Chapter 29 – A Small Errand
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In the scorching heat of the Sage Desert, a group of twenty men in black cloaks led by a tiny blonde woman in a suit walked across the sand. They were close to the Grand Temple, an ominous black structure that stood out like a sore thumb in the vast expanse of flat desert dotted with small patches of scrubby bushes.

"Can you remind me what we're doing here, again?" asked Black Wolf with a sigh as he trudged along after his boss. "Whatever it is, let's hurry it along. It's hot. My throat hurts."

"Ahem. We're here to pick up some leeches and move them to the Tower where they won't be as expensive to keep fed. I just got permission this morning, and we're doing this as fast as we can before the Elders change their minds," said Miss Planner. "We're getting the Ancient Ones, who I told you about already, and Elder Drifter, who's coming as a set with his Keepers of the Sacred Mystery. The Sage of Wind, too. The security team is here to make sure we all get home safely."

"Grghh... haha... haaah... these leeches sure like it hot, haha..." wheezed Black Smoke. He swayed slightly and almost fell over a few times.

"Don't push yourself, Black Smoke. You don't look very well.”
"I'm fine. Hahaha... cough. Cough. Hahahaha!"

"Disciples, go get the Sage of Wind and the Ancient Ones. We'll meet you here at the entrance. Black Wolf, Black Smoke, follow me.”

The two groups went their separate ways. Black Wolf and Black Smoke followed Miss Planner down a short passage that branched off from the main hall. There was another door at the end of the hallway, leading into a dark room with its door partially open.

"Hm? What is this place?" growled Black Wolf.
"This is the area where Elder Drifter lives. He's technically one of the most powerful people in our organization, so try to be respectful, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."
"Grghh... got it."

The two young men in black cloaks looked around nervously.

"I know how to handle him," said Miss Planner. "He likes me. Just stay quiet and let me do the talking. Don't talk unless you have to."

Black Wolf nodded silently as the other man swayed in place. Miss Planner opened the door and stepped inside. 

The Elder's quarters were decorated simply but elegantly. A round bed was surrounded by a wooden frame, with thick blankets thrown messily over the mattress. The apelike Elder was hunched over in a corner of the room, gnawing messily on a bone. His eyes glanced up at Miss Planner for just an instant before his attention returned to the thoroughly chewed bone in his skinny fingers.

"Good evening, great Elder Drifter," said Miss Planner with a polite curtsy. "I am sorry to disturb your meal."
"Khkhkhhhh! Miss Planner! Drifter greets you!"

Elder Drifter set his bone on the ground and stood up, rubbing his stomach vigorously. The skinny Elder Drifter was short and had very poor posture. His body was nearly hairless, and he wore nothing more than rags. His watery blue eyes were somewhat sunken in the middle, giving them a somewhat vacant appearance. Black Wolf turned away uncomfortably from the strange sight.

"What's this, Miss Planner? It seems you've brought guests to the Grand Temple," squealed Elder Drifter.
"That's right, great Elder! I'd like to introduce my friends Black Wolf and Black Smoke, who were kind enough to accompany me here. We're here to take you to the Tower."

Black Wolf and Black Smoke bowed respectfully and moved to stand against a wall. They remained silent, not making any attempts to engage with the Elder.

"Yes, yes... Drifter is almost ready to go. Give Drifter a moment... khkhkhhhh..."

Elder Drifter chuckled to himself and scrambled around his room, collecting various pieces of garbage he'd stashed away here and there. He stuffed the refuse into an old leather bag that hung from a hook next to the door and slung it over his shoulder.

"Alright. We're going to go get the Keepers of the Sacred Mystery, and then we're all going to go to the Tower together, okay?"
"Yes, yes! Drifter is ready!"

The small group made their way out of the cramped quarters, ignoring the stray bones strewn about on the floor. Miss Planner led the way up a flight of stairs and through a door into the main area of the Grand Temple.

"Haha..." murmured Black Smoke as they walked across the temple's large, open central space. "This place is... quite impressive."

The huge structure was filled with intricate carvings of demonic beings and scenes depicting violent battles. There were also several statues placed haphazardly throughout the massive hall, including a life-sized replica of a woman kneeling in front of an altar. The ceiling was adorned with ornate stone reliefs of winged beasts, while the walls had been painted a deep red color that gave them a sinister feel despite their beautiful detail.

"Yeah... hmm. The atmosphere feels kinda weird though. Feels like the creators of this place saw some really bad things happen. Kinda creepy," remarked Black Wolf. "Just how big is this place, anyway? It’d be really easy to get lost in here."

"Khhkhhh... Drifter knows the way. Come. Follow Drifter. Drifter will take you to the Keepers..."

The Elder led his followers down another corridor, past an enormous staircase, and up a long set of stairs. He stopped in front of a door and knocked three times before opening it and stepping inside.

"Supreme One!" exclaimed a voice from within the room.

A group of twelve men in white robes sat around a table made of dark wood. Miss Planner bowed politely.

"Wise Keepers, it's time to get going. Make sure you bring everything you need to take care of the Supreme One."