Chapter 51 – The Expedition to the Grand Temple
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Gordon was permitted to lead a small research expedition to the Grand Temple to see if allowing the public inside would be remotely feasible. There had been no official announcement, but word got around quickly. Although most of the Chosen Ones were disgusted by the idea, a select few saw the necessity of exploring new ways of doing business and volunteered to participate.

The group consisted of Gordon, his fiance Amy, the Sage of Wind, twelve acolytes from the security division, and Maxwell, now an executive working for the distribution division. The harsh winds of the Sage Desert whipped their faces raw and bloody, while the scorching sun beat down on them relentlessly. They were forced to take frequent breaks to keep themselves hydrated and to stop the sand from sticking to their skin.

"This is a bad idea," said one of the acolytes in a low voice. "The Grand Temple isn't supposed to be open to the outside world."

"Why not?" asked Gordon.

"Because it's sacred!" snapped the acolyte, obviously frustrated with having to explain the obvious. "The Temple houses the spirits of fallen Chosen warriors. It's a place where only those who are truly pious and faithful should ever tread."

"We must all grow and change to survive, child," replied the Sage of Wind. He wore a strange white ceramic mask with exaggerated red lips and eyes. "Can you feel the sand scouring your skin? Do you hear the lonely screams of dying desert birds calling to each other? Can you taste the salt in the wind as it bites at the corners of your mouth, and stings the exposed parts of your body? This is a harsh place to live, and the city of Grandebelle is the same way. Just as we drape ourselves in robes to protect our tender flesh, as Chosen Ones we must drape ourselves in new ideas and strategies if we wish to stay alive and prosper."

Maxwell laughed. He was most comfortable in a sleek blue business suit, but he wasn't wearing that today. Instead, he wisely followed the Sage's advice and wore a blue robe over a flexible cotton shirt and sweatpants.

"Nicely said. And I agree. We should always keep our minds open to new possibilities."

The group marched on through the vicious winds and arrived at the massive Temple, a forgotten fortress made of black stone rising from the desert sands. A small platoon of Chosen Ones stood guard in front of the building, awaiting the group's entry.

"Wow... that looks big," said Amy, gazing up in amazement at the enormous structure. Her imagination ran wild as she wondered what was hidden inside.

Gordon took a deep breath and nodded to himself with renewed confidence.

"It really is amazing, isn't it? It's so... powerful. If we could share this sight with the world, people would flock to join the Chosen Ones in droves."

Amy put her hands on Gordon's shoulders and leaned in to kiss him gently on the cheek. She turned back to the entrance of the Grand Temple, a smile spreading across her face.

"Let's make it happen, honey."

Gordon gulped and tried his best to look excited. He looked out into the distance, trying to imagine the crowd that would soon gather to admire the Temple's majesty.

"I'll give it my all," said Gordon quietly. His voice was full of determination.

The expedition entered the Grand Temple past the sentries with their glittering steel swords. The guards stared intently down the length of their weapons, but there were no threats in the chamber beyond. There was only peace and tranquility, a feeling of complete serenity and calm.

Gordon breathed deeply of the air inside the Temple and felt his mind begin to relax. His group walk with reverence, passing rows upon rows of statues, murals, and relics depicting the many wonders and mysteries of the Temple. Maxwell and Amy whispered to Gordon with excitement, and the acolytes were utterly silent, awestruck.

A creaky voice broke through the darkness, startling the travellers out of their reverie.

"Ah, guests. I welcome you to the Grand Temple. Hehehe!"

An old man in a humble black robe stepped out of the shadows. He had a donut of black hair on his balding head, and walked slowly with a wooden cane. The Sage of Wind bowed as he approached.

"Supreme one! We are honored to enter your sacred home!" he exclaimed. "Please, my fellow Chosen Ones, show our great Elder Incarnate the respect due his station!"

The acolytes quickly dropped to both knees and lowered themselves as far as possible. Gordon, Maxwell, and Amy looked at each other before joining the acolytes, making sure not to miss a single inch of floor between their heads and the cold ground. They remained like that for quite some time until Elder Incarnate told them to stop.

The Elder was very eager to share the secrets of the Grand Temple with the research team and took special care to point out which areas would be dangerous for outsiders. He was well aware that Gordon’s plan to let nonbelievers into the Temple was sacrilege, but he didn't care. Elder Incarnate was under the mistaken impression that his sweet Miss Planner came up with the idea of opening up the Temple herself, and he wasn't about to miss an opportunity to ingratiate himself with her. He would gladly serve the head of the God of Destruction Llamoomoo to Miss Planner on a silver platter if that's what it took to make the tiny blonde tyrant smile.