Chapter 31 – Freelance Work
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Miss Planner's idea to implement freelance contractors for security work was implemented quickly. The Chosen Ones were treading old ground, after all, and the criminal elements of the Pit were very used to the concept of contract killing already. Miss Planner told the Chosen Ones' distribution division to let their clients know that they were looking for some extra manpower on an impromptu basis.

The word went out around the underworld, and within days, dozens of powerful psychics came knocking at the doors of the Tower of the Chosen asking for jobs. To put it bluntly, the Chosen Ones had the best Nuke on offer, so they attracted the most people willing to work for it. The network of contacts Miss Planner was hoping to establish was set up in no time, and it started paying off immediately. There wasn't a single task too large or small for the Pit's Nuke Hunters to take on.

When the Red Moon gang started attacking the Chosen Ones and their clients, Miss Planner asked the security division to send out a contractor to deal with their boss Red Scar instead of handling him by themselves. The man who took the job was a Nuke Hunter known as Ghost Knife, a cold and serious man with the ability to tear things apart with his mind.

The merciless killer Ghost Knife was willing to do anything for top-quality Nuke. He had a reputation among the white organizations of the Pit as a reliable hitman who never failed to complete a job. The young man did whatever it took to achieve the goals of the organization that employed him, and nothing was beyond the pale. The very name ‘Ghost Knife’ was synonymous with success. His partner, a young woman called Scurry, followed Ghost Knife like an obedient puppy, doing exactly as she was told.

"Let's go. Blind them as soon as you see them."
"You've got it, Ghost!"

The pair of Nuke Hunters in dirty streetwear stormed into the Red Moon's headquarters, and Ghost Knife killed five gang members in a matter of seconds. If a Chosen security force had been deployed instead of Ghost Knife and his partner, two disciples would have been taken by surprise and killed right away, but that didn't happen.

Scurry was in awe of the ruthless assassin. The blood spurted everywhere, covering the walls and floor with gore. A hidden Red Moon fighter lunged at Ghost Knife from behind a table, but the Nuke Hunter cut the man's head off with his powers as fast as you could blink.

"Hurry up. We have to finish this before Red Scar notices us."

Ghost Knife kicked a chair out of the way and ran down the hallway towards a door. He tore through it without slowing down and killed four more people in quick succession. One of the people he killed in a fraction of a second was a powerful psychic in his own right, a man called Requiem with the power to destroy his victims' minds. Ghost Knife was so quick and so thorough that the people he killed often didn't realize what was happening until it was too late.

Ghost Knife walked back into the hall, a smile on his face. A man popped out from around the corner wielding a steel pipe. He almost took the Nuke Hunter by surprise, but he was blinded by Scurry’s psychic power before he could land a blow and was summarily decapitated.

"Thanks. You're the greatest."

Scurry smiled. She'd just seen a lot of people die, but she wasn't bothered by such brutal scenes one bit. At least, not anymore. Before, when she was younger, death terrified her, but now that she knew how to deal with it, she felt no fear. This was just what things were like in the Pit.

Scurry turned around and saw the corpses of dead gang members scattered everywhere. Some of them still had their heads, but most of them were barely even recognizable as human anymore. The fact that they'd all died in such a short amount of time made it clear to Scurry that Ghost Knife was the best Nuke Hunter on Earth.

Ghost Knife spotted another person hiding in the shadows. Instead of running, the gang member calmly surrendered. Sadly, it was to no avail. Ghost Knife mercilessly killed the man without a second thought.

"I sense a strong aura. I think it's our target," whispered Scurry. "Follow me."

Ghost Knife and Scurry rampaged through the building, following Scurry's psychic senses like a pair of hunting dogs. The leader of the Red Moon gang, Red Scar, was concealed in a hidden chamber underneath the bathroom. It took very little effort on the part of the Nuke Hunters to find and kill their target, who died before realizing he'd been found. The hired killers grabbed whatever loot they could find, and left the Red Moon's hideout as quickly and silently as they’d arrived.

"Another job well done. I'll call Planner so we can get our Nuke."
"You're amazing, Ghost!"

The cold-blooded man and his ever-supportive partner walked back to their shared apartment with smiles on their faces. All in all, they did a job that would have taken twenty Chosen disciples to complete in exchange for a mere pittance of Nuke and cash. The pair of Nuke Hunters had completed twelve jobs in the last month alone, but they seemed to be the most motivated when working for the Chosen Ones.

A few days later, the Red Moon gang was wiped out completely. They were utterly destroyed by the Chosen Ones and their allies, and none survived. Even the gang's headquarters was burned to a crisp.