Chapter 5: Hand of God
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“Is this seriously the place Kei? It's just a run” Yowa was slightly slack jawed at the concept of the whole situation. Not only was he going to be crowned as a Demon King but also it was going to take place in a old abandoned church while dressed like a store employed grunt. He looked down at Kei and eyeballed her with discontent to which she seemed to notice and look up at him with a toothy grin. He never did like that mischievous look on her face, regardless if it was meant to instill anxiety or just unnerving he wasn't totally sure.

“Well duh. It just looks like this as it's outside of where we're going!” She took him by his hand and started dragging him with her abnormal strength towards the building. “Just so you know, there may be some er...not so pleased-with-you-guests. They take kindly to humans, even if you were one and now are not. They still consider you a pest in their eyes.”

“Oh. Wonderful. What could go wrong.” He said it more as a statement than a question, as knowing his situation his luck was about as good as flypaper in terms of attracting worse case scenarios. “Remind me why we're doing this again? Isn't enough your old man made me his successor or what have you?” Yowa grumbled at the recall of how she described his head had gone about popping in his mind's eye.

“Are you dense or something mister daddy? You're going to be crowned king! You're the last one after all. And you need to assert your authority after all is said and done.”

“Can't some other idiot handle the throne? Why has it got to be me of all people?” With a grumble he said as she brought him to the front steps of the non important looking structure. She looked at him with yet again with slight frustration in her wide ruby colored eyes.

“Because my old daddy gave his power to you like I said how many times now...besides that, shut up and walk with me!” Kei more or less tugged him along like a sack of rocks and undid the chains that had been weaved through the handles with a mere tap. They immediately shattered like glass and turned to little bits of dusty chunks of scrap. She pushed open the otherwise rather unstable door and a gust of dank air hit him like a wet sock right in the face. It was nearly suffocating as far as he was concerned, but the little girl seemed nonplussed about anything he was experiencing.

“Doesn't that reek bother you kid?” He said while trying to keep himself from vomiting.

“What? That? That's incense to keep holy beings away, so it's only natural it'd be here. It masks the scent of our demonic auras. Great for avoiding all sorts of unwanted folks.”

“I told you I am not a demon! I don't care what you did to me before hand, I am a person.” Though it rang hollow in his head, like his mind knew otherwise. Or in this case, his tongue did, awkwardly enough in this case. “Just because I have a demon...never mind, you just can't go on about harassing me into doing things!” She gave a small look of pity that he noticed ever so slightly, and the door revealed a rather unpleasant gathering of looking beings from within.

Some of them looked far from the human kind with bizarre faces and other unspeakable kinds of distortions of the body. Though to them he was sure he looked a lot like strange thing to be stared at too. His small horns throbbed without warning and he put a hand up to them, feeling how hot his skin felt as they technically hadn't grown out yet, which he was worried would cause issues later on.

“That feeling is their animosity towards you Yowa, don't let it get to you. Though at the same time,” she whispered as if trying to keep those onlooking from hearing, “that just makes you stronger. The more negative energy the better suited you are in battle. Don't be surprised if you're attacked here out of blue.”

“Like I said. Just wonderful.” Though they made a path around the pair, he took in the appearance of the church and was actually surprised how well built and modern it appeared on the inside despite its outward looks. Though he immediately could tell this was nothing short of a demonic place as there were skeletal remains of animals, and worryingly enough, human bones and skeletons parts set up like abstract statues. They seemed to hold up the upper floor which glowed with a dull hue of red coming from a equally disturbing work of ark for that of a chandelier. Horrifically designed with what he could only compare to some kind of leather like skin, draped across the many layers of candles along with intricate workings of bones that wove in and out of its shape.

“That's not just any old work of art, it's what you'd call a 'heart valve' of demonic technology. It's like a generator humans use to power their electrical device. A heart value feeds off human and animal life spirits and flesh to keep demons in check. It's useful for events like this. Can't have someone fly off the handle in here after you.”

“You say that like it's a fact.” Yowa felt incredibly under dressed compared to the monsters around him. They wore fancy black suites, other long billowing robes with incomprehensible glowering symbols all over them.”They're all looking my way, can we find somewhere to get away? Please? My head feels like it's going to explode at any second.” It was then a lithe looking man came out of the crowd around them and Yowa was immediately hit with a sense of lusting desire emitting of him. That was obviously not a good sign in this case.

“So. You are what they call 'Yowamushi Kingu' is it?” The demon, he now realized was dressed scantily and provokingly little amount of clothing. It was more like a dress combined with a dress coat, as the back hung from his lower arms and the neck of what he wore was virtually nothing more than a split down the middle of his chest. Kei instantly stood between the two and leered up at the demon man. “Cute but not my type.” Was all he said.

“Hey is there a problem here?” Yowa said in a odd voice unlike himself. “I suggest you lave her alone.”

“Oh, someone has a...tongue on them, don't they? Don't tempt me darling.” Yowa cringed mentally at being called that and narrowed his gaze to slits as he looked back at the demon's own pure black holes in place of eyes. “You know, for being a insect you're awfully willing to be taught a lesson.” The male demon flipped his long raven black hair to the side and what looked like small devil tails emerged from under their hair. “But...I suppose now is not the time. Wouldn't want to ruin you're little party now would I? Talk later then...”

“Who in the fuck nation was that ass hole?” It slipped through his teeth but it seemed either the demon didn't hear or didn't care. “I've never met someone more asinine than that prick in my life.”

“He was going to be the successor to old daddy but...well, you know what happened. Call him your competition I guess. Just stay away from him, he's just trouble if you ask me.” Her small hand tightened on his, though not painfully, more like reassurance he was still standing there behind her. “He's true evil.”

“I'll remember that then.” Yowa said softly more to himself than anyone. As they proceeded through the remaining stragglers in their way, a room the size of what he could only compare as a stadium opened before them via a plain looking red door like one on the front of a house you'd just ring for fun. It stood open and Yowa's mouth made a slight twitch as they walked through it. It was at the very front of the stadium and what he could only assume was seating for him and Kei was located on the far side of the stage.

Luckily he didn't have to pee as he more than likely would've pissed himself. Thousands upon thousands of terrifying creatures lined the seats above him and reached so high he couldn't even see the nose bleed section, it simply disappeared into the top of the roof, with no obvious telling of height.

“Just how high up are those kid?” He made a gesture to the forever reaching looking wall of block like inserts he could figure were booths and she put a finger under her chin in thought.

“About eighty feet give or take. I dunno, never been up that high. But that's about what I've heard anyways. Never mind that though, we need to take our places it's going to start soon!”

“What is? The thing you talked about?” He said as he was led by Kei to his reserved spot, it appeared though it had been set up for him and Kei specifically. “Hey, wait!” He said as she tugged him and then told him to sit the rather obnoxiously comfy looking arm chair. The lights dimmed slightly, from where he hadn't a clue, and something in the middle of the stadium opened up, much like some kind of structure that emitted a sound like the taking off of frighted birds. “What the hell is that?”

From somewhere he assumed deep in the bowels of the stage, light blue clouds crawled up and over the top of the opened hole in the ground and a single figure stood deathly still as their form began to emerge from it. He wasn't positive but it looked oddly like a statue of iron, being a rather well sculpted woman. Every inch of her was covered in what looked like streamlined copper and her form was flawless in every sense. Her head was bowed and then rose like silk falling and held out her arms as if to welcome him.

Then, she began to sing. It was utterly otherworldly and seemed to thrum throughout the entire arena. It was certainly nothing human about it and the way she sang was like the falling of all those unworthy before her unholy yet magical voice.

“I wept for you silently, without fear of what was to come to us.

Though we managed to lie among the leaves like droplets of fresh blood,

we still were unable to hear the calls

of the ones we so desired. Oh the times we shared

of the times we forever held each other, together

we were one, together we were never alone.

But when the time came you were never there for me oh fallen one,

my heart of cold steel beat no more to your song,

and then there was nothing but sorrow left for me to see,

thus this song came to me,

to forever remind me of our past and never to allow me to forget

of the pain I was forced to pain as my emotions flowed,

tonight we shall awaken to the sounds of our lost dreams,

and see what it means to defy fate oh beloved one.”

As the singing ended Yowa's ear drums literally were ringing from the pitch of her voice and the sadness it entailed left him speechless. The woman lowered her arms and the crowed literally exploded into pleasure from the stands. The amount of sheer noise it caused was almost like white noise and made Yowa severely dizzy. “Don't worry, a humonculus's simply drives demons to a frenzy state of passion. Though the heart valve makes sure that emotion doesn't cause problems, trust me on that.”

“Uh. Yeah.” Was all he could mutter and then blinked as if dazed from a trance. “That was...I don't even have words what the heck is she, a humonculus you said? Is that some sort of demon too?”

“In a sense, but it's a artifact of long lost demonic technology. She's got to be several hundred thousand years old. Did you know bronze is actually green at first? When she was first made they called her the 'Goddess of Desire'. Though I think she goes by a different name now, I don't recall what it was exactly, it'll come to me. Oh and you should relax your grip there.” Yowa blinked and looked down at his hands. There were small cracks in his skin and what showed through them was that same sheen of white as before with the ebony colored nails puncturing through his normal ones.

“Ah!” He gasped, and removed his crackling hands from the sides of the arm chair. They immediately seemed to heal back together and the talons slithered back into his hand and became normal nails. “I'll never get use to this shit.” He flexed his hand in front of himself and then proceeded to shake them both as if touching something gross.

“Big baby.” Kei said mockingly but sweetly. He gave her a lashing of a remark to which she simply made a taunting sound and told him in return to shut his trap. She then turned back to a forward seating and the metal woman had curtsied and began to walk over to his area in one fluid movement. “Looks like you've got yourself a fan Yowa.” The woman stood before him and he shrinked away slightly from the sheer brilliance of her body. He didn't mean to, it was almost instinctual of a reaction. If anything her ceaseless face made a flawless grin and she turned her head slightly, copper colored strands of liquid like hair bounced around her head.

“So you're the new Demon King I hear. It pleases me you came your majesty. It is a great honor to have you hear me sing.” Though it was slightly mechanical it was almost as if he was listening to the waves of the sea crash upon the rocks of a cliff. “Seems you're a bit new to all this. Well, what I can say I've seen many Demon Kings, but nothing quite like yourself. All humans seem so similar, but you, you're different than what I thought you'd be.”

“R-right. Thanks.” He tried to flash a cheap grin but she already had turned around and strolled off and through the red door from earlier.

“Aren't you mister popular.” Kei said with a hint of jealousy in her typical cheerful voice.

It wasn't long after the crowds had calmed down and a procession of a myriad of demons dressed in white and red robes walked through the red door and came to a halt in the middle of the area. They all seemed oddly serene and content which was oddly enough, relaxing as he had just enough excitement for the day. One of the more heavily decorated demons stood out from the group and removed his hood. It looked a lot like a skeletal cat skull though he couldn't be sure. It seemed to be dyed a deep maroon and though it had no fur nor mouth he could make of, a voice echoed through his head as he watched the scene unfold.

“Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, loathed and loved ones. We come here today to bring you news of a great passing of a legend and hero to our people. Though fear not this time of blinding pain, we shall endure as we always have and find a way to live on in the darkest of shadows.” The demon, from which Yowa figured was some sort of priest at this point, placed both fragile looking hands into the long sleeves of their robe and bowed deeply in Yowa's direction.

“Our lord and savior, Baru the son of Amatsu-Mikaboshi, has passed on his legacy to an individual that attempted to save him without hesitation despite being a human male at that time. Our god has deemed this man is now our savior.”

All Yowa wanted to do was sink into the depths of his chair and disappear. A huge rumble of voices could be heard flutter around the stage and though he had no idea what was being said, sounds of shrieking and other inhuman voices resounded.

“Human?!” He heard a screech from not far away. “Lies! A human will never willingly help a demon! Let alone become our only remaining king!”

“Just keep quiet, they don't know what you look like. At least not yet, stay calm for now.” The priest seemed to be unfazed by the swell of anger and continued on speaking.

“While you may disagree this was the will of our dearly departed and loved King Baru. I beg you to understand for even the most highest priestess are confused and rightly so, as a human has never been on equal standing of our kind before. Though this is the case, we must also know he is of no longer that nature. Our king sacrificed his life to give the human life and has been entrusted with his will to lead us into the future.” Harsh screams and yelling broke out among the entirety of the stadium to the point it hurt his ears not only on the outside but inside as well.

Without another word, the priest once more bowed in his direction and nodded his approval. Though it was short lived as Kei then tossed Yowa out of his seat as a massive bolt of blue lightning struck where he had been sitting not a moment before. He screamed as one would out of sheer panic and was suddenly very glad that Kei had a good arm. The crowd then started to sound as if they were also in a terrified state and the demon priest attempted to soothe the situation.

“Please, it will be alright-” another robed demon from behind had approached the demon and the blade of a black streaked blade exploded through the demon's chest. It was mass hysteria as the other cloaked demons began to run away from one another while being cut down by what appeared to be not part of the group.

“Oh no. It's them!” Kei said in a yell.

“Who?!” He hollered back at her. “She pulled off her shirt and summoned her giant hell hound and it landed without a pebble turned on the ground.

“Kerukeru! Protect Yowa with your life!” The two headed dog acknowledged with a quick jerk from one of its heads and barreled over to Yowa and stood in front of him. It's hellish red eyes scanned him over and then turned away just as quickly. “Do not let them get close Kerukeru! He's not ready to fight yet!”

“What the hell? What's going on kid?” As black blood dripped from several different weapons held by the non members of the procession, the demons that were in the group had been mercilessly slaughtered as they had tried to run away, totally defenseless.

“It's them! The Hand of God!” In total there were five remaining figures, each varying in size and shape. Yowa fearfully tried to stand up but found his legs wouldn't hold him. “Fools! How dare you interrupt! Do you not know the consequences of your actions today?!” One of them ripped off the rob colored in blood and proudly pointed a very dangerous looking blue katana at Kei.

“You. All of you will die and repent for the deaths of millions!”