Chapter 9: Your Life Is Forfeit
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“Who are you people? What do you want?” Yowa asked in a rather noticeably strained voice.

The one calling the other 'Baru' seemed to be lusting for a fight, but that didn't mean he was any safer

with the Baru fellow either. Did he literally just tell him his life was up for grabs? That was purely outrageous and personally, insulting to Yowa. “Oh I get it now. This is just some bloodbath ready to happen isn't it. I want nothing to do with either of you freaks.” He tried to sound firm in his decision though the only thing that could be heard was the clicking of the car's engine as it was cooling down.

“You hear that Baru? We're the freaks here. This creature really thinks it has some kind of clue of it's place. Better fix that attitude then.” With a sound a lot like of a maniacal laugh, the person appeared in full view of Yowa from jumping down a very tall building's roof top. They didn't seem over all unusual to Yowa as they were dressed in regular clothing like anyone off the street. Loose fitting denim jeans with holes in the knees and a wife beater shirt, nothing unique in the least.

Though the person looked to be enjoying a chili dog in one hand and a scrawny hand in the pocket. Yowa's mouth twitched in irritation and stood still as the individual continued to walk towards him in a lazy skipping like motion. The fellow's stringy and rat nest of black hair bounced with every jolly step he took as well.

“Stay back!” Was all Yowa could say as his hands trembled slightly a unnervingly cold streak of ice shot through his spine. The handles were not long after slick with his sweat as well.

“Aw did the little flea think he was brave and touch? You're sickeningly cute for a louse are you not? You'll look even better when you're smeared across the pavement.” Another figure appeared this time in front of Yowa this time. It was if the air around the man had simply melded with the form that took shape before him.

“He is not your target. Be that I cannot do anything to stop you from attacking the Hue, I will not tolerate preying on the weak and foolish. If you plan to continue why, I suppose you'll just have to make me move, no?” This person was dressed rather formally in stark difference to the ratty hoodlum that was threatening to step on Yowa without mercy. “Hue, I suggest you leave at once. I cannot protect you forever so stop standing there like a blinking lamb.” His voice was relatively course and gravelly in all means of the idea. He couldn't see from the front but his grizzled gray hair trailed behind him and it was held back by a ponytail at the very tip of the hair's ends.

“Fine. I don't feel like ending my life in an unknown death anyways.”

“Oops, I forgot to mention something.” The skinny and vulgar along with his unshaven bristled face held up a hand and snapped his fingers, which were oddly thin and bony. Sharp pointed nails stood out from his hand and Yowa seemed to not have noticed them before.

“Daddy!” A young girl dressed in an absurd amount of colors and tutu warped out of black smoke and stood next to the man. “He's a bad man! Don't trust him!”

“How dare you. Using a hostage. How low can you heretics be to try and hurt my family?!” The edge in the man's voice had enough edge to not just clip a bird's wings but to just cut them off entirely in one action alone. The space around the suited person seemed to distort slightly and what Yowa could only call small hungry mouths slipped in and out of the air around him.

“We knew you'd be coming if you lost your poor shrimp basket. You knew though from the get go, trying to pretend you didn't. You're the low life, you were going to abandon your own damn weasel.”

“Bastard how could you use someone's kid?! I don't know who you are or what you think you're accomplishing but don't go throwing some helpless kid in your problems!” Yowa yelled.

“Helpless? This child would drain you dry if not for her pops standing there. She's a blood thirsty demon, just like old man Baru. How many of our kind have you killed just to satiate your own desires my King, eh?” The man finished eating his food and gave an unnaturally wide grin that revealed several enlarged canines on the top and bottom of his yellowed rotten mouth.

“Enough of this pettiness. Hand over my child now. You know what happens if you don't. You're not match for me in general. Let alone a Hue you so endearingly have been calling your bitch behind me.” The thin guy eye seemed to tweak in response and he wiped his dry cracked lips clean with a swipe of a thumb.

“Yeah and what of it? What can you do here in the Hue world? I wouldn't act so cocky if I were you, besides, the pest is more or less your bitch, not mine. I don't need some road kill stink dirtying my hands. Why don't you just kill him and activate your powers already? Show me that ruthless worm you're hiding inside you. Isn't that why he came along in the first place?” Yowa merely frowned in confusion. What was this strange man talking about?

“You disgust me. You think a Hue can be of use to me? He came because he was called, for whatever the reason. Here I though you were the culprit, but if that is indeed the case...”

“Daddy don't!” The little girl screamed as the skinny man raised his hand and a whirl of wind began to form in the center of his palm. “No!”

“Forgive me human. But this is were you're going to be in a lot of confusion. I must save my child even if not my blood. For what is a King if not willing to go to extreme lengths to save one life.”

“Oh no you don't! You move an inch the brat dies. If I kill you, then she's fine. As a member of the Heretic Order, I can promise you her life for yours. Or...that Hue I suppose. But you knew that too did you not? Hahaha!”

“What is he going on about?! I'm out of here damn it.” He almost turned his back on the bizarre scene and the man with the kid let go of the child and aimed at her as she ran to her father. “NO KID!” In that moment, he wasn't thinking clearly and sure as hell didn't matter to him. What had he ever done to deserve what he so desperately clung to? He was a wreck as far as he was concerned and if it meant his life in order to stop the fight then so be it.

It was like slow motion as he found himself bolting in front of the dressed man and reached the kid just before it hit him square in the head, making his head explode into a bloody pulp. Yowa's lifeless body fell to the ground still clutching the child to his chest and the grizzled and tired looking man's eyes lit up like two furnaces ready to burn the dead.

“Hahahaha! That idiot really did it! He let himself be killed for no reason! Ha...ha?” The man with the wife beater shirt mouth spurted blood and other unmentionable things as the father of the child blew a hole through the heretic's body in one hit.

“Die.” The man screeched a ungodly sound as a black mass created itself within his body and he was sucked into it with such ferocious speed it began to spew steam from the pressure of compressing the body of the person it just absorbed.

“Daddy!” She flew out of the body's limp arms and hugged her father as she sobbed uncontrollably. “Why did the Hue have to die?! He saved me! He saved me! Do something!”

“My little girl listen. It has been over two millennium since we first came to this world in search of the next heir. My son is of no good reason to allow such power, but this Hue...” He looked over, his lion mane like hair gray and tarnished seemed to glow momentarily, “I didn't even make him act in my steed. He simply acted of his own accord.”

“Does that mean...?” She asked in a sad voice.

“Yes. It is time. Take it and make sure you keep him safe. If Lambert tries to use him, make sure he knows his place. Though I'm sure you already know this, but it has been too long for either of us to have been of any further use to our world itself. It is time for me to go.”

“I'll miss you...but you believe in him so will I!”