “Dear, have you ever experienced a super speed blow job hehe~♥”. She went back to it, her head becoming a blur. I let out an involuntary moan.

Hearing my moan she laid me on my back and climbed on top of me. She positioned herself rubbing my cock in between her slit, getting it slick with her juices.


Leaning forward she commanded me, “Suck on my tits, fondle them”. I obeyed leaning forward, I began kneading her huge breasts, and took a nipple into my mouth. With a moan escaping her lips, she began speeding up.


“Yes, do you like my tits honey? You can play with them anytime you like. Once you plant your seed in me they're going to need to be massaged and taken care of every night.”, she patted out like a bitch in heat.


With a fluid motion she positioned herself so that my member was at her entrance. Carefully pushed down, her tight pussy eagerly gripping my cock. She began slowly going up and down, each time she took me in deeper. Not able to hold back I let out a moan of my own. Hearing this she became wild and started going faster causing me to moan more.


“Yeah, you like that baby~♥”, she said between moans of her own. “She could have never done this for you could she. No other woman has this good of pussy do they.” My only response was a moan as she buried my entire shaft in her tight pussy.


“No she couldn’t, I bet she has a weak pussy and complains that your cock is too large or that you’re going too hard. Well honey, my pussy is strong enough it can turn coal to diamonds, imagine what it can do to cock.”

Lifting me up into her arms levitated us off the ground. She wrapped her legs around me like a vise and continued to ride me.

“Could she fuck you senseless while flying? Can she fuck you at super fast speeds? No, she’s nothing. You deserve a better woman, you deserve me.”

I tried resisting cumming, but as if sensing weakness she doubled her speed.

“Come on baby, cum in me. Make me a mommy. I want to feel your cum in me. I want to be bred by you. Make me yours forever~♥”, She buried my cock deep into her. Her pulsating walls tightened, as she came. A flash of red light momentarily lit up our figures. I felt my control slip as hot cum filled her womb. Gasping in orgasm we collapsed back to the roof.


“Hehe, you made me shoot my heat vision, dear~♥.”, she giggled in ecstasy, a euphoric smile spreading on her face.


We stayed there for a while nestled in each other's arms, staring up at the few stars visible.


Getting up she walked over to her costume and picked it up.


“Get up honey, it’s time I took you home. I think you’re going to like the Nova bunker.”