Prologue – The Grand Temple
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Deep within the Sage Desert, a mysterious temple rose up from the sand. The enormous structure was built out of black stone blocks, each one lovingly carved with depictions of scenes from ancient times. Intimidating statues of winged monsters stood guard atop the walls. The only opening was a giant stone doorway ten feet thick. This was the Grand Temple of the Chosen Ones. It stood tall and proud in a vast expanse of nothingness.

One part shelter, one part fortress, and one part a place of worship, the Grand Temple possessed a strange aura of otherworldliness. The air within the stone walls was comfortably cool, yet shimmered faintly as if in a heat haze. A maddening maze of twisting corridors, secret passages, and hidden chambers, the Grand Temple was designed to confuse and confound any would-be intruders. Most said the temple was built long, long ago by a civilization that no longer existed. Others went a step further and argued it existed before the birth of humanity itself.

In the heart of the temple, seven old men gathered together at a humble stone table to discuss the future of the Chosen Ones. The only source of light in the small stone chamber was a single candle that slowly burned away to nothingness. The air felt heavy and stale as if there wasn't enough oxygen to go around for all seven Elders.

Elder Witness struggled to catch his breath after a bout of shouting. His wheezing was constant and loud. An arrogant old man with wild gray hair, his body was hunched over and his head was buried in his hands. He looked like a man lost in thought. His voice carried through the tiny stone room without effort.

"Hah... hah... it appears we are out of ideas. The Controllers are killing our servants one by one... this will be the end of the Chosen Ones."

His words were met with silence. Witness was the most vicious of the Elders, a cunning killer whose hands were stained with the blood of countless foes. He had a fierce temper and even his fellow Elders gave him a wide berth for fear of triggering one of his infamous temper tantrums.

Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Elder Mirror broke the silence. Despite his advanced age, Mirror's voice was young and light.
"Hee-hee! Perhaps it is time we release the God Vessels to destroy the children of man," he said in a sing-song tone.

The room stiffened at his words. A heavy silence followed, everyone attempting to ignore the words of Elder Mirror. Speaking about the God Vessels was taboo among the Elders, but Mirror's hatred for humanity was so intense that he couldn't contain himself.

Witness stared down at the stone tabletop and spoke again, his voice a low whisper.
"We agreed never to speak of them again. We are not some demons to relish in catastrophe..."

Mirror slammed his fist against the table, making the candle jump. A few droplets of hot wax leaped off the side of the candle onto the cold stone floor.
"Hmmm... then, the God of Destruction, Llamoomoo!"

"You accursed fool," growled Elder Witness. "This damned clown will bring about the end of the world! You would break all of our sacred laws in a single moment, yet you refuse to let me take charge. We Elders must decide a leader, or we are doomed... I am the strongest among us... I must rule as Grand Elder!"

The other Elders feared Witness's wrath, and remained still while he raged and fumed at them from across the table. Then, suddenly, a horrible sound filled the room, the laughter of a madman. The skinny Elder Drifter was laughing, his gaze fixed on Witness. A small and apelike old man dressed in rags, Drifter was completely crazy. He had a beady, wide-open stare and a grin that ran ear-to-ear.

"Drifter knows something you don't, Grand Elder," he snickered.
"Hah... wha... what do you know?" Witness grumbled. "What are you talking about?"

Drifter's grin grew even bigger. His eyes twinkled mischievously.
"Drifter knows... that Witness will not be the strongest for long. Witness is getting weaker and older... while Drifter grows stronger and younger. Drifter will be the new Grand Elder! It's only a matter of time... khkhhh!"

Elder Witness turned toward the little old man, his face twisted into a snarl.
"You dare challenge me, you wretch? You pitiful creature. You're not worthy of the title of Elder!"

The two Elders glared at each other. Elder Omen shakily stood from his seat and clapped his hands together to get their attention. A stubborn old-timer with a long white beard and milky pale-blue eyes, Omen was completely blind.
"No more of this foolishness. You are too rash to lead us, Witness. Only Elder Crown or Elder Incarnate are fit for such a role. If we must have a Grand Elder, he must have a cool head and a strategic mind."

Witness sat back down and folded his arms across his chest, a fierce scowl on his face.
"Hah! Crown is a decrepit turtle, and Incarnate has no discipline," scoffed Witness. "Only I am fit to lead."

"We Elders are destined to become the rulers of the world... we will not be led by you like sheep!" hissed Elder Crown. A balding old man with a bent posture and a hooked nose, his striking features did little to hide his wickedness. "You're nothing but a loudmouth. I can't stand you!"

"Silence!" roared Witness. "I have heard enough. If you cretins would rather die than submit, then so be it. I'll put an end to your pathetic existence myself!"

The old man's temper threatened to explode. He pounded on his knees in a frenzy and gnashed his teeth. Elder Presence got up from his seat and gently grabbed Elder Witness by the shoulder. Elder Presence was the youngest of the Elders, a tall, slim man with dark hair. He had a stern expression on his face and spoke in a calm, even voice.

"We will destroy each other if this goes on any further. I have an idea."
The other Elders looked at each other and nodded their heads. Drifter scowled at Presence but kept quiet.

"Elder, what do you propose?" asked Crown.
"We, the Elders, are without equal in this world, and none of us are worthy to stand above the others. Instead of selecting a leader, we shall select a proxy to act on the authority of all the Elders."

"What are you saying?!" screeched Mirror. "You can't mean to suggest that we Elders should entrust our fate to a mere human!”
"Calm down and listen, Mirror. Our proxy will act according to our will, under pain of death. We will choose someone capable of carrying out the orders given by all the Elders in unison."

Crown's face was pale, and he clenched the edge of the table in anger. "How dare you insult us with this proposal? This... this plan is preposterous. No! We must find another solution! "
The old man riled himself up and began to impotently wave his bony fists in the air. Elder Presence raised his arm to calm him.
"Elder Crown, I have no intention of insulting you, regardless of how it may seem. And I will admit that my plan is not perfect, but it is the only way to avoid conflict between us. Surely you can see that."

Elder Crown folded his arms and pouted like a stubborn child. Drifter muttered something incomprehensible. Then, Elder Incarnate stood up from his seat. A short old man with a donut of curly black hair on top of his head, Incarnate had a sly smile on his face as he spoke.
"I think your idea is wonderful, Presence. But who could possibly be worthy to serve as our proxy? Perhaps one of the Choir of the Chosen? Or better yet, one of my elite Spirit Hunters! Rest assured, I will pick only the finest... "

"The Sages would be perfect for this task," murmured Omen loudly.
"No! We must pick one of the Ancient Race!" shrieked Drifter. "The Ancient Ones are the rightful masters of this world!"
"You would hand over our supreme power to a caveman?" shouted Elder Crown. "Your Ancient Race is a living joke. No, they are a disgusting disgrace!"

Presence raised his arm once more to silence the dissent.
"Our proxy shall act as our representative, and the Ancient Race is forbidden from leaving this Grand Temple. No, I have a far more worthy candidate in mind for the consideration of my fellow Elders. A gifted young woman who has proven her loyalty time and time again..."