13: Creating an Advisor
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13: Creating an Advisor

Working with Alan the Innkeeper on a sex toy business has gone well enough to ensure I don’t need to worry about paying for my room and board. Unfortunately, it’s proving a rather poor source of income for divine points which are what I need most. All of my ideas for bigger projects require lots of DP. Sadly, it seems like a month of selling sex toys has merely doubled my daily DP gains. Seems having a bunch of people use an onahole or dildo occasionally, just isn’t comparable to my own constant enjoyment of my monster panties, or Belle’s lil’ dee. At least I now have enough DP to try making something a bit more important.

Having learned about the way the gods made servants to guide the people of the world, I couldn’t help but think this is something I should work on some. Even if I’m not fond of what the old evil god did, at the very least, something is needed to balance out the so called good god’s madness. I swear, the amount of fighting I’ve seen among bar patrons in the nearby tavern is way too high. 

Given my domains being monsters, sex and pleasure, the obvious thing to create is a succubus. Really, what I want is someone to help people think things through and get a handle on their issues, and I’d like to make use of dreams for this. Telling people what to do during every moment of their lives just feels far too intrusive. Since succubi are already associated with dreams, they seem like a good base to then modify into a being that exists entirely in dreams and spends its time helping people out. 

Thus, I focused my thoughts upon what I wished to create, and poured power in and… nothing happened? It felt like something was done, but all I feel is… really really tired.

… I fell asleep and found myself giving birth to a full sized woman in my dreams. This makes no real sense and shouldn’t be possible, but… dreams are like that I guess? That wasn’t the only thing strange though…

“Heya boss, why do you look so confused? ...oh! Oh wow, you are totally new aren’t you? I guess I should explain things a bit since you clearly didn’t get the brochure. Though it’s really irresponsible of them to assign someone to be a god without proper education! Seeing you sit there with your mouth open in shock is really all the confirmation I need that you weren’t properly informed.

“Now, where to begin… I suppose the first thing to let you know, is that I’m already a full grown adult. I died when I was 29 in an accident. Anyway, while sitting around in purgatory a lovely job offer showed up, and that job was to work for you. Said you wanted someone to provide therapy and consultation services to people in their dreams. As a former professional therapist, I’d like to think I’m qualified. The name’s Annabelle.”

“Um, I’m Lae. Thanks for answering I guess?”

“You’re welcome! Purgatory is boring! Do you have any questions or requests before I get started? I can already tell this world needs a lot of help.”

“How can you tell?”

“Don’t you even remember what you made? Well, I can sense those in need of my services as part of the powers you gave me to help me do my job. This world is full of people in need.”

“Oh, okay. Um… I’m confused as to why I got a summoned helper, I was under the impression my power created monsters.”

“Anything that requires a soul is going to either summon an existing one, or create a new one, and for the task you wanted done, a new one just wouldn’t do. You don’t even have the proper knowledge to do an imprinting yourself if you made a new one. Unless you want to create babies or children, anything capable of actual thought that you make will have a summoned soul, and no, those sex toys of yours are not capable of thought, regardless of how much you might project your own feelings upon them.”

“I guess the affection I felt from them was all in my head, huh?”

“Literally, they borrow a person’s own thoughts and feelings to determine how to act, and with your domains, they won’t do anything a person dislikes. If a person can’t think of anything they want the creature to do, it just won’t do anything.”

“...I made mind reading sex toys.”

“Pretty much.”

“Wow.” I guess that explains how my creations always seem to know exactly how to please me.

“Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got work to do.”

With that, she vanished… what the heck did I just make?

***Author Note***

I think one of the problems I’m having with this story, is the lack of any real structure to it. My best stories have a lot of structure to them. Cultivating Change has a clear beginning and end to every arc, and Tentacle Girl has a clear start and end to every chapter. This story really has no structure at all though. I’m not really sure how to fix the issue, as this story doesn’t really have enough thought put towards what kind of story is even being told in the first place, and is more like a bunch of random thoughts roughly assembled into story format.