Chapter 115 – The Real You
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Erica couldn't bear to look Miss Planner in the face anymore. She thought she knew everything about Miss Planner, but she didn't know even a fraction of an iota. She didn't know how to feel about anything. She didn't have a clue what to do. The secrets Miss Planner told her were making her question her entire existence.

Miss Planner was a very, very talented psychic. She could make people's heads explode with a wave of her tiny hand. She could read minds and bend them to her will. She could steal someone's soul and cram it into a little box. She had so many powers, she didn't even know what to do with them all.

She'd infiltrated the organization that was the best fit for her needs, wormed her way into the upper echelons, and slowly but surely, she took over. She'd turned the Chosen Ones into her own little private army of toy soldiers. She'd try to take over the Knife Slaves next, and then the Cut Throats, and then the Pit Kings, and then the Pit Razors.

She'd dreamed of becoming a monster since she was a child. She used to spend her days at the library, writing little stories about the end of humanity and the rise of a new race of supermen. She believed that she was destined to conquer the world and lead it to greatness. And the sick part was, Erica thought she had a good chance of actually making it happen.

Erica didn’t want to hear any more. She wanted the secrets to stop.

Miss Planner’s ridiculous dream wasn’t something a tiny middle-manager in a suit should be telling people about with a straight face. It sounded like something an alien invader would say in a cheap sci-fi movie. Who would want to live in the awful world filled with monsters she was trying to create, anyway? Why did everyone around her let her get away with doing whatever she wanted? Wasn't that weird? Did they all secretly agree with her world conquest idea or something? Or maybe they just liked being manipulated like dolls? Were they all in denial because if people figured out what Miss Planner was doing, they'd be seen as complicit in her evil schemes?

'Flawed Copy.'

'Jessica is opening up to you because she trusts you. You're her best friend. Her only real friend. So be brave. Tell her what you really think. Tell her you don't agree with what she's doing.'

"Uhh... I... I don't..."

Nikki stood up and pointed at Erica with an accusing finger.

"Miss Planner! She just used it! I saw it! Her power is called 'Flawed Copy.' It copies people's powers. And she used a mind-controlling power too!"
"It's fine, Nikki. She can't control it, remember? That's why she's wrapped up in all those goofy bandages. Thank you for letting me know."

"Um, I'm sorry... I... I didn't think it could still do that."
"I know. It's okay, Erica. I know we'll figure it out together. I’m going to be here for you. We're going to be here for each other."

"Y-yes. I... I want that too. Best friends, just like we... just like we promised."
"I want us to be even more than just best friends. I want us to be very, very close."

"Y-you... you mean... you... I... I don't... I'm not ready..."
"I'm not either, Erica. I'm not sure I am, but that doesn't mean we can't start. If we give it a shot, I think we'll both be much, much happier. Don't you?"

Erica wasn’t really sure what Miss Planner wanted. She was being very vague about this. Was she trying to say they should be lovers? Or was she saying they should be like family? Or was she just trying to say they should hang out and have fun? Erica didn't know what she wanted, either. She didn't know what she felt. She was so confused. 

But she trusted Miss Planner. She trusted Jessica. She wanted to make her happy, whatever it was she wanted to do. If she wanted Erica to help her take over the world, she'd do it. If she wanted Erica to move in with her, she'd do it. If she wanted to take Erica back to her home planet, she'd hop aboard the spaceship with a smile on her face. And if she wanted to kiss her, she'd do that too.

Erica nodded, then looked up at Miss Planner with a tiny smile.

"Okay. Okay. I trust you, Miss Planner. I'm sorry. I just got scared. But I'm ready now. I'll do anything you ask. Just please don't ever hurt me. Please."

The room fell silent. Erica blushed and looked down at her feet, embarrassed by the awkwardness of the moment. Nikki stared at the ceiling with a strange expression on her face and tried not to laugh.

Miss Planner smiled gently.

"Thank you, Erica. I know you're scared. I'm scared too. I guess it isn't easy to take the first step, is it?"
"N-no. No, I suppose not..."

"This is going to be hard. But we are going to do this. Together."
"Y-yes... yes we are."

"Now, one last thing, okay? I want you to do something for me. I know this is going to be scary for you, so if you don't want to do it, that's alright. In fact, I insist you don't do it if you don't want to. It's completely up to you."
"Okay... what is it?"

"I want you... to take the bandages and rings off. I want you to release your power for me. I want to see it."
"What? But, but it's going to control me! I don't think I can do it..."

"It's fine if you don't want to. But I'd love it if you did. It would make me very, very happy. Your power is a part of you, Erica. And I want to see the real you. Not just the pretty parts. Everything that makes you, you. No hiding. No secrets. No shame."
"If you want me to... I'll do it. But if it tries to take over my body, you have to help me stop it. Please help me stop it."

"Don't worry. I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay? I told you. I can put you to sleep, or paralyze you, or hold you down, or any number of things if it comes to that. But it's not going to come to that. I promise. I wouldn't ask you to do this if it wasn't safe, okay?"
"O-okay. I'll do it."

Erica stood up and lifted her leg onto the chair. She dumped the metal rings off her arms and started unwrapping the shiny black bandages that kept Flawed Copy sealed away strip by strip. Her body started to shiver. She was terrified. She could feel it, like a worm squirming under her skin, desperate to get out. The long strips of black fabric fell into a pile on the floor. Her hand reached up to her arms and she started undoing the bandages more quickly, but her hands were shaking so much that she had to keep stopping and starting over.

"You can do this, Erica. You're a very strong girl. You are strong. And brave. And powerful. You are the most wonderful girl in the entire world. I am so, so lucky to have you in my life."

Miss Planner's words of encouragement gave Erica the strength to finish unwrapping the bandages. She peeled the last strip off her arm and dropped it into the pile with the rest. Her arms and legs were red, and they had a slightly spongy, wet quality to them from all the sweat. But they were free.

"Now, show me," said Miss Planner, smiling at her encouragingly.

Erica took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably. She was scared. She was trembling. She couldn't believe she was doing this.

"Can you come out? Can you please come out, Flawed Copy?"

Erica's voice cracked. Tears welled up in her eyes. She knew the medication alone wasn't powerful enough to keep it contained. It was close to its full power now.

The three familiar black orbs with sickly green centers slowly appeared in the corner of her vision, spinning around in a perfect triangle.

'Flawed Copy.'

"Hello, Jessica. I've been looking forward to talking with you. You're just as beautiful as ever. Your hair looks lovely today. I love it when you wear it down."