Lucky 422
Calix was fast with his feet. He felt like he acquired something important.
He didn't bother staying long in Shoujo's mansion. He didn't bother returning to the University as well.
He went to his apartment. When he entered his place, he confirmed that Lou and the others were gone.
The house was quiet. There was no one to bother him. Even Mera was sleeping at this point of the day.
"Karam, you said that the Blacksmith who created you has the name of Vulcan."
[That's right. My creator is the Great Ogre Blacksmith Vulcan.]
The tiny monocle on his necklace slightly beamed. The old voice of a woman resounded.
"Then, do you think the person who wrote this diary is him?"
[Calix, I need to read it first. Besides, as one of his creations I was passed down to many people and I didn't have any idea of Master Vulcan's later life.]
"I see... Then, let's read it together. I didn't know why Shoujo have something like this, but it's not the time to think about it. Maybe she received it from a criminal organization. Knowing that woman's attitude, I'm confident that she joined some crimes.]
The fact that Shoujo's ability was perfect for infiltration meant that she used it at least once to infiltrate a building. Heck, she even trespassed on his apartment thrice.
Calix opened the dairy. Most of the pages were missing.
[The year 2398]
[A bad event happened in our Kingdom. The Demon King invaded our land and killed our God. The Ogre King lost his life and most of our population decided to go to the Kingdom of Hulian.]
[The battle was terrifying. When I found Corco, I realized that he became grumpy and he didn't like me touching him. He said that he will never let a man touch him again. He hates men. I don't know what happened to him.]
[As the chief Blacksmith of the Kingdom, I have to lead an example. I helped my people to escape the monster wave. The Aberrants are getting smarter. That damn Demon King...]
The next page was missing.
"I can't believe that the first page will start so heavy. Corco? Isn't it Nikki's hammer?"
He felt like he uncovered something important.
He turned to the next available page. There was no year indicated. Only a small paragraph.
[Arthur Pendragon and Oracle promised that they will start a family once the war is over. I'm happy for them.]
Then, another page.
[The World Tree is massive, almost like it's an entire planet. Unfortunately, I'm not an Elf and it's impossible for me to enter. They say that the World Tree is the place where Elves go after dying.]
[We lost so much... Kevin, Armistice, Sockorio... I can't believe that we will never see them again. The battle against the Demon King is so fierce. I lost my left eye...]
Calix didn't know what Vulcan was talking about.
[After the battle, we decided to return to the Kingdom of Hulian to spread the good news. The Kingdom of Hulian is one the only remaining strongholds against the advent of the Demon King.]
[Even the Church of Love lost its foundation after the death of Goddess Amore. The Demon King killed every God Rank. It's still a mystery how we killed a powerful being like him. Well, Arthur is the strongest mortal I have ever met. I forged his weapon, but I can't believe that he can fuse his power into the sword. Perhaps that's related to his Hero Term Attribute.]
[Crazy crazy! She's so crazy! Why did she do that!!]
Calix frowned. Vulcan's behavior changed drastically. To make the matter worst, the years were not indicated again. He didn't when this thing happened.
[I don't know how to explain it... I have to get away.]
The next page.
[I went to Medusa's hometown... It was terrifying. The whole town turned into stone. I can't see anything moving. All of them turned into statues.]
[I met Medusa... She was broken. She kept saying that heroes like us are not respected. The villagers pulverized her lover's statue. It was impossible to revive him again. Medusa said that she needs to become a Demi-God Rank to revive her lover... I'm not sure about that. I'm not even confident that the ashes she's caressing are her lover. In the end, she petrified herself to cultivate.]
[She has to overcome the Tribulation to become a Demi-God. I wish her the best.]
At last, Calix found another name that he recognized. The Gorgon Medusa was a famous person.
[I tried to find my other friend but I didn't know his hometown. He left after helping us kill the Demon King.]
Most of the pages after that were torn. The last page was written incoherently.
[Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Shit! Shit! This is not right! This can't be right!]
The last paragraph was quite concerning.
"What do you think, Karam?"
[... This is my Master's diary.]
Karam didn't know what to say. She felt dejected. Most of the context of the diary was confusing, but she sensed Vulcan's insanity. Especially the latter part. Almost as if Vulcan leaned something big.
"Thanks, Karam."
Calix nodded. The diary was too thin to acquire information. However, Calix felt that he was getting close to the answer. He felt like as a man from the lineage of High Elves of Fate, it was his duty to find the answer.
'Unfortunately, I can't find anything related to the Dark Elves...'
Even the information about the Oracle and World Tree were so small. He felt like they were not relevant at all.
'The place where Elves go after their death...'
He closed the diary and leaned against his seat. He closed his eyes and thought about it.
His mission was to find the missing daughter of Esmeralda Margaret.
'Should I give this to Esmeralda? Maybe she can find something interesting... Maybe Kimberly can help me. But I have to tell her about Toshi Densetsu as well.'