Chapter 170 – Mona’s Excited!
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Mona spent the entire weekend thinking about the Chosen Ones' new psychic armor. She couldn't wait to try it out.

What did it look like? What did it feel like to move around in? What if they don't have my size? Were they allowed to customize it? Did it come in pink? Maybe the armor had different kinds of slots and pockets for holding weapons, so they didn't have to carry them around. What was it even supposed to do, anyway? Maybe it could shoot laser beams or something!

Her excitement was almost painful. She wanted to start doing real missions with everyone. She wanted to protect the city with the other Chosen Ones and save people. Why was it taking so long for her dreams to come true?! Was Miss Planner scared they weren’t ready? Of course they were still learning how to use their powers, and of course their missions might not always go perfectly... but still! Ghost Knife and Replica said they were doing great!

Mona was a very creative young lady. She spent Saturday night doodling little pictures of her and her friends wearing psychic armor and fighting bad guys with psychic powers. On Sunday she drew more, and then started sketching out designs that she hoped Miss Planner would consider using in the final product. She fell asleep pencil in hand, her dreams filled with images of spears of psychic energy blasting enemies into piles of gore.

School on Monday went much the same way. Mona didn’t pay very much attention to the teachers. She just kept drawing, drawing... thinking about psychic powers, thinking about the armor... thinking, drawing, hoping, sleeping, dreaming. It was a pretty long day. Pretty long, and boring, and frustratingly uneventful. But Mona was patient. And then, it was over. As soon as the teacher let her out, Mona ran to find Casey so they could get to the Tower as fast as possible!

"Casey!" screamed Mona, running towards her friend from behind.

Casey spun on her heels. She looked startled.

"Whoa there... Mona?" she said softly, stepping back.
"Casey! We get to try out the armor today! Are you as excited as I am?!"

"Huh? I mean... of course I am," answered Casey awkwardly, trying to smile but unable actually to muster the courage to do it.
"We have to hurry so we can get there before Ace and Leon! And Ghost Knife!"

"Wait, before we go... did you want to be in my group for the book report?"
"Yes! You, me, and Beth! We'll do it later! Today is all about testing the armor! Let's just go, Caseycasey! C'mon!" Mona said, grabbing Casey by the hand and dragging her outside like a dog tugging at its leash.

"Mmm, what's so special about this armor, anyway?" Casey muttered.

Casey's hair was a little messy. It was long, silky, and beautiful, but she didn't take good care of it. Mona kind of wanted to brush it for her before they left... but there wasn't any time! Erica was waiting! If they ran really fast, they could get to the Tower in fifteen minutes!

"Haaah... haahh... slow down, Mona... slow... hup!" said Casey between gasps. "I need to catch my breath... hahhh... hah."
"You need to rest for a minute?" said Mona, also breathing heavily. "Okay. Let's sit down on that bench over there."

"Okay," replied Casey, smiling weakly. "Sorry... sorry I'm so slow... but I feel like I could just fall over..."
"It's fine. Do you need some water?"

"I'm okay... ha. My body just needs a few more seconds, I think. God. I'm such a wimp."
"No way! Don't even think that!" cried Mona, giving her best friend a big squeeze.

Casey was short, but she was still growing. Or at least, that's what Mona always told her. But secretly, Mona hoped Casey would stay the same size forever. She loved taking her to the mall and dressing her up in all sorts of cute little clothes that fit her 'for now.' She was kind of like a stuffed animal that Mona owned that was very important to her.

Hmm. Was Casey even going to fit into Miss Planner's special psychic armor? Mona didn't think so. But maybe... maybe they could customize it a little. Make the arms and legs shorter. Or maybe they could put high-heeled boots inside to give her some extra height?

Mona felt a sudden urge to get out her notebook and start drawing again.

Wait a minute. Miss Planner was pretty short herself, so she probably made the armor small too, right? Maybe it wasn't Casey she needed to be worried about. What about her? What about Ace and Leon? They were, like, huge!

"Casey, who do you think is taller? You or Miss Planner?" whispered Mona nervously.
"Umm... probably me."

Not good. Not good at all.

"What's wrong, Monamona?" asked Casey. "You're looking at me funny."
"I'm just thinking... there's no way the armor is going to fit both of us, right?"

"We haven't even seen it yet."
"Yeah, but what if-"

"They probably make it in different sizes too, right? My black acolyte robe is two sizes smaller than yours, isn't it?" said Casey slowly. "So won't the armor be the same way?"
"Oh yeah... uh huh... that makes sense."

"I'm just hoping it's not too heavy. Like, if it's all metal or something, it might be hard to move around in."
"You're right. That would suck!" agreed Mona, nodding thoughtfully.

Mona hoped Miss Planner was thinking about that when she was designing the armor!